Money In The Bank Predictions Pt3
So it's the last part in my Money in the bank prediction series. I will leave the link's bellow to parts one and two so you can check them out if you haven't read them yet. You can also let me know who you are supporting tonight by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Finally I'm going to be talking about the second money in the bank ladder match! When Seth announced there was going to be a traditional money in the bank brief case ladder match I literally jumped with joy! I was fuming when they announced on RAW that the ladder match was going to be for the WWE World heavyweight championship and there was no confirmation of weather or not there would be a traditional match, after all how can you have a money in the bank Ladder match with no briefcase!? But we got one anyway and now I'm gonna go through my predictions for each competitor. I also wanna get it out there I'm not all that struck on the idea of 7 random superstars being put in the match with no qualification match s, it feels like the whole thing was just quickly put together over night but ah well let's et into the predictions.
Kofi Kingston
For me ladder match's need Kofi! He brings excitement and that unpredictability factor to the match. I don't really understand why he's been put in the match, mainly because he hasn't been involved in anything really I just think he was put in there to add some entertainment. I really want him to win one year he really does deserve it but this year isn't he's year fingers crossed for next year.
Rob van dam is another superstar who really does bring the excitement to match's like these, he's just in he's element and really shines and wow's the crowd. Unlike Kofi we have seen quit a bit of RVD just not much of him wining. I know there is quit a thew people who are backing Rob this weekend but I really cant see him coming up on top. He hasn't been involved with anything with the authority and or anything major. I cant see him In action for much longer he just seem's really dated and the only way he can stay relevant at the moment is by putting him in a really good feud instead of just using him to put over new superstars.
Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler is one of my fave superstars and it does piss me off how much the WWE take the piss out of him. He deserves way better and I just feel like they need to pay more attention to him. I was so glad he was put in this match but i really cant see him wining tonight. It's all too been there done that for Ziggler. That being said i think Ziggler really is gonna stand out tonight and the crowd are gonna really be behind him.
Jack Swagger
To be honest I don't get why Swagger was picked to be in this match. It seems pointless, after all when was the last time we saw a decent match with him were he actually won? Lets not put forget though that swagger is a former money in the bank winner and he knows what it takes to win and what to expect. I doubt very very much swagger will win. I think he going to become lost in the match and no one is really going to be interested in what he's doing.
Bad New's Barrett
Now I don't even know for sure if Barrett is still going to be in the ladder match tonight after he's injury during the Smackdown tapeings, so i dont know anything for sure. Barrett is yet to win a money in the bank ladder match and if he is in tonight's he could be a potential winner. I really do hope he is able to compete, if there is anyone that deserves a shot it's BNB, he really has been improving and it's been a great year for him so far. Barrett has kinda been being used as the authority bitch lately and he has had some amazing match's. My only problem is that the attention is more so on Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose shorting he's chances of wining, i do think however that this time next year could be he's time.
Seth Rollins
I think most people are split between Rollins and Ambrose tonight. They both have been stealing the show's and they are the main attention tonight. It's more all about them then it is everyone else, were almost forgetting there are five other competitors. Personally I think Seth is going to be leaving the new Mr money in the bank. Even though it is he's first money in the bank i really do think Seth is going to do some amazing things tonight and really stand out. It make's sense him wining. It will push he's heel faze even more and allow the feud with Ambrose to continue.
Dean Ambrose
As I just said I think Ambrose and Rollins really are going to steal the show! The whole PPV seems to be based around them and all anyone is really interested in. I think Ambrose has a strong chance of wining and defo the fan favourite. The crowd will 100% be behind Ambrose and this is Deans second money in the bank match so he knows a little of what to expect. He's my personal fave to win and i really do believe these kind of match's were anything goes really suit Ambrose with he's hardcore background. i think everyone is going to be surprised by Ambrose tonight. It's for Dean's night.
Money in the bank predictions Pt1
Money in the bank predictions Pt2
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