Wrestlemania 35 Main Events That Will Secure A Sell Out Show

Hello everyone and welcome back to Ta;k Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good and have had a great week so far! So as we roll on with this new week back here on my blog I have another post I'm super excited about to both write and read your opinions on. While Wrestlemania thirty-four only concluded a couple of months ago there is already great discussion regarding the next Mania event despite the twelve-month wait. In twenty nineteen the WWE will hope to seel out of eighty thousand seats and in order to do so, they are going to have to put on one heck of a show full of brilliant booking, captivating matches, and a main event that genuinely has fans excited and talking! In today's blog post we are going to be taking a look at five potential Wrestlemania thirty-five main events that guarantee a sellout show! Over the coming weeks, I will be uploading plenty of content taking a look at next years biggest Wrestling event and I cannot wait to see what you guys think! Now, as always, any recent blog posts will be linked below including this week's RAW and Smackdown LIVE highlights and my most recent match recommendations post! Finally, you can get involved and tell me what match you would like to see main event Wrestlemania thirty-five my leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.


Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

Roman Reigns has gone four years main eventing Wrestlemania and it wouldn't be ludicrous to believe the big dog will make it five years running when twenty nineteen roles around. Personally, I, of course, do not want to see Reigns main event another Mania especially considering the roster is so strong as of right now which of course means there are so many other names that could close the biggest show of the year. However, if Reigns is to close another Mania show than the WWE must be smart about it. If you want to make sure those seats are filled and fans are invested in another Reigns main event you're going to have to make it one heck of a must-see contest and throwing Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in the mix is pretty much the only way this will go down. The Shield triple threat is something we have already seen twice before, the first on an episode of FCW and the other only a year or two back. A third taking place is something that of course could still work and something fans will most certainly find an interest in. This time around, however, a heel Ambrose, a face Rollins and a badass tweener in Reigns is key! The story is already written, fans will all have a different side they will want to take and this is a match we know from the past can deliver!

Triple H VS Batista

For anyone who grew up in the noughties I'm pretty sure this is a Wrestlemania main event we can all agree is one to invest in. While I may not be the biggest fan of either of these talents today they bother were such a big part of my childhood and a match between Triple H and Batista in two thousand and nineteen at Wrestlemania thirty-five is most certainly a bout I would pay to see. The majority are now aware that Batista has gone on record to say he wants to main event Wrestlemania in a single match against Triple H and so why not make it happen? The last time these two last shared a WWE ring Batista walked out on hunter following an Evolution reunion that didn't go to plan thanks to the Shield. Picking up where they left off and spicing up the story is all doable. It's a match that with the right direction can easily draw in fans of multiple generations and the action will definitely not disappoint.

Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte Flair

Regular readers here on my blog will have seen me speak about this match before but it has once again popped up in conversation. One of the biggest rumors on the scene pretty much since her debut in the WWE has been that next year Wrestlemania main event will see history made as women take the main event slot for the first time and who are the names being thrown in that spot? Of course, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. Now, while we haven't seen all too much of Rousey in the ring since her debut what we have seen sure has been impressive and led many to believe that a singles match between the pair could easily be a huge success. Such a historic match will most certainly rais questions and doubts, however, it's also sure to kick-start a conversation and secure seats for one heck of a big Wrestlemania. The two have all the potential in the world to deliver a fantastic matchup and a main event many will be invested in! The women's revolution has been on fire over the last few years but it may be time to turn things up just a little more.

Daniel Bryan vs The Miz

Okay, so this one is definitely more of a personal pick. As I'm writing this, the Miz is set to compete in the twenty eighteen men's Money in the Bank ladder match and he is one of my personal favourites for the win. In a dream world, I would love to see him win the MITB contract and go on to cash in at SummerSlam on Daniel Bryan who in my fantasy booking would be facing Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Championship. Of Course, there is a big gap between Money in the Bank and Wrestlemania thirty-five, however, this cash in really could take place at any time within that slot and with such a big story to tell between the pair the main event at Mania could easily sell out seats. Fans are invested in the Miz and even more so in Daniel Bryan. Throwing Bryan into any Mania main event will sell tickets regardless but with such a major feud between the Miz that really has grabbed fans, attention is sure to go down a treat! The Miz deserves another Mania main event and this time things really can be done right. This, of course, is a bout that attracts hardcore fans more than casual which isn't who Mania is necessarily aimed at but this one hundred percent could be a huge success!

John Cena Vs Ric Flairs Record

And finally, we have to talk about John Cena. Working a new role in the WWE as a part-timer is something that really does work for John at the stage he is at in his career but one thing we all still are waiting to see is for John to break Ric Flair's record and become a seventeen-time world champion. This is something we can sure expect to see Very very soon and what better time to do it than at Wrestlemania thirty-five. Choosing an opponent is something that is still up for discussion considering there are so many stars that could take that spot, however, I am currently working on a post that lists some of those potential opponents so keep an eye out for that! Regardless of the opponent, however, the story of Cena chasing after this title in this particular city makes for something pretty amazing and sure to sell tickets and grab the attention of fans worldwide!

And that was my list! As always, any recent blog posts will be linked below including this week's RAW and Smackdown LIVE highlights and my most recent match recommendations post! Finally, you can get involved and tell me what match you would like to see main event Wrestlemania thirty-five my leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.

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