Wrestlemania Predictions: Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. It's finally Wrestlemania week! It feels like the build up has taken forever but in reality I suppose it's actually gone pretty quick. I remember starting the Wrestlemania season on my blog last month after the Fastlane pay per view and thinking it was never going to come to an end and I would never get all the blog posts done, but hear I am coming into the final stages and I have to admit. I'm going to miss it, witch I never thought I was going to say. Emotional little speech over. We are in the final week of Wrestlemania and we are only six day's away from the biggest event of the year. Because it's the last week it mean's it's of course prediction week. The week I dread the most. This when I spend six day's giving you full predictions for every single match on the Wrestlemania card. In each post I will remind you of everything that has happened over the past thew months or even year to get to this point, what I think will happen on the night of the show and what I think is best for business for both Wrestlemania and the months after. I plan on hopefully uploading a post a day but there may be day's when two prediction posts go up. There will be changes to the regular uploads, RAW Predictions and Review and Reactions will still go up but NXT and Smackdown review and reactions and Saturdays top five will not be going up this week. Right, some quick reminders before we get into the post. The link to the most recent post in Wrestlemania season will be listed bellow including the latest prediction post. I will also leave my Q&A information blog post down bellow also so you can go and check that out. You guys will all probably know by now that I'm hosting a live Q&A two hours before the show. I will also be live tweeting throughout Wrestlemania. Finally, you can let me know what your predictions for all the matches on the Wrestlemania card by either leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Right, let's get into the post!

Today's prediction post is taking a look at what is currently my personal favourite feud in the WWE (on the main roster) and the Wrestlemania match up between the Viper, Randy Orton and Mr Money in the bank and the self proclaimed future of the WWE, Seth Rollins. This match/ feud has been in the making for quite a while now, I'd say before the Survivor Series pay per view. Usually, you would see me moaning about a storyline and complaining about how it's the wrong time and it doesn't work but I can honestly say I don't have a thing to moan about when it comes to this feud. Everything about really does just work. The build up and timing was perfect, I think the feud will help both superstars and the next couple of months are going to be really entertaining, what I'm going to do is take you through what both superstars have been up to these past thew months an then at the end I will give you my bold predictions.

Since turning on the Shield last year after the Payback pay per view it has been all up for Seth Rollins. You would of seen that he has been my superstar of the week on numerous occasions and he was even my superstar of the year. Every single week we see him grow and grow and improve so much. If we look at where he was this time last year and where he is now, it's insane! You may have seen me mention before that I did think he was the strongest wrestler of the Shield and anyone who has seen he's work down in FCW/NXT and even before he came to the WWE you would know just how much of an outstanding wrestler he is. Throughout the past year he has proven this over and over again. He's feud with Dean Ambrose was one of the best feuds not only in two thousand and fourteen but of a long long time in the WWE. He's had phenomenal performances on RAW, Smackdown and almost every single pay per view he has competed in. He's mic work has improved immensely. I will be the first to admit that when they split up the Shield was really disappointed to say the very least but it was by far the best decision the WWE have made in a long time. In the process Rollins has proved he is most certainly the future of this business and has become on the greatest heels in recent years. At the Money in the bank pay per view he was a stand out winning the Money in the bank contract was such a huge, important move in he's career and opened up a whole knew chapter in he's career. He know's how to work the crowd, portray a top heel, work he's character throw both promos and in the ring when he is wrestling. If there is one thing that Rollins can use going into this match it is the momentum from the Royal Rumble. Now, he may not have won he's match, but he was involved in what was arguably the best Triple threat match ever to come out of the WWE and he was for me, the stand out of the match and night. Talking of standing out, I think Rollins is going to have another stand out performance and maybe even a money in the bank cash in.

Orton has had a very up and down year. He spent most of two thousand and fourteen at the forefront of the biggest feuds of the year and played the roles of one of the biggest heels on the roster. When Rollins joined the Authority however, things started to change and the attention very quickly was all on the new, younger star. From the moment Rollins joined the Authority I knew the WWE had a golden feud on their hands. Orton and Rollins had so much chemistry before they eve started throwing punches at each other and a feud between them was bound to happen. Now, unlike a lot of feuds now days, the WWE took the time and effort into really building this feud up.  For months the two worked alongside each other and the tensions between the two just grew week after week after week, the WWE simply teasing the fans, making us wait right to the very right moment. This time last year at Wrestlemania thirty, Orton was in the top feud  in the company and main evented Wrestlemania in a triple threat match defending the WWE World Heavyweight championship against Daniel Bryan and Batista. We also saw Evolution Reunite as they feuded with The Shield, witch was also amazing. Orton spent a lot of time last year putting over new talent like Roman Reigns and had some great matches in the process both on pay per views and Smackdown and RAW. When it came to the end of last year Orton was written off of TV to go and film a new movie. The way he was written off was perfect. It was done really well and the timing was perfect. After spending weeks dealing with poor treatment from the Authority and living in the shadows of Seth Rollins, things blew up and Orton pushed it too far and received a good old beat down from the Authority and we wouldn't see him until the Fastlane pay per view when he got a little touch of payback. We then saw him play the Authority for a thew weeks, pretending to be back on their side. I will admit, I hated the wait, literally all you was getting out of me was "When the hell is he gonna just turn on them". Then finally, a couple of weeks back we saw Orton finally turn on Seth Rollins and get he's hands on Mr money in the bank, as he gave Rollins quite literally the beating of he's life! Since returning to action Orton has just been on a role, putting on great singles and tag team matches, cutting some outstanding promos and being involved in solid interviews.

This really is my current favourite feud in the WWE. Everything about is just amazing in my eyes. Being such a fan of both these superstars makes it all so much better and I do think these guys are going to steal the show at Wrestlemania. The thing with Seth Rollins in particular, is you could give him five minuets in the ring and he will still, somehow put on the best match of the night. If there is one person that the WWE can trust to put on a great show or should I say save the show, is Seth Rollins, he has proved that time and time again. I don't think they will have the longest match of th
e night, but I do think they will have a good amount of time to showcase a lot. The build up to this match has just been amazing in my eyes. The WWE really have taking their time with this and as a
result it has really paid off and the timing is just perfect. There is so much tension and chemistry between the two that we know straight away this is going to be a great match. I think the stand out will be Rollins again but I think for Storyline purposes, Orton will win witch if I'm honest, I don't think will affect Rollins badly at all. Seth has also proven that he bounces back from losses really well and loosing to one of the biggest superstars in WWE history at the biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania, wont hurt him at all. I have also, for months been predicting that Seth will cash in he's money in the bank briefcase at Wrestlemania in the main event and while it may make things a little complicated it would be the perfect way to not only redeem Rollins from he's loss to Orton (if he looses) but it will also take the attention of Brock loosing to Reigns off an onto Rollins being the new champion. A three way feud between Rollins, Reigns, and Orton would be a really strong road to go down heading out of Wrestlemania season.  The feud between Rollins and Orton has been so energetic, meaningful and flat out entertaining. Last week we saw Sting get involved and I really do think that mixing the two feuds (Orton/Rollins and Sting/Triple) was a really good move to make and just adds so much more to both matches/feuds. The addition of the Authority at Wrestlemania will play a strong role also and really keep everyone on edge. Saying that, I do think that the WWE need to keep the interference to a minimum especially at the beginning, these guys could easily put on a great match and it would be nice to see them really go at it for a long course of time without any interference.

Wrestlemania Predictions: Intercontinental Ladder match


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