Most Improved WWE Superstars of 2015
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! As you all know, Of the year season here on my blog has officially started and all month long I will be highlighting the best and worse of two thousand and fifteen. Every single week I will be providing you with a handful of blog post dedicated to the year of twenty fifteen letting you know who I think has been the diva of the year and superstar of the year. I will also be recapping my top five OMG moments of the year, NXT match of the year and plenty plenty more. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking a look back at some of the most improved WWE superstars of the year across both the main roster and NXT. Just like most post in the series, this is a list of only five superstars and divas but there are plenty more who I would have loved to have featured in this list and there names will be noted at the end of the . As usual any recent blog posts will be linked bellow including the latest RAW and pay per view review and reactions. Finally, you can let me know who you think has been the most improved WWE superstar of the year by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Bayley
Kick starting my top five most improved WWE superstars of two thousand and fifteen is the current NXT Women's champion, Bayley. Now, there is no denying that Bayley is a fantastic wrestler and a perfect all round performer. She has a great connection with the fans, young and old, she brings out the best in her opponents and gives it a hundred and ten percent in every single thing she does. However, if we take a look back at where she was a little over a year ago, the fan favourite has come a long long way. In the past year we have seen Bayley go from the fun, all loving, all hugging average diva to one of the best female wrestlers in NXT and WWE history. Now, I'm not denying that she didn't show she was a great wrestler this time last year. She was putting on decent matches and had the fans behind her one hundred and ten percent but this year saw Bayley have a change in attitude and turn things up a whole other level. She went from being a good wrestler to an amazing wrestler, competing in matches that were not only some of the best matches of the year but some of the best matches we have seen from NXT and WWE history. Her rivalry with Sasha Banks saw Bayley go from strength to strength as she made her way to becoming the NXT Women's Champion. This past year has also seen Bayley improve massively on the mic and we have seen her take her character up a level creating an even more personal connection with her fans and the NXT universe. Her promos and segments are much better executed and we are seeing even more character during her matches. Two thousand and fifteen has seen Bayley become one of the most must see talents in all of the WWE and to say she has improved greatly over the past year is more than an understatement.
4) Jason Jordan
Up next is another NXT Superstar and this time we are taking a look at a man who is one half of one of the strongest tag teams in all of the WWE. Of course I'm talking about Jason Jordan. To be honest I have been a fan of Jason Jordan pretty much from the moment I first saw him compete. Any one could see that Jason Jordan is the total package. He looks great, he he moves around the ring well, he has a strong build and a great work ethic but as been noted before he has been lacking that something. Throughout most of he's time in the WWE and mainly NXT we have seen Jordan work a tag team alongside Tye Dillinger and I will admit I was a big fan of this tag team so when they split them up I was more than disappointed. I honestly didn't know how the WWE would be able to get Jordan into something new and fresh that would really work. For weeks we saw Jordan go on the hunt to find himself a new tag team partner and eventually he found Chad Gable and then we really did see some magic. Gable some how just brought out the very best in Jordan and forced him to up he's game to a whole new level. Since the two of them came together Jason Jordan has been on a role. He has showed us so much more character and charisma. He's promos and segments are much much better done. He's coming across more humorous, and entertaining and Gable really has done the job inn pushing him in ever single aspect. When it comes to he's in ring work, we have seen Jordan show even bigger improvements. He know's he strengths even more now and takes on he's role in the tag team perfectly. He has shown that he is an amazing technical matt wrestler and a great powerful, strength based competitor. Jordan is much more fun to watch, he has the fans on he's side, and he's alliance with Chad Gable has meant that he has become one of the most must see talents on the roster. Not to mention the fact that he is apart of probably one of the most over, exciting, tag team in all of the WWE.
3) Big E
I'm sure that number three will come to no surprise to any of you if you are a regular ready of my blog and follower of my twitter account. Over the past year I have made it perfectly clear that Big E has become one of my favourite WWE superstars and today he comes in at number three in my top five most improved WWE Superstars of two thousand and fifteen. It was back in late twenty fourteen that we saw Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods come together to create the New Day and even though it was a slow build up to their success this year saw the three superstars climb right to the top of their division becoming three of the WWE's must see superstars. There is no denying that the New Day have become one of the WWE's most entertaining, put together, and exciting superstars on the WWE roster and their over all improvement as a team as a team has been amazing this past year but for me it has been Big E who has really stood out for me. I'm sure that for anyone who has seen Big E's work from he's NXT days you will know that he is an amazing talent who hasn't completely been able to show off he's talents to their full potential until this past year. Throughout twenty fifteen we have seen Big E take the spotlight shining in every singe aspect. Whenever he has competed in the ring he has always somehow came out as the stand out of the match. He has showed us even more skill in the ring using both speed and strength to take out he's opponents. I have actually been pretty surprised with just how wide he's move set is. He's athleticism is just amazing and for a man he's size he's agility and the things he can do in the ring is absolutely amazing and so so impressive. He's character development has also been something we cannot ignore in this blog post. He's mic work has been outstanding and the amount of character he brought to he's matches and every single promo and and segment has been so so strong. I never could have predicted the amazing year that Big E actually ended up having this year and there was no way I could not have put him in this particular blog post.
2) Nikki Bella
In at number two is another name that will come to no surprise to any of you as Nikki Bella makes her mark in my top five most improved WWE superstars of two thousand and fifteen. Now, if you have been reading my blog from the very start then you will probably remember that around this time last year I actually voted Nikki Bella as my single most improved talent of the year and I will link that blog post bellow so if you want to give that a a little read then you can if you want to. Once again we have seen Nikki Bella spend another year improving massively in all aspects and it doesn't matter if you love her or hate her I don't think anyone can deny that fact. It was late of twenty fourteen that we saw Nikki Bella become the Divas champion in what was a very controversial victory over AJ Lee and while I will admit that I wasn't a fan of her win at Survivor Series I was interested in seeing what the WWE had planned for her for the next year. What would soon become perfectly clear is that they had a lot in store for her as Nikki Bella without was pushed as the fact of the division and the "main attraction" if you will. Her title reign became just as controversial as her win with little title defences and a lack of diversity in her storyline's and opponents. In fact she spent most of the year feuding with Paige witch was the main problem. But to be fair none of this was really Nikki's fault when she was given the opportunity to shine she really did do just that. Throughout the year we saw Nikki compete in a handful of strong matches whether it was on RAW, Smackdown, Main Event or pay per view, against the likes of Charlotte, Paige and Sasha Banks. A couple of these matches may even feature in my top ten divas matches of the year so make sure you keep an eye out for that blog post coming up very very soon! This year Nikki Bella has continued to show improvements on the mic and especially in the ring. When given the time she has been able to put on some great matches showing some really strong and impressive moves in her set. She has grown more with her character and with her record breaking divas championship reign we all haven't stopped talking about her for another a year.
1) Roman Reigns
And finally, at number one, yet again another superstar that will come as no surprise. A superstar who I am sure you all expected to be at number on in my top five most improved WWE Superstars of two thousand and fifteen. Of course I'm talking about, Roman Reigns. Originally I was going to do what I did last year and dedicate this blog post to one single most improved superstar and that one superstar would of course been Roman Reigns but I wanted to do something a little different this year. Anyway, if you have been following me for the past year then you would know that right at the very start of the year I was far from a Roman Reigns fan. In fact I was probably one of he's biggest doubters. I hated how he was being shoved in our faces and down our throats. The WWE spent all of the twenty fifteen trying to make us love Roman Reigns and I don't think any of us want to be told who to like and who not to like and support. I also really didn't see the hype in him or understand why the WWE were backing him so much. He's move set was very very limited and predicable, he's mic work was beyond terrible, and he's character lacked development and interest and I just found him dull and boring to watch. When he won the Royal Rumble it was one of the most controversial moments probably in WWE history and it had everyone talking. The heated reaction meant that Roman Reigns really did have to up he's game and win over the WWE Universe and that was not going to be an easy thing to do but he embraced the hard work and worked really hard at winning everyone over and proving himself. He's turn around moment was without a doubt he's match with Daniel Bryan at Fastlane but he still had a long long way to go and so the fight continued and as time went by he really did start to win me over and I couldn't deny the fact that he was showing more and more improvements as time went on. After Wrestlemania we saw Reigns take a little seat back from the top spot as he worked feuds away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and it
really did work in he's favour. He started winning over the WWE universe more and more, he started showing more and more in the ring, he's wrestling was improving and he started widening he's move set, and he's mic work started to improve a lot as well. He has had some amazing feuds and amazing matches against the likes of Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins, Rusev and more. There is no doubt that Roman Reigns had improved massively over the past year. Yes, he still has a way to go but I don't think there is a single person that can deny just how far he has come over the past twelve months and there is no denying that Roman Reigns is without a doubt the most improved WWE Superstar of two thousand and fifteen.
So that is my list! What did you think? Of course there are plenty more superstars I would have loved to have included from Xavier Woods, to Sasha Banks, to Enzo Amore and Big Cas but these five above have to be my top five without a doubt. Remember, you can let me know who you think has been the most improved WWE Superstar of the year by leaving a comment bellow or of course by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 5 NXT Superstars of the year
Top 5 WWE Diva Moments of the year
5) Bayley
Kick starting my top five most improved WWE superstars of two thousand and fifteen is the current NXT Women's champion, Bayley. Now, there is no denying that Bayley is a fantastic wrestler and a perfect all round performer. She has a great connection with the fans, young and old, she brings out the best in her opponents and gives it a hundred and ten percent in every single thing she does. However, if we take a look back at where she was a little over a year ago, the fan favourite has come a long long way. In the past year we have seen Bayley go from the fun, all loving, all hugging average diva to one of the best female wrestlers in NXT and WWE history. Now, I'm not denying that she didn't show she was a great wrestler this time last year. She was putting on decent matches and had the fans behind her one hundred and ten percent but this year saw Bayley have a change in attitude and turn things up a whole other level. She went from being a good wrestler to an amazing wrestler, competing in matches that were not only some of the best matches of the year but some of the best matches we have seen from NXT and WWE history. Her rivalry with Sasha Banks saw Bayley go from strength to strength as she made her way to becoming the NXT Women's Champion. This past year has also seen Bayley improve massively on the mic and we have seen her take her character up a level creating an even more personal connection with her fans and the NXT universe. Her promos and segments are much better executed and we are seeing even more character during her matches. Two thousand and fifteen has seen Bayley become one of the most must see talents in all of the WWE and to say she has improved greatly over the past year is more than an understatement.
4) Jason Jordan
Up next is another NXT Superstar and this time we are taking a look at a man who is one half of one of the strongest tag teams in all of the WWE. Of course I'm talking about Jason Jordan. To be honest I have been a fan of Jason Jordan pretty much from the moment I first saw him compete. Any one could see that Jason Jordan is the total package. He looks great, he he moves around the ring well, he has a strong build and a great work ethic but as been noted before he has been lacking that something. Throughout most of he's time in the WWE and mainly NXT we have seen Jordan work a tag team alongside Tye Dillinger and I will admit I was a big fan of this tag team so when they split them up I was more than disappointed. I honestly didn't know how the WWE would be able to get Jordan into something new and fresh that would really work. For weeks we saw Jordan go on the hunt to find himself a new tag team partner and eventually he found Chad Gable and then we really did see some magic. Gable some how just brought out the very best in Jordan and forced him to up he's game to a whole new level. Since the two of them came together Jason Jordan has been on a role. He has showed us so much more character and charisma. He's promos and segments are much much better done. He's coming across more humorous, and entertaining and Gable really has done the job inn pushing him in ever single aspect. When it comes to he's in ring work, we have seen Jordan show even bigger improvements. He know's he strengths even more now and takes on he's role in the tag team perfectly. He has shown that he is an amazing technical matt wrestler and a great powerful, strength based competitor. Jordan is much more fun to watch, he has the fans on he's side, and he's alliance with Chad Gable has meant that he has become one of the most must see talents on the roster. Not to mention the fact that he is apart of probably one of the most over, exciting, tag team in all of the WWE.
3) Big E
I'm sure that number three will come to no surprise to any of you if you are a regular ready of my blog and follower of my twitter account. Over the past year I have made it perfectly clear that Big E has become one of my favourite WWE superstars and today he comes in at number three in my top five most improved WWE Superstars of two thousand and fifteen. It was back in late twenty fourteen that we saw Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods come together to create the New Day and even though it was a slow build up to their success this year saw the three superstars climb right to the top of their division becoming three of the WWE's must see superstars. There is no denying that the New Day have become one of the WWE's most entertaining, put together, and exciting superstars on the WWE roster and their over all improvement as a team as a team has been amazing this past year but for me it has been Big E who has really stood out for me. I'm sure that for anyone who has seen Big E's work from he's NXT days you will know that he is an amazing talent who hasn't completely been able to show off he's talents to their full potential until this past year. Throughout twenty fifteen we have seen Big E take the spotlight shining in every singe aspect. Whenever he has competed in the ring he has always somehow came out as the stand out of the match. He has showed us even more skill in the ring using both speed and strength to take out he's opponents. I have actually been pretty surprised with just how wide he's move set is. He's athleticism is just amazing and for a man he's size he's agility and the things he can do in the ring is absolutely amazing and so so impressive. He's character development has also been something we cannot ignore in this blog post. He's mic work has been outstanding and the amount of character he brought to he's matches and every single promo and and segment has been so so strong. I never could have predicted the amazing year that Big E actually ended up having this year and there was no way I could not have put him in this particular blog post.
2) Nikki Bella
In at number two is another name that will come to no surprise to any of you as Nikki Bella makes her mark in my top five most improved WWE superstars of two thousand and fifteen. Now, if you have been reading my blog from the very start then you will probably remember that around this time last year I actually voted Nikki Bella as my single most improved talent of the year and I will link that blog post bellow so if you want to give that a a little read then you can if you want to. Once again we have seen Nikki Bella spend another year improving massively in all aspects and it doesn't matter if you love her or hate her I don't think anyone can deny that fact. It was late of twenty fourteen that we saw Nikki Bella become the Divas champion in what was a very controversial victory over AJ Lee and while I will admit that I wasn't a fan of her win at Survivor Series I was interested in seeing what the WWE had planned for her for the next year. What would soon become perfectly clear is that they had a lot in store for her as Nikki Bella without was pushed as the fact of the division and the "main attraction" if you will. Her title reign became just as controversial as her win with little title defences and a lack of diversity in her storyline's and opponents. In fact she spent most of the year feuding with Paige witch was the main problem. But to be fair none of this was really Nikki's fault when she was given the opportunity to shine she really did do just that. Throughout the year we saw Nikki compete in a handful of strong matches whether it was on RAW, Smackdown, Main Event or pay per view, against the likes of Charlotte, Paige and Sasha Banks. A couple of these matches may even feature in my top ten divas matches of the year so make sure you keep an eye out for that blog post coming up very very soon! This year Nikki Bella has continued to show improvements on the mic and especially in the ring. When given the time she has been able to put on some great matches showing some really strong and impressive moves in her set. She has grown more with her character and with her record breaking divas championship reign we all haven't stopped talking about her for another a year.
1) Roman Reigns
And finally, at number one, yet again another superstar that will come as no surprise. A superstar who I am sure you all expected to be at number on in my top five most improved WWE Superstars of two thousand and fifteen. Of course I'm talking about, Roman Reigns. Originally I was going to do what I did last year and dedicate this blog post to one single most improved superstar and that one superstar would of course been Roman Reigns but I wanted to do something a little different this year. Anyway, if you have been following me for the past year then you would know that right at the very start of the year I was far from a Roman Reigns fan. In fact I was probably one of he's biggest doubters. I hated how he was being shoved in our faces and down our throats. The WWE spent all of the twenty fifteen trying to make us love Roman Reigns and I don't think any of us want to be told who to like and who not to like and support. I also really didn't see the hype in him or understand why the WWE were backing him so much. He's move set was very very limited and predicable, he's mic work was beyond terrible, and he's character lacked development and interest and I just found him dull and boring to watch. When he won the Royal Rumble it was one of the most controversial moments probably in WWE history and it had everyone talking. The heated reaction meant that Roman Reigns really did have to up he's game and win over the WWE Universe and that was not going to be an easy thing to do but he embraced the hard work and worked really hard at winning everyone over and proving himself. He's turn around moment was without a doubt he's match with Daniel Bryan at Fastlane but he still had a long long way to go and so the fight continued and as time went by he really did start to win me over and I couldn't deny the fact that he was showing more and more improvements as time went on. After Wrestlemania we saw Reigns take a little seat back from the top spot as he worked feuds away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and it

So that is my list! What did you think? Of course there are plenty more superstars I would have loved to have included from Xavier Woods, to Sasha Banks, to Enzo Amore and Big Cas but these five above have to be my top five without a doubt. Remember, you can let me know who you think has been the most improved WWE Superstar of the year by leaving a comment bellow or of course by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 5 NXT Superstars of the year
Top 5 WWE Diva Moments of the year
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