Night Of Champions Predictions: The Wyatt Family VS Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Mystery partner
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. This Sunday live on the WWE Network and cable TV, the WWE will present the two thousand and fifteen Night Of Champions pay per view. The show will be held in Houston Texas as the WWE takes over the Toyota Center and the match card is without a doubt one of the strongest of the year so far. If I'm being completely honest, I have over the years lost a lot of interest in this pay per view. If we go back six years ago or so the scene was very different and we had many more championships on the roster and so it does kind of feel like there's no need for the pay per view any more. However, I am super excited for the show this Sunday and I'm looking forward to most of the matches set to take place. Throughout this week it is of course Night Of Champions prediction week witch means that all week right up until Saturday I will be uploading my full predictions for every single match on the Night Of Champions card. I will be recapping all of the action from the past month, taking a look back at what all the superstars have been up too and then of course taking an even deeper look into the individual predictions. On Sunday I will of course be live tweeting throughout the show and the links to all my social media will be listed bellow at the end of the post. Also on Sunday I'll be uploading my support pictures to let you know who I will be backing for every match. Before we start I have a couple of updates for you. Now, next month I will have a new series on my blog. July and August was of course NXT month (and I still have a couple of blog post to upload from that) but next month it will be a new series here and I would love to know what you would like to see, so let me know down in the comments bellow. You have two weeks to let me know what you want next month to be dedicated too. I also would really love to know what posts you would like to see here on my blog before October. I really want to start uploading more regularly and writing more diverse blog posts so let me know as well what you would like to read every day. I will link bellow any recent blog post and you can let me know what your predictions are for all the matches this weekend by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Three weeks ago on the night after SummerSlam edition of Monday Night RAW we saw the surprising debut of Braun Strowman. Prior to he's arrival, the SummerSlam rematch between Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose was taking place and as Reigns and Ambrose were set to close in on the victory the lights in the arena went out and darkness surrounded. When they lifted again we all saw a strange figure standing on the apparent wearing a black sheep mask, hiding he's identity. After a thew moments passed and we were all able to take in what was happening and what was about to happen the mask was removed and behind it was a face that none of the WWE Universe were able to recognise. The large figure entered the ring and man-handled both Ambrose and Reigns and taking the baby face hero's out and sending a huge message to every single WWE Superstar and fan. There was a new member of the Wyatt family clan and he was one not to be messed with. But who exactly is Braun Strowman? Unlike most superstars we have seen debut on the main roster over the past years, we hadn't seen Strowman debut for NXT TV so we didn't know who he was, what he could do in the ring, and what he had to offer. The only time most of would have seen him is when he worked as a Rosebud for Adam Rose and if you had been to any NXT Live events that he had wrestled at. So Braun Strowman, was the mysterious big guy with a killer of an alliance on he's hands. Because we didn't know anything about him it was impossible to make any early judgements or have any expectations of him. However, it is safe to say that we all had some kind of first impression of him and I personally was very very excited as you would have seen if you follow me on twitter. I love it when we see a new guy burst out and make an impact and that is exactly what we saw from Strowman. He had a fantastic presence and was clearly very very dominate. I liked the risk that the WWE were taking with Strowman. The fact that we didn't hear of he's debut and we knew nothing about him made him unpredictable and mysterious. It left you wanting to know more and find out information about him and we don't really see that very often. There was no hints of he's arrival with not a single vignette hyping he's debut. However, I was a little sceptical. I didn't know what to expect from Braun at all. We didn't know how strong he was in the ring, how well he's mic ability was, and what he could bring to the WWE and most importantly, the Wyatt family. It was clear why he was called up. Strowman fits the picture perfectly. He's physical image, he's height, he's size, and he's all round presence makes him the perfect contender to join the Wyatt family clan and with time being short it would have made no sense to have missed the opportunity to call him up. A week after he's debut we did see Braun make he's in ring debut when he squared off against former United States Champion, Dean Ambrose. The match was a predicable one and was of course very one sided but it did what it needed to do. He might not have shown to be the strongest in ring competitor but he received a well executed introduction and just like as we have seen all month long, he slung Ambrose around the ring like he was a rag doll, squeezing the lie out of him without even looking like he broke a sweat. The WWE have been very clever with he's booking, keeping to the effective, basic booking technique and it has really worked. well. Now, this Sunday is going to be a huge test for Strowman because not only is he taking on three very gifted in ring competitors in Reigns, Ambrose, and, but he is also teaming along side two of the very best that the WWE has today. Because he's partners are so strong in the ring it means that Strowman is under a lot of pressure to deliver to a high standard and keep up with everyone else. If he fails to do so then he will find himself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Braun Strowman will be teaming up this Sunday with two of the best on the WWE main roster in Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. They are two superstars who over the past three years or so have been two of the most entertaining and fun to watch superstars. They have both competed in some of the best matches to come out of the WWE in recent years and have been apart of some of the strongest feuds in the company. If we take a look at what Bray Wyatt alone has accomplished since he debuted you cannot help but be majorly impressed. At only twenty eight years old, Bray has stepped in the ring with some of the best and biggest names in sports entertainment history including John Cena, Kane, and the Undertaker. Now, he may not have come up on top after every match but he has remained a top stand out by putting on phenomenal matches/performances and delivering some of the greatest promos I personally have ever witnessed. He is without a doubt one of if not the most captivating superstar on the roster and I'm always excited to watch him compete. Two thousand and fifteen has been very up and down for Bray. Going back to the start of the year he was without a doubt the stand out of the Royal Rumble match after having the most eliminations of the night and spending a great deal of time in full control.He then of course had he's biggest feud to date when he challenged the Undertaker at Wrestlemania thirty one. However, if I'm being completely honest, I don't think that feud did much good for him. The idea was strong and it had a good direction and story but something didn't quite work. The match was disappointing and the build up was very repetitive. After Wrestlemania it took Bray a while to get back on track and booked stronger, He had a small feud with Ryback witch I hated. It did nothing for Bray what so ever and the only good feedback I had to offer was the fact that he brought out a lot in Ryback and gave the big guy one of he's best matches to date. The turn around this year for Bray was of course he's rekindled feud with Roman Reigns. These two have tons of history and together for the past couple of months now they have delivered a great feud with some strong matches. Together they gave each other what the other needed and they managed to get back on track. Luke Harper on the other hand has had a much tougher year. In the build up to Wrestlemania he's main focus was on the Intercontinental Championship and while he did have a fantastic performance on the night he hasn't had the best of years. He's booking has been far from the strongest and we haven't seen enough of him at all. It does make me very mad. Luke Harper is without fail one of the most gifted wrestlers the WWE have right now. He's extremely diverse in the ring, fun to watch, and beyond unpredictable. He has a great character and presence and so seeing him contentiously get booked so poorly really frustrates me. I've been a fan of he's way before he came to the WWE and I always find myself screaming at the TV for more of him and better booking decisions. I know I have written about it many times before but one of the biggest mistakes the WWE made was splitting up the Wyatt family too early and now that they are putting them back together again it just feels like something isn't right but I am loving the fact that they are back together and looking stronger than ever. The addition of Strowman has made the Wyatt family clan even stronger and much more frighting. After spending time on the sidelines and taking quieter run, it's about time Harper and Bray get's back on track and the presence of Braun Strowman puts them right back on the top again.
Here is what I wrote about Roman Reigns in last months top fifteen superstars of the month post:
"Up next and coming in at number eight is Roman Reigns. Reigns has had a much quieter month witch has worked in he's favour greatly. Instead of the WWE making it the Roman Reigns show we have seen him take a little seat back but he's booking has remained strong and he has left me very very impressed throughout the month. Throughout July we have seen Reigns continue to feud with Bray Wyatt after their feud kick started at the Money in the bank pay per view when Wyatt cost Reigns the money in the bank ladder match. I do think that Wyatt did a lot of work when it came to pushing the feud at the start and getting everyone excited for it but Reigns held he's own and he had just as much involvement in the feud and build up to the Battleground match. He cut a couple of decent promos. He's getting much much more comfortable on the mic and he's making clear improvements witch not even I can deny. I also want to talk about the interview he did a thew weeks back with Michael Cole. Now, if you haven't seen this interview than I do think that you should go and check it out because I was really impressed with him. He held he's own and was clean and fluent throughout the entire interview. Down to the actual wrestling and like I said he's booking has remained strong all month. At the start of July we saw him team up with Ambrose on a couple of occasions where despite having some distractions from Wyatt he had a dominate showing and good all round performance. The stand out match of he's this month however had to be when he's Battleground match with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt really did push him to he's limits and Reigns had one of he's best performances to date. The match made my top twenty this month and the reason why this match was so key for Reigns is because it showed just how far he has come in the past year when it comes to wrestling ability."
It's no secret that I'm very critical of Roman Reigns and almost everything he does, but I cannot deny that he is without a doubt the most improved superstar of two thousand and fifteen. He has embraced all the opportunities that have come he's way and he has used every superstar and pay per view match to better himself and prove people wrong. Now, I'm not sitting here with a Roman Reigns shirt one and claiming he is my favourite WWE Superstar of today, far from it, but there is denying that he has worked he's butt off this past year and he is slowly winning me over. He's feud with Wyatt has been one of if not he's best feud this year. The two of them have so much chemistry and history and as we have seen over the past couple of months Wyatt pushes Reigns in the ring and as a result we have seen some great matches from the pair of them. The original Storyline between the two of them has gotten lost over the past month since Ambrose and Harper joined. I do think that the WWE didn't put as much effort into their solo feud. The writing fell flat after two weeks and it failed to be a consistent feud. When the storyline got a boost with the edition of Harper and Ambrose things did get much much better but once again there has been no strong story and clear reason why they are feuding in the first place. However, what I will say is the WWE have done a good job keeping Reigns out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture. Doing so has allowed him to grow even more and work on all aspects and as a result he has been in everyone's good books and slowly he is getting better as a character, on the mic, and in the ring. As for Ambrose he has taken a little seat back witch I haven't minded seeing to be completely honest. It's not as though they have completely pushes him aside and he's booking has been poor because it hasn't what so ever. He continues to be a stand out and have solid performances he just isn't doing anything over the top.The thing about Ambrose that makes him so special is he is a fantastic story teller and so he's facial expressions alone and he's selling can allow him to tell a story and develop a feud. He was the first superstar to challenge Braun Strowman and he put him over perfectly, making him look dominate and strong throughout, selling he's moves perfectly. Because he was the first one to go one on one with him he has an idea of what to watch out for when competing against him.With Dean Ambrose I have to admit that I'm glad the WWE have taken a little seat back with him. He has had some amazing feuds this year and some not so great. Teaming him back up with Reigns puts him in the spotlight but also allows him to not do anything too over the top. Throughout the month he has competed in some average matches but nothing amazing witch has been disappointing. I'm hoping that they book him a little stronger after Night Of Champions This weekend.
There have been so many rumours as to who will be teaming up with Reigns and Ambrose from Erick Rowan, to Baron Corbin to even the Rock and I like that there is that unpredictability. I like
that we don't know for sure who will be the third partner it creates more excitement and gives us something to look forward too. For storyline purposes I would much rather Erick Rowan teamed up with Ambrose and Reigns. I just think they could do a great twist with Rowan turning on Ambrose and Reigns with the Wyatt family clan growing more and more leading up to a possible team Wyatt family VS team Reigns at Survivor series in a couple of months. I know I have already said it but even though I'm a huge Baron Corbin fan I wouldn't want to see him make he's main roster debut tonight just because I don't think he is ready at all right now and it just wouldn't make any sense. Witch team am I back tonight? I have to say that I'm team Wyatt family tonight. I believe they need the win much more than Ambrose and Reigns and for the storyline to be a success and carry on I think they need it much more. If they pick up a loss tonight it could and would be a really bad move and would be extremely difficult for them to pick themselves back up. The closing moments of this match are going to be very interesting.
Three weeks ago on the night after SummerSlam edition of Monday Night RAW we saw the surprising debut of Braun Strowman. Prior to he's arrival, the SummerSlam rematch between Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose was taking place and as Reigns and Ambrose were set to close in on the victory the lights in the arena went out and darkness surrounded. When they lifted again we all saw a strange figure standing on the apparent wearing a black sheep mask, hiding he's identity. After a thew moments passed and we were all able to take in what was happening and what was about to happen the mask was removed and behind it was a face that none of the WWE Universe were able to recognise. The large figure entered the ring and man-handled both Ambrose and Reigns and taking the baby face hero's out and sending a huge message to every single WWE Superstar and fan. There was a new member of the Wyatt family clan and he was one not to be messed with. But who exactly is Braun Strowman? Unlike most superstars we have seen debut on the main roster over the past years, we hadn't seen Strowman debut for NXT TV so we didn't know who he was, what he could do in the ring, and what he had to offer. The only time most of would have seen him is when he worked as a Rosebud for Adam Rose and if you had been to any NXT Live events that he had wrestled at. So Braun Strowman, was the mysterious big guy with a killer of an alliance on he's hands. Because we didn't know anything about him it was impossible to make any early judgements or have any expectations of him. However, it is safe to say that we all had some kind of first impression of him and I personally was very very excited as you would have seen if you follow me on twitter. I love it when we see a new guy burst out and make an impact and that is exactly what we saw from Strowman. He had a fantastic presence and was clearly very very dominate. I liked the risk that the WWE were taking with Strowman. The fact that we didn't hear of he's debut and we knew nothing about him made him unpredictable and mysterious. It left you wanting to know more and find out information about him and we don't really see that very often. There was no hints of he's arrival with not a single vignette hyping he's debut. However, I was a little sceptical. I didn't know what to expect from Braun at all. We didn't know how strong he was in the ring, how well he's mic ability was, and what he could bring to the WWE and most importantly, the Wyatt family. It was clear why he was called up. Strowman fits the picture perfectly. He's physical image, he's height, he's size, and he's all round presence makes him the perfect contender to join the Wyatt family clan and with time being short it would have made no sense to have missed the opportunity to call him up. A week after he's debut we did see Braun make he's in ring debut when he squared off against former United States Champion, Dean Ambrose. The match was a predicable one and was of course very one sided but it did what it needed to do. He might not have shown to be the strongest in ring competitor but he received a well executed introduction and just like as we have seen all month long, he slung Ambrose around the ring like he was a rag doll, squeezing the lie out of him without even looking like he broke a sweat. The WWE have been very clever with he's booking, keeping to the effective, basic booking technique and it has really worked. well. Now, this Sunday is going to be a huge test for Strowman because not only is he taking on three very gifted in ring competitors in Reigns, Ambrose, and, but he is also teaming along side two of the very best that the WWE has today. Because he's partners are so strong in the ring it means that Strowman is under a lot of pressure to deliver to a high standard and keep up with everyone else. If he fails to do so then he will find himself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Braun Strowman will be teaming up this Sunday with two of the best on the WWE main roster in Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. They are two superstars who over the past three years or so have been two of the most entertaining and fun to watch superstars. They have both competed in some of the best matches to come out of the WWE in recent years and have been apart of some of the strongest feuds in the company. If we take a look at what Bray Wyatt alone has accomplished since he debuted you cannot help but be majorly impressed. At only twenty eight years old, Bray has stepped in the ring with some of the best and biggest names in sports entertainment history including John Cena, Kane, and the Undertaker. Now, he may not have come up on top after every match but he has remained a top stand out by putting on phenomenal matches/performances and delivering some of the greatest promos I personally have ever witnessed. He is without a doubt one of if not the most captivating superstar on the roster and I'm always excited to watch him compete. Two thousand and fifteen has been very up and down for Bray. Going back to the start of the year he was without a doubt the stand out of the Royal Rumble match after having the most eliminations of the night and spending a great deal of time in full control.He then of course had he's biggest feud to date when he challenged the Undertaker at Wrestlemania thirty one. However, if I'm being completely honest, I don't think that feud did much good for him. The idea was strong and it had a good direction and story but something didn't quite work. The match was disappointing and the build up was very repetitive. After Wrestlemania it took Bray a while to get back on track and booked stronger, He had a small feud with Ryback witch I hated. It did nothing for Bray what so ever and the only good feedback I had to offer was the fact that he brought out a lot in Ryback and gave the big guy one of he's best matches to date. The turn around this year for Bray was of course he's rekindled feud with Roman Reigns. These two have tons of history and together for the past couple of months now they have delivered a great feud with some strong matches. Together they gave each other what the other needed and they managed to get back on track. Luke Harper on the other hand has had a much tougher year. In the build up to Wrestlemania he's main focus was on the Intercontinental Championship and while he did have a fantastic performance on the night he hasn't had the best of years. He's booking has been far from the strongest and we haven't seen enough of him at all. It does make me very mad. Luke Harper is without fail one of the most gifted wrestlers the WWE have right now. He's extremely diverse in the ring, fun to watch, and beyond unpredictable. He has a great character and presence and so seeing him contentiously get booked so poorly really frustrates me. I've been a fan of he's way before he came to the WWE and I always find myself screaming at the TV for more of him and better booking decisions. I know I have written about it many times before but one of the biggest mistakes the WWE made was splitting up the Wyatt family too early and now that they are putting them back together again it just feels like something isn't right but I am loving the fact that they are back together and looking stronger than ever. The addition of Strowman has made the Wyatt family clan even stronger and much more frighting. After spending time on the sidelines and taking quieter run, it's about time Harper and Bray get's back on track and the presence of Braun Strowman puts them right back on the top again.
Here is what I wrote about Roman Reigns in last months top fifteen superstars of the month post:
"Up next and coming in at number eight is Roman Reigns. Reigns has had a much quieter month witch has worked in he's favour greatly. Instead of the WWE making it the Roman Reigns show we have seen him take a little seat back but he's booking has remained strong and he has left me very very impressed throughout the month. Throughout July we have seen Reigns continue to feud with Bray Wyatt after their feud kick started at the Money in the bank pay per view when Wyatt cost Reigns the money in the bank ladder match. I do think that Wyatt did a lot of work when it came to pushing the feud at the start and getting everyone excited for it but Reigns held he's own and he had just as much involvement in the feud and build up to the Battleground match. He cut a couple of decent promos. He's getting much much more comfortable on the mic and he's making clear improvements witch not even I can deny. I also want to talk about the interview he did a thew weeks back with Michael Cole. Now, if you haven't seen this interview than I do think that you should go and check it out because I was really impressed with him. He held he's own and was clean and fluent throughout the entire interview. Down to the actual wrestling and like I said he's booking has remained strong all month. At the start of July we saw him team up with Ambrose on a couple of occasions where despite having some distractions from Wyatt he had a dominate showing and good all round performance. The stand out match of he's this month however had to be when he's Battleground match with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt really did push him to he's limits and Reigns had one of he's best performances to date. The match made my top twenty this month and the reason why this match was so key for Reigns is because it showed just how far he has come in the past year when it comes to wrestling ability."
It's no secret that I'm very critical of Roman Reigns and almost everything he does, but I cannot deny that he is without a doubt the most improved superstar of two thousand and fifteen. He has embraced all the opportunities that have come he's way and he has used every superstar and pay per view match to better himself and prove people wrong. Now, I'm not sitting here with a Roman Reigns shirt one and claiming he is my favourite WWE Superstar of today, far from it, but there is denying that he has worked he's butt off this past year and he is slowly winning me over. He's feud with Wyatt has been one of if not he's best feud this year. The two of them have so much chemistry and history and as we have seen over the past couple of months Wyatt pushes Reigns in the ring and as a result we have seen some great matches from the pair of them. The original Storyline between the two of them has gotten lost over the past month since Ambrose and Harper joined. I do think that the WWE didn't put as much effort into their solo feud. The writing fell flat after two weeks and it failed to be a consistent feud. When the storyline got a boost with the edition of Harper and Ambrose things did get much much better but once again there has been no strong story and clear reason why they are feuding in the first place. However, what I will say is the WWE have done a good job keeping Reigns out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture. Doing so has allowed him to grow even more and work on all aspects and as a result he has been in everyone's good books and slowly he is getting better as a character, on the mic, and in the ring. As for Ambrose he has taken a little seat back witch I haven't minded seeing to be completely honest. It's not as though they have completely pushes him aside and he's booking has been poor because it hasn't what so ever. He continues to be a stand out and have solid performances he just isn't doing anything over the top.The thing about Ambrose that makes him so special is he is a fantastic story teller and so he's facial expressions alone and he's selling can allow him to tell a story and develop a feud. He was the first superstar to challenge Braun Strowman and he put him over perfectly, making him look dominate and strong throughout, selling he's moves perfectly. Because he was the first one to go one on one with him he has an idea of what to watch out for when competing against him.With Dean Ambrose I have to admit that I'm glad the WWE have taken a little seat back with him. He has had some amazing feuds this year and some not so great. Teaming him back up with Reigns puts him in the spotlight but also allows him to not do anything too over the top. Throughout the month he has competed in some average matches but nothing amazing witch has been disappointing. I'm hoping that they book him a little stronger after Night Of Champions This weekend.

that we don't know for sure who will be the third partner it creates more excitement and gives us something to look forward too. For storyline purposes I would much rather Erick Rowan teamed up with Ambrose and Reigns. I just think they could do a great twist with Rowan turning on Ambrose and Reigns with the Wyatt family clan growing more and more leading up to a possible team Wyatt family VS team Reigns at Survivor series in a couple of months. I know I have already said it but even though I'm a huge Baron Corbin fan I wouldn't want to see him make he's main roster debut tonight just because I don't think he is ready at all right now and it just wouldn't make any sense. Witch team am I back tonight? I have to say that I'm team Wyatt family tonight. I believe they need the win much more than Ambrose and Reigns and for the storyline to be a success and carry on I think they need it much more. If they pick up a loss tonight it could and would be a really bad move and would be extremely difficult for them to pick themselves back up. The closing moments of this match are going to be very interesting.
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