The NXT divas who will keep up the high standard
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Carmella will be one to watch |
1) Alexa Bliss
I remember one of my first ever blog post being a get to know Alexa Bliss. I uploaded it a day before she was set to make her NXT TV debut and it was the first time a blog post I had written had received a strong response. To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I still have that post up if so I will link it bellow but if you would like to see an updated get to know then leave a comment bellow in the comments section. Now, I was amongst many people who were excited about Alexa's arrival in NXT. She was young, new, fresh, and very exciting. In her early weeks in NXT we saw Alexa compete in small matches that proved she had great potential but with talent like Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Bayley as her competition and Alexa being the new girl on the block it was clearly difficult for her to get the attention and big push that she was looking for. There were times that saw Alexa pick up some impressive victories and she hit some very very impressive spots that reminded us all not to take out eyes off of little Bliss and to remember that she would shine eventually it was just about waiting for that right time. It was obvious during her first thew months on the roster the compared to the other girls she wasn't as a clean and fluent. If you go back and look at some of her matches you will see that she botched a thew moves and was much more messy than the rest of the divas when in the ring. So the WWE took the right approach and instead gave her a slow, patient build up allowing her to grow as a character, in confidence, and as an all round performer and wrestler. During her slow build up we saw Alexa slowly become better and better in all areas and we were able to sit back and watch a star grow and what is so amazing is that we are still yet to truly see just how strong she is in the ring. Now, if you have been reading my blog for the past year or so you would have seen that I wrote plenty of blog posts where I spoke about Bliss, in fact she featured in my fifteen superstars to watch to in two thousand and fifteen witch I will link bellow. I have always known that Alexa was something special and with time she would grow to be one of the best all round divas the company has seen and over the past six months or so we have really began to see that. Turning Bliss heel was the best move the WWE could have made next. Allying bliss with the NXT Tag team champions at the time, Black and Murpthy put her right into the spotlight and we was able to see her diversity greatly. In a matter of weeks we saw Alexa go from being the sweet little girl who carried fairy dust and moved around like a little pixie to being this mean, dark horse willing to go to all any lengths for her boys and herself. Since her alliance with Blake and Murpthy we have seen Alexa take things to a whole new level. She has improved on the mic, as a character, and as an in ring competitor and just like I predicted last year, she makes one hell of a heel. With Banks, Charlotte, and Lynch all up on the main roster Alexa has found her time to shine and we are finally ready to see what she is really made of. This is her time to take the spotlight and join in on the revolution. With Blake and Murpthy at her side Alexa is the ultimate threat to Bayley and the NXT women's championship. She's one of the longer serving NXT divas standing and she's without a doubt the one to watch, you just know she has one heck of a move set and I cannot wait to see what she has in store. Alexa Bliss will without a doubt keep up the high standards.
2) Asuka
One of the most recent NXT signings is of course Asuka. After spending her career in Japan building her name to be one of the best female competitors in the world, we finally saw Asuka arrive in WWE NXT and she came with bang. Everyone knew who she was and the WWE didn't hold back in letting everyone know that she was/is a big deal. As the biggest female signing the WWE has seen to date the expectations of Asuka are high and we all know that her arrival means that the NXT women's division is more than safe. When Banks, Charlotte, and Lynch all got the call up everyone started to question how the division would cope and whether or not it would be able to maintain the high expectation; Asuka's arrival put everyone at ease and it was clear that women's revolution in the company would not be stopping an time soon. When I heard of her signing I remember being extremely happy. I actually called up my Grandma who has no interest in wrestling what so ever and told her about the news. Asuka is someone who I personally have looked up to for a great deal of time. Her originality, her experience, her passion, she is everything little girls should look up to and even now as an adult I admire Asuka. Possible matches we would see her feature in has me beyond excited. I mean come on, can you imagine Asuka VS Sasha Banks or Asuka VS Natalya at some point in the future? The thing with Asuka as well as is that she has the capability of making other women look strong when they step in the ring with her. Her level of experience and diversity means that she can teach the other women on the roster something very new and also push them to levels the haven't yet been pushed too. She has already proven that she can do so in her debut match against Dana Brook a couple of weeks back at NXT Takeover Respect where she gave Dana her best match to date. If you take a look at the things she was able to do in that space of time as a wrestling fan you have to be excited whether you have seen her previous work or not. We haven't eve scratched the surface with Asuka. Her presences shakes up the division and adds more legitimacy. She will be keeping the women busy and will keep that high standard up. Alongside Alexa Bliss, Asuka is one of the strongest contenders for Bayley and the NXT Women's Championship. There has never been anything like Asuka in the women's divsion in the WWE. She's different, she's exciting, she's fresh and she raises the bar to a whole new level. With Asuka on the scene the NXT women's division will be keeping up the high standard without a doubt.
3) Dana Brooke
I know I know I know what you are all thinking. Dana Brooke? Really? What on earth are you thinking. Just trust me. I know that she hasn't yet done anything out of this world or of level of any of the four horsewomen but trust me, love her or hate her, Dana Brooke will be one of the women who will keep the standards of women's pro wrestling in NXT at an all time high. Dana hasn't been on the scene very long what so ever but in the short time that she has been competing she has has everyone talking about her left right and centre. Her TV debut was much anticipated and I remember being extremely excited for her debut. When I watched her first night I didn't really know what to think and I will admit I was disappointed. To start off, I hated the entrance. The touching was one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever seen and the wrestling ability wasn't as strong as I was expecting however I did see something special. It was clear she had potential and with time would be on to watch. After her debut night I remember waking up looking on twitter and saw that she was still trending. Everyone had something to say about Dana Brooke whether if it was good or bad. She had generated heat and attention and that's what the WWE look for in anyone, superstar or diva. It did however put her under a lot of pressure. She needed to prove people wrong and prove that she was worthy of the hype and that she could compete to the level that the division was competing at. In my opinion the turning point for Dana was her alliance with Emma. The duo is smart and has been very well done. The two developed great chemistry very early on in being put together and they were sure to be a force to be reckoned with. Another thing we saw improve with Dana over time was her mic work. She developed this style and attitude that no other diva on the roster had. Her mic was fluent and what she said made sense and was very impressive despite the annoying voice. We have also seen her improve massively in the ring. The more we see of her the better she gets. Dana is easily one of the most promising up and coming divas. One of her most impressive performances was her most recent when she took on Asuka at NXT Takeover Respect. Her performance was solid and without a doubt the best we had seen from her to date. With her alliance with Emma it means that storyline wise there is a lot the WWE can do with her over the next year or so and we all know how high they are on her anyway. We can expect to see her in the championship picture at some point and to be honest I think she will surprise us all. Dana has proven to be very strong and very athletic. Her balance of athleticism and strength is very impressive and as it stands there isn't a diva with who can say the same thing on the NXT roster. The more we see of her, the longer matches are and the stronger she is booked the better. She has already started to divide the NXT universe, her character is solid, and she is improving with time. Dana Brooke is a women we should all be paying very close attention to over the next year in particular. We are yet to see the best of her.
4) Carmella
Up next is Carmella. I know I have said it plenty of times already in this blog post but I really was super excited for Carmella and her NXT TV debut. She was another much anticipated arrival that the WWE had hyped and spent weeks promoting. Unlike Dana, when Carmella arrived I wasn't left disappointed I just remember wanting to see more from her. Allying her with Enzo and Cas was an easy way for Carmella to get a lot of TV time and have a lot of attention on her and that is exactly what she got. During the first thew months if not longer, of her arrival, everyone was a little sceptical about her. The NXT universe wasn't really sure what to make of her. There was always this feeling that she was about to turn on Enzo and Cas at any time who were and still are one of the most over and popular tag teams in NXT history. Working as a heel it was as though we were just waiting for her to turn on her team mates and I was genuinely surprised that we never actually saw it happen. All the signs were there. I was honestly convinced that she would turn on them within a matter of months of her debut if not weeks but the WWE kept her apart of the team and I honestly do believe it was the right move to make. Working with Enzo and Cas has allowed her to get a lot of attention and spotlight as I have already mentioned. Enzo in particular did a great job in putting her over and getting people interested but to be fair she put herself over perfectly fine. Her attitude and how she presented herself meant that everyone was invested in Carmella. We all wanted to know more about her and learn what she was really about. That not knowing whether or not we could trust her kept her interesting and her sassy attitude meant that she fitted in with the women's division of NXT perfectly fine. When it came to her wrestling ability there was nothing stand out. She was clearly talented and had potential but she was from being as good as her competition on the roster. She really did need to up her game if she was to stand a chance against the likes of Sasha Banks or Charlotte. With time however she has really made improvements. If we take a look at her most recent work over the past couple of months you have to give it to her. She has upped her game and stepped it p a whole other level. She still has a long way to go to meet the standards that have been set but she has been leaving me very very impressed recently. I have no idea where this has come but all of a sudden she has she been upping her game. The one thing I have noticed is that she struggles in her matches against Eva Marie. For some reason they just don't click and there is always some kind of problem when they compete but if you ignore that and take a look at everything else Carmella is one to watch. Her energy is amazing, I don't actually think there is a diva with her level of energy on the roster at the moment, I also love how you can feel her passion when she competes. She's fun to watch, she's stunning, and has bags of potential. If she carries on improving at the level she is right now, this time next year she could be NXT women's champion.
5) Emma
When I was creating this list I was questioning whether or not to put Emma in the blog post. After already having her run in NXT and going up to the main roster I wasn't sure if it was fair to put Emma in the list but I decided that at the end of the day she is currently working on the NXT roster competing for the NXT divas division and so it made sense for me to include her. So, Emma is an NXT original. She was one of the first original NXT divas. She was in the running to becoming the first ever NXT women's champion and became one of the most popular faces to come out of NXT. Last year saw her go up to the main roster however things didn't go as planned. Her booking was awful and she basically became the female Zack Ryder. She was taken as a joke and it was though the WWE had forgotten all about what she had done down in NXT before the call up. So, we saw her go back to NXT where she started a feud with Bayley. For months a heel turn was teased, after all she was targeting one of the biggest baby faces in all of the WWE. Eventually she did of course turn heel and become Evil Emma in the eyes of the NXT universe, witch I still find hilarious. Her feud with
Bayley was very well done and did what it needed to do. Turning Emma heel however was the best and biggest move the WWE could have made. Her character as a baby face limited her and wasn't getting her anywhere. Becoming the bad guy has opened up Emma to a whole new world and we as the fans are able to see a whole other side to Emma. She looks as though she is much more comfortable now days and she is, in my opinion much more entertaining to watch. She makes such a strong, convincing heel, it was as though she was born to be a heel and I could not be happier that the WWE have gone down this road with her. It's a fresh start and is only doing good for her. Now, her alliance with Dana was unexpected but I have honestly grown to love it and like I said about Dana, their alliance means that storyline for the pair of them look strong for the next several months to a year. With Emma's experience, character, connection with the fans, and wrestling ability she assures that the NXT Divas division is in safe hands. While working there she can better herself and also elevate up and coming divas. She will be key in keeping up the high standards in the division and will be one we will all be watching throughout the next year as she get's right back on track.
Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte, the four horsewomen, have revolution women's wrestling. They have changed the game, set the bar, and made sure that the standard is extremely high but now it times for the new divas to keep it up. These women have changed the game and now all the divas I have mentioned today and others have to keep it up and trust me it won't be easy. I want to know who you think will be the next stand out diva so leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria letting me know who you think we should all be watching.
5) Emma
When I was creating this list I was questioning whether or not to put Emma in the blog post. After already having her run in NXT and going up to the main roster I wasn't sure if it was fair to put Emma in the list but I decided that at the end of the day she is currently working on the NXT roster competing for the NXT divas division and so it made sense for me to include her. So, Emma is an NXT original. She was one of the first original NXT divas. She was in the running to becoming the first ever NXT women's champion and became one of the most popular faces to come out of NXT. Last year saw her go up to the main roster however things didn't go as planned. Her booking was awful and she basically became the female Zack Ryder. She was taken as a joke and it was though the WWE had forgotten all about what she had done down in NXT before the call up. So, we saw her go back to NXT where she started a feud with Bayley. For months a heel turn was teased, after all she was targeting one of the biggest baby faces in all of the WWE. Eventually she did of course turn heel and become Evil Emma in the eyes of the NXT universe, witch I still find hilarious. Her feud with
Bayley was very well done and did what it needed to do. Turning Emma heel however was the best and biggest move the WWE could have made. Her character as a baby face limited her and wasn't getting her anywhere. Becoming the bad guy has opened up Emma to a whole new world and we as the fans are able to see a whole other side to Emma. She looks as though she is much more comfortable now days and she is, in my opinion much more entertaining to watch. She makes such a strong, convincing heel, it was as though she was born to be a heel and I could not be happier that the WWE have gone down this road with her. It's a fresh start and is only doing good for her. Now, her alliance with Dana was unexpected but I have honestly grown to love it and like I said about Dana, their alliance means that storyline for the pair of them look strong for the next several months to a year. With Emma's experience, character, connection with the fans, and wrestling ability she assures that the NXT Divas division is in safe hands. While working there she can better herself and also elevate up and coming divas. She will be key in keeping up the high standards in the division and will be one we will all be watching throughout the next year as she get's right back on track.
Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte, the four horsewomen, have revolution women's wrestling. They have changed the game, set the bar, and made sure that the standard is extremely high but now it times for the new divas to keep it up. These women have changed the game and now all the divas I have mentioned today and others have to keep it up and trust me it won't be easy. I want to know who you think will be the next stand out diva so leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria letting me know who you think we should all be watching.
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