Superstar of the week: Dean Ambrose

So this weeks Superstar of the week is Dean Ambrose. Now i know a lot of people will probably be asking why as after all he didn't win none of he's matches this week on both Smackdown and Raw. However when i do my top 5 list i  dont just look at wins, i like to look at achievements's , growth, promo cuts and development and who has stood out and when we look at this week it's obvious Dean Ambrose has stood out from everyone. This past week on RAW for me it Dean who stole the show literally from the beginning to the end throughout the whole night, in fact the whole week everyone has been talking about Ambrose. We first saw him this week when he interrupted Rollins match against Ziggler as he was about to make the pin. The first thing we noticed about him (i did) was the attire, yes FCW/CZW Ambrose (moxley) is back or should we say made he's debute. I'm so happy Deans been given the jeans and tank top attire, its suits him and he's character so well. Talking of character, the thing i love about ambrose is he's so true, there's something really honest in him, almost like the character is who he is, he doesn't play a lunatic he is one! Also with both Roman and seth still pretty much in there shield ring gear it separated dean (the attire) and gave him he's own personality and made him stand out as individual. He was no longer Dean from the shield or Romans partner in crime, he was Dean Ambrose and he was here to get what he wants and fight. There was also he's new theme witch personally i love! It also suits him really well and just makes him stand out from everyone else especially Seth and Roman. I think it suits he personality and officially one of my fave themes at the moment.
When it comes down to he's in ring performance this week i think its been fairly impressive, its been he's first week solo and i think he's done really well. The match was Barrett was much much better than he's match with Kane but he's been given to amazing opponents and i'm glad they done that and not gave him a jobber. I know for a fact Ambrose has so much more to show and give to WWE its just a matter of time and the more matches he's given the more we will get to see of him and what he can do. I also think he put up a good fight with Kane and if it weren't for Seth at commentary he would of done much much much better an d the match would of been a lot longer too. I'm hopeing next week he will be given a match and Seth wont interrupt but it seems unlikely. We also got to see a pretty awesome promo delivered by Ambrose on smackdown, were he showed a little dark humour and appeared rather sexy if i may say. When it comes to promo's we all know Dean is one of the best they have at the moment and is gonna wow us with even more amazing promos in the future.
For the future i do think dean will probably be in the second money in the bank ladder match and the feud with Seth will go one for quit a while, in the long run however Dean is going to be one of the best superstars personally.  I think everyone needs to watch this space because Ambrose is about to take over.


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