Top 7 Money in the Bank Moments

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good and have had a great weekend. Now, today I will not be uploading  RAW Predictions post as we need to get talking about Money in the bank! The annual pay per view took place last night live on the WWE Network airing from LA. A packed card saw plenty of superstars take centre stage and and deliver brilliant performances. We had three championships on the line and with a title change on the cards it was a fun night with some truly fantastic matches. Yes, there were a couple of matches that were pain full to watch and I have no idea why they bothered even booking them but the stand out matches really were just that. I won't be talking about the Money in the Bank kick off show in today's blog post just because I did not enjoy it at all and I don't believe that there is anything to really comment on that is worth it. It was basically one big insult. This also as you can already tell from the title will not be a full review and reactions post. I'll be honest, I am far too tired to write a review and as I mentioned a while back there will be a couple of months were I write these highlight posts instead of full reviews so let me know if you still like these. I will back tomorrow with a full RAW Review and reactions post and I will be live tweeting throughout the show. As usual any recent blog posts will be linked bellow including my most recent RAW review. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of lasts night shows by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

The New Day edge even closer to Making History

The WW Tag Team division kick started the show last night when the hottest teams on the roster came together to deliver what was a truly fantastic tag team matches. The Vaudevillians, Enzo and Cass, The Club, and the New Day all competed for the tag team titles in a massive fatal four way that of course had serious high expectations amongst the fans. These after all are four the greatest tag teams in the WWE today, all bringing something different and all extremely talented this was bound to be a special match up and they did not disappoint. Of course we all realised that there were a couple of messy spots and missed ones but taking all of that out we got a handful of fantastic moments in this match and it one hundred and ten percent lived up to the expectations. Now, if you read my Predictions post for this match up than you would know that I was actually expecting to see the titles change hands. I was completely confident that either Anderson and Gallows or Enzo and Cass would walk out of Money in the Bank as the new WWE Tag Team Champions. If we look at the current story and the momentum carried by Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows in particular in my eyes it felt like a clear victory for them. While they did come close many times it was the New Day who were able to pick up that all important victory. I have to admit that despite the fact I was rooting for Enzo and Cass the whole way through I was left very very happy at the fact that the New Day remained the tag team champions. They are only edging closer to breaking that record and we all know they are team that really do deserve and it does make me very very excited.

Natalya turns Heel

 Looking on twitter a lot of you called it before the match had even started but I personally did not see it coming. Natalya turning heel. I'll be honest, I literally had zero in last nights women's tag team match up between Dana Brooke and the Women's Champion Charlotte and Becky Lynch and Natalya. There was absolutely no buzz around it what so ever and we were not promised anything different to what we had seen before. I actually tweeted out that I was sitting back and waiting for Sasha Banks to hurry up and get back in the championship picture instead of competing in four minuet matches against Summer Rae on Superstars every week. The match last night was nothing special. The one good thing I took away from this was realising that the WWE had finally got it right when Dana's ring gear. There were a couple of decent spots but nothing that amazed me and made me feel as though I should change how I feel about it. It was a predicable, dull match and nothing major really happened until after the match were Natalya turnt heel attacking Becky Lynch to close their segment. Like I said, I did not expect this at all and thinking about it I'm not whether or not it's worth it. Sure we can get a couple of really good matches out of Becky and Nattie if they are given enough time but the fact is is that nothing will change for Nattie. No big push is waiting for her and after a couple of weeks she will be right back competing in four minuet matches on Smackdown that no one remembers. It was nice to see her as the women walking out of Money in the Bank the most talked about and so this did have to go into the list today.

Baron Corbin becoming new top powerhouse

It is no secret what so ever that I was not a fan of the Dolph Ziggler VS Baron Corbin match/feud. Another common mistake the WWE always seem to make, they ran this feud for far too long and in the process did no good for Corbin and his early WWE Main roster career. I tweeted out last night that after there match up last night things needed to change and Corbin and Ziggler should stay as far away from each other as possible and never ever meet in the ring again. Honestly, if I have to sit through another singles match between these two I may just jump out of the window. It's time to move him onto new, more exciting, and bigger things. Talking of Corbin personally, I believe he had his best performance since coming up to the main roster last night. He was extremely dominate throwing Ziggler around as though he was a feather. He looked very strong and moves like the deep six out of the ring made him look like the true monster powerhouse that he should be coming across as. There were a couple of messy moments here and there but his performance all round was a solid one and he left this match with another (and hopefully his final) victory of Dolph Ziggler while also looking very strong and very very dominate.

That entire AJ Styles VS John Cena match

Without a doubt, the match I was most looking forward to was AJ Styles VS John Cena. A true dream match that many of us believed would never happen took centre stage last night as one of the most anticipated and hyped matches in recent years. Here we have two very different superstars with a strong amount of experience both having accomplished so much in their careers. Seeing them collide is something that I never throughout I would see and being able to sit back and give it a watch last night made me very happy and very very excited and they did not appoint what so ever! One hundred and ten percent living up to the expectations from start to finish this was a brilliant match that had me on the edge of my seat glued to my TV and I honestly loved every single second. There was a brilliant story being told throughout this match that made it that much more special and gripping and it was so easy to get behind your favourite. Talking of getting behind your favourite what I also loved about this match was the more you watched it and the longer it went on the more you began to question who would be picking up the victory. It became more difficult to see who would be winning this match and with both superstars really pulling everything they had out of the bag even I was sitting at home wondering what the heck one of these superstars was going to have to do to put away the other and it was brilliant. A true potential match of the year candidate and the ending was done so perfectly. It enabled the feud to go on longer and it pushed Styles as that top heel even more. Loved loved loved this match up!

The Best Money in the Bank Ladder Match ever?

This years Money in the Bank Ladder match was pushed as the greatest ever before it had even taken place and so there was a great deal of pressure for the superstars competing and high expectations amongst the fans. In this match we had six very different superstars with every different backgrounds and styles and so we were presented with something very promising. Throughout every single superstar came close to capturing the brief case and again, the longer it went on the more I began to question and wonder who exactly would be walking away with the victory. This didn't actually come as a big surprise. I mentioned in a couple of RAW Review posts and my prediction post for this match that I believed that this was one of the most unpredictable Money in the Bank ladder matches, literally any one of these superstars could have walked away with the victory and it would have made sense been a good move. Personally, I was backing Owens and I know a lot of you guys were as well. He seemed like the most sensible choice and seeing Owens as Mr Money in the Bank would have been brilliant. However, in the end it was Ambrose who finally got his moment and I have to admit that being an Ambrose fan for so long and waiting so long to see him climb to the top it was great to see him finally get his moment. I really did love this match last night and I have to admit that I do feel as thought his was one of the greatest Money in the Bank ladder matches and it sure did live up to its expectations. 

Seth Rollins beats Roman Reigns 

The main event last night between Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins was actually one of my favourite matches of the night and one of my favourite matches of the year. Honestly, I was not expecting to be such a fan of this match at all but I really did loved it. These are two superstars with such a big history and such fantastic in ring chemistry that this was bound to be something special and it sure did live up to the expectations and the hype the WWE had created. It did feel as though it could have main evened Wrestlemania. It was yet another match that saw Reigns prove us all wrong and make a huge statement. He was dominate throughout and had a fantastic performance. I found myself watching and commenting throughout the match applauding Reigns and what he was doing. Honestly, one of my favourite matches of his. Now, personally I was expecting to see Reigns retain, I think a great deal of us were. Regardless of the whether or not we were going to get a cash in I know plenty were expecting Reigns to win this match. I was left on the edge of my seat yelling at my TV at gone four AM and I honestly had no idea who was going to get the win the longer the match went on and it was brilliant. So many close calls and brilliant spots but in the end it was Seth Rollins who actually picked up the victory pinning Reigns and becoming a two time WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Seeing Rollins win back the championship he never lost made me so so happy and so proud and it was without a doubt one of my favourite moments of the year so far despite it not lasting very long. 

Dean Ambrose Finally gets his Moment 

Lets be honest, it has not been easy being a Dean Ambrose fan. Confident three years ago that once
the Shield had broken up he would become the top star possessing the most potential he was in fact pushed to the back and despite brilliant matches, promos, and feuds he was the last of the Shield boys to get their push and take centre stage. Competing in many championship matches throughout the past couple of years Ambrose has come close many times before but never quite got what he wanted. However, that all changed last night. The money in the Bank pay per view this year was all about Dean Ambrose. He took centre stage and the made the night all about him. It was finally time for us Ambrose fans to celebrate and enjoy seeing him take the spot. Not only winning the money in the bank ladder match but cashing in and winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ambrose made his mark and finally became the top dog. It was a moment we had all been waiting for for so long but the wait proved to be worth it and I could not be any happier seeing Ambrose as the man on top with the title closing the show. I will be talking more about this cash in a thew weeks time in a separate blog post so keep an eye out for that. 

I thought this years Money in the bank pay per view was a pretty good one. We had a couple of matches that I had literally zero interest in but the matches that did get the push certainly lived up to their expectations and we had a thew matches join the talks of potential match of the year. Now, I would love to know what you guys thought of the show so leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria telling me what you thought!

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