5 WWE Superstars Who Make better Heels
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good and have had a good week! Today I'm back with a brand new post and one that I have wanted to write for quite some time now but just haven't really managed to find a spare couple of hours to actually get it done and get it done to a standard that I like. However, over the past couple of days I've been able to find some time here and there to write bits and bobs and finally I have a post ready to upload for you. Okay, so I've just realised I've totally been rambling and haven't even got onto the actual topic yet, so, today's post as you can tell from the title is going to be all about the bad guys of the WWE. Well, many of the men and women featuring on this list are currently working as baby faces however today's blog post is going to be highlighting those superstars who simply work better as heels. This list will only include main roster talent and if an NXT version is something you would be interested in then do let me know, I'd also love to write a version of this post talking about talents outside of the WWE. The wrestling world is full of so many amazing characters both good and bad however, there is a bunch of men and women who regardless of the storyline, opponent and match just work better playing the role of the bad guy and in today's blog post we are going to be taking an extra in depth look at some of those names. In all honesty I could have made this a ten superstar list but I do most of the time think that one part is enough and sticking to just five is perfectly fine however, I'd be open to writing a part two also if thats something you would like. As always, any recent blog post will be linked bellow and you can let me know if you agree with this list and who else you would have added my leaving a comment or by dropping me a tweet over at @TezangiVictoria.
Randy Orton
Kick starting today's blog post off is the man that inspired it in the first place, Randy Orton. The reason I first got the idea for this post goes back a few months. Paying extra attention to Smackdown LIVE Orton was one of the guys I was constantly thinking and wanting to write about however not for the right reasons. His work for at least the past year or so has been weak and kinda lazy. While his work with Bray Wyatt had potential and we did see those standout moments, it was one of not many feuds the past year that we have seen Orton actually look as though he wants to be involved in. What has also been made so massively clear is how poor of worker he is as a baby face. Now, we're talking about Randy Orton here. A legend, an icon, and one of the biggest names of this generation, a guaranteed future WWE hall of famer. He's an amazing talent and a huge part of the company, however, there is no denying that when you compare his work as a heel to his work as a baby face there is a clear different. Orton kick started things off in the WWE as a bad guy and it's a role that comes so naturally to him just like everyone else on this list. When you see him working as the good guy it just feels so massively forced and as I've come to realize what we see from him is nowhere near as exciting. This falls down to a lot of things but one of the main reasons why is because he's so difficult to get behind. Fans root for him because he's Randy Orton. It doesn't matter what story his involved with or who he is feuding with, he's going to get a reaction because he's Randy Damn Orton but he never comes across like a genuine baby face and getting behind him as the innocent good guy just never really happens. When you take a look at his work with Edge, or Evolution or he's time with the Authority and especially he's legend killer days, all of these amazing storylines and partnerships are what separated him from the rest, had him standout and of course highlight him as one of the best and most natural heels. Storyline's and feuds as a baby face are far more difficult to go back and say were some of his best work.
Sasha Banks
Next up we have the only female superstar to feature in today's post but one that was yet another huge reason why I wanted to write this post in the first place. Every week when I sit back and watch Monday night RAW I'm constantly left thinking the same thing, when is Sasha Banks going to turn heel. It's a question that has been on the lips of fans all around the world and whenever I go and have a look on twitter during the show I'm seeing people say the exact same thing, everyone wondering when exactly the Boss will truly become the Boss again and get us all talking for the right reasons. Again, lets not get things twisted. I'm not saying that Sasha is a crap worker. It doesn't matter role she has Banks always delivers in the ring and we see her compete in great matches whether she is working as a heel or a baby face. However, when you take a look at her work in roles it's so so clear what is far better and I know what I personally prefer. More recently I have been going back and taking a look at some old NXT matches and Sasha Banks is someone that of course I have been watching a lot of, she was a huge part of NXT and will go down as one of the biggest stars in it's history. Apart of me kind of forget just how big of an impact she made while down in NXT. Her matches against Bayley, Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Paige all highlighted as such an important figure in women's wrestling and her character played such a huge part. It's one thing being able to out on a five star match but if you don't have a gripping, entertaining and interesting character then you have nothing and you just aren't going to have the success you truly desire. Banks knows that and she so quickly was able to take a basic character an make into something fantastic. Something that fans completely hooked and worked with every single one of her storyline's. She's a natural born heel and all you have to do is take a look at her history. Her antics in the ring as a heel have her standout more than anyone, her promo work as a heel is far stronger and nowhere near as cringe worthy. Everything we saw from her is all round just better and when I look at what she's doing right now it's nowhere near the level of what we see from her when she is playing the bad guy. Not to mention that every single week I wonder if it will finally be the day she turns on Bayley...
Triple H
Okay, so this may be a an obvious pick but come on, Triple H just had to feature in today's post. Throughout his WWE career Triple H has received a number of baby face pushes and lets be honest, they haven't been massive fails. I know growing up there were times I was a huge Triple H fan especially during his time in DX however, I also remember growing up a wrestling fan and feeling s though he was one of the biggest bastards in the world. Of course, now looking back I can see that just meant he was great at his job and he is. He really is a fantastic heel. He's convincing, natural, he's one of not many guys that can step in that ring or in front of a camera as a bad guy and have us genuinely disliking him which is something in this day and age thats pretty difficult. Fans now love to root for the bad guy just take the likes of Kevin Owens, the New Day during their time as heels, Samoa Joe and of course Brock Lesnar. Triple H however while we respect him (some of us) and can enjoy his work there aren't many men on the roster right now that can work as a heel and have fans genuinely watching and disliking him, Triple H does that. He's the cocky, billionaire who knows how to make the world despise him. He's better than everyone else and every single time he is put on our screens he reminds us of that. Sure he has done so much for the WWE and the future of the company which has made all hardcore fans realise that as long as he is around the WWE is in safe hands and the future will forever look bright and promising. However, when it comes to in ring work no one quite makes a better heel rather than baby face than Triple H. Sure, as we mentioned already, he's Triple H, an icon in the WWE and the world of pro wrestling and he has been apart of some of the best storylines, feuds, and matches in the companies history, however when you take a big hard look his work over the years he's never been as over as a baby face as he was a heel and his work all around is far more entertaining and he as a character is obviously far more interesting and easier to have an opinion on as a bad guy.
The Miz
Up next is a superstar that I just had to include today. There are many male superstars that I could have spoken about especially because I wanted to try and mix things up between new and older stars however, after taking a look at things again I had to have him as part of today's blog post (I am planning on writing a part two of this post so keep an eye out for that to see what older stars I would include). The Miz is someone that I have sat here and spoken about a lot here on my blog and if you follow me over on twitter than you would have also seen me talk about him a lot there too and honestly, all for the right reasons. A natural born star, the Miz comes out on to our screens every week and nails it. A brilliant mic worker, decent in ring performer, and charisma that separates him from the rest, the Miz is a WWE superstar the company should be throwing money at. Apart of the roster for several years now, he has proven time and time again why he is worthy of being at the top but only over the past ten months or so has really come across as though he could do just that. Sure he had a huge run a few years back where he cashed in the Money in the bank briefcase on Randy Orton to become the WWE Champion which lead to a Wrestlemania main event against John Cena but lets be honest the timing was interesting to say the least and wasn't something that went down very well with fans around the world. However, regardless of his booking, the character work he was given or the storyline he has been working the Miz has made it work somehow and has become one of the best heels of this generation. If you take a look at the best bits of the Miz's career they all come from his time as a bad guy. A role that comes to naturally to him the Miz has been highlighted for his brilliant work as a heel, flawless on the mic and brilliant at bringing his character into play during matches he's bloody damn good at his job. He's one of not many superstars who have genuine heat from fans and his work over the years has had fans of all ages totally triggered. His more recent stuff has only pushed this idea even more. The backstage promos, the mic work on Talking Smack, his storyline's, the Miz has come across like the ultimate heel and when you look at what he was doing during his baby face runs nothing really stands out. He's nowhere near as over nor making the impact he makes as a heel and we all know that when he is playing that natural bad guy role we are seeing the best of the Miz without Shadow of a doubt. That cocky, arrogant, conniving, yet "chicken" like heel is the perfect role for him. He has fans genuinely despising him thanks to his Miz TV segments, one liners and attacks both verbally and physically on our favourite baby faces.
Seth Rollins
And finally, we have the man that inspired me to write this post in the first place, Seth freaking Rollins. I got the idea for this post after spending several weeks thinking the same thing over and over again and touching on that exact same topic in blog posts over the past few months. Now, I have to obviously point out just how much of an amazing talent Rollins is. He will go down in history as one of the best superstars of this generation, I have no doubt about that. However, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed Rollins work as a baby face half as much as his work as a heel. Of course, people are going to bring up is time in FCW and the Shield baby face run which I totally agree were great moments
during his career but I honestly do feel as though he is a far better worker when he is playing that bad guy role and the proof really is in the pudding (I've never ever used that phrase before now). Going back a few years I liked what we saw from Rollins during that baby face run in the Shield and during his time in FCW he really did show the world what he was capable of and it was clear he had potential to work as a brilliant top, big name baby face, however, we then got a huge taste of what a heel Seth Rollins was like on his own and boy was it good. Everything from his laugh to the way he cut promos, to the crazy character development showed us all what he was capable of and we all took to it amazingly well. So good at his job, Rollins had us all despising him, playing the perfect bad guy role, he was the douche-bag sell out we all had a strong disliking for but when it came to his in ring work we couldn't get enough of him! Now, while I see potential and he most certainly can make it far as a big baby face it's nothing in comparison to what we got from him a couple of years ago. I've found myself bored of his work and having very little interest in the storylines and feuds he has been apart of and while his matches forever remain strong there is a huge difference in the quality of the storyline's, promos, segments, and feuds he has been apart of more recently.
And there we have it! That is the end of today's blog post. Honestly, I'll be surprised if I even upload this. As I'm writing I actually feel really really unwell and I don't really like how this has come out. Anyway, As always, any recent blog post will be linked bellow and you can let me know if you agree with this list and who else you would have added my leaving a comment or by dropping me a tweet over at @TezangiVictoria.
Randy Orton
Kick starting today's blog post off is the man that inspired it in the first place, Randy Orton. The reason I first got the idea for this post goes back a few months. Paying extra attention to Smackdown LIVE Orton was one of the guys I was constantly thinking and wanting to write about however not for the right reasons. His work for at least the past year or so has been weak and kinda lazy. While his work with Bray Wyatt had potential and we did see those standout moments, it was one of not many feuds the past year that we have seen Orton actually look as though he wants to be involved in. What has also been made so massively clear is how poor of worker he is as a baby face. Now, we're talking about Randy Orton here. A legend, an icon, and one of the biggest names of this generation, a guaranteed future WWE hall of famer. He's an amazing talent and a huge part of the company, however, there is no denying that when you compare his work as a heel to his work as a baby face there is a clear different. Orton kick started things off in the WWE as a bad guy and it's a role that comes so naturally to him just like everyone else on this list. When you see him working as the good guy it just feels so massively forced and as I've come to realize what we see from him is nowhere near as exciting. This falls down to a lot of things but one of the main reasons why is because he's so difficult to get behind. Fans root for him because he's Randy Orton. It doesn't matter what story his involved with or who he is feuding with, he's going to get a reaction because he's Randy Damn Orton but he never comes across like a genuine baby face and getting behind him as the innocent good guy just never really happens. When you take a look at his work with Edge, or Evolution or he's time with the Authority and especially he's legend killer days, all of these amazing storylines and partnerships are what separated him from the rest, had him standout and of course highlight him as one of the best and most natural heels. Storyline's and feuds as a baby face are far more difficult to go back and say were some of his best work.
Sasha Banks
Next up we have the only female superstar to feature in today's post but one that was yet another huge reason why I wanted to write this post in the first place. Every week when I sit back and watch Monday night RAW I'm constantly left thinking the same thing, when is Sasha Banks going to turn heel. It's a question that has been on the lips of fans all around the world and whenever I go and have a look on twitter during the show I'm seeing people say the exact same thing, everyone wondering when exactly the Boss will truly become the Boss again and get us all talking for the right reasons. Again, lets not get things twisted. I'm not saying that Sasha is a crap worker. It doesn't matter role she has Banks always delivers in the ring and we see her compete in great matches whether she is working as a heel or a baby face. However, when you take a look at her work in roles it's so so clear what is far better and I know what I personally prefer. More recently I have been going back and taking a look at some old NXT matches and Sasha Banks is someone that of course I have been watching a lot of, she was a huge part of NXT and will go down as one of the biggest stars in it's history. Apart of me kind of forget just how big of an impact she made while down in NXT. Her matches against Bayley, Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Paige all highlighted as such an important figure in women's wrestling and her character played such a huge part. It's one thing being able to out on a five star match but if you don't have a gripping, entertaining and interesting character then you have nothing and you just aren't going to have the success you truly desire. Banks knows that and she so quickly was able to take a basic character an make into something fantastic. Something that fans completely hooked and worked with every single one of her storyline's. She's a natural born heel and all you have to do is take a look at her history. Her antics in the ring as a heel have her standout more than anyone, her promo work as a heel is far stronger and nowhere near as cringe worthy. Everything we saw from her is all round just better and when I look at what she's doing right now it's nowhere near the level of what we see from her when she is playing the bad guy. Not to mention that every single week I wonder if it will finally be the day she turns on Bayley...
Triple H
Okay, so this may be a an obvious pick but come on, Triple H just had to feature in today's post. Throughout his WWE career Triple H has received a number of baby face pushes and lets be honest, they haven't been massive fails. I know growing up there were times I was a huge Triple H fan especially during his time in DX however, I also remember growing up a wrestling fan and feeling s though he was one of the biggest bastards in the world. Of course, now looking back I can see that just meant he was great at his job and he is. He really is a fantastic heel. He's convincing, natural, he's one of not many guys that can step in that ring or in front of a camera as a bad guy and have us genuinely disliking him which is something in this day and age thats pretty difficult. Fans now love to root for the bad guy just take the likes of Kevin Owens, the New Day during their time as heels, Samoa Joe and of course Brock Lesnar. Triple H however while we respect him (some of us) and can enjoy his work there aren't many men on the roster right now that can work as a heel and have fans genuinely watching and disliking him, Triple H does that. He's the cocky, billionaire who knows how to make the world despise him. He's better than everyone else and every single time he is put on our screens he reminds us of that. Sure he has done so much for the WWE and the future of the company which has made all hardcore fans realise that as long as he is around the WWE is in safe hands and the future will forever look bright and promising. However, when it comes to in ring work no one quite makes a better heel rather than baby face than Triple H. Sure, as we mentioned already, he's Triple H, an icon in the WWE and the world of pro wrestling and he has been apart of some of the best storylines, feuds, and matches in the companies history, however when you take a big hard look his work over the years he's never been as over as a baby face as he was a heel and his work all around is far more entertaining and he as a character is obviously far more interesting and easier to have an opinion on as a bad guy.
The Miz
Up next is a superstar that I just had to include today. There are many male superstars that I could have spoken about especially because I wanted to try and mix things up between new and older stars however, after taking a look at things again I had to have him as part of today's blog post (I am planning on writing a part two of this post so keep an eye out for that to see what older stars I would include). The Miz is someone that I have sat here and spoken about a lot here on my blog and if you follow me over on twitter than you would have also seen me talk about him a lot there too and honestly, all for the right reasons. A natural born star, the Miz comes out on to our screens every week and nails it. A brilliant mic worker, decent in ring performer, and charisma that separates him from the rest, the Miz is a WWE superstar the company should be throwing money at. Apart of the roster for several years now, he has proven time and time again why he is worthy of being at the top but only over the past ten months or so has really come across as though he could do just that. Sure he had a huge run a few years back where he cashed in the Money in the bank briefcase on Randy Orton to become the WWE Champion which lead to a Wrestlemania main event against John Cena but lets be honest the timing was interesting to say the least and wasn't something that went down very well with fans around the world. However, regardless of his booking, the character work he was given or the storyline he has been working the Miz has made it work somehow and has become one of the best heels of this generation. If you take a look at the best bits of the Miz's career they all come from his time as a bad guy. A role that comes to naturally to him the Miz has been highlighted for his brilliant work as a heel, flawless on the mic and brilliant at bringing his character into play during matches he's bloody damn good at his job. He's one of not many superstars who have genuine heat from fans and his work over the years has had fans of all ages totally triggered. His more recent stuff has only pushed this idea even more. The backstage promos, the mic work on Talking Smack, his storyline's, the Miz has come across like the ultimate heel and when you look at what he was doing during his baby face runs nothing really stands out. He's nowhere near as over nor making the impact he makes as a heel and we all know that when he is playing that natural bad guy role we are seeing the best of the Miz without Shadow of a doubt. That cocky, arrogant, conniving, yet "chicken" like heel is the perfect role for him. He has fans genuinely despising him thanks to his Miz TV segments, one liners and attacks both verbally and physically on our favourite baby faces.
Seth Rollins
And finally, we have the man that inspired me to write this post in the first place, Seth freaking Rollins. I got the idea for this post after spending several weeks thinking the same thing over and over again and touching on that exact same topic in blog posts over the past few months. Now, I have to obviously point out just how much of an amazing talent Rollins is. He will go down in history as one of the best superstars of this generation, I have no doubt about that. However, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed Rollins work as a baby face half as much as his work as a heel. Of course, people are going to bring up is time in FCW and the Shield baby face run which I totally agree were great moments
during his career but I honestly do feel as though he is a far better worker when he is playing that bad guy role and the proof really is in the pudding (I've never ever used that phrase before now). Going back a few years I liked what we saw from Rollins during that baby face run in the Shield and during his time in FCW he really did show the world what he was capable of and it was clear he had potential to work as a brilliant top, big name baby face, however, we then got a huge taste of what a heel Seth Rollins was like on his own and boy was it good. Everything from his laugh to the way he cut promos, to the crazy character development showed us all what he was capable of and we all took to it amazingly well. So good at his job, Rollins had us all despising him, playing the perfect bad guy role, he was the douche-bag sell out we all had a strong disliking for but when it came to his in ring work we couldn't get enough of him! Now, while I see potential and he most certainly can make it far as a big baby face it's nothing in comparison to what we got from him a couple of years ago. I've found myself bored of his work and having very little interest in the storylines and feuds he has been apart of and while his matches forever remain strong there is a huge difference in the quality of the storyline's, promos, segments, and feuds he has been apart of more recently.
And there we have it! That is the end of today's blog post. Honestly, I'll be surprised if I even upload this. As I'm writing I actually feel really really unwell and I don't really like how this has come out. Anyway, As always, any recent blog post will be linked bellow and you can let me know if you agree with this list and who else you would have added my leaving a comment or by dropping me a tweet over at @TezangiVictoria.
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