NXT Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. So it's Thursday witch of course means it's time for my NXT Review and Reactions. It really does feel like the weeks are going quicker and quicker, I literally have no idea where the time is going. Anyway, last night we got yet another great NXT show, witch saw Alex Riley quit commentating, Baron Corbin continue he's dominate run in NXT and two of the top divas in the WWE go one on one in the main event. I will obviously go into more detail about how happy I was that we got to see two divas main event the show later on in the post. Today, I of course have for you my complete review and reactions from the show so I hope you enjoy. Some kick reminders before I go into today's post; it is of course Wrestlemania season and I have been uploading daily posts in the series, so I will link the most recent post down bellow so you go and check that out if you haven't already and stay all up to date on everything. There will also be more information on my Wrestlemania Q&A later this week so make sure you keep an eye out for that. You can let me know what you thought of last nights show and what you would like to see next in Wrestlemania season by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Kick starting this weeks NXT was a familiar face in Adam Rose as he returned to he's home of NXT to take on Tyler Breeze. I will admit I wasn't entirely down for this match. I love both of these superstars and have expressed just how much of a fan I am of both of them but sometimes you can love two wrestlers but not want to see them compete against one another. I don't know, maybe if I was not as tired or if it was a different night, I might have been more interested and more for it but I just was't feeling it. Anyway, Rose, despite working as a heel on the main roster was quite clearly working as a baby face last night, witch didn't really bother me, I think he makes both a decent heel and face so that was not a problem at all in my opinion. He of course received a great reaction from the crowd as expected. That really is one thing I love about the NXT crowds, they show every superstar and diva the respect they deserve and acknowledge everyone who competes, witch is far from what you can say about most crowds on the main roster shows. Rose dominated pretty much the entire match with Breeze struggling to get any offence. Just as Adam Rose looked to be on a roll and heading for the win, Breeze hit the beauty shot out of nowhere and was able to get the win. I don't think this match really did anything for Breeze, sure it made him look good defeating a superstar from the main roster and he did need the win but personally, I think he's booking does need to be stronger. Altogether a decent start to the show.
Up next was tag team action as Angelo Dawkins and Sawyer Fulton took on the current NXT Tag Tea Champions, Buddy Murpthy and Wesley Blake. It was clear who was going to win this match, the whole point of it was to simply put over and give the champs some momentum but you guys all know how much I adore Murpthy and Blake so I don't really have anything bad to say. At the moment there is no number one contender so it's all about pushing the tag division and keeping the champs on a high. One thing I do want to talk about is Sawyer Fulton. I don't think I have mentioned Sawyer on my blog before, maybe one or twice, but I do have a lot to say about him. You might recognise Fulton, from previous NXT matches in the past. He has previously tag teamed with the likes of Baron Corbin to put over the champs at the time and other tag teams. The one thing about Sawyer is he just hasn't found "it" yet. The WWE really have struggled to sort out a sold character that really works for him. He does have a very unique look and he does really stand out. That can work in your favour for sure, but at the moment it's completely working against him and I do feel like he wont be around for long unless they really hit the nail on the head for him. They had the same problem with Becky Lynch, and just like with Lynch I think they need to strip it back and let him be him and you never know, he might really come into himself. Anyway, after a short match with some great spots, dominated by the champs, Murpthy and Blake scored the win. We also saw a backstage interview with Big Cas, Enzo and Carmella, who spoke about the NXT tag team champs and made it clear they were coming after the titles.
Baron Corbin was up next as he went one on one with Tony Briggs. I will be the first to admit I haven't seen hardly any work from Briggs before and he didn't really grab my attention last night. Most of the time when Corbin is in the ring, he's the centre of attention anyway. The match of course was a short one and was the next chapter an the story of Baron Corbin's NXT dominance. I do really think it's about time we started seeing more from Corbin and the booking got stronger. Personally, I would love to see Corbin feud with Rhyno. He seems like the perfect guy to put him over and send him off in the right direction. The two could have some great work and amazing matches and a couple of wins over Rhyno would really set Corbin off in a strong path
Bull Dempsey then took on my personal favourite, Solomon Crowe. This was Crowe's debut match in NXT after makings he's first TV appearance a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned before that it felt like I and everyone else was waiting forever for Solomon to make he's mark in the WWE/NXT and finally he is here. Believe me when I say I had a huge smile on my face when I saw him come out last night. The match itself wasn't too great at all. I think it fell pretty flat at times but it had some great spots in it. I do think the paring was right, you look at the two superstars and you know they could really deliver but for last night, it just wasn't working. The crowd were one hundred percent behind Solomon, he was full of character and energy, witch is always a good thing an he had a decent performance, maybe not a memorable one, but it was he's first match and I do think I need to cut these guys some slack. I worry for Dempsey. He really needs a strong strong win in the next couple of weeks if he wants to remain being seen as a superstar to fear. He really does have a lot to show and has bags of talent both in the ring and on the mic but he needs better booking. Last night it was Crowe who scored the win and got a great reaction from the crowd
Last night also saw Alexa Bliss making it clear she was going after Sasha Banks' NXT Women's championship, witch I think is great. Alexa is a great talent and one of the most gifted divas on the roster, give her time to shine and she will steal the show. I said it from the beginning that she will be the NXT women's champion by the end of the year. We also saw tensions continue between Alex Riley and the NXT champion, Kevin Owens. The one problem I have with this is that Alex can't wrestle he's match with Owens and also remain a commentator. Last night saw Riley quit as a commentator witch I really didn't like. I think he makes a much better commentator than wrestler and he should of stayed working outside of the ring. Storyline wise however, I like it.
Finally, the main event, witch saw Sasha Banks defend her NXT Women's championship for the first time against the women she took the title from, Charlotte. Can I first say, how amazing was it to see two divas main event the show. It's such a shame we don't get this on the main roster because last night these girls proved that it doesn't matter who main event's the show, whether it's a superstar or a diva, they can steal the show at the end of the night and put on an outstanding match. This was just yet another reason why I would rather watch NXT than the main roster stuff and why the female talent should stay in NXT. These two have an amazing history and have had some phenomenal matches in the past, this was just another one to add to the list. They got around a fifteen minuet match witch was just great. With the whole, Give divas a chance movement, it's so nice seeing why the fans have created the movement and why it's a thing. They worked their butts off last night and proved once again that divas can put on great matches and are capable of main eventing a show. If NXT Divas and TNA Knockouts can main event shows, why can't main roster divas? The match last night was just amazing, from start to finish. The fans showed their respect to the girls throughout the match, with this is awesome and this is wrestling chants echoing through the arena. Banks and Charlotte took things up to a hole new level last night and just bettered themselves once again, raising the bar that much higher. We saw some amazing moves from both girls and it was a real back and fourth match. The remained in character throughout and told a great story. Banks did a really good job portraying the perfect heel diva and Charlotte just left me speechless once again. These two have not had a single bad match and they just stole the freaking show. An amazing showing from both girls and with Banks winning the match in true heel style, using the ropes, it was a great ending.
Passing the torch to Bray Wyatt
Kick starting this weeks NXT was a familiar face in Adam Rose as he returned to he's home of NXT to take on Tyler Breeze. I will admit I wasn't entirely down for this match. I love both of these superstars and have expressed just how much of a fan I am of both of them but sometimes you can love two wrestlers but not want to see them compete against one another. I don't know, maybe if I was not as tired or if it was a different night, I might have been more interested and more for it but I just was't feeling it. Anyway, Rose, despite working as a heel on the main roster was quite clearly working as a baby face last night, witch didn't really bother me, I think he makes both a decent heel and face so that was not a problem at all in my opinion. He of course received a great reaction from the crowd as expected. That really is one thing I love about the NXT crowds, they show every superstar and diva the respect they deserve and acknowledge everyone who competes, witch is far from what you can say about most crowds on the main roster shows. Rose dominated pretty much the entire match with Breeze struggling to get any offence. Just as Adam Rose looked to be on a roll and heading for the win, Breeze hit the beauty shot out of nowhere and was able to get the win. I don't think this match really did anything for Breeze, sure it made him look good defeating a superstar from the main roster and he did need the win but personally, I think he's booking does need to be stronger. Altogether a decent start to the show.
Up next was tag team action as Angelo Dawkins and Sawyer Fulton took on the current NXT Tag Tea Champions, Buddy Murpthy and Wesley Blake. It was clear who was going to win this match, the whole point of it was to simply put over and give the champs some momentum but you guys all know how much I adore Murpthy and Blake so I don't really have anything bad to say. At the moment there is no number one contender so it's all about pushing the tag division and keeping the champs on a high. One thing I do want to talk about is Sawyer Fulton. I don't think I have mentioned Sawyer on my blog before, maybe one or twice, but I do have a lot to say about him. You might recognise Fulton, from previous NXT matches in the past. He has previously tag teamed with the likes of Baron Corbin to put over the champs at the time and other tag teams. The one thing about Sawyer is he just hasn't found "it" yet. The WWE really have struggled to sort out a sold character that really works for him. He does have a very unique look and he does really stand out. That can work in your favour for sure, but at the moment it's completely working against him and I do feel like he wont be around for long unless they really hit the nail on the head for him. They had the same problem with Becky Lynch, and just like with Lynch I think they need to strip it back and let him be him and you never know, he might really come into himself. Anyway, after a short match with some great spots, dominated by the champs, Murpthy and Blake scored the win. We also saw a backstage interview with Big Cas, Enzo and Carmella, who spoke about the NXT tag team champs and made it clear they were coming after the titles.
Baron Corbin was up next as he went one on one with Tony Briggs. I will be the first to admit I haven't seen hardly any work from Briggs before and he didn't really grab my attention last night. Most of the time when Corbin is in the ring, he's the centre of attention anyway. The match of course was a short one and was the next chapter an the story of Baron Corbin's NXT dominance. I do really think it's about time we started seeing more from Corbin and the booking got stronger. Personally, I would love to see Corbin feud with Rhyno. He seems like the perfect guy to put him over and send him off in the right direction. The two could have some great work and amazing matches and a couple of wins over Rhyno would really set Corbin off in a strong path
Bull Dempsey then took on my personal favourite, Solomon Crowe. This was Crowe's debut match in NXT after makings he's first TV appearance a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned before that it felt like I and everyone else was waiting forever for Solomon to make he's mark in the WWE/NXT and finally he is here. Believe me when I say I had a huge smile on my face when I saw him come out last night. The match itself wasn't too great at all. I think it fell pretty flat at times but it had some great spots in it. I do think the paring was right, you look at the two superstars and you know they could really deliver but for last night, it just wasn't working. The crowd were one hundred percent behind Solomon, he was full of character and energy, witch is always a good thing an he had a decent performance, maybe not a memorable one, but it was he's first match and I do think I need to cut these guys some slack. I worry for Dempsey. He really needs a strong strong win in the next couple of weeks if he wants to remain being seen as a superstar to fear. He really does have a lot to show and has bags of talent both in the ring and on the mic but he needs better booking. Last night it was Crowe who scored the win and got a great reaction from the crowd
Last night also saw Alexa Bliss making it clear she was going after Sasha Banks' NXT Women's championship, witch I think is great. Alexa is a great talent and one of the most gifted divas on the roster, give her time to shine and she will steal the show. I said it from the beginning that she will be the NXT women's champion by the end of the year. We also saw tensions continue between Alex Riley and the NXT champion, Kevin Owens. The one problem I have with this is that Alex can't wrestle he's match with Owens and also remain a commentator. Last night saw Riley quit as a commentator witch I really didn't like. I think he makes a much better commentator than wrestler and he should of stayed working outside of the ring. Storyline wise however, I like it.

Passing the torch to Bray Wyatt
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