Hell In A Cell Predictions: The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar
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Hell In A Cell match |
This up and coming Sunday we will see the monumental rivalry between the beast and the phenom settled once and for all as the two do battle one last time and this weekend the pair will meet inside one of the most dangerous and brutal structures in WWE history: hell in a cell. After their previous showdown it is anyone's game and deciding a winner will be far from easy. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking you back through what both superstars have been up to since the last time they went one on one and finally making my last bold predictions. With so much to get through let's not waste any more time and jump right into the action.
Here is what I wrote about the last match between these two superstars at SummerSlam:
And finally our main event and what a freaking main event it was. It was the rematch that was too big for Wrestlemania. The match that was eighteen months in the making as the Undertaker took on Brock Lesnar in one of the biggest, most anticipated matches of the entire year. I was excited, everyone in the arena and at home was excited, even my mum was excited for this match who stayed up until almost four am just to watch it, and trust me, that's a pretty big deal! I felt as though the build up for the match was done really really well. The anticipation was there, the unpredictability was there, the excitement was there. It was the perfect Summer Slam main event and even though I wasn't quite sure what to expect I was really rally looking forward to seeing what we were going to be treated to as Lesnar and Taker main evented the biggest Summer Slam in history. The match itself was freaking incredible. It was the match I was most into and most enjoyed. Me and my brother had so much fun watching this match. What I will say however is I hated how it ended. I love a controversial ending but I couldn't help but feel cheated as a Brock Lesnar fan. The whole main vent however lived up to the hype. I was expecting more after the match but I enjoyed this so so much. It was one of my favourite matches of the month and of the year.
Lets start things off by taking a look at the founder of suplex City himself, Brock Lesnar. Since making he's return a little over two months after he's last appearance, the beast has been on the hunt for momentum and that is exactly what the WWE have spoon fed him all month long. Starting off with WWE MSG, a special live show hosted on the WWE Network from Madison Square garden where Lesnar would main event going one on one with the Big Show. We all know that these two have a great deal of history and are from strangers inside a WWE ring. Most of us have seen these two go at it on six separate occasions with Lesnar standing at a five to one advantage witch now stands at six to one. Of course the pair had great chemistry and the match did what it needed to do. Lesnar took three big chokeslams before picking up the victory. The match was everything that it needed to be. Lesnar looked extremely strong and invisible and even though we have seen him defeat show several times before it's still very impressive. It was the momentum build that Brock needed and it worked perfectly. The match sent a huge message to the Undertaker and the WWE universe. It was the start of the road to Hell in a cell and the epic final showdown. This month also saw Paul Heyman take to the mic and hype up the match and of course he's client Brock Lesnar witch only worked in the favour of the beast adding to he's momentum. Now, you all know how much I hated the way the Summer Slam match ended between these two. I cannot put into words just how frustrated I was. Even though I grew up a huge Undertaker fan I was without a doubt team Lesnar on the night (and the same goes for this weekend) and he was completely screwed over. However, because it was so controversial it made it a huge success. The match was extremely well enjoyed, it was easy to get into, I was on the edge of my seat, yelling at my TV and that is what you should be getting from wrestling matches. It got everyone talking and it divided the WWE universe massively and I loved that even though I was beyond pissed off. Heading into this match I will once again be backing Lesnar. Even though I'm a huge Taker fan and I have been since I was a kid and first started watching wrestling, Lesnar is another all time favourite of mine and when I look at the current roster and I look at where the company is going over the next thew years they need Brock and coming up on top against this long feud with the Undertaker is going to be key in keeping up he's dominance and having him remain as an undefeated, unstoppable, immortal force. I'm expecting Lesnar to be extremely dominate in this match. He most probably wont' be using he's surroundings as much as Taker will and instead will use he's own body and make the match as physical as possible. After how things ended last time the beast has a lot of built up frustrations and with a sinister Paul Heyman at he's side Lesnar is bound to be completely ruthless and won't be holding back what so ever.
Back at the SummerSlam Pay per view in August, the Undertaker a real beating and despite having he's hand raised as the winner of the match the after effect was something that could have been easily predicted. Just like a lot of you reading this I grew up an Undertaker fan. Since I was a kid the phenom has been a huge influence on my life and has been one of my all time favourite WWE Superstars. He is one of the most recognizable and popular names in the business and without question a future hall of famer. The past couple of years, whether you want to admit it or not has seen Taker really struggle in the ring in lengthy matches and it has been so difficult to watch. Now, I'm not denying the fact that he has still be going at it amazingly well for he's age and he damn well has still got it but the physicality of he's previous match with Lesnar proved to be just too much and worry that this time round we could see him in much worse condition after the match. Watching him walk backstage after he's match I honestly thought he was going to pass out half way up the ramp. The match was drawling and took so much out of him and like I have said I worry about him heading into this match. The hell in the cell structure is one of the most dangerous and physical environments and so I am concerned. However, of course I am really really excited for this match. The two have so much history, so much chemistry and there is so much on the line. This isn't the most predicable match in the world what so ever. It is literally anyone's game and anything really could go down. I mean if the last match didn't prove that then I don't know what will. Taker is going to have the fight of he's life and this will be a real test of how well he's physical condition is right now. Taker has bags and bags of experience inside the Hell in a cell structure and that is really going to come into play during this match and work in he's favour. He will be the one to use the surroundings as well throughout this match to gain the upper hand. He is also a phenomenal story teller in the ring and with their long rivalry there is going to be a great story being told.
Just like everyone else I'm beyond excited about this match. I cannot tell you just how much I am looking forward to it. I actually think I am more excited for this match then I was the SummerSlam one because there is so much more on the line and at stake. This is the ultimate match up, the final showdown and there is a lot to fight for. It's a fight to prove who is immortal, its the fight where both superstars want to prove they are the better of the two. I don't think this is a predicable match at all to be honest. This is anyone's game and I genuinely am not sure witch way it will go. On the one hand
WWE really let him be defeated by Brock Lesnar for a second time? Will this be the last time we see him in action. In all fairness I do think this could be Takers last match even though it kills me to say it. I would of course love he's final match to be against Sting at Wrestlemania next year but with he's age and physical condition I'm just doubting it so much but I like to cling on to some hope. Then we have Lesnar who has he's reputation as a beast, undefeated, immortal, the founder of Suplex city to hold and that too is going to be difficult. Lesnar plays a vital role in WWE today. Putting him in a match against a young talent is an easy way to elevate them and he has the power to push some of the smaller pay per views like he did with Battleground earlier in the year. Having him loose to the Undertaker cleanly will take away a lot of he's momentum and I'm not sure if it would be a good move. This is a match that is hard to predict and hard to take sides weather you are looking at it as a casual fan or a politically. This is the match that truly divides opinion and has got everyone talking so it is already a success. Both superstars will be out of action until next year after this match so regardless of the outcome this is going to be one for the ages. Are you ready?
Let me know what your predictions are for this match and every other match on the card by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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