My top 5 Wrestlemania matches of all time
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World and the final top five post in my Wrestlemania season. I honest cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by. I mentioned already this week that I found it amazing how it feels that Fastlane was here the other day and now we're twelve days or so away from the biggest show of the year. I've really really enjoyed doing this series I will admit it has been the hardest past two months so far and I'm glad it's over but I have really enjoyed doing it and I hope you have all liked the series, I would love to know what you would like to see April dedicated to. I do want to do NXT month again so let me know if you would like that to be in April or if you would like something else. So, we are in the final couple of weeks, in fact less, of Wrestlemania season and the days are ticking away until the actual big show. Today's blog post is all about highlighting some of the best matches in Wrestlemania history, as I give you my top five Mania matches of all time. Remember, this list is one hundred per cent based on my own personal opinions and has not been influenced by anyone who reads my blog or anything like that. There are so many more matches I have loved at Wrestlemania and so it was hard narrowing it down to just five. At the end I will list a thew more extras. I would love to know what is your all time favourite Wrestlemania match so do leave a comment bellow. I will link at the end of this post any recent post including my Wrestlemania Q&A information blog post.
5) Bret Hart VS Stone Cold Steve Austin (Wrestlemania 13)
Kicking off my top five Wrestlemania matches of all time is one that I'm sure will be in many of your's lists and it comes from Wrestlemania thirteen and see's Bret Hart go one on one with Stone Cold Steve Austin. I don't know if any of you know this but these two are two of my all time favourite wrestlers. I'm a nineties kid and so I grew up watching these two pretty much from birth! I took a lot of inspiration from Stone Cold, he was just so bad ass and I wanted to be him, literally, I wanted to be Stone Cold. And Bret Hart, well he's Bret Hart, is there anyone that doesn't love him? his match is one that really sticks in my mind whenever I think about this time in the WWE/WWF I always think of this match. Wrestlemania thirteen was a good show anyway and for me this was just the stand out match of the night and in the history of Wrestlemania. It was so barbaric, so extreme and so nineties wrestling if you get what I mean. They portrayed so much passion and heart. They honestly gave it there all and put on a great show for the fans.
4) Shawn Michaels VS The Undertaker (Wrestlemania 25)
Up next, is one of the most heart warming, passionate matches in professional wrestling history, in my opinion. I remember taking a break from Wrestling this year and Wrestlemania twenty five was the first show I watched after my break. This is a bold statement (yes another one) but I do think that Wrestlemania twenty five was one of the best Wrestlemania shows of all time. Honestly, if I could I would of put most of the matches from the show in this one list, but I wanted to choose just one from this year and I had to choose this one. It's not very often that you watch a wrestling match and it stays with you for years, this match has done just that. Since the moment I watched this match right up to this very moment it has stayed with me and it's been a match I have told nearly everyone I come into contact with about. It just had so much heart, so much passion and it just felt like so much was at steak. The build up was done so perfectly the match itself was so well put together. I think it took place at such a major part of both the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels career and I think it inspired generations of fans and future WWE superstars.
3) Triple H VS The Undertaker (Wrestlemania 28)
In at number three is another Undertaker match and this time it's comes from the Hell In A Cell match against Triple H with special guest referee Shawn Michaels. I'm all about bold statement's today but I'm gonna come right out and say it, this match is one of my all time favourite pro wrestling matches. It's actually in my top five matches of all time, witch by the way is a difficult list to get into. Just like the match I just spoke about, this is one that has stuck in my mind since the night I watched it. It's a match I go back to all the time, if I'm feeling down or if I need something to watch to pass time I will go and watch this one match. The fact it was a hell in a cell match was one thing but the addition of Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee was just something else. It had that legends feel to it. You knew from the moment it was made official you knew this was going to be something we would be talking about for years to come and it was going to blow us away, but I never expected it to be as outstanding as it was. Once again, it had so much passion, so much heart and it was one of those matches that made me realise why I love professional wrestling so much and why I'm such a fan.
2) The Hardys VS Edge and Christian VS The Dudleys (Wrestlemania 17)
Coming in at number two and just about missing out on the number one spot I my top five Wrestlemania matches of all time is by far one of the best tag team and TLC matches I have ever seen, it of course is the World Tag team championship match between The Hardys, Edge and Christian and the Dudleys. This match has gone down in history to be one of the greatest tag team matches of all time and it is one that I'm always talking about. This match took place in a time when the tag division in the WWE was at an all time high. As the years have gone on this match has set the bar for tag teams to come and when ever you think of tag team wrestling in the WWE you think of the matches that took place between these three teams. The stuff that went down in this match was insane and once again, it's a match that has always stayed in my mind.
1) Macho Man VS Ricky Steamboat
Finally, at number one and my official top Wrestlemania match of all time is one that I'm sure every single one of you will be aware of, it of course is the Intercontinental championship match between Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat. Now, I wasn't alive when this match took place but It's a match that I have loved for as long as I remember. I actually think this was one of the first matches I ever saw and as I got older I use to go back to it year after year, time and time again and it has been the driving force in my passion for pro wrestling. I think it's safe to say these two inspired many many superstars to come and follow in their footsteps. Wrestlemania three was such a big, memorable show and there are many people who believe the Andre the giant/Hulk Hogan match was the match of the night but I think that's crazy. I think that match was extremely overrated and the true match of the
night was Macho Man VS Rick Steamboat. To this day that match has been one of the best pro wrestling matches in history. It had everything you could possibly ask for and was such an old school, amazing match. Seriously, if your too young and you haven't seen this match make sure you seriously go and check out!!!

Other matches that didn't make the list but are some of my all time faves are:
Randy Orton VS Triple H Wrestlemania 25
John Cena VS Big Show VS Edge Wrestlemania 25
The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin Wrestlemania 15
Daniel Bryan VS Batista VS Randy Orton Wrestlemania 30
Hulk Hogan VS Sgt. Slaughter
Shawn Michaels VS Razor Ramon
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