5 Current WWE Superstars IMPACT Wrestling Used Better

When you look at the current WWE roster it's clear there is an array of former IMPACT wrestling stars. Many in recent years have made a return to the company with fans expecting great things and a better second run with the WWE however, that hasn’t quite been the case for everyone. Where did things go wrong for these former IMPACT stars in the WWE and why and how were they used better during their time in the IMPACT Zone.


When EC3 made his return to the WWE last year I was most certainly amongst those very excited for what was to come. He had spent the previous years gaining momentum and popularity becoming one of the biggest stars over in Impact Wrestling. From some of the best and most gripping storylines, the company has ever seen to fantastic in-ring performance after fantastic in-ring performance EC3 was shining bright whether it was in matchups or his character work. Fast forward to today however and we almost seeing history repeat itself when it comes to his WWE career. The company are evidently making the same mistakes they previously did with him and while many expected to see a big push for EC3 the moment he arrived back in the company we have barely seen anything from him at all. Many mistakes have already been made and he hasn’t made a fraction of the impact we expected him to. Could we see EC3 depart from the WWE in the near future and head back to the place that truly made him, or can the WWE finally give him the big time push he has always deserved?

Bobby Lashley

Up next we have another former IMPACT wrestling champion in the form of Bobby Lashley. Once, again, when I witnessed Lashley make his return to the WWE I was very excited! I’ve always been a Lashley fan dating back to his original run with the WWE and so I was excited to see what awaited him a second time around in what is a different era in the company. However, I have been left massively disappointed and while Lashley has had his dominant and impressive performances the WWE have failed to present Lashley as the Major star he truly is. When we look at Lashley’s run over in the IMPACT zone he was pushed as the top dog. Taking part in fantastic matchups, booked as the biggest heel and a solid babyface and worked a run as champion and one of the biggest talking points on the roster. It’s crazy to see the WWE place Bobby in an almost forgettable role over in the WWE with next to no big storyline’s while over in IMPACT Wrestling he was one of the most consistent stars we witnessed. 


If you know me well, you will probably know that I have always been a pretty big fan of Maria. Watching her as a kid, for some reason she grabbed my attention (probably because she was one of the first women I fancied) and that hasn’t really changed as the years have progressed. She may not go down as one of the world’s best wrestlers but she is full of charisma and that was shown amazingly well during her time over in IMPACT wrestling. Now, to be fair, in recent weeks we have seen some of that fantastic character work on WWE TV, but the company haven’t scratched the surface when it comes to Maria and her capabilities. Since her return to the company, the WWE has failed to use her to her best abilities and it’s a real shame. During her time in IMPACT, Maria played a vital role within the knockout division and was apart of several solid storylines while the WWE has missed opportunities massively over the past couple of years.

Eric Young

I’ll admit that I have been very surprised at just how poorly used Eric Young has been over in the WWE. His charisma, experience, popularity and in-ring skills make him such a standout wherever he goes, however, something just hasn’t quite worked during his time in the WWE so far. During his time in NXT Young had an excellent showing and was used well but evidently could have been booked even stronger but over on the main roster he has become a shadow. With Sanity not working out Young is now pretty lost, and the WWE show no signs of giving him a clear direction anytime soon. This is such a far cry from what we are used to seeing from Young when we remember back to his time in the Impact Zone. The WWE has a brilliant talent on their hands here but is failing him massively!

Mike Kanellis

And we conclude today’s blog post with Mike Kanellis, a name I’m sure none of you is surprised to see feature today. Anyone who has followed Mikes career is sure to be disappointed at just how he has been used during his time with the WWE so far. Looking back at what we saw from him during his time in Impact Wrestling there is a huge striking difference to what we are seeing today. He and Maria worked as such a charismatic and entertaining duo with dominance on their side while the pair have both become forgettable characters over in the WWE. Now, the company have so many creative opportunities here, but it has also become clear that we have seen a fraction of what Mike can do in the ring from the moment he arrived in the WWE. There have been so many mistakes made with Mike since his WWE debut and I can’t help but feel as though going to NXT instead of straight to the main roster was the biggest and most vital mistake.

And those are some of the names I believe Impact Wrestling most certainly have used better than the WWE. There are of course, older examples we can use in future blog posts but when we look at the current stars on the roster, these names stick out as brilliant talents not getting the spotlight and booking they deserve and a return/arrival to the WWE may not have been the best move for them.

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