What We Took Away From the WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament II Tapings

NXT and the UK Division Will Continue to Work Closely
Since the debut of the WWE United Kingdom Championship, we have seen the title and the UK Division work very closely with the NXT roster including matches where the championship has been defended at Takeover events. At this week’s tournament, it was made even more clear that as we focus on the future we can expect to see these two rosters work very closely together. With a new number one contender being crowned at the show this past week revealing who will face Shayna Baszler next for the NXT women’s championship as well as a major title change that saw a UK team score NXT gold, we can most certainly believe we will see the United Kingdom talent come face to face with NXT stars much more in the future and it’s a move that will clearly benefit both brands creating an even bigger buzz and a larger audience for both shows!
The Future of the UK Women’s Division is Bright
The women’s division here in the UK has most certainly seen its ups and downs but if one thing is for certain, we have some excellent talent on the scene. Women including Kay Ley Ray, Viper, Jinny, and Xia Brookside have been amongst those to make an impact in recent years, but the lack of exposer has meant that at times these girls haven’t had the spotlight they truly deserve; this past Monday however, the WWE announced that a UK Women’s Championship will debut during the brand-new series which will see recordings take place next month! This is huge news for female wrestlers here in the UK and across the indie scene. This is the chance many women haven’t had to really show the world what they are capable of and show a worldwide audience what British Female talent can bring to the table and difference in styles and how they do things. While it may be some time before we see Kay Lee Ray take on a male competitor for the WWE this at least gives talent like the former ICW Women’s champion and more the opportunity to have more exposer and the chance to become champions in the WWE elevating their careers to new heights.
The Rise of Moustache Mountain
Both Tyler Bate and Trent Seven have been standout stars not only on the UK wrestling scene but since the debut of the United Kingdom Championship. With Bate being crowned the first ever title holder and Seven working some pretty damn solid matches the two have been ones to watch leading the UK roster. Trent and Tyler, of course, have a very popular history working as Moustache Mountain across the British wrestling scene and have had great success in doing so; so much in fact that the WWE jumped on board and has featured the pair in multiple tag team matches for NXT live events both on and off screen and this past Tuesday we got an insight to just how high the WWE are on these two. Challenging the Undisputed Era for the NXT Tag team championships fans were expecting a damn good match but not many believed we would actually witness a title change but in a shocking twist Tyler Bate and Trent Seven scored their biggest victory as a team and now find themselves as the new NXT Tag team Champions. Going back to the first point we made, this is a very clear indication of where the WWE is going with the UK division. We know for a fact the two rosters will work together but what this victory has done is let the fans know the talent here in the UK and Ireland is being taken seriously and Moustache Mountain is a key part in the relationship of these two brands. It’s no surprise the pair have been given such a big push; their chemistry is fantastic, they bounce off one another and are capable of working some excellent tag team matches. The future is looking very very bright for these two.
Liverpool’s Number one, the World’s Number One
A man who has got everyone talking this week has been Liverpool’s number one, Zack Gibson. Now, I won’t be revealing whether or not he walked out of the show on Tuesday night as champion (because In all honesty, I don’t want to know the result yet myself either) but I will be discussing the fact that he did make the finals winning the tournament this year after defeating Travis Banks. As to the final two, I wasn’t surprised at all to see these guys pitted against one another in the finals. Two of the most popular on the UK scene and both amazingly talented they were worthy of this spot and I wouldn’t have put any other two talents in this slot. Gibson getting such a big push here didn’t surprise me. He’s one of the hottest rising stars and a leading face here in the UK Wrestling scene. Creating fantastic matches against several of the British and Irish talent, title reigns, and one damn entertaining and convincing character he is a talent we can expect to see the WWE really focus their UK shows around. Representing exactly the type of the star the company and the fans are sure to want to see Gibson is a name we will be hearing and seeing a lot of in the months to come. Capable of playing both an excellent heel and babyface as he has done throughout his career Liverpool’s number one is about to become the world’s Number one!
WWE UK Division has a Very Bright Future
As far as reports go this week was a huge success for the world of British Wrestling. Twenty eighteen has been yet another fantastic year for the scene here in the UK and after what took place this week and the announcements made fans have every right to be very excited about the future ahead. Both shows indicated an extremely promising future for the stars of the tournament and the talent here in the United Kingdom and Ireland. With Bate and Seven capturing NXT gold, news on new titles coming to the UK division and a whole series taking place throughout the rest of twenty eighteen it appears as though the alliance between the WWE and the UK scene is only set to grow even stronger and exciting future awaits. So looking ahead, who else can we see set to grace the WWE UK stage? What matches can we expect? And just how far is the talent set to go? Throughout the coming weeks we will continue to discuss the topic around these up and coming shows and the WWE UK shows and division!
Of course, I would love to know what you guys think, so feel free to leave a comment below or tweet me over at @TezangiVictoria and get the conversation started!
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