Superstars Noughties Kids Grew Up Loving (Part Two)

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good and have had a great week so far! Okay, so today I wanted to kick-start a mini-series here on my blog (yes another one) however this time I want to take a look back at my childhood. I grew up watching wrestling as a kid and of course being nineteen I grew up in the noughties which was a mixture of good and bad and some of the best and worse moments in wrestling. The WWE was of course where I mainly watched wrestling and so over the coming weeks, I want to take a look back at this time and reminisce on some of my favourite moments, matches, and superstars. We kick start part one off today with a look back at my top five superstars growing up in the noughties. This is a blog post I have actually been wanting to write for quite some time now here on my blog so I'm super excited that I have found the time to write it and kick-start this brand new mini series! I, of course, would love to know what you guys think and get involved! Leave a comment below or tweet me over at @TezangiVictoria telling me who you enjoyed watching as a kid and in the noughties because this is a topic I love! As always, any recent blog posts will be linked below including any SteelChair articles! Right! Let's jump into the post!

Eddie Guerrero

Whenever I am asked who my all-time favourite WWE Superstar is without even thinking about Eddie Guerrero is the first name that comes out of my mouth. He is without a shadow of a doubt the man the tops the list and I cannot see that ever changing! He had me totally captivated as a kid and even now going back and re-watching old matches I get that same feeling of being inspired and invested in what I'm watching. Of course, little me did want to grow up and be a wrestler one day and he was one of the main reasons why. Always being on the smaller/shorter side I loved watching a WWE Superstar who wasn't six foot six and three hundred pounds make it and own it and that inspired me massively. When I was in secondary school my best friend also expressed he was her favourite growing up also and we both shared sad stories of the day we learned he had passed away. Eddie may no longer be with us but he remains such a key figure in wrestling especially growing up in this time and I'm so grateful to be apart of a generation who got to watch him as a kid.

Jeff Hardy

Come on, who didn't grow up literally being Jeff Hardy. Days were spent consisting of me and my brother jumping off things, ripping socks and making them into sleeves and our mother telling us off for noise and almost killing each other. Everything Jeff did we wanted to do! We'd spend days pretending to be Matt and Jeff and of course, me being the oldest sibling I had to be Matt, however, it was Jeff who was always number one for me and so many others. He was different and I loved that. There wasn't anyone else like him, who liked like him and had the impact he had. Jeff was such a big part of so many of our childhoods and seeing that even today he continues to be just that for whole other generation is amazing and in years to come the will be kids who are twenty while we are forty who also get to say Jeff Hardy was a big part of their childhood and one of their all-time favourites.

John Cena

Okay, this list would not have been complete without John Cena and so I just had to include him in today's blog post. I wasn't ever really a big John Cena fan growing up and I would find myself leaning more towards whoever he was feuding against, however, he was without question a big part of my childhood growing up as a wrestling fan. As I mentioned in part one, his rivalry with Edge was one of my all time favourites growing up with so many of those matches making my all-time favourites lists also but Cena was apart of many amazing and iconic moments in this time. Feuds and matches against the likes of JBL and Shawn Michales make for all time standouts and contribute to exactly why he is on this list. Whether you loved him or hated him Cena was on your screen every week entertaining you and he has become an all-time great in this industry regardless.

Rey Mysterio

You've probably picked up by now that as a kid it was that Lucha Style and the hardcore style that I liked watching the most and to be honest that hasn't changed very much at all. Rey Mysterio was always someone I loved to watch. He was on the smaller side, he owned that Lucha Libre style, and he worked against some of the best names in WWE history. This is a man that totally had me captivated week in and week out and it was rivalries and moments with and against the likes of Batista, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena and so so many more that really stand out and contribute to exactly why he is such a major figure of this time in pro wrestling in the WWE. He was another favourite of my granddads and growing up watching wrestling with him I have so many amazing memories of watching Mysterio matches with the man I loved the most in this world!

Chris Jericho

And finally, we, of course, have Chris Jericho. The king at re-inventing himself, Chris Jericho was genuinely a man fan would buy tickets to specifically see and that is something that just hasn't changed as the years have gone by. He has always been that something the WWE has always needed and benefited from having around. A true veteran, growing up in the noughties he was apart of so many amazing standout moments, feuds and rivalries with his feud against Shawn Michales being one of the biggest standouts. He was a brilliant heel and I remember watching him and literally hating the guy but that only ever meant he was doing his job and what a damn good job he was doing! He made you feel something and was always able to work these killer matches!

Special mention

I wanted to finish today's blog post off with a special mention, Chris Benoit. Now, whenever anyone talked about Benoit it's always controversial and a touch uncomfortable, however, regardless of the dreadful events that took place and the demons he was facing Benoit was without a shadow of a doubt a major major part of any wrestling fan growing up in this time. As a wrestler he simply was phenomenal. Working some of the best matches I have ever seen he was a passionate worker who without question was one of the biggest draws the company had and one hundred percent deserves to be highlighted in today's blog post.

And there we have it! That is part two of my top ten WWE Superstars Noughties Kids grew up loving! Part one will of course be linked below but don't forget you can get involved and tell me what you thought of todays topic and who you would have added to this list by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria and remember an all women's version of this blog post will be uploaded very soon!

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