WWE Superstars Who's Characters Must Go from 0 to 100 (Part 1)

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good and have had a great start to the week so far! Over the weekend I took some notes on brand new exciting blog posts to write and upload for you and I have to admit, I'm pretty damn excited! We kick start things off with a post I'm confident will be one of if not my favourite posts of the week; taking a look at five current WWE superstars we are going to be listing those who I believe need to see their characters go from zero to One hundred. What this basically means is we are going to be taking an in-depth look at ten WWE stars both male and female who need to see their characters pushed to new heights and turned up massively in order to start making an impact, standing out for the right reasons, and getting fans to care! This, of course, is a two-part blog post and part two will be uploaded at a later date so keep an eye out for that! Now, as always, any recent articles and blog posts will be linked below including last weeks RAW and Smackdown LIVE highlights! Finally, you can, of course, get involved and tell me what you think and who you believe needs to see their character pushed to new heights by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.

Lars Sullivan

I did recently write a big article on Lars Sullivan which will be linked below at the end of this blog post so make sure to give that a look! He has, of course, popped up again here today. Lars is an NXT star I am totally obsessed with at the moment and the potential he possesses is so damn evident. What he needs, however, is for this character to be turned up and pushed just that little bit. There really isn't a great deal the WWE have to do with him, simply go backward. Take him back to the days where he showcased a split personality. Have him go from being the friendly giant with remorse and compassion to an outrageous dangerous being causing havoc left, right and center. It's the type of character the WWE are missing and one Lars can so easily and convincingly pull off. My full article on whether or not Sullivan will be a huge star or a huge flop will be linked below!

Randy Orton

I, of course, grew up in the noughties and so Randy Orton has always been a WWE superstar I have watched on my screen. Back then, however, I can honestly say he was a star that entertained me. From Evolution to his work with Mick Foley to an alliance with Edge (Rated RKO), he was a standout and a key figure in that time. Fast forward to today, however, and while Orton remains one of the most must-see and almost legendary stars on the roster day by day he's losing that something. For a very long time now fans have picked up on the fact he comes across as though he isn't bothered or putting much effort in and I myself have mentioned several times before that it's been a long time since I last enjoyed any of his work. What Orton has needed for so long, of course, is a heel turn. There is simply no denying that Orton's best work came from working as the bad guy and once placed in that role again he will most certainly shine. Randy made a name for himself as the legend killer, however, now finding himself as the legend it puts Orton in a brand new position. Have him snap. Attacking your favourite babyfaces like Jeff Hardy, however, further down the line have him focus his attention on the new talent. Instead of a legend killer make him a future killer (that sounds odd). Believe he is the best, the then, the now and the future seeing Orton boast about his career and attempt to eliminate the future or anyone who believes they are better than him. Fans want to see that dangerous, intense Orton so let's start seeing that happen!

Dean Ambrose

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been the biggest Dean Ambrose fan from day one, however, as much as it pains me to say I have lost a lot of interest. While he is currently out of action as I write this we have to touch on the fact that prior to this injury things were not perfect for Ambrose. Sure he hasn't stopped working decent matches and okay feuds but it just isn't enough and it was evident that fans were losing more of an interest on a daily basis. Upon his return what we need to see is his character turned right up. Pushed as the "lunatic fringe" it's time that is exactly what we get. Have him come back looking a little rough, a tad bit off, and more insane than ever before. A heel turn is of course what is needed for Ambrose and has been for a very long time. A heel Ambrose running around the place attacking his opponents with weapons from under the ring instead of pranks and pathetic angles. Anyone who has seen what Dean was doing prior to his WWE days knows just how far the WWE can take his character and just how crazy Ambrose can reach!

Baron Corbin

This one is pretty simple. We've spoken about it before and it's a point that so many fans have been making for several months. Baron Corbin has a damn load of potential, the WWE however, have just been getting things so wrong with him over and over again. Improving his booking and changing where he is on the roster is key, however, the very first step the WWE must make is improving his character. Out of everyone to feature in this series Corbin is probably the easiest star to make this changes to. All that needs to be done is simply allow him to be himself. The work we see from him that isn't crazy scripted and instead what we see in the occasional backstage work or pre-recorded promo and of course what we see from him on twitter. Bring that side of him to his on-screen character, have him outting and calling out the former indie guys just like he did down in NXT, let him loose on the mic and what you will see is a Baron Corbin fans actually want to see and a damn good lone wolf, bad ass, heel!


And finishing off part one of this mini-series is former Women's champion, Bayley. It really hasn't been the best of rides for Bayley up on the main roster. Since joining Monday night RAW Bayley has, of course, had her standout moments but it most certainly has been quite some time since she has made the impact she was making down in NXT. Moving up to the main roster always means we will see changes to an NXT stars character, however, this time around it really hasn't been for the better.
They have either made her look stupid and weak or simply as far from what we know her to be as possible. The moment we saw Bayley booed was the moment the WWE should have realized something was going wrong. Looking ahead and the WWE can turn things around. Her story with Banks has been extremely disappointing but that is a whole other topic for another day. All we need to see is Bayley return back to her lovable, innocent, underdog character yet go back to the days of NXT where fans genuinely wanted to get behind her, where she was the ultimate face. It was during this time that it was proven this can be done while also allowing her to come across as equally as passionate and dangerous in the ring doing anything to get her hands on gold!

And that was part one! Part two of this post will be uploaded in the coming weeks so keep an eye out for that! For now, however, any recent blog posts will be linked below and you can get involved and tell me who you would have added to this list by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.

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