10 WWE Superstars We Want to see Face Daniel Bryan (Part 1)

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling Word, I hope you are all well and good and have had a great week! Okay, so there is no denying that the biggest new headline and talking point over the past thew days has focused completely around Daniel Bryan after it was revealed that after two years out of action he has been cleared to wrestle again. Even typing that sentence gives me chills. His recent promo on an episode of Smackdown LIVE left fans full emotion. I watched with tears in my eyes as Bryan ran us through the last twenty-four months speaking of his personal journey and struggles to accept the fact he may never wrestle again. However, with the news, he will compete inside a WWE ring again at some point there is light in the new chapter of Daniel's career and everyone is feeling the excitement. In today's blog post I am going to be taking a look at 10 WWE Superstars I want to see go one on one with Daniel Bryan. This is a topic that I have seen a lot of people talk about and several different websites and blogs have written the same kind of article and I will link some of those at the end of the post. This is going to be separated into two parts and part two of this blog post will be uploaded next week so keep an eye out for that! As always, any recent blog posts will be linked below including my RAW and Smackdown LIVE highlights from this week and finally, you can get involved and tell me who you would like to see go one on one with the leader of the YES Movement below in the comments or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.

The Miz

Okay, you guys knew I had to kick start today's blog post off with talking about the current Intercontinental Champion, The Miz. The moment I heard the news Bryan was cleared to compete the very first name to pop into my head was the Miz with no doubt in my mind that these two just have to collide. Their rivalry is something that writes for its self and clearly has been building over the past year and a half. All across social media fans have mentioned the fact they want to see this match now that Bryan is cleared and honestly it does feel as though it is inevitable. After what we have seen from these two over the past year or so there is no way the WWE can avoid putting these two one on one in the middle of the ring in what is sure to be a must-see match. The demand is there and while the match may not be as strong as what could come from the other matches we are going to be talking about today the story is one that could very well be the best. The chemistry is strong, the story is entertaining and it's a contest that fans do want to see!

Finn Balor 

This next one is defiantly more of a dream match. I do believe that it could happen but this is very much the opposite to the last match we just spoke about. While the actual match between Finn Balor and Daniel Bryan could very well turn out to be one of the best matches we have seen in a very very long time and a possible five-star rating the story is something that won't be as simple. Sure the WWE could work a brilliant story here focusing on the identical careers but I do believe very very strongly that for this to reach its full potential we will need a heel Balor and a strong focus on Balor Club. In an ideal world, I would love to see this feud kick start after Wrestlemania. Balor is one of the main names I want to see switch brands over the coming months. On his first night, we could see him introduce himself to Bryan at the beginning of the show and a backstage segment between the pair would indicate a good healthy strong relationship only for Balor to turn on Bryan attacking the Smackdown LIVE General manager alongside Anderson and Gallows who could have either spent the night attacking superstars on the roster or away from the screen until the closing moments where they debut alongside Balor. If you would like to see a full how I would book post on this then let me know and I will definitely get down to doing that!

Dolph Ziggler

Okay, yes I'm questioning this one as well but hear me out. The story the WWE has been telling with Dolph Ziggler has actually been a good one. I've made it clear before that I'm not the biggest Dolph Ziggler fan in the world and I never have been but I do like a lot of the work we have seen from the former world champion over the past year or so he's just had issues with consistency. Now, we have already seen some backstage tension between the two during the most recent episode of Smackdown LIVE and I do believe that a great story can be told here. The match is likely to be more simple and basic but there is potential here for this to be a very solid and entertaining contest. Again, I feel as though it's the story that will be the key focus in this contest and I can see this being the story the WWE go with over the coming months.


Up next is yet another dream match and probably the one match on this list we will have to wait much longer to see but I had to talk about it! Now, anyone follows me on twitter or reads my blog regularly will know I damn well love Richocet and have been super excited about his signing with the WWE. Set to compete for his first title in the WWE at NXT Takeover next month during Wrestlemania week the WWE universe is about to learn everything there is to know about one of the leading faces in this new generation and he too could have his own list of dream WWE competitors. I understand why some fans wouldn't pit Richocet and Bryan together in a one on one contest but for me personally, it is a dream matchup. The two are both extremely talented, have a big following, and I do really believe that about lasting over the twenty-minute mark could break the internet. Richocet is brilliant at adjusting his in-ring style depending on his opponent in order to get the upper hand and seeing how he works with Bryan is something I need to see. I believe the pair will complement each other massively in the ring, however, the only issue I do have is the story and just how unique and entertaining the actual story could be which leads me to suggest that a simple random contest without a big story would work far far better for these two.

Shinsuke Nakamura

Do I really have to explain this one? While the Miz vs Daniel Bryan is the match on this list I believe will have the best story to it I strongly feel as though the best match Bryan could compete in will see him go one on one with Shinsuke Nakamura. This is a dream match if I ever knew one. There already fans talking about this being the main event for next years Wrestlemania with the pair going one on one for the WWE Championship and honestly the thought of that match taking place gives me chills! There is no denying this could very easily be a five-star match and one of the best matches possibly in WWE history.

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