Five Ways The WWE Can Make the Most of Dean Ambrose Return

This past Monday on RAW fans were left ecstatic after the much-anticipated return of Dean Ambrose. Spending months leading up to a year on the Sidelines, Ambrose has waited and worked extremely hard to make one heck of a return to action and boy did he do just that. Standing alongside Seth Rollins, the lunatic fringe sported a brand-new look and noticeable incredible shape. In today’s blog post we’re going to be focusing on what has become the biggest talking point of Summer Slam week and discussing what the WWE should be doing with Ambrose to ensure he has a successful new run and a much-deserved push to the top.

Turning on Seth Rollins

There is simply no denying the fact that turning Ambrose heel is exactly what the WWE need to do. Sure, he works as a decent baby face but throughout his career outside of the WWE, Ambrose shone brightly in the role of the crazy bad guy and this return opens opportunities for the WWE to give Ambrose the heel push so many fans have been waiting for for years not to mention the timing is beyond perfect. For months now, Seth Rollins has been established as one of the biggest and best babyfaces in the WWE today. He’s hard work, consistency, and place on the roster has enabled fans to truly grasp onto the idea that he is one of the key figures they tune into RAW every single week to watch. At one of the highest and most over points of his career, it would make for perfect storytelling to see Ambrose turn on his friend at one of the biggest stages of them all.

Summer Slam will be a huge night for the architect and the story that the WWE has told throughout the past couple of months has put more emphasis on the fact that Rollins needs to have a strong night at this year’s Summer Slam event. Ambrose running in the moment and turning on him would be huge and exactly what he needs. The two haa ve huge history and there really is no better time for the WWE to turn Ambrose heel than right now.

Brand New Allies

While its evident Ambrose can stand tall on his own and work as a fantastic singles star, switching things up and allying the lunatic fringe with fresh faces could make for an interesting turn of events. The likes of the Authors of Pain really do need an extra edge at the moment and a character like Ambrose while different could really shake things up. A dangerous, sadistic Ambrose would only increase and become far more intense with numbers on his side.

Tommaso Ciampa 2.0

We’ve touched on how important it is for the WWE to turn Ambrose heel, it’s extremely important at this stage of his career to go ahead with this move and make it happen. Inspiration can be found down in NXT with Tommaso Ciampa showing exactly how it is done. Now, I’m convinced we are about to see very similar work between Ambrose and Rollins to what we saw and continue to see between Ciampa and Gargano over in NXT and I can totally accept. We know full well just how strong Rollins and Dean can work together and the standard in which they perform at but this time around things need to heat up. We need a darker, more intense, and dangerous Ambrose. This time around we need to ditch the particle jokes, the games, and the funny business and stick to brutal and barbaric beat downs that lead to serious and intense matchups and segments down the line.

The next Paul Heyman Guy

A story that sees Dean Ambrose personally get to his former Shield brothers is one that excites me. This kind of root would need to be smart, interesting, and of course, entertaining but the potential is all there. Step one would be taking out Seth Rollins at Summer Slam or a little further down the line and step two would be aligning himself with Paul Heyman, the man who for years has tormented and made life more difficult for Roman Reigns. Over the coming months, the WWE can really take their time in building a new side to Ambrose’s character and creating a story that leads to a genuine huge must-see triple threat match to main event Wrestlemania. An alliance between Ambrose and Heyman has always been one that looks interesting but even more so now especially considering there is an even bigger story to tell and even more potential. If you would be interested in a how I would book Ambrose burning down the Shield then do let me know!

Welcome to the Ambrose Asylum

The obvious direction the WWE could take is, of course, Ambrose turning on Rollins this coming Sunday at the Summer Slam pay per view as we have already touched on today, however, the choice to leave it for a bit and tell a deeper story is also there. Focus on Ambrose and Rollins working together possibly even making their way back to the tag team division (something that could really work if a Shield triple threat is a favourite for Mania next year) but tell an interesting story in terms of Ambrose and his character. It’s important the WWE show that Ambrose isn’t the same person he was a year ago; show him to be a little crazier, a little more intense, not quite with it. This includes moments of attacking someone more/longer than he should, attempting to encourage Rollins to do darker things, and generally acting a little more insane. Welcoming the WWE roster to the true Ambrose Asylum and building up to so much more in the near future. Introducing a new Ambrose and developing his character even greater.

And those are just some of the ways the WWE can make this next year one of the best of Dean Ambrose’s career so far! I had so much fun writing this blog post and I as always would love to know what you guys think of Ambrose’s return and what you want to see from him In the coming months. 

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