Ten Things That Must Happen at Wrestlemania 34

Rusev Wins the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle, Royal
First up is something I am super passionate about. I've spoken about this in a recent post so I'm sure this will come as no surprise to any of you but when it comes to this years Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal there really is only one man we want to see walk out the victor and that man, of course, is Rusev. By far one of the most over and beloved stars in the WWE today Rusev is the clear pick for this year's Battle Royal winner. There isn't anyone else on the roster I can say is more deserving and makes for a better pick as the winner. This year will see the likes of past winners such as Baron Corbin and Mojo Rawley compete who I'm confident will also have brilliant performances again, however, with Rusev forever being mistreated and booked far away from the level he should be winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal will do him a heck of a lot of good. Sure it won't elevate him to the top and seeing the WWE Championship resting on his shoulder is something we are still a long way away from seeing, however, this is the first step in changing things for the former US Champion and giving him the push he so truly deserves. The win will give his character even more depth and something the WWE can use to push and elevate him even more in storyline's and up and coming feuds.Carmella Cashes in
It's been rumored over the past few weeks that Carmella is set to cash in her Money in the bank briefcase at this years Wrestlemania losing to Asuka on the grandest stage of them all and while there is a part of me that kinda hates the idea I have to say that my opinion is changing more and more and I do believe this is the best option and a brilliant move to make. Okay, so I do strongly dislike the fact that it would mean both of last years MITB winners had failed cash-ins and the first women to win the Money in the Bank ladder match will fail to win the championship but looking at the story the WWE is telling with Asuka it makes perfect sense. It's clear the Empress of Tomorrow will be walking out of Mania the brand new Smackdown LIVE women's champion defeating the current champ in Charlotte. Sure to be one of the best matches of the night it would be completely fine if things ended with Asuka simply defeating the Queen and then keeping the show moving onto the next match, however, time is running out for Carmella to cash in and I do believe this is the best option. Okay, so she won't be leaving as champion but even getting such a big moment is a huge deal for the women's division and it's a moment that is sure to wake up everyone in the audience and at home. It fits well with Carmella's character while also focusing the attention on Asuka and her brand new reign of dominance on the SDLive Women's division.The American Badass
Okay, I know this is something that over the past few weeks everyone has been talking about across social media and blogs but I just had to jump on it and mention it here in today's blog post. Now, one of the biggest matches sure to take place at this years Wrestlemania will be John Cena vs The Undertaker. It's a dream match, one for the ages and sure to go down in history. The build has been very interesting and if I'm being totally honest I strongly believe this is the best way the WWE could have handled this story. There really isn't anything I would change which is a pretty rare sentence I type here! Now, what I do really really want to see and what I know so many others want to see is the return of the American Badass. Throughout the build-up to this match, Cena has verbally attacked Taker in a way we haven't really seen done before. There's been passion and every promo has been extremely convincing. The sixteen-time champion has stood in the middle of the ring and challenged the Phenom ego, integrity, and honor in what has been in true captivating style. At last years Mania we saw what looked to be the Undertake retire his Deadman gimmick after falling to Roman Reigns in the main event leaving the impression he would never step in the ring at Mania again as the Deadman and so looking at Wrestlemania thirty-four we all want to see the American Badass make a return to conclude this feud with Cena with no big theatrical gimmick attached. There most certainly will be an element of surprise even though this is something fans have been talking about for a few weeks. It's the perfect direction the WWE need to take and the best possible way to conclude not only the feud but possibly the career of a true legend in this industry.Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles Closes the Show
Again, this is something I have spoken about a lot here on my blog and over on twitter but I have to touch on it again because the passion is still there. Now, I know that the chances of Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar closing the show are strong but I have also promised that if that is the case I will be heading to bed a little earlier. There is no question about it, Nakamura and Styles have to close this years Wrestlemania. Not only did Shinsuke win the Royal Rumble match to do just that but this is the match out for the two that is sure to be the stronger and present the better wrestling content. Okay, so the build hasn't been as intense or over the top but this is a case of two of the best wrestlers of this generation competing for the most respected title in the WWE at the biggest wrestling event of the year. When you also put into consideration the fact that the Smackdown LIVE brand needs to be highlighted massively at this year's Mania considering how the title and the blue brand were showcased at last years Mania. It's important these two stars and the WWE Championship get a better showing this time around.The Help of Some old Friends
To round up part one of this blog post I thought I would take a look at a dream booking decision I have in mind. As we just touched on, I strongly believe it's important that Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles closes this years Wrestlemania which seems to be a shared opinion across the wrestling community. Throughout the past few months, I have spoken a great deal about how important it is that the blue brand is showcased extremely well at this year's Mania event and closing the show with this match is key but the ending will also be just as important. There is, of course, a part of me that wants to see Nakamura walk out with the title but there is a little twist I would love to see. Now, if you read one of my recent posts where I took a look at some superstars I would like to see switch brands you will know that Finn Balor is one of those names. A move to Smackdown LIVE is perfect for Balor and something I honestly do believe is best for him after Mania season and maybe just maybe the best way to kick-start that run on the new brand is getting involved in the main event of Wrestlemania. We all know the history between Balor and Styles along with the Club and with Balor club now alive and active on RAW it does feel as though the faction would be better used and pushed on the blue brand. If Balor along with Anderson and Gallows can inject themselves in the main event assisting Styles in the victory allowing him to retain the title then this would not only be the start of months of seriously entertaining content but the revival the Blue brand so desperately needs. Sure it puts Nakamura in a situation that would need serious attention but this is for sure a dream scenario!And that is part one in my Ten Things that Must Happen at Wrestlemania thirty-four. Part two will be uploaded next week so keep an eye out for that! As always, any recent blog posts will be linked below and you can get involved by telling me what you would like to see at Mania this year by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.
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