Top 5 Diva Moments Of the Year
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! With my of the year season continuing on today we are taking a look back at the divas division as I present to you my top five diva moments of the year. Now, two thousand and fifteen was a huge year for the women of the WWE. From give divas a chance, to the divas revolution, to the first ever divas Ironman match the past year has seen the WWE put it's female talent in the spotlight and they have embraced every single second of their push. So unlike last year, I have a strong mixture of diva moments to add to this blog post and I have had so much fun having a look back at the past year and some of the stand out moments of twenty fifteen and I cannot wait to share them with you today. A reminder that this blog post includes both NXT and Main roster diva stand out moments. I decided that it was best to combine the two otherwise the blog post would not have been as long and as interesting. A lot of what I will be speaking about in today's blog post has already been spoken about in further detail so I will link bellow any blog post that you may want to read so you can find out more. Remember you still have time to cast your vote for superstar of the year, diva of the year, and match of the year, so make sure to leave a comment bellow telling me who you think should be crowned number one for all three. Those final blog post will be up during the next couple of weeks. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog post from the of the year season so yo can stay all up to date and all my social media links will also be listed bellow. Finally, you can share your favourite diva moment of the year by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) The Four Horsewomen come together once last time
4) Becky Lynch wins over the NXT Universe
It was all the way back in May that we saw Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch put on not only one of the best women's matches I have ever seen but one of the greatest NXT matches I have seen all year round. The two women collide in a match that got everyone talking and raised the bar to a whole new level. Just a little hint, later on in the month you can see where this match came in my top ten divas matches of the year. One of the things that made this match was the passion in both divas. These girls had both wanted to be wrestlers from a young age and you could tell how much the match meant to both of them. Now, before this match, Sasha Banks had already cemented herself as one of the best female wrestlers the company and the world had ever seen and so the expectations of her were already high. Becky Lynch on the other hand was still waiting for that special moment. That moment that allowed her to truly arrive in NXT and the moment that allowed her to prove she was just as good as the big names on the roster. This was without a doubt her night. Throughout the match she impressed everyone with her amazing agility, athleticism, story telling and move set. She showed us a side to her that we had never seen before and made everyone realise that she wasn't just here to take part but she was at NXT at the WWE to take over and that is exactly what she did. After what was a phenomenal match up Becky shared a very very special moment with the NXT universe. She may have lost the match but she had won over the entire NXT Universe and the respect shown was an amazing sight and even brought a little tear to my eye. The live crowd both chanted her name and sang her entrance theme. It was in that moment that Becky Lynch and the entire world realised that she had truly arrived. Becky Lynch did what she needed to do and proved that she is one heck of a wrestler. It was one of the most memorable and touching NXT moments and it without a doubt had to be in my top five diva moments of the year.
talked about diva moments not only of the year but in WWE history. Less than one hour until Nikki Bella was set to become the longest reigning divas champion she and Charlotte did battle in a one on one match witch thanks to the help of twin magic saw Nikki keep hold of her championship making her the new longest reigning divas champion exceeding three hundred days. She did however drop the title the following Sunday at night of champions to Charlotte.The story told was strong and it got everyone talking. I will admit I'm still a bitter AJ Lee fan and hate the idea but it was so well done, so controversial, and so talked about that it had to be in my top five diva moments of the year.
2) Bayley and Sasha Banks make WWE history
1) The Start of the Divas Revolution
And finally, at number one and my official diva moment of the year is the start of the divas revolution. When I was writing my notes for this blog post and creating the list I really did struggle to crown a number one spot holder. There were about three moments that I really wanted to all be at number one and choosing the best was very very difficult. In the end I had to reread some old notes and reviews that I had made over the years and the start of the divas revolution was without a doubt the perfect and best suited moment to be number one. For years the WWE have missed used it's female talent and passed them off as simply eye candy but thanks to NXT that has all changed. People now want to see women's wrestling and the divsion down in developmental has raised the bar extremely high proving that women can do exactly what men can do in the ring if not better. With give divas a chance still a major thing on the main roster after Emma lost her match against Brie Bella in the space of thirty seconds earlier on in the year the WWE finally acknowledged that it was time for a change it was time to follow the road the every other company and NXT had been following when it came to female athletes and give divas a chance. On the July the thirteenth we saw the start of a whole new revolution. A divas revolution. On her way to becoming the longest reigning divas champion, Nikki Bella cut a promo claiming that she had faced all the competition on the divas divsion but it had not been enough or strong enough for the fearless divas champion. It was then that Stephanie McMahon made an appearance and declared that it was time for a change. After calling Paige out, the one diva who had tried to start a revolution on her own, Stephanie had two surprise team mates for the anti diva, two women the crowd and everyone at home knew very well, two women who had revolutionised women's wrestling over the past year. Becky Lynch and former NXT Women's Champion, Charlotte made their official RAW debuts and where the new members of team Paige. There was then time for a second little surprises. Claiming that she and Tamina also deserved there own moment in the spotlight, Naomi was looking to be apart of the revolution alongside her partner but the numbers were not on her side and so we were treated to another huge surprise. The
debut of one of the best female wrestlers the WWE has ever seen. A women who has changed the game more than anyone, an NXT Women's champion, Sasha Banks. The arrival of the three NXT divas sent the crowd crazy and for the first time in a long time "this is awesome" chants echoed through the arena. Within a matter of seconds the three teams collided in one almighty brawl witch eventually saw the NXT women standing tall sending a huge message. It was time for a change and they were about to shake things up to a whole new level. Now, while the divas revolution itself may not have been the success it was expected to be this night was a history defying night for women in the WWE. It was the night they stole the show and were the stands out of a three hour live event. Diva Revolution spent days trending on twitter and the women of the WWE were the hot topic. This was without a doubt one of the greatest moments I had ever seen in the divas division and was a night that gave women in the WWE their moment in the history books. It also proved that NXT is the reason why people truly do love women's wrestling today.
So they are my top five diva moments of two thousand and fifteen! It has been an amazing year for women's wrestling and there are plenty of moments I didn't get to speak about in today's blog post that deserve recognition from the contract signing of Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks, to Paige's first Wrestlemania,the contract signing between Paige and Charlotte, to the in ring debut of Nia Jax. Now, I would love to know what has been your favourite diva moment of the year so leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria letting me know.
5) The Four Horsewomen come together once last time
Two thousand and fifteen was jam packed full of amazing Diva moments. Moments that will forever go down in history and will have people talking about for years. At number four in today's blog post is one of my personal favourite diva moments of not only two thousand and fifteen but in WWE history. It was one of those moments that genuinely brought tears to my eyes and had me more emotional than I have ever been all year round. It's extremely rare now days that there will be something in pro wrestling that makes me so emotional and actually brings tears to my eyes but at NXT Takeover Brooklyn there was no hiding the emotions. Sasha Banks and Bayley without a doubt were the stand outs of NXT's biggest show to date in Brooklyn New York back in August. Their match has been rated not only one of the best of the year but one of the greatest matches in NXT history. There was so much emotion, the agility and athleticism from both women was insane and the arena full of sixteen thousand people was electrifying with everyone on their feet. We heard this is awesome chants, holly shit chants, and this is wrestling chants. The crowd split but in over all everyone respected both Sasha Banks and Bayley as the changed the game and raised the bar to a whole new level that we just haven't seen before. The story telling throughout this match was insane and seeing Bayley pick up the victory was one of the most emotional moments in wrestling and WWE history. After the match the four horsewomen came together once last time celebrate Bayley's victory and a phenomenal night for women's wrestling. These are the four women who changed the game. Who restored our faith in women's wrestling, who brought back women's wrestling. It had that feeling of it being the end of something special with Banks, Lynch, and Charlotte all going up to the main roster. There were plenty of tears and the fact that this moment was so special and touched me emotionally this had to be in my list of top five diva moments of two thousand and fifteen.
4) Becky Lynch wins over the NXT Universe
It was all the way back in May that we saw Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch put on not only one of the best women's matches I have ever seen but one of the greatest NXT matches I have seen all year round. The two women collide in a match that got everyone talking and raised the bar to a whole new level. Just a little hint, later on in the month you can see where this match came in my top ten divas matches of the year. One of the things that made this match was the passion in both divas. These girls had both wanted to be wrestlers from a young age and you could tell how much the match meant to both of them. Now, before this match, Sasha Banks had already cemented herself as one of the best female wrestlers the company and the world had ever seen and so the expectations of her were already high. Becky Lynch on the other hand was still waiting for that special moment. That moment that allowed her to truly arrive in NXT and the moment that allowed her to prove she was just as good as the big names on the roster. This was without a doubt her night. Throughout the match she impressed everyone with her amazing agility, athleticism, story telling and move set. She showed us a side to her that we had never seen before and made everyone realise that she wasn't just here to take part but she was at NXT at the WWE to take over and that is exactly what she did. After what was a phenomenal match up Becky shared a very very special moment with the NXT universe. She may have lost the match but she had won over the entire NXT Universe and the respect shown was an amazing sight and even brought a little tear to my eye. The live crowd both chanted her name and sang her entrance theme. It was in that moment that Becky Lynch and the entire world realised that she had truly arrived. Becky Lynch did what she needed to do and proved that she is one heck of a wrestler. It was one of the most memorable and touching NXT moments and it without a doubt had to be in my top five diva moments of the year.
3) Nikki Bella becomes the longest Reigning divas Champion
One of the most talked about and controversial diva storyline's of the year was without a doubt Nikki Bella and her divas championship reign. With AJ Lee setting the record at two hundred and ninety five days and Nikki Bella slowly but surely reaching that record everyone questioned whether or not the history books were about to be re-written this year and whether you love or hate her, everyone was talking about Nikki Bella. I myself spent a great deal of time writing blog post and tweets disguising the topic of the longest reigning divas champion and I made it perfectly clear that I was not a fan of Nikki making the history books. It wasn't because I was this massive Nikki Bella hater but more that I didn't feel as though she had completely deserved it. Now, I will be the first person to give a Superstar or diva credit when it is due and I have highlighted many times before that I feel as though Nikki has clearly shown some huge improvements both on the mic and in the ring, even as a character but the fact that her reign was so weak didn't make me personally feel as though she was worthy of becoming the longest reigning divas champion. I know most of this is not her fault and creative should have been smarter with their booking if they wanted to convince the WWE universe that she was worthy of the road they were taking her down. She rarely defended the championship and she only truly feuded with Paige and Naomi until the end when Charlotte got the call up. For a great deal of the time this year it felt as though we didn't have an actual divas champion at times. Her matches were short and weak despite her showing clear, strong improvements and when you compare her storyline's over the past year to what we saw from AJ while she was champion it made sense for AJ to be the longest reigning divas champion. The one thing I did like about her title reign was the use of twin magic. I think once it was used the first time it should have been a more regular thing but the timing and how the WWE used it was all wrong and it came across more annoying and pathetic rather than a strong heel move after the first time. When Charlotte got the call up everyone pretty much knew what was about to happen. The WWE made it perfectly clear that Charlotte would be the next divas champion and they spent a great deal of time building her up and getting her ready to be champion. However, we had to wait a while before the title changed hands and this point it was clear that we were about to see a new longest reigning divas champion. The countdown to Nikki making the history books began and became the red hot storyline in the divas division and one of the most talked about diva moments not only of the year but in WWE history. Less than one hour until Nikki Bella was set to become the longest reigning divas champion she and Charlotte did battle in a one on one match witch thanks to the help of twin magic saw Nikki keep hold of her championship making her the new longest reigning divas champion exceeding three hundred days. She did however drop the title the following Sunday at night of champions to Charlotte.The story told was strong and it got everyone talking. I will admit I'm still a bitter AJ Lee fan and hate the idea but it was so well done, so controversial, and so talked about that it had to be in my top five diva moments of the year.
2) Bayley and Sasha Banks make WWE history
When I was writing my notes for this blog post I honestly struggled to decide on my number one spot. There were two amazing diva moments this year that were both worthy of being number one. In the end I made my mind up be looking at the response the two events received and even though they were both history making moments and they are both number one in my eyes I have decided that at number two in my top five diva moments of the year is Bayley and Sasha Bank make WWE history at NXT Takeover Respect. This is a rivalry that goes back right from the start. Both these divas joined the WWE at the same time, they both had to change up their characters, and they have both faced each other time and time again whether it be one on one, tag team, or fatal four way matches. This was a tale of two girls who grew up wanting to be wrestlers in the WWE and this year we got to watch as they both achieved their dreams and so much more as they made company history over and over again. As I have already spoken about in today's blog post already, the two tore the house down at NXT Takeover Brooklyn when they competed in one of the greatest matches in NXT history. The response from that very match up is what led to the going to a whole new level and entering the history books for their own reasons. On September sixteenth we saw Bayley return to Fall Sail university as NXT Women's Champion. She of course received a huge welcome back reaction as she ran through the crowd, had a special in ring moments with her biggest fan Izzy, and took in "you deserve it chants". However, the newly crowned champ was hardly able to say three words before Sasha Banks' music hit and the feel in the room changed. The former champion stood in the ring and acknowledged the hype their previous match got and told Bayley that she had eared her respect however she was still the boss and she wanted that championship back, declaring that she didn't just want to beat Bayley once or twice but again and again. The words from the two divas grabbed the attention of general manger William Regal who would come out and address the situation. He went on to make two huge history making announcements. It was made official, that at NXT Takeover Respect the two women would compete for the championship in the first ever divas Ironman match and not only that but they would be the main event of the night, making them the first females in company history to not only main event a WWE live special but compete in an ironman match. The reaction from the live crowd said it all. The this is awesome and holy shit chants echoed through the arena and the it was clear the entire NXT universe were excited for this history making match up. Several weeks later the two women stood toe to toe in the main event of NXT Takeover Respect and made everyone all around the world truly respect women's wrestling. They put on the fight of their lives and competed at a level we are just not used to seeing women compete at. They gave us everything you look for in a match. It ha heart, passion, story, they both played their roles as heels and baby faces perfectly. I mean come on, Sasha stole the head bad of a kid and made her cry. You don't cement yourself as the best heel around any better than that. The match was full of emotion and had be feeling so proud to be a women and to be an NXT and pro wrestling fan. The emotion after the match made things even more special. The match clearly meant the world to both divas and seeing the whole roster out and everyone on their feet made this not only one of the best diva moments of the year but one of the best moments I have seen in WWE history.
1) The Start of the Divas Revolution
And finally, at number one and my official diva moment of the year is the start of the divas revolution. When I was writing my notes for this blog post and creating the list I really did struggle to crown a number one spot holder. There were about three moments that I really wanted to all be at number one and choosing the best was very very difficult. In the end I had to reread some old notes and reviews that I had made over the years and the start of the divas revolution was without a doubt the perfect and best suited moment to be number one. For years the WWE have missed used it's female talent and passed them off as simply eye candy but thanks to NXT that has all changed. People now want to see women's wrestling and the divsion down in developmental has raised the bar extremely high proving that women can do exactly what men can do in the ring if not better. With give divas a chance still a major thing on the main roster after Emma lost her match against Brie Bella in the space of thirty seconds earlier on in the year the WWE finally acknowledged that it was time for a change it was time to follow the road the every other company and NXT had been following when it came to female athletes and give divas a chance. On the July the thirteenth we saw the start of a whole new revolution. A divas revolution. On her way to becoming the longest reigning divas champion, Nikki Bella cut a promo claiming that she had faced all the competition on the divas divsion but it had not been enough or strong enough for the fearless divas champion. It was then that Stephanie McMahon made an appearance and declared that it was time for a change. After calling Paige out, the one diva who had tried to start a revolution on her own, Stephanie had two surprise team mates for the anti diva, two women the crowd and everyone at home knew very well, two women who had revolutionised women's wrestling over the past year. Becky Lynch and former NXT Women's Champion, Charlotte made their official RAW debuts and where the new members of team Paige. There was then time for a second little surprises. Claiming that she and Tamina also deserved there own moment in the spotlight, Naomi was looking to be apart of the revolution alongside her partner but the numbers were not on her side and so we were treated to another huge surprise. The

So they are my top five diva moments of two thousand and fifteen! It has been an amazing year for women's wrestling and there are plenty of moments I didn't get to speak about in today's blog post that deserve recognition from the contract signing of Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks, to Paige's first Wrestlemania,the contract signing between Paige and Charlotte, to the in ring debut of Nia Jax. Now, I would love to know what has been your favourite diva moment of the year so leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria letting me know.
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