My Top 5 Current WWE Tag Teams
Enzo and Cass
Kick starting my list of top five current WWE Tag Teams is one I'm sure you guys all love too, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady. Two young superstars with bags of potential and serious fan support, Enzo and Cas have been favourites for a very long time and since debuting on the main roster have been just as over with the bigger crowds as they were back in their NXT days. Just like all the tag teams I will be talking about in today's blog post I have been following the careers of both of these superstars for a very very long time and seeing how far they have come over the years makes me very very proud. During their time in NXT I was always a huge fan. They were a team that didn't have much wrestling experience but their fantastic chemistry and brilliant character and mic work meant that they were a team everyone was interested in. Over time however we really have seen them grow in the ring. They both of course still have a long way to go and plenty of in ring improvements to make but over the years they have come so so far and have grown so much that we have to acknowledge that. Over the years they have become one of the most popular and over tag teams in the WWE altogether and after seeing them twice live I can honestly tell you that the reaction these guys get from the crowd is insane and seeing them live is something everyone should get to experience at least once! Since debuting on the main roster they have continued to be two of the most popular superstars on the roster and despite Enzo's unfortunate injury the WWE have continued to book Big Cass extremely well making sure to keep their brand as a tag team looking strong. I don't doubt for a second that once Enzo is back in action these two will jump straight back at the top and will find themselves back in the championship picture in no time.
The New Day
Trust me when I say that deciding who to go into this list next was extremely difficult. I was stuck between two teams and I hate that I can only feature one of the two but I decided to go with the WWE Tag Team Champions, the New Day. I honestly don't believe that there is a single WWE fan that can say they are not a New Day fan. These three have taken us through a crazy journey over the past year and a half and it is almost impossible to sit and say that you're not a fan. Throughout the past year The New Day have been the dominate force in the tag team division. No other team has been able to to touch them. When they were first formed together everyone had their doubts including myself. I was looking forward to seeing where the WWE were going to go with the idea. They put together three very different superstars who all are extremely talented but all in need of a serious push and new direction. The first thew months for these guys were tough. The fact they were booked as baby faces did them no good and it flat out just did not work. They were boring and predicable and they very quickly began to go down that dreaded jobbers road where you become a superstar no one really cares about. However, their heel turn was the turning pint of their career and every single week they grew stronger and stronger. The longer they were left to do their thing the more people slowly started to understand their character and what they were all about. Eventually even the younger audience were able to understand their jokes and their character. The mic work of the New Day was something that I would not go a week without missing and they were the one tag team that I had to make sure I was watching every promo, segment, and interview on. For a long time they were the hottest thing in the WWE and the superstars who were keeping me and many others more entertained. Their booking has also been brilliant. We have seen them compete in fantastic matches from these guys and after winning the tag team championships almost a year ago they have taken part in some seriously amazing main event matches and taken part in solid storyline's. To this day their weekly segment is the one thing that I look forward to more than anything and since turning baby face they have managed to remain one of the most over superstars on the roster and are nowhere near reaching the point of being boring.
Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows
This list would not have been complete without this next team. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Now, keep in mind that I do have a bigger blog post coming up on these guys so make sure to keep an eye out for that. Over the past month Anderson and Gallows have been the hottest superstars on the roster. Every single wrestling fan around the world is talking about them and their future storyline's have been heavily talked about throughout the internet wrestling community. They have competed in several strong stand out matches and have played a hugely important role in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture. Not putting them in this list would have been borderline rude! I am someone who has been following the career of Anderson and Gallows for a very long time. I was always a big big fan of the Bullet Club, but then again, who wasn't!? And so when they debuted a thew weeks back I marked out like a completely crazy person. Their arrival in the WWE is something that I have been waiting for for a very very long time and after months of the WWE teasing their debut it felt amazing watching it all happen live. Since their arrival they have been on fire. Their booking has been brilliant and every single week I'm left on the edge of my seat waiting to see what they are going to do next and seeing how their story develops next. There is no doubt in my mind that by the end of the year they would have been WWE Tag Team Champions and took part in several stand out feuds and storyline's of the year. They continue to make a huge impact in the WWE and I cannot wait to see where their careers in the company go.
The Vaudevillians
Former NXT Tag Team Champions the Vaudevillians are up next. Unlike some of the teams I have already spoken about today I wasn't a fan of the idea of Aiden English and Simon Gotch teaming up. Some of you may remember me talking about this a little more in previous blog post but I have mentioned that I was a huge fan of Aiden English working as a singles competitor and at first I didn't like the idea of him moving to tag team competition. However, their unique character and strong chemistry meant that they were a team I very quickly grew to love. They were one of the most original teams and superstars on the roster and brought to the table something very different and captivating. It did take me a little bit of time to become a bigger fan of the team but once I did I never stopped loving these guy. They bring so much character to their work that it is almost impossible not to be interested in them and they work fanatically well together. As an NXT original, Aiden English is someone that no matter what I will always be a major fan of but Simon Gotch is a superstar who over time I have only began to appreciate and enjoy watching more and more. Now, throughout their time in NXT the Vaudevillians had a great run. With several stand out matches and feuds, and a run as NXT Tag Team Champions the team of Aiden English and Simon Gotch is one that will always be remembered in NXT and whenever they do decide to come back for a little match on NXT again they will sure be welcomed back with a huge reaction from the Full Sail Crowd. However, I do worry for them on the main roster. Everything that appeared to work for them in NXT may just be working against them on the main roster. Many fan including myself have expressed the feeling that they believe that their character just won't cut it on the bigger stage. The fact they are so different to other teams and so original means that those who don't watch NXT and never watched their previous work won't completely understand what they are all about and since getting their call up they have failed to really connect with the fans. What has been so great is their in ring work. Over the past month English and Gotch have managed to find themselves competing in solid matches where their skill and talent in the ring has been seriously highlighted but many fans still are yet to jump on the bandwagon with them and it's such a shame. Honestly, as an NXT fan and a big fan of the Vaudevillians I hate to see them slowly go down the jobbers road but their booking at the moment remains strong and seeing where the WWE take them next is going to be interesting and no matter what I will always be a huge fan.
American Alpha
For a very long time now American Alpha have been one of the hottest teams not only in NXT but across the wrestling scene altogether. Throughout the past eight months or so I have written about the pair on several different occasions both her on my blog and over on twitter and so many of you reading this will know just how much I love them. You may also know that when the two superstars were first put together I wasn't a big fan at all. I have mentioned it plenty of times before here but back when Jason Jordan and Chad Gable were first put together I had my doubts. As a fan of Jordan's alliance with Tye Dillinger and their previous tag team work I wasn't all for the idea of him and Gable teaming up. However, over time I very quickly became a huge fan of the two working together and out of nowhere they became one of my favourite tag teams in the WWE. Their chemistry is something that to this day continues to grow stronger and stronger, they look brilliant together, and
they bring out the best in one another. Jason Jordan is a superstar that has been working in

So that is my list of my top five current WWE Tag Teams! As always I would love to know what you think so let me know down in the comments bellow who your current favourite tag teams are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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