How The WWE Can Improve It's Tag Team Division
Growing up a wrestling fan I was obsessed with tag team competition.
Idolizing duos such as The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, The New Age out
Laws and the Dudley Boyz amongst many I was lucky enough to be a wrestling fan
as a kid during a time where tag team action was truly at such a high point.
Fast forward to twenty-twenty and while the talent is most certainly there the
booking of the WWE tag team division has been incredibly weak and disappointing.
Of course, we continue to see incredible action amongst the division and this
year alone has already provided epic must-sees, however, its evident work needs
to be done and so today I’m going be taking a look at the state of the current
WWE tag team division and discussing what needs to be done to turn things around
for the better.
The frustrating thing about tag team wrestling in the WWE Today is the simple fact that the names are there, the talent I strong but the booking is so damn bad! Moving forward the WWE need to include main event singles stars within division storylines, utilize factions and work on in-depth unique storylines to turn things around drastically. Using major top talent to also add more depth to the tag team division is something that can seriously see major changes for the better. In the nineties, fans saw the likes of the Rock and Foley team up and while pairing two random stars can go terribly wrong when done right it can add serious depth to a storyline for superstars in the main event scene while adding more interest to the tag division as a whole.

Move Away from Comedy Angles
While comedy is so important in the world of pro wrestling
and is a vital part in the entertainment element of the industry it's clear that
there needs to be a line and a limit. Twenty-twenty has been an incredibly
difficult year so far and cinematic match ups and comedic angles have provided
fans with something fun and relaxed to witness and experience true escapism
which of course has been needed however, these setups have cost the tag team
division greatly! Comedy segments involving RAW tag team champions the Street
Profits and former NXT Tag team champions, The Viking Raiders have taken a great
deal of credit and attraction away from the division. I know that I, myself
have lost interest in recent months and the lack of seriousness has affected
the general feel of tag team wrestling in the WWE. Moving forward the WWE needs
to manage to find a balance but for a short while its important that they move
away from comedy angles and showcase the division to be serious and important
and that means taking away bowling balls into balls, turkey legs, and game
shows. It's looking at tournaments, serious storylines, and showing fans that tag
team wrestling is important and means something to the stars competing.

One Set of Titles
The WWE continues to do a lot wrong with the WWE Women’s tag
team division but one thing they have gotten right is keeping one set of
titles. While admittedly there are more teams on the men’s side its clear that
there isn’t enough depth to either brands tag team division and the world of
tag wrestling moving forward in the WWE on the main roster would most certainly
benefit from one set of titles. One of the key issues the WWE have right now is
creating new and unique tag team storylines and its because there just aren’t enough
teams on either brand to continue to create something fresh. Reducing the
titles to just one set for the entire division will allow u to see fresh and exciting
new angles and storylines. It means that getting a title shot is more important
and means more because it's so much harder to get the opportunity in the first
place. This ensures we not only see new content and storylines as well as dream
match-ups but creates a stronger meaning behind the championships and have them come
across far more important.

Stronger Storytelling
I’ve recently been spending a lot of time going back and
watching older WWE content specifically paying attention to tag team wrestling
and what I realized is what made the decision so special and stand out back then
was the level of storytelling. Of course, we had those comedic angles as we
touched on earlier but there was in-depth storytelling that genuinely left fans
entertained. We saw character development; stipulation matches utilized and angles
that went deeper than just wanting to make us laugh. What I want to see as we
move forward I the WWE look at telling deeper storylines that focus in on why
teams are working together in the first place, what they stand for and creating
personal an intense setups that make sense and leave us wanting more. The talent
is most certainly there and we do see fantastic matches on the main roster but
the element that is missing is storylines that leave us gripped and that’s something
that must be focused on.
Go Back to Orginal Ideas
At the recent Extreme Rules, PPV a tag team tables match was booked while the bout between Nakamura and Cesaro and the New Day didn't make for a bad tag team encounter there can be no denying that things could have been much better. During the PPV I mentioned that one of my all-time favourite tag team Matches is the tables bout between the Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz from the Royal Rumble in 2000. The first-ever tag team tables match was booked much different to what we saw this past weekend where back then both members of a team had to be sent through a table for the match to conclude. Making that change to what we saw last weekend would have added more depth and interest to this match and I believe the contest would have been a heck of a lot stronger! Stipulation matches for the tag division is something the WWE need to explore more moving forward that doesn't only focus on ladder matches. Tornado tag team encounters, steel change competition and more is something that the division is sure to benefit from!Utilize Factions
We all love a good faction, right? Throughout history we
have seen some incredible factions grace the WWE stage from Nation of Domination,
Evolution, The Shield and so many more have provided us fans with fantastic
entertainment and for many factions played a huge role in tag team wrestling.
More so today the use of a faction can be so incredibly important and beneficial
for tag team competition, just look at Imperium and Undisputed Era and what
they are doing and contributing to tag team wrestling today. We need to see
that same kind of impact on the main roster and the addition of a faction (or two…or
three) could seriously change how we view not only the division but storylines
deeper on both RAW and Smackdown. We have a couple of faction across both brands
but nothing strongly utilised and that’s such vital mistake being made. Use
factions more and we will see more entertaining, fresh angles on both brands
and we could really see the tag division feel more important and entertaining.

Show off Talent in Singles Matches
While of course, it's important that we see tag team stars
shine within tag team competition highlighting superstars in singles action is
a key step in showing the depths of the tag division and just how talented the
guys are! Over the years we did see some amazing in-ring performance from tag
team stars in one on one action including pitting teammates against one
another. Naturally, it draws more attention to these names and showcases a new
side of the stars allowing fans to know more of what they are capable of. It’s
also, a great way to show all superstars to be potential main event players
booking them in more angles, storylines, and matches that eventually lead back to
the tag division and make it the division feel more must-see and stacked full
of fantastic talents.

The frustrating thing about tag team wrestling in the WWE Today is the simple fact that the names are there, the talent I strong but the booking is so damn bad! Moving forward the WWE need to include main event singles stars within division storylines, utilize factions and work on in-depth unique storylines to turn things around drastically. Using major top talent to also add more depth to the tag team division is something that can seriously see major changes for the better. In the nineties, fans saw the likes of the Rock and Foley team up and while pairing two random stars can go terribly wrong when done right it can add serious depth to a storyline for superstars in the main event scene while adding more interest to the tag division as a whole.
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