LOST POST: How I would Have Book the end of the Stardust Gimmick
The Stardust gimmick came about a couple of years back after the WWE spent time working on a story that saw Cody Rhodes go on some kind of loosing streak and slowly but surely loose himself. At a pay per view event Cody told his brother and tag team partner Goldust to go on the search for a new superstar to tag team with after he had become unworthy of being his partner, holding Goldie back. For around a month we saw Goldust team up with several different superstars on the roster as he went on the hunt for a Cody Rhodes "replacement" but was never able to find the perfect man to sand by his side and chase after the tag team championships. Weeks passed and eventually we got to witness the arrival of Stardust. First teaming up with Goldie it was interesting yet weird alliance and the eventual heel turn was one we all saw coming. Now, I'll be honest from the get go I hated this gimmick. I didn't understand who it was supposed to target and attract and all I could think about was when and how it was going to end. My first thought was that this was going to be a way to retire Goldust. The WWE looked to be going in the direction of creating a strong rivalry between the two brothers and I still to this day believe that if they carried on going where they were going than we could have gotten something very special between the two superstars and the role Stardust played on the roster and during his run would have been an interesting one and of course would have been much much more clear. Instead Stardust has spent the past couple of years floating around on the roster not really competing in any strong and gripping storyline and competing in the odd thew stand out matches. I have already mentioned in the intro that I do feel that this character has allowed Cody Rhodes to show everyone just how diverse of an athlete and competitor he is. The change of character really forced him to change up how he moved in the ring and in segments/promos and he was able to show even more of what he can do and you cannot help but be impressed.
Keeping everything in mind that we have just mentioned all the negatives and the positives that have come with this new character I know I speak on the behalf of plenty of you guys reading this when I say it's time to ditch the Stardust gimmick and bring back Cody Rhodes! But how do the WWE do it? What is the best way to bring back to life the real Cody? And how would I personally book it? Let's take a look.
When talking about how to ditch the Stardust gimmick and bring back Cody Rhodes we have to go all the way back to the start of the feud and focus our attentions on Goldust. Whether you like it or not Goldie is going to play a huge role in creating a way that Cody Rhode can come back to action and we can all wave goodbye to Stardust. As we have already touched on, I have no idea why the WWE thought it was a good idea to drop the idea of a feud between the two brothers. As soon as the Stardust gimmick popped up everyone was expecting the two to feud and that is the exact direction the WWE were going in however for some reason they stopped the whole thing and to this day I believe it was a huge mistake! Back when the two brothers began to feud I was convinced that we would be seeing Stardust retire Goldust and that is where the WWE were going with the whole feud. I mentioned it in a thew blog posts back then that this is what I felt the WWE were going to go with and what I find so great is for my blog post today we are going to be going right back the to the idea of retirement. In this blog post today we are able to discuss a way to bring back a much needed character while giving another character in need of a serious push and a good feud. It's about time Goldust got into something that was more than just a comedy segment backstage.
Okay, so the big event we need to be focusing on is SummerSlam. As the second biggest pay per view of the year it's the perfect night to set up a good storyline and a huge huge match up. So at the moment Goldust and Stardust are both pretty much just floating around. Goldust has his thing with R-truth, Tyler Breeze, and Fandango. Four very talented superstars all stuck in backstage segments and a comedy story that is almost painful to watch. I'll be honest, I hate the whole Golden Truth idea. Yes they are genuinely funny and it adds a couple of light segments to what can feel like a stressful show. Now, while I may really dislike the Golden Truth angle in my fantasy booking world it's something that is going to have to stick around and be developed as the first stage of creating a huge rivalry between Stardust and Goldust. If this is going to work we are going to have to see R-Truth and Goldust sort their awkward shit out and actually form a tag team. Working together to slowly create something that will eventually end anyway. For a month or so we need to see Goldust and R-truth actually get on a good positive run. Picking up wins both in singles and tag team action they both slowly start to gain momentum and begin to look like an actual legit tag team who one day maybe could build their way up to the championship picture, maybe even throw in a t-shirt to make them look more legit. Then on an episode of RAW we see the Golden Truth competing in a match could end up putting them in the picture for a shot at the tag team championships and out of nowhere Stardust pops up and beats the living shit out of both Goldust and R-truth. On Smackdown that week and the RAW following we see Stardust in backstage promos talking about his actions and targeting Goldust. Upon Goldie's return the two clash and a simple singles match is booked against them for either RAW on an up and coming pay per view. The match is actually much better than expected but after the match ends in a disqualification Stardust once again goes on the attack, sending yet another message. We then start to focus on SummerSlam.
As the build up to SummerSlam begins the rivalry between Goldust and Stardust heats up. We get backstage brawls, they appear on Miz TV or the highlight reel, segments and promos are conducted and slowly Goldust tries to tap into the head of Stardust seeing if his brother is still in there somewhere. The storyline can become more emotional and family invested the longer it goes on and the WWE really wouldn't have to put too much of an effort in to get the fans emotionally invested in this storyline. As the weeks follow and SummerSlam edges closer another one on one match between the two is set up however this time there is going to be more on the line as the loser of this match will have to leave the WWE for good. If the WWE are able to spend a lot of time working on this storyline and really telling the story well than this could be a brilliant addition to the SummerSlam card and the booking is perfect. In the weeks before SummerSlam we could see Goldust plead and beg with his brother telling him that it doesn't need to come to one of them leaving the company and spends even more time trying to force Cody to snap out of it but nothing works. The two of course have fantastic chemistry and work together extremely well, in their SummerSlam match we see them
deliver one of the best matches of both their careers, beating the living crap out of each other and eventually after a long heartfelt battle it's Goldust who walks away with a victory and after the match we see an emotional Goldust trying to apologise to his brother but and angry Stardust shoves Goldie and walks away. Forcing Stardust to leave the WWE is forcing Stardust to leave the WWE not Cody Rhodes and it could be weeks or months before we see Cody return. It's one of the best ways to get rid of the Stardust gimmick but also bring back Cody who was never forced to leave the company.

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