Ranking the Past Five Intercontinental Champions

The Intercontinental championship while has seen its bad days there is no denying that it is one of the most prestigious titles in the history of the WWE. All-time greats and Hall of Famers including Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, and so many more have been amongst those to hold the championship further create their legacy and the legacy of the championship. In today’s blog post we are going to be looking at the last five Interceptional champions ranking them in an honest and in-depth post. Set to discuss some of the biggest and brightest stars in the WWE today let’s not waste any more time and jump right into it!


Roman Reigns

We kick start today’s blog post off with Roman Reigns who won the IC title back in November of last year which would see him work a lengthy and interesting feud with the Miz. Now, I’ve placed Reigns at the bottom of this list simply because I honestly didn’t enjoy the reign. It was clear he didn’t carry the title with as much respect or care as he does the Universal Championship for example and out of everyone else to feature in today’s blog post he did have the slightly weaker reign. He worked some solid matches against the likes of the Miz and Samoa Joe that really did stand out as highlights of that reign, however, with the Miz carrying their rivalry and this being the best of Reigns’ run as champ it really does speak volumes. Roman was a perfect choice in a superstar to make the title feel like a bigger deal but what actually happened involved fans feeling as though this was simply a title to keep him busy till he found himself back in the Universal Championship picture.

Dean Ambrose

Again, Dean Ambrose was able to bring a lot to the IC championship. As one of the biggest and most popular WWE superstars, he brought a level of star quality only a top main eventer like Ambrose could really bring currently in the WWE. He had a great deal of character, charisma, and personality that pushed the title and meant that there was potential for credibility to once again be felt around this once forgotten and misused championship. Similarly, to Roman Reigns, Ambrose’s run as champ saw some of his best work come from a rivalry with the Miz. The storytelling was solid and the two had decent chemistry thanks to their strikingly different characters. This was, however, a far weaker reign than it could of and should have been. His feud with Corbin also had potential but didn’t quite deliver and their bout at Wrestlemania for the title has been completely forgotten. Out of everyone on the list its Ambrose’s reign I possibly forget the easiest/most.

Dolph Ziggler

Up next Dolph Ziggler. If you know me you know that I haven’t always been the biggest Dolph Ziggler fan and till this day he still doesn’t quite make the favourites list, however, his most recent run as the Intercontinental champion has grabbed my attention for all the right reasons.  I personally have always preferred watching Ziggler in the role of a heel and the work we have seen from him in recent months proves exactly why. His alliance with McIntyre has pushed him to new heights but also shown just what else he is capable of character wise showcasing a more dangerous side of his persona. Work with Seth Rollins will most certainly go down as a career highlight for Dolph who arguably has competed in some of the best matches of his wrestling career against Rollins in recent months. His mic work, character work, and in-ring performances were fantastic and he provided an exciting title reign that arguably saved him!

Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins is without a shadow of a doubt one of if not the most consistent WWE superstar today. His current Intercontinental Championship run is proof of that massively! His work with Ziggler is some of the best we have seen from him in a while with those matches reminding fans of just how strong of an in-ring performer Rollins is. He’s defended the title regularly, worked a handful of strong must-see matches, and is providing a lot of character and entertainment to his reign.  Storylines are consistently strong and it's evident there is still so much more to come from this reign. His popularity, star quality, and history that has made him such a major main event star have added so much credibility and attention to this title which is a massive bonus. Rollins has played a huge part in making this title feel important once again.

The Miz

It will come as no surprise to anyone to see the Miz take the number one spot in today’s blog post. It has been said a million times before that the Miz is one of the best IC champions if not the best of all time and it's exactly that reason why he has topped the list. I honestly cannot think of any superstar who has done a better job as champion than the Miz in a very long time.  He’s had so many IC title reigns, broken records, and been a part of so many standout feuds and storylines revolving around the IC title that it has reached a point where if I see or hear about the IC championship I instantly think of the Miz. It feels as though this is his title and considering he has worked strong matches and a feud with every other name on this list for the Intercortical Championship really does say it all. As far as this championship goes, the Miz s the face that tops the list as the best title holder not only in recent years but arguably of all time.

And that is today’s blog post! I had so much fun ranking these superstars so if you would like more posts like this do let me know! For now, any recent blog posts will be linked below and you can tell me who you would have ranked number one by leaving a comment or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria

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