WWE Extreme Rules 2018 Predictions

Bobby Lashley Must Score the Victory
Surprisingly one of the matches I’m most looking forward to this weekend is the one on one between Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley. Now, of course, it has come as no surprise that these are the two men being pushed by the WWE as Lesnar’s next potential opponents however the timing is a bit odd. It’s been clear since his return Lashley was to go on to at some point challenge for the title, but he just hasn’t been given the right booking since that return and this sudden push doesn’t really make much sense in the eyes of casual fans. On the flip side the same can be said for Reigns; sure, he does still technically deserve another title match but with the roster so stacked it does seem unfair that he is once again in the picture above the likes of Seth Rollins and Finn Balor for example.
As I mentioned earlier on in the week the video package aired on Monday's episode of RAW really did turn things around for me and has made me far more interested in this match. This is a battle of egos, two men who claim to be the best, at the top, the guy and two men who believe they should be champion. It’s something that really does work. Lashley has been there, he’s done it all and he is a legit threat to Lesnar while Reigns is still fairly new to this, his the companies favourite but he can’t get the job done and one more shot it what he wants in order to do that. The collision between the two won’t be the best wrestling match of the night it could very easily impress and surprise a lot of people. I do want to see a lengthy bout here and I do want to see Lashley have the match he needs and Roman prove critics wrong once again. In terms of the end result its clear Lashley must win. While it does leave you wondering what programme will await Reigns heading into SummerSlam it's far more important we see something new. We need a new dominant beast put into action and Lashley is the perfect fit. His build and background makes him a legitimate threat to Lesnar and he’s the type of champion I would love to see on Monday night RAW not to mention he truly does deserve the major push.
Tag Team Title Changes
I honestly have such mixed opinions in regard to the tag team division on both RAW and Smackdown LIVE. A rather unpopular opinion but I haven’t been a fan of the decision to reunite team hell no. I really did enjoy their work previously but it’s not what I expected to see the WWE do with Bryan upon his return and a tag team title reign taking out the bludgeon brothers also isn’t something I’m into. Now, I’m confident the match will be good, given that these guys are provided with the time they deserve and need this could easily be one of the best main roster tag team matches we’ve had so far this year but the story and the feud doesn’t make sense and I would prefer to see the titles remain on Harper and Rowan. Saying that I am expecting to see the titles change hands and Kane and Bryan to take home the Smackdown LIVE Tag Team Championships
Heading over to Monday night RAW and I have to admit that I like it. I would, of course, prefer to see Wyatt and Matt involved in something more serious and intense that matches and shows what their characters and alliance is all about but the sheer comedy that Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel bring to the table is amazing and I have most certainly been very very entertained by them. Will the titles change hands? I highly doubt it but the fact these two have been given this push and this opportunity is fantastic and I’m genuinely happy for the pair of them. Keep in mind I wouldn’t be surprised if the titles did change in a huge surprise twist!
A Big Night for Rusev
And the match I’m defiantly most excited about this weekend is the WWE Championship bout between AJ Styles and Rusev. Now, I’ll admit I do feel as though the build has been pretty weak, and the match overall has been fairly forgotten about, however, there is no denying a huge chunk of the WWE Universe including myself are over the moon to see Rusev given such a huge opportunity. There really is no one on the roster more deserving of this championship match than Rusev. Extremely over, very much underutilised, and a true charismatic character and gifted in-ring performer he is so deserving of this match. Now, as much as I would love to see him walk out as the new WWE Champion I’m not expecting to see it. The title change would be huge and judging the build it just doesn’t seem as though now is the time we will see Rusev as the WWE champion as despite how much we would like to. This match does have all the potential to be one of the best in the WWE so far this year and I really do hope that these guys are given the time so that Rusev can establish himself as the top star we know him to be!
The Return of Ronda Rousey
The story revolving around the RAW Women’s Championship is an interesting one and I have to say that I have mixed opinions. I loved the work between Nia Jax and Ronda Rousey and I did like Bliss’ cash in, however, Nia vs Alexa isn’t something I want to see more of. Their story was weaker than it should have been, and fans have been left confused as to how we are supposed to feel about Nia Jax. Now, the match between these two is an Extreme Rules match which I like and does in some ways make sense however, I highly doubt this will be a women’s division standout match of the year and in fact it will be Rousey’s inevitable involvement in the match that will get everyone talking and be the true standout. For me I will be backing Nia just because I did really enjoy what we got from her and Rousey at Money in the Bank, however, I’ve got to admit that I do feel as though Alexa Bliss vs Ronda Rousey could also be a fantastic match with loads and loads of potential.
In terms of the Smackdown LIVE Women’s Championship match, I do think this has potential also. Carmella is showing huge improvements in the ring and I believe she could surprise us again, however, this time around I think we are all expecting to see Asuka take the win and finally become the Women’s champion.
The Match of the Night
And the final point I want to make of course focuses on the thirty-minute Ironman match between Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins. I’m going to call it now and say this will be the best main roster WWE match of the year. These two have already been apart of fantastic matches that have highlighted their in-ring skill massively and I can honestly say I cannot wait for this match! The expectations are so high, and it won’t be easy topping what we have already seen from these two but I do strongly believe they will do exactly that and this will be a match we won’t forget! As far as the end result goes I think this could be pretty interesting. I do feel as though the title does need to remain on Ziggler, but I also believe we could see a certain Mr. Dean Ambrose make an appearance. Whether it be helping or turning on Rollins his return would be huge and totally make sense to take place in this exact time. A heel Ambrose is most certainly needed and taking out his best friend in Rollins after a thirty-minute iron match would be pretty brutal and one heck of a way to make a comeback! I also have to mention that I love the fact the WWE has found a way to have fans interested and entertained by some Ziggler work and I cannot wait for this bout!
Overall Thoughts
I do believe we could have some great matches this weekend. From Braun vs Owens, Rousey’s involvement, Rusev vs Styles, and of course, Rollins VS Ziggler. I don’t believe this will be the standout pay per view of the year but we can expect some excellent stuff to go down and I will be live tweeting throughout all the action!
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