Top 5 WWE Current Heels
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! For a while now here on my blog I have been uploading very similar blog post with prediction post dominating what you guys have been reading! This has mainly been because I have been so so busy! I'm currently re-decorating my bedroom, it was also my birthday last month, and there have been family drama's left right and center. However, I can finally sit here and give you some good news as from now I am starting a new season on my blog and I intend on uploading much more often and uploading a wider variety of blog post. I'm so glad that I was able to find the time to get writing and I'm so so happy to say that I have a whole load of new posts for you! Starting the new season today is going to be a good old fashioned top five. I know that these posts usually go down pretty well with you guys and I personally really enjoy writing them so I thought they would be a great way to start the new season with. In today's blog post we are going to be counting down the current top heels in the WWE. This is a blog post that I was originally planning on writing and uploading a couple of months ago but I never got around to actually doing it and I really wanted to upload this post before Night Of Champions in a couple of weeks time. Before we get into today's blog post I just want to quickly remind you that NOC prediction week will start next Monday! I will also link bellow any recent blog post including this weeks RAW Review and Reactions by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Ever since I first started watching professional wrestling I have been drawn to the bad guys and that is something that I have carried with me to this day. Growing up and to this very moment I have always spent much more timing enjoying watching the heels and the wrestlers we are suppose to boo. I remember when I went to my first wrestling show and I would always be paying more attention to the bad guys and while everyone else was cheering for the baby face competitors I was always rooting for the villains of the show.I am naturally drawn to the heels finding them much more entertaining to watch and as I have gotten older I have enjoyed writing about them much more than I do the baby faces. Now, over the years the WWE has seen absolutely phenomenal heels, some of the best in the history of pro wrestling. For example, Triple H, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero and so so many more. In today's blog post we are counting the top five current heels look at some of the best villains in the WWE today. Remember you can let me know who you think should be number one by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Bray Wyatt
Bray Wyatt is without a bout one of the greatest heels on the WWE roster today and has been or the past couple of the years. You guys all know that I have been a Bray Wyatt mega fan from the moment the character was born. He is everything that I loved in a heel growing up. He's traditional but different at the same time. He stands out as one of the top bad guys because there isn't many characters like him on the roster/ in the company today. Over the years these types of gimmicks have faded out and the WWE prefer to have the bad guy bad ass as their top heels witch can be a shame because don't we all love the supernatural gimmicky character ever now and then and let's be honest, Bray Wyatt plays the role perfectly. He is one of the most convincing superstars on the roster. The promos that we hear and see him deliver week after week are some of the best promos I have ever heard. They captivate you and get you talking and that is what I like to see. Whenever I watch him whether it be on the mic or in the ring I'm filled with excitement, anticipation and a little fear. He has the power to make you feel like a seven year old kid again completely mesmerised by everything he does and says. Since debuting he has feuded with some of the biggest names in the history of the WWE including Kane, John Cena and even the Undertaker working through all of them as a top heel. He has that horror monster vibe that captivates you and once again something that no one else has. Wyatt uses the people willing to follow him to do he's dirty work and brings that cult feel to a storyline witch I personally am a huge fan of. If Wyatt was around when I was a kid and watching the product he would have been one of my favourite superstars ever and to be completely honest he is shaping up to be just that right now.
4) Rusev
Up next and in at number four in my top five current WWE heels is Rusev. Over the past year Rusev has become one of my favourite WWE superstars and I have been far from shy about letting everyone know about that. I cannot put into words just how much I enjoy watching him and how proud of how far he has come despite not seeing the potential in him to start off with. Now, I may be a Rusev fan but he is without a doubt one of the best heels on the scene right now and he has been all year round. From the moment he debuted Rusev's character has all been about being anti America. In he's first year we saw him take on various superstars who tried to prove that America is the place to be and would stand up and defend their country. These superstars would consist of Big E, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Big Show and more and Rusev would take down every single one of them. All of the superstars that challenged the Bulgarian brute would all be former champions and all had more experience as wrestlers and as WWE superstars but he held he's own perfectly and as a result was extremely successful. Now, a patriotic feud will all go down well and any superstars that comes along and claims to be anti american will straight away get a load of heat and that is exactly what Rusev got. He did of course have loads of help from Lana and without her he wouldn't be where he is right now but it was the work that he put into he's matches that contributed to he's success as a top heel and as time went by it was clear that he didn't need Lana to be a top superstar. He's story telling throughout he's matches kept him a must see superstar. Rusev is a master manipulator and over the past year he has been compared to the likes of Marc Mero because of he's relationship Lana and that really did help push he's career even more. He manages to make everything that is thrown at him work in he's favour. He's a great story teller, he knows how to get under the skin of the WWE universe without even trying, and he uses he's relationship with Lana and Summer Rae to elevate him as the controlling boyfriend character.
3) New Day
For the past six months or so the greatest tag team in WWE has without a doubt been the New Day. It was at the start of the year that we saw Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods put together to create a brand new faction and I could have been happier. I remember being extremely excited about the idea of them bringing something new to the table and finally getting a big push. However, things didn't really get started in the way that we all thought it would. The WWE had spent a great deal of time getting re-branding the three of them, showing video packages and promos hyping the debut of the New Day but when we did finally see them in action disappointed as an understatement. It was not what anyone was hopeing for and I felt my heart sink and the excitement slowly leave. The problem was that they were working as baby faces and that became clear as soon as they had their heel turn. As baby faces they were weak and predicable and they were very limited, but as soon as they took on the role of heels everything changed. The smiling, the clapping, and message of positivity quickly became their most powerful weapon when it came to antagonizing the WWE universe. Chanting "new day sucks" instead of "new day rocks" showed that everyone had an opinion on them and that the new day finally arrived, making an impact. Their small change in attitude turn things around for them big time. What was also so unique about these guys were they weren't like the rest of the heels. The bad guy now days in the WWE has a typical image and person and let's just say that spreading positivity around like it's running out of fashion is not the usual heel character. It made them stand out and made them different that is what you want to see. It does get very boring seeing the same thing week after week but with these three they providing us with something new, something to talk about, something to be excited about, and something unpredictable. These guys weren't the cool heels to start off with, or the bad guy heels, they were the true heels, something a little old fashioned but very new at the same time. There was a time were the New Day were generating more of a bad reaction and more heat from the crowds than any other heel on the roster. Recently we have seen them become much much more popular and even more of a must see tag team. Their without a doubt the most entertaining team on the roster. They get everyone talking, their comedic, their fresh and most importantly they can match it all in the ring. Every single one of them brings something different but they all match each other when it comes to being the best heels in the WWE today.
2) Seth Rollins
Just over a year ago we saw one of the biggest shock heel turns in recent years when Seth Rollins attacked he's fellow Shield partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, allying himself with the Authority as Triple H's plan B. I still remember to this day how I felt. After being a solid, loyal Shield fan from the start it was one of the most painful moments watching Seth Rollins break it all up. Whenever I think about the moment I see it in slow motion and I still have the same feeling of pure anger and disappointment when I watch it over again. What was so amazing about it was it was genuinely so unexpected. From the start it always felt as though Rollins was the glue of the faction and if anyone was going to turn on the group I'm sure most of us believed it would be Ambrose. Now, I may not have been happier about the idea when it happened but this turnt out to be one of the best decisions the WWE have made in a very long time. He very quickly became the strongest heel on the roster giving all the veterans a run for their money. He was the heel of all heels. With no remorse for what he did he instead embraced he's action letting everyone know he was glad to no longer be held back by Ambrose and Reigns, exploiting their weaknesses and the ever growing crack within the faction. Every promo was on point and followed with the storyline perfectly and as a result he got under the skin of the entire WWE universe and the superstars backstage making him one of the top bad guys around. He's alliance with the Authority was a smart move made, one that no one could fault. Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, and their little minions had spent the past year causing chaos for ever baby face on the roster and were the top dogs in all aspects. After their Storyline with Daniel Bryan it was clear that if you wanted to be a bad guy, the best way to get over was by joining them. Of course doing that, Seth Rollins was put at the top and he dominated the main event picture and has been for the past year and a half. What has also made Rollins such a fantastic heel is he's master manipulation skills. He has used everyone from Randy Orton, to Kane, to J&J Security to help him remain a top superstar, to help him keep hold of the Money in the bank briefcase (and win it in the first place) and keep hold of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Using them to pick up victories has shown the lengths he is prepared to go and it would always further get under the skin of the WWE universe. We have seen Rollins feud with both good guys and bad guys making him the ultimate heel. Over the past year we have seen him take on John Cena, Randy Orton,Dean Ambrose, and even Brock Lesnar. He has manipulated the men who have stood by he's side, he's played the role of the coward champion, and has been apart of some of the greatest storyline of the past year. Seth Rollins is without a doubt one of the greatest heels of today and of this generation and has set the bar extremely high.
1) Kevin Owens
I knew from the moment that I had the idea to write this blog post who would be at number one. It was actually because of this particular superstar that I had the idea in the first place. From the moment Kevin Owens debuted in NXT a little around a year ago it was clear why he was here, what he wanted to achieve, and what he's motivations were. The former ROH star shocked the entire NXT universe when he attacked he's "best friend" only moments after he had won the NXT Championship. Owens sent a huge message on he's debut night. He defeated CJ Parker to open the show and closed the show in one of the most shocking heel turns in NXT and WWE history. Throughout the entire night we had heard everyone even Owens talk about he's twelve year long friendship with Sami Zayn and so when he attacked him we were all left completely speechless and in that moment Kevin Owens became the biggest heel we had ever seen in NXT. If this man was capable of taking out he's best friend what on earth would he do to someone he strongly disliked? Well over the past year we have found out just that. It's clear that Kevin Owens is a man that doesn't have remorse. He is a superstar who has waited years for he's moment in the spotlight and now that he had the opportunity he had been waiting he's entire life for he wasn't going to let it slip through he's fingers. He had a family to provide for and he would do anything to put food on the table for them. If we just take a look at he's work before coming up to the main roster you have to be impressed. In one night he became the most dominate force in NXT history and once you take out the top baby face you straight away become the top bad guy. But when you think about it, anyone could attack Sami Zayn and get bags of heat for it but what Owens brought to the table was something different. This was personal and you could tell. You would look at Kevin Owens and you could feel he's anger coming through the TV screen. He's facial expressions, he's mannerisms, the way he would talk and scream, you felt
he's anger and you felt as though he genuinely hated Zayn's guts. That is something that we all have to love about Owens. He is one of the most convincing superstars I have ever seen! You watch him and you really do feel like he is constantly angry and that he could really hurt someone. He's feud with John Cena was one of the greatest of two thousand and fifteen and Owens played a vital role in why it was such a success. He's story telling, the way he interacted with the crowd, and how personal he made things all made this such a great feud. It was where we all really saw the full potential of Kevin Owens. It's were we all realised why he is such a fantastic heel. He is everything that a heel should be. The way he speaks to the crowd, the way he interacts with the crowd, how he uses he's family as part of storyline, the way he makes things personal, how well he tells a story in he's matches. Kevin Owen is the most convincing heel that the WWE have today. He's character isn't over done or overly gimmicky witch as a result means he connects with the entire WWE universe. You love to hate him and he's one of the most entertaining superstars on the roster. There was no doubt he was going to be at number one.
RAW Review and Reactions
Ever since I first started watching professional wrestling I have been drawn to the bad guys and that is something that I have carried with me to this day. Growing up and to this very moment I have always spent much more timing enjoying watching the heels and the wrestlers we are suppose to boo. I remember when I went to my first wrestling show and I would always be paying more attention to the bad guys and while everyone else was cheering for the baby face competitors I was always rooting for the villains of the show.I am naturally drawn to the heels finding them much more entertaining to watch and as I have gotten older I have enjoyed writing about them much more than I do the baby faces. Now, over the years the WWE has seen absolutely phenomenal heels, some of the best in the history of pro wrestling. For example, Triple H, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero and so so many more. In today's blog post we are counting the top five current heels look at some of the best villains in the WWE today. Remember you can let me know who you think should be number one by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Bray Wyatt
Bray Wyatt is without a bout one of the greatest heels on the WWE roster today and has been or the past couple of the years. You guys all know that I have been a Bray Wyatt mega fan from the moment the character was born. He is everything that I loved in a heel growing up. He's traditional but different at the same time. He stands out as one of the top bad guys because there isn't many characters like him on the roster/ in the company today. Over the years these types of gimmicks have faded out and the WWE prefer to have the bad guy bad ass as their top heels witch can be a shame because don't we all love the supernatural gimmicky character ever now and then and let's be honest, Bray Wyatt plays the role perfectly. He is one of the most convincing superstars on the roster. The promos that we hear and see him deliver week after week are some of the best promos I have ever heard. They captivate you and get you talking and that is what I like to see. Whenever I watch him whether it be on the mic or in the ring I'm filled with excitement, anticipation and a little fear. He has the power to make you feel like a seven year old kid again completely mesmerised by everything he does and says. Since debuting he has feuded with some of the biggest names in the history of the WWE including Kane, John Cena and even the Undertaker working through all of them as a top heel. He has that horror monster vibe that captivates you and once again something that no one else has. Wyatt uses the people willing to follow him to do he's dirty work and brings that cult feel to a storyline witch I personally am a huge fan of. If Wyatt was around when I was a kid and watching the product he would have been one of my favourite superstars ever and to be completely honest he is shaping up to be just that right now.
4) Rusev
Up next and in at number four in my top five current WWE heels is Rusev. Over the past year Rusev has become one of my favourite WWE superstars and I have been far from shy about letting everyone know about that. I cannot put into words just how much I enjoy watching him and how proud of how far he has come despite not seeing the potential in him to start off with. Now, I may be a Rusev fan but he is without a doubt one of the best heels on the scene right now and he has been all year round. From the moment he debuted Rusev's character has all been about being anti America. In he's first year we saw him take on various superstars who tried to prove that America is the place to be and would stand up and defend their country. These superstars would consist of Big E, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Big Show and more and Rusev would take down every single one of them. All of the superstars that challenged the Bulgarian brute would all be former champions and all had more experience as wrestlers and as WWE superstars but he held he's own perfectly and as a result was extremely successful. Now, a patriotic feud will all go down well and any superstars that comes along and claims to be anti american will straight away get a load of heat and that is exactly what Rusev got. He did of course have loads of help from Lana and without her he wouldn't be where he is right now but it was the work that he put into he's matches that contributed to he's success as a top heel and as time went by it was clear that he didn't need Lana to be a top superstar. He's story telling throughout he's matches kept him a must see superstar. Rusev is a master manipulator and over the past year he has been compared to the likes of Marc Mero because of he's relationship Lana and that really did help push he's career even more. He manages to make everything that is thrown at him work in he's favour. He's a great story teller, he knows how to get under the skin of the WWE universe without even trying, and he uses he's relationship with Lana and Summer Rae to elevate him as the controlling boyfriend character.
3) New Day
For the past six months or so the greatest tag team in WWE has without a doubt been the New Day. It was at the start of the year that we saw Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods put together to create a brand new faction and I could have been happier. I remember being extremely excited about the idea of them bringing something new to the table and finally getting a big push. However, things didn't really get started in the way that we all thought it would. The WWE had spent a great deal of time getting re-branding the three of them, showing video packages and promos hyping the debut of the New Day but when we did finally see them in action disappointed as an understatement. It was not what anyone was hopeing for and I felt my heart sink and the excitement slowly leave. The problem was that they were working as baby faces and that became clear as soon as they had their heel turn. As baby faces they were weak and predicable and they were very limited, but as soon as they took on the role of heels everything changed. The smiling, the clapping, and message of positivity quickly became their most powerful weapon when it came to antagonizing the WWE universe. Chanting "new day sucks" instead of "new day rocks" showed that everyone had an opinion on them and that the new day finally arrived, making an impact. Their small change in attitude turn things around for them big time. What was also so unique about these guys were they weren't like the rest of the heels. The bad guy now days in the WWE has a typical image and person and let's just say that spreading positivity around like it's running out of fashion is not the usual heel character. It made them stand out and made them different that is what you want to see. It does get very boring seeing the same thing week after week but with these three they providing us with something new, something to talk about, something to be excited about, and something unpredictable. These guys weren't the cool heels to start off with, or the bad guy heels, they were the true heels, something a little old fashioned but very new at the same time. There was a time were the New Day were generating more of a bad reaction and more heat from the crowds than any other heel on the roster. Recently we have seen them become much much more popular and even more of a must see tag team. Their without a doubt the most entertaining team on the roster. They get everyone talking, their comedic, their fresh and most importantly they can match it all in the ring. Every single one of them brings something different but they all match each other when it comes to being the best heels in the WWE today.
2) Seth Rollins
Just over a year ago we saw one of the biggest shock heel turns in recent years when Seth Rollins attacked he's fellow Shield partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, allying himself with the Authority as Triple H's plan B. I still remember to this day how I felt. After being a solid, loyal Shield fan from the start it was one of the most painful moments watching Seth Rollins break it all up. Whenever I think about the moment I see it in slow motion and I still have the same feeling of pure anger and disappointment when I watch it over again. What was so amazing about it was it was genuinely so unexpected. From the start it always felt as though Rollins was the glue of the faction and if anyone was going to turn on the group I'm sure most of us believed it would be Ambrose. Now, I may not have been happier about the idea when it happened but this turnt out to be one of the best decisions the WWE have made in a very long time. He very quickly became the strongest heel on the roster giving all the veterans a run for their money. He was the heel of all heels. With no remorse for what he did he instead embraced he's action letting everyone know he was glad to no longer be held back by Ambrose and Reigns, exploiting their weaknesses and the ever growing crack within the faction. Every promo was on point and followed with the storyline perfectly and as a result he got under the skin of the entire WWE universe and the superstars backstage making him one of the top bad guys around. He's alliance with the Authority was a smart move made, one that no one could fault. Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, and their little minions had spent the past year causing chaos for ever baby face on the roster and were the top dogs in all aspects. After their Storyline with Daniel Bryan it was clear that if you wanted to be a bad guy, the best way to get over was by joining them. Of course doing that, Seth Rollins was put at the top and he dominated the main event picture and has been for the past year and a half. What has also made Rollins such a fantastic heel is he's master manipulation skills. He has used everyone from Randy Orton, to Kane, to J&J Security to help him remain a top superstar, to help him keep hold of the Money in the bank briefcase (and win it in the first place) and keep hold of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Using them to pick up victories has shown the lengths he is prepared to go and it would always further get under the skin of the WWE universe. We have seen Rollins feud with both good guys and bad guys making him the ultimate heel. Over the past year we have seen him take on John Cena, Randy Orton,Dean Ambrose, and even Brock Lesnar. He has manipulated the men who have stood by he's side, he's played the role of the coward champion, and has been apart of some of the greatest storyline of the past year. Seth Rollins is without a doubt one of the greatest heels of today and of this generation and has set the bar extremely high.
1) Kevin Owens
I knew from the moment that I had the idea to write this blog post who would be at number one. It was actually because of this particular superstar that I had the idea in the first place. From the moment Kevin Owens debuted in NXT a little around a year ago it was clear why he was here, what he wanted to achieve, and what he's motivations were. The former ROH star shocked the entire NXT universe when he attacked he's "best friend" only moments after he had won the NXT Championship. Owens sent a huge message on he's debut night. He defeated CJ Parker to open the show and closed the show in one of the most shocking heel turns in NXT and WWE history. Throughout the entire night we had heard everyone even Owens talk about he's twelve year long friendship with Sami Zayn and so when he attacked him we were all left completely speechless and in that moment Kevin Owens became the biggest heel we had ever seen in NXT. If this man was capable of taking out he's best friend what on earth would he do to someone he strongly disliked? Well over the past year we have found out just that. It's clear that Kevin Owens is a man that doesn't have remorse. He is a superstar who has waited years for he's moment in the spotlight and now that he had the opportunity he had been waiting he's entire life for he wasn't going to let it slip through he's fingers. He had a family to provide for and he would do anything to put food on the table for them. If we just take a look at he's work before coming up to the main roster you have to be impressed. In one night he became the most dominate force in NXT history and once you take out the top baby face you straight away become the top bad guy. But when you think about it, anyone could attack Sami Zayn and get bags of heat for it but what Owens brought to the table was something different. This was personal and you could tell. You would look at Kevin Owens and you could feel he's anger coming through the TV screen. He's facial expressions, he's mannerisms, the way he would talk and scream, you felt

RAW Review and Reactions
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