NXT Takeover Respect Predictions: Dana Brooke VS Asuka
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! Now, I know that it has been a while since I last uploaded a proper blog post that wasn't pre posted and I have really really missed writing. I touched briefly on why I was taking a couple of weeks off but I will go into a little more detail now just because I think it's right that I do so. Some of you may be aware that I had two visits to the hospital in one week during the middle of September after suffering from sever migraines and about a million other symptoms and I was told I had high blood pressure and the reason I was so ill was stress related. After speaking to my doctor it seemed like the best move to make taking the rest of the month off and I have to admit while I did get very bored at times, it felt great to have some time out to rest and enjoy watching a wrestling product without thinking about what I have to write. However, my break is well and truly over now and I'm back today with the start of my NXT Takeover Respect prediction week. Throughout the week I will be uploading my prediction posts for every single match on the card for next Wednesday's live show. You guys all know just how much I enjoy writing these blog post so this is a great way to start a new season on my blog after a not so great month of September. As usual I will be live tweeting throughout the actual live show next week using the hash-tag NXT Takeover and on the same day I will be posting my support pictures so you all know who my final picks are for every single match. Before we close up the intro I just want to quickly mention that in two weeks time I will begin writing my of the year posts for two thousand and fifteen witch will start being uploaded on the first day of December running through to the first week of January so if there are any posts you would like to see in the series then let me know and I would also love to know who you think has been the superstar and diva of the yea so feel free to leave a comment bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria.
This up and coming Wednesday Dana Brooke will challenge international sensation, Asuka. New to the WWE and NXT, Asuka is on the hunt to make her presence known in sports entertainment's biggest company and prove she is worthy of joining a red hot female roster. Standing in her way is still fairly knew to the game herself, Dana Brooke, who has in recent months become the roster's top bad girl alongside Emma. I believe that there are a thew little surprises set to take place during and after this match witch will lead to even bigger things at the next NXT Takeover show in December. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking an in-depth look at both women and making my final bold predictions. So with so much to get through let's not waste any more time and jump right into the post.
Love her or hate her, everyone has something to say about Dana Brooke. She's controversial, she get's people talking and she generates interest, so the WWE have every reason to want to push her and that is exactly what they are doing. Dana has been given some pretty big opportunities and has been thrown into a great deal of spotlight from the get go and her pairing with Emma has just made her even more popular with WWE officials/higher ups and the WWE universe. Personally I don't get the hype. I was really excited for her official debut but was disappointed with what we actually saw from her. I didn't like her finisher, her entrance, how her character came across, and I wasn't sure on how much a convincing competitor she was/is. Saying that, she does bring something different. If you take a look at her and take a look at the other divas she stand outs for having a different image, reflecting divas such as Beth Phoenix or Natalya. Her character is very predicable and generic. You know what she's going to say or do before she does or says it. She lacks unpredictability and she still has more charisma to show. I have really liked the pairing of Dana and Emma. It's one thing the WWE have certainly gotten right with her. Allying herself with a diva like Emma, someone who knows NXT inside out, after all she's one of the original NXT divas. She's been on the main roster, she competed in strong matches, and she knows how to get attention from the WWE universe. The pairing is just great. They have strong chemistry and bring out the best in one another, there is also a lot of potential storyline's the WWE could choose from to take as the next direction with the two of them. Even though Dana is going in the right direction, she's improving with time, and her alliance with Emma is doing nothing but good things, she still has a lot of work to do and she still needs to prove herself. The expectations of women's wrestling in NXT has been set so high thanks to the outstanding work from Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Bayley and so every other diva is now under a lot of pressure to keep that name up and keep the good matches coming. Dana still has a lot of work to do before she gets to that level. I defiantly think she has it in her it's just going to come down to waiting for her special, stand out moment. Will that be next week against Asuka? In all honest I don't know. She will defiantly be pushed to her limits next week and her selling skills will be put to the test but I'm not sure if this will be the night she truly arrives.
Asuka, formally known as Kana made her arrival in the WWE/NXT only a matter of weeks ago. The news of her signing went down amazingly well with this being the first major female signing we have ever seen. I personally may have over reacted just a little bit. Kana has always been someone that I as a women have looked up to so much and I know for a fact I'm not alone with that. Her signing was such a big deal and I remember telling everyone and tweeting about it a it. It makes me wish that I was well when the announcement was made so I could have written a blog post on it but I was literally unable to move or do anything. I have loved how quickly the WWE have moved with the now Asuka. They haven't made us wait a long time to see her in action or to see her make her TV debut but at the same time there has been a wait and there has been the anticipation witch I love. Asuka does bring something completely new and something completely different. It's safe to say that there is no diva on the NXT or main roster like her, whether it comes down to her style in the ring or physically or her international experience. The level she competes at fits in with the standard of NXT women perfectly. It leaves you super excited for the future of the division. I mean come on, who can call themselves a wrestling fan and not be excited for Sasha Banks VS Asuka in the future? You just know that she is going to up the game even more and what Asuka does is she keeps you interested in the division. You know that she will be the one keeping expectations at a high and keeping all the other girls on their feet, including Dana. She keeps the competition high and fresh. On her first night at NXT Asuka received a great reaction from the crowd as expected. I liked the fact that Emma and Dana Brooke came down to the ring and tried to ruin the moment and move the attention back on them. It reminded me a lot of what we saw when Hideo Itami first came to NXT with the work he did with the Ascension. However, I was disappointed we only saw her leave the ring and not actually do anything but it did add to the big wait and left us hanging even more waiting for her to attack. If I could advise anyone at home is reading this and looking forward to NXT Takeover Respect but hasn't seen Asuka in action before to seriously go and do some research, go and see what this girl is all about because she is about to really shake things up.
I am really really interested and excited for this match for all the obvious reasons. Watching Asuka compete for the first time inside an NXT ring is something we should all be looking forward too. If I'm being one hundred per cent honest, I do think that the push they are given Dana should be going elsewhere. I know a lot of people have said it before but Alexa Bliss has been around longer and I do think she should be the one slowly but surely making her way into the championship picture. She is more than capable of putting on a phenomenal match and I still believe there is so much more left to see of her. I understand that her main role is with Blake and Murpthy but I really want to see her do much much more within her divsion. When it comes down to this match between Asuka and Dana I think we all know it's clear that Dana will be pushed to her limits and she has a tough challenge on her hands. I'm very very interested in actually seeing how much time they are given because that will play a huge role next week in this match. We can of course expect Emma to play her role causing distraction and assisting Dana in trying to get the win. So I'm predicting the story telling to be pretty strong throughout this match. I'm wondering whether or not at some point Emma will be banned from
ring side so Dana can pick up the loss, however, I'm more so expecting to see the match end via DQ even though I would hate to see her moment ruined or they could have Asuka win the match and she takes an attack from Dana and Emma after. Now, we still have the much anticipated debut of Nia Jax and her role in the division is going to be big! The WWE have been pushing her arrival massively since NXT Takeover Brooklyn so how they use her is going to be interesting. If she debuts as a baby face then what we could see is Nia eventually come and help out Asuka to take on Emma and Dana at the next NXT Takeover show in December witch will be very similar to what they did with Hideo and Balor. To make things different from that they could eventually have Nia turn on Asuka setting up another feud. By the time that feud is done and over with Asuka could focus her attentions on the NXT Women's championship. I know I'm thinking way too far ahead now. Like I have said, there are multiple ways this match could conclude I think it's safe to expect a great deal for this match. Let me know what your predictions are and who you are backing next week by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This up and coming Wednesday Dana Brooke will challenge international sensation, Asuka. New to the WWE and NXT, Asuka is on the hunt to make her presence known in sports entertainment's biggest company and prove she is worthy of joining a red hot female roster. Standing in her way is still fairly knew to the game herself, Dana Brooke, who has in recent months become the roster's top bad girl alongside Emma. I believe that there are a thew little surprises set to take place during and after this match witch will lead to even bigger things at the next NXT Takeover show in December. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking an in-depth look at both women and making my final bold predictions. So with so much to get through let's not waste any more time and jump right into the post.
Love her or hate her, everyone has something to say about Dana Brooke. She's controversial, she get's people talking and she generates interest, so the WWE have every reason to want to push her and that is exactly what they are doing. Dana has been given some pretty big opportunities and has been thrown into a great deal of spotlight from the get go and her pairing with Emma has just made her even more popular with WWE officials/higher ups and the WWE universe. Personally I don't get the hype. I was really excited for her official debut but was disappointed with what we actually saw from her. I didn't like her finisher, her entrance, how her character came across, and I wasn't sure on how much a convincing competitor she was/is. Saying that, she does bring something different. If you take a look at her and take a look at the other divas she stand outs for having a different image, reflecting divas such as Beth Phoenix or Natalya. Her character is very predicable and generic. You know what she's going to say or do before she does or says it. She lacks unpredictability and she still has more charisma to show. I have really liked the pairing of Dana and Emma. It's one thing the WWE have certainly gotten right with her. Allying herself with a diva like Emma, someone who knows NXT inside out, after all she's one of the original NXT divas. She's been on the main roster, she competed in strong matches, and she knows how to get attention from the WWE universe. The pairing is just great. They have strong chemistry and bring out the best in one another, there is also a lot of potential storyline's the WWE could choose from to take as the next direction with the two of them. Even though Dana is going in the right direction, she's improving with time, and her alliance with Emma is doing nothing but good things, she still has a lot of work to do and she still needs to prove herself. The expectations of women's wrestling in NXT has been set so high thanks to the outstanding work from Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Bayley and so every other diva is now under a lot of pressure to keep that name up and keep the good matches coming. Dana still has a lot of work to do before she gets to that level. I defiantly think she has it in her it's just going to come down to waiting for her special, stand out moment. Will that be next week against Asuka? In all honest I don't know. She will defiantly be pushed to her limits next week and her selling skills will be put to the test but I'm not sure if this will be the night she truly arrives.
Asuka, formally known as Kana made her arrival in the WWE/NXT only a matter of weeks ago. The news of her signing went down amazingly well with this being the first major female signing we have ever seen. I personally may have over reacted just a little bit. Kana has always been someone that I as a women have looked up to so much and I know for a fact I'm not alone with that. Her signing was such a big deal and I remember telling everyone and tweeting about it a it. It makes me wish that I was well when the announcement was made so I could have written a blog post on it but I was literally unable to move or do anything. I have loved how quickly the WWE have moved with the now Asuka. They haven't made us wait a long time to see her in action or to see her make her TV debut but at the same time there has been a wait and there has been the anticipation witch I love. Asuka does bring something completely new and something completely different. It's safe to say that there is no diva on the NXT or main roster like her, whether it comes down to her style in the ring or physically or her international experience. The level she competes at fits in with the standard of NXT women perfectly. It leaves you super excited for the future of the division. I mean come on, who can call themselves a wrestling fan and not be excited for Sasha Banks VS Asuka in the future? You just know that she is going to up the game even more and what Asuka does is she keeps you interested in the division. You know that she will be the one keeping expectations at a high and keeping all the other girls on their feet, including Dana. She keeps the competition high and fresh. On her first night at NXT Asuka received a great reaction from the crowd as expected. I liked the fact that Emma and Dana Brooke came down to the ring and tried to ruin the moment and move the attention back on them. It reminded me a lot of what we saw when Hideo Itami first came to NXT with the work he did with the Ascension. However, I was disappointed we only saw her leave the ring and not actually do anything but it did add to the big wait and left us hanging even more waiting for her to attack. If I could advise anyone at home is reading this and looking forward to NXT Takeover Respect but hasn't seen Asuka in action before to seriously go and do some research, go and see what this girl is all about because she is about to really shake things up.
I am really really interested and excited for this match for all the obvious reasons. Watching Asuka compete for the first time inside an NXT ring is something we should all be looking forward too. If I'm being one hundred per cent honest, I do think that the push they are given Dana should be going elsewhere. I know a lot of people have said it before but Alexa Bliss has been around longer and I do think she should be the one slowly but surely making her way into the championship picture. She is more than capable of putting on a phenomenal match and I still believe there is so much more left to see of her. I understand that her main role is with Blake and Murpthy but I really want to see her do much much more within her divsion. When it comes down to this match between Asuka and Dana I think we all know it's clear that Dana will be pushed to her limits and she has a tough challenge on her hands. I'm very very interested in actually seeing how much time they are given because that will play a huge role next week in this match. We can of course expect Emma to play her role causing distraction and assisting Dana in trying to get the win. So I'm predicting the story telling to be pretty strong throughout this match. I'm wondering whether or not at some point Emma will be banned from

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