Wrestlemania Predictions: Brock Lesnar VS Roman Reigns
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. It's finally Wrestlemania week! It feels like the build up has taken forever but in reality I suppose it's actually gone pretty quick. I remember starting the Wrestlemania season on my blog last month after the Fastlane pay per view and thinking it was never going to come to an end and I would never get all the blog posts done, but hear I am coming into the final stages and I have to admit. I'm going to miss it, witch I never thought I was going to say. Emotional little speech over. We are in the final week of Wrestlemania and we are only six day's away from the biggest event of the year. Because it's the last week it mean's it's of course prediction week. The week I dread the most. This when I spend six day's giving you full predictions for every single match on the Wrestlemania card. In each post I will remind you of everything that has happened over the past thew months or even year to get to this point, what I think will happen on the night of the show and what I think is best for business for both Wrestlemania and the months after. I plan on hopefully uploading a post a day but there may be day's when two prediction posts go up. There will be changes to the regular uploads, RAW Predictions and Review and Reactions will still go up but NXT and Smackdown review and reactions and Saturdays top five will not be going up this week. Right, some quick reminders before we get into the post. The link to the most recent post in Wrestlemania season will be listed bellow including the latest prediction post. I will also leave my Q&A information blog post down bellow also so you can go and check that out. You guys will all probably know by now that I'm hosting a live Q&A two hours before the show. I will also be live tweeting throughout Wrestlemania. Finally, you can let me know what your predictions for all the matches on the Wrestlemania card by either leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Right, let's get into the post!
Guy's we did it! We made it to the final day, it's Saturday witch means we are on our last prediction post for Wrestlemania and it's finally time to talk and take a deep look into the biggest match of the night, the main event; witch will see Brock Lesnar defend he's WWE World Heavyweight championship against the man who won the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns. This is a match that a lot of people find disappointing to say the least an not many are actually looking forward to this match at all and I will be honest, I kinda fall into that category. I think the WWE knew from the beginning they were taking a risk with having Reigns win the rumble and go on to main event Wrestlemania, the biggest, most grandest stage of them all but it's a risk I think they may regret taking. It may have been a little different if it was a pay per view like Summer Slam, that is still big a deal but just not as much of a big deal. When your audience is not supporting or a fan of your main event for the your biggest show of the year, I think you have a problem. But at the end of the day this is the WWE and this is Wrestlemania, risks like this can really be worth and can pay off, so I'm gonna cut WWE, Creative, and Roman Reigns some slack and try and look more so at the positives of this match because to be fair this is a fair amount. You know the drill by now. I will take you though what both Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar have been up to over the past couple of months and past year and then at the end I will make my full bold predictions. Right, let's get into it.
I will be the first to admit I am far from a Roman Reigns fan. What I don't like is this idea that some people have that all the Reigns doubters or should I say "haters", dislike him because he won the rumble and if you would like to say, stole Daniel Bryan's position in the main event because trust me, that is not the case what so ever. If you have been following me for long enough you will know that since the Shield was first put together I was never a major fan of Reigns and I always doubted him as the top star, the next big thing. I always said that Seth Rollins was the best/most talented in ring performer and all round wrestler of the faction and Ambrose was the best speaker. I have been saying for as long as I can remember that Reigns just doesn't do it for me and he lacks all the important, top qualities to be atop star. Now, don't get me wrong, superstars and divas can improve and Reigns has done that, and there is no doubting that he has the look and typical image of a top star in the WWE, but I don't know about you but I like my "top star" to do more than look good and I think the main issue people have is that they just don't believe in him. The fact of the matter is is there are better speakers, better wrestlers with more experience and guys who have what seems to be it all. Guy's like Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, and of course Daniel Bryan. But if there is one thing Reigns does have it's determination, and he has used that determination and all the fight in him to turn the fan opinion around and better himself in every area. At the Royal Rumble pay per view he took a real bad crowd reaction and everyone online was digging at him, but he didn't hide away and act immaturely about it. He bounced back and hit back at the doubters, making it clear he was going to prove himself in time for Wrestlemania. He set out to prove he is worthy of winning the Rumble and Worthy of facing Brock Lesnar at the biggest show of them all, Wrestlemania. And you know what, not even I can deny that he did just that. I'm not going to sit here and say that over the past two months he has become a speaker on the level of Bray Wyatt or has the charisma if Dean Ambrose or the Wrestling ability of Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler, but he has discovered who Roman Reigns is. He has created he's own style both in the ring and on the mic and it's become more clear who Roman Reigns the character is. The tough, work hard, no nonsenses, attitude is what won me over and really made me believe in him and I think that is one thing we can all almost agree on, he has spent time and effort into making us believe in him. In my opinion, and I'm sure most of you will agree with me, the turning point for Reigns was at Fastlane. It was in he's match at this pay per view against Daniel Bryan that I started to say I believe in him and maybe just maybe he could have what it takes to take on Brock Lesnar. He showed a heck of a lot more in the ring and really showed some big improvements. We have also seen him improve on the mic. Once again, he is no Bray Wyatt, but he has massively improved, You just have to look at the interviews he has done and some of the promos, not all of them, some. Yes, he still does have a lot of work to do if he is going to prove he is main event, top guy, next John Cena material but I have been really impressed over the past couple of months and he has done a good job in changing my opinions on him slightly. I'm still not a mega fan but it's a step forward. This is Reigns biggest, most important match in he's career so far and it's the first time he will be competing at Wrestlemania in a singles match so it's a pretty big deal and at the end of the day we may not like Roman Reigns as a character or Wrestler but this is a real life man's dream and I think he deserves he moment. Even though I would like Brock Lesnar to walk out still the WWE World Heavyweight champion, I'm almost one hundred percent certain that Reigns will be winning the match. I have another theory that I will go into more detail later on in the post but I do think that Reigns will be walking away the victor. However, if they are going to have Reigns win it's going to have to be from more than just a spear. This Brock Lesnar he is facing here and he's win needs to be convincing to say the least. Having Lesnar pinned by a spear isn't going to be enough and Reigns is going to have to pull a lot out of the bag. This is a huge huge night for Roman, one that will most probably determine the rest of he's career. I still think he was a year too early and this weekend he will either prove me wrong or right.
We then have Brock Lesnar. Lesnar has pretty much had the dream year. It was this time last year (not exactly) at Wrestlemania that Lesnar did the unthinkable and ended the Undertakers undefeated streak. In the same year he defeated the Big Show at the Royal Rumble then in the summer at the Summer Slam pay per view he main evented the show and defeated John Cena in one of the most one sided,dominate matches in the history of the WWE for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He really has been on a high all year round but if I'm honest, it's been Paul Heyman who has kept me interested in this match. It's no secret that I have not been a fan of this match at all but throughout the past couple of months it's been all down to Paul Heyman when it comes to adding any interest and meaning to this match. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for Heyman I probably would't even be watching this match. He has been the driving force in saving the Wrestlemania main event and I think he is going to be vital this weekend. I do think that Lesnar will dominate this match very early on as usual but Reigns will surprise us and shake things up. Lesnar will most defiantly be carrying the match also. Once again, I can't see the title staying on the current champ. I think it's time for a change the build up has leant towards Reigns winning, how Lesnar will suffer after the match is another
thing and if I'm honest, I don't think it will do him any harm at all to he's WWE career and he will bounce back easily if he does come back.
I'm going to say, don't rule this match out. It might be disappointing but I think it's going to surprise us. I'm predicting a lengthy match with Lesnar dominating early on but things changing half way through. It's a big night for Reigns and I think he my just surprise us an really deliver, to be fair, he doesn't have a choice. One thing I have been predicting since last year is Seth Rollins. For months now I have been predicting that Reigns will defeat Lesnar to then have Rollins cash in on him and become the champ. I really really really want this to happen. I think it makes so much sense and would really work. Let's face it, there is not going to be a better time for Rollins to cash in than when Reigns has just finished the fight of he's life against the one and only Brock Lesnar. The only problem with this Randy Orton, so It would be pretty intresting to see what they do there. I think having Rollins cash in would be the perfect move and would really shake up the WWE universe. I will admit I'm looking forward to the match much more than I was two months ago. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Guy's we did it! We made it to the final day, it's Saturday witch means we are on our last prediction post for Wrestlemania and it's finally time to talk and take a deep look into the biggest match of the night, the main event; witch will see Brock Lesnar defend he's WWE World Heavyweight championship against the man who won the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns. This is a match that a lot of people find disappointing to say the least an not many are actually looking forward to this match at all and I will be honest, I kinda fall into that category. I think the WWE knew from the beginning they were taking a risk with having Reigns win the rumble and go on to main event Wrestlemania, the biggest, most grandest stage of them all but it's a risk I think they may regret taking. It may have been a little different if it was a pay per view like Summer Slam, that is still big a deal but just not as much of a big deal. When your audience is not supporting or a fan of your main event for the your biggest show of the year, I think you have a problem. But at the end of the day this is the WWE and this is Wrestlemania, risks like this can really be worth and can pay off, so I'm gonna cut WWE, Creative, and Roman Reigns some slack and try and look more so at the positives of this match because to be fair this is a fair amount. You know the drill by now. I will take you though what both Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar have been up to over the past couple of months and past year and then at the end I will make my full bold predictions. Right, let's get into it.
I will be the first to admit I am far from a Roman Reigns fan. What I don't like is this idea that some people have that all the Reigns doubters or should I say "haters", dislike him because he won the rumble and if you would like to say, stole Daniel Bryan's position in the main event because trust me, that is not the case what so ever. If you have been following me for long enough you will know that since the Shield was first put together I was never a major fan of Reigns and I always doubted him as the top star, the next big thing. I always said that Seth Rollins was the best/most talented in ring performer and all round wrestler of the faction and Ambrose was the best speaker. I have been saying for as long as I can remember that Reigns just doesn't do it for me and he lacks all the important, top qualities to be atop star. Now, don't get me wrong, superstars and divas can improve and Reigns has done that, and there is no doubting that he has the look and typical image of a top star in the WWE, but I don't know about you but I like my "top star" to do more than look good and I think the main issue people have is that they just don't believe in him. The fact of the matter is is there are better speakers, better wrestlers with more experience and guys who have what seems to be it all. Guy's like Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, and of course Daniel Bryan. But if there is one thing Reigns does have it's determination, and he has used that determination and all the fight in him to turn the fan opinion around and better himself in every area. At the Royal Rumble pay per view he took a real bad crowd reaction and everyone online was digging at him, but he didn't hide away and act immaturely about it. He bounced back and hit back at the doubters, making it clear he was going to prove himself in time for Wrestlemania. He set out to prove he is worthy of winning the Rumble and Worthy of facing Brock Lesnar at the biggest show of them all, Wrestlemania. And you know what, not even I can deny that he did just that. I'm not going to sit here and say that over the past two months he has become a speaker on the level of Bray Wyatt or has the charisma if Dean Ambrose or the Wrestling ability of Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler, but he has discovered who Roman Reigns is. He has created he's own style both in the ring and on the mic and it's become more clear who Roman Reigns the character is. The tough, work hard, no nonsenses, attitude is what won me over and really made me believe in him and I think that is one thing we can all almost agree on, he has spent time and effort into making us believe in him. In my opinion, and I'm sure most of you will agree with me, the turning point for Reigns was at Fastlane. It was in he's match at this pay per view against Daniel Bryan that I started to say I believe in him and maybe just maybe he could have what it takes to take on Brock Lesnar. He showed a heck of a lot more in the ring and really showed some big improvements. We have also seen him improve on the mic. Once again, he is no Bray Wyatt, but he has massively improved, You just have to look at the interviews he has done and some of the promos, not all of them, some. Yes, he still does have a lot of work to do if he is going to prove he is main event, top guy, next John Cena material but I have been really impressed over the past couple of months and he has done a good job in changing my opinions on him slightly. I'm still not a mega fan but it's a step forward. This is Reigns biggest, most important match in he's career so far and it's the first time he will be competing at Wrestlemania in a singles match so it's a pretty big deal and at the end of the day we may not like Roman Reigns as a character or Wrestler but this is a real life man's dream and I think he deserves he moment. Even though I would like Brock Lesnar to walk out still the WWE World Heavyweight champion, I'm almost one hundred percent certain that Reigns will be winning the match. I have another theory that I will go into more detail later on in the post but I do think that Reigns will be walking away the victor. However, if they are going to have Reigns win it's going to have to be from more than just a spear. This Brock Lesnar he is facing here and he's win needs to be convincing to say the least. Having Lesnar pinned by a spear isn't going to be enough and Reigns is going to have to pull a lot out of the bag. This is a huge huge night for Roman, one that will most probably determine the rest of he's career. I still think he was a year too early and this weekend he will either prove me wrong or right.
We then have Brock Lesnar. Lesnar has pretty much had the dream year. It was this time last year (not exactly) at Wrestlemania that Lesnar did the unthinkable and ended the Undertakers undefeated streak. In the same year he defeated the Big Show at the Royal Rumble then in the summer at the Summer Slam pay per view he main evented the show and defeated John Cena in one of the most one sided,dominate matches in the history of the WWE for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He really has been on a high all year round but if I'm honest, it's been Paul Heyman who has kept me interested in this match. It's no secret that I have not been a fan of this match at all but throughout the past couple of months it's been all down to Paul Heyman when it comes to adding any interest and meaning to this match. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for Heyman I probably would't even be watching this match. He has been the driving force in saving the Wrestlemania main event and I think he is going to be vital this weekend. I do think that Lesnar will dominate this match very early on as usual but Reigns will surprise us and shake things up. Lesnar will most defiantly be carrying the match also. Once again, I can't see the title staying on the current champ. I think it's time for a change the build up has leant towards Reigns winning, how Lesnar will suffer after the match is another
thing and if I'm honest, I don't think it will do him any harm at all to he's WWE career and he will bounce back easily if he does come back.

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