Five Current British Wrestlers You Should Know (PRE POSTED)

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! Now, over the past couple of weeks I have been trying my  best to upload more posts talking about wrestling promotions outside of the WWE and I have been paying extra attention to the British Wrestling Scene. Over the past thew months or so I have been paying even more attention to the British Wrestling Scene and I have to say that my love for it is well and truly back. Now, in the past my posts that I have written about British wrestling has gone down well and I have been wanting to write more ever since. So today I have another for you and this time I am counting down my top five current British Wrestlers you should know today! I had so much fun writing this post and I cannot wait for you guys to get reading it! Before we get started I have to quickly mention that all the names in this blog post will be completely new. I'm trying to mention as many different wrestlers as possible and so the names I mentioned in my previous British Wrestling post will not be included in this one.I do have plenty more posts like this coming up in the next couple of months or so so let me know what else you would like to see int his little season and what other promotions you would like me to speak about. As always any recent blog post will be linked bellow including my most recent RAW Review and Reactions post/Highlight Post and Smackdown Review. Finally, you can let me know what you think of today's post and who your current favourite British Wrestler is by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.


Rampage Brown 
I'm pretty confident that most of you reading this would have heard of Rampage Brown at least once in your life. One of British Wrestling's most dominate forces he has found himself travelling around the world, competing in some of the best promotions the industry has to offer. Some of you may recognise him from TNA British Bootcamp while others may have a brilliant memory and remember Rampage competing in a rather forgettable match against Mark Henry in a simple squash match in ECW. Nowadays, you can catch Brown demolishing opponents in NGW, ICW, and more recently WCPW. I personally have been a big big fan of Rampage Brown from the moment I first started watching him. A captivating talent who continues to grow more and more how could you not be a fan of Rampage Brown? Over the years he has competed in a handful of brilliant matches that have highlighted him as one of the most promising, talented, and dominate performers in all of British professional wrestling. More recently, his work with the Control over on NGW has put him right back in the spotlight where he deserves working as the monster heel with the numbers on his side. He has also found himself at the top of the game over on the WCPW roster in the main event picture as one of the top stars there also. Whether you're a fan of big built wrestlers or not Rampage Brown is someone to go and invest your time into. A talented man with plenty to offer you do not want to be missing out on his brilliant stories and matches!

Zack Saber Jr
Arguably the best technical wrestler in the world today, Zack Saber Jr is a man every wrestling fan should be aware of today. A popular fan favourite, Zack is another star to have travelled the world throughout his career making a name for himself and competing in some truly outstanding matches. At the moment the British star is one of thirty four of the best cruiser weights competing down in Florida in the WWE Cruiser weight Classic. An early favourite, Zack was one of the stars to pick the biggest reaction on the "get to know" edition of the show. I'm sure since that night many people who may not of been aware of him went and did the research and have joined the rest of the wrestling world and became a Zack Saber Jr fan. Now, for those of you who still have no idea who he is I suggest that you seriously go and research him! Trust me you will not regret it. He's one of those talents who you could genuinely watch compete for hours. An insanely unique, interesting move set Zack Saber Jr will leave you entertained and remembering why you love professional wrestling. He gives you that old school feel and with a different look to most pro wrestlers you see on TV today he's a refreshing figure. Every match Saber competes in your given a true treat with a match full of fantastic spots and great technical wrestling. I don't doubt for a single second that only bigger things are to come for the young star and I of course will be backing my fellow Britt all the way through the cruiser weight classic.

Joseph Conners  
I have to be honest, when I was writing my notes for this post I spent a lost of time debating with myself about whether or not to include Joseph Conners in this blog post and that's mainly because I haven't been following his career for very long. I've only recently gotten back into watching NGW and only recently has Joseph Conners been grabbing my attention so much. However, I have been so massively impressed and entertained by him that he just had to be included in the end. So, if you are not aware of young Joseph Conners than let me tell you a little about him. A fantastically talented technical wrestler, Conners beams potential and regardless of what he does he always manages to grab the attention of the crowd and the fans because of his great wrestling ability and fantastic character/charisma. Now, as I mentioned, I'm still doing my own amount of research on Joseph Conners but from what I have seen of him so far I have honestly loved. His work during season two of NGW was just brilliant and something that the more I watched the more I grew to like. He works such an interesting character over there, one that I have been left wanting to know more about every single week. We then have his work over on WCPW more recently and again he has been a stand out performer. Every week so far he has been one of the stars that I have most captivated by despite not being pushed as one of the bigger stars on the roster. He has found his place perfectly and every match he has competed in he has been the one who in my eyes has taken the spotlight and been the stand out. He may not be the most popular stars on the scene right now but he is more than worth checking out!

Nathan Cruz
As I write this blog post Nathan Cruz is the current face of NGW. As the reigning champion he is the man everyone is talking about on the British Wrestling Scene. Everything you look for in a champion and a face in any pro wrestling promotion, Nathan Cruz is a man that we should all be paying very close attention too. Just like every other man we have spoken about in today's blog post, Nathan Cruz has competed in a handful of fantastic matches that I have not stopped talking about. There truly is a long list of matches that go with Cruz that really do allow him to be highlighted as one of the most promising and talented men in British Wrestling today. A young star, Nathan has worked his ass off for years to earn his place at the top and we as fans really have been able to sit back and watch him grow to become the face of NGW, a title he deserves. Talking of titles, it's more than safe to say that Nathan Cruz has had a fantastic championship reign. Defending his title against the best British Wrestling has to offer he's a man that has the fans behind him tightly and has competed in some of  the greatest matches in NGW history, some of witch I still go back and re-watch and talk about. Still at such a young age and with so much potential, Nathan Cruz is a man with so much heading his way and a big big future in front of him. Seeing how far he has come and how quickly has been great and now it's time for you guys to come along on the journey and get watching this brilliant star also!

Mikey Whiplash
And finally we have Mikey Whiplash. Now, anyone that knows me well enough will know that I am the worlds biggest Mikey Whiplash fan. I will openly sit here and say I am pretty obsessed with this
man and I have been pretty vocal about it over on my social media as I'm sure some of you reading this have seen! I have mentioned Whiplash a couple of times in the past here on my blog and I will link some of those posts bellow but if you are someone that is aware of the work that is Mikey Whiplash than you will know exactly why I love him so much. Not only is he an absolutely beauty and great to look at he has one of the most captivating, interesting, entertaining, unique and in this day and age controversial characters in all of professional wrestling. It's safe to say that there is no man with an identical character in the whole of professional wrestling and I love that. The whole image and persona that is Mikey Whiplash plays such a huge role in why he is one of the top names in British wrestling today and why he deserves to be a name we all know and talk about. His actual wrestling ability is also brilliant. A true veteran, Whiplash has been wrestling for well over fifteen years and his experience shines through in every match he competes in. It's clear when you watch him wrestle that this is a man who knows what he's doing, is comfortable and has been doing this for a great deal of time. Trust me if you have no idea who Mikey Whiplash is I seriously advise you to go check him out right now. A brilliantly entertaining and captivating talent this is  man I just know you will all love!

So that is my little list of five current British Wrestlers you should know! You can let me know what you think of today's post and who your current favourite British Wrestler is by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

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