Battleground Predictions: Prime Time Players VS New Day
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Tag Team Championship Match |
This Sunday, live on the WWE network, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil, the Prime time players, will defend their tag team champions against former champions, the New Day at the two thousand and fifteen Battleground pay per view. Who will leave with bronze around their waste? Will the Prime time players prove themselves one last time as top champions and continue to dominate the tag division? Or will the positivity of the new day be enough to carry them into becoming two time tag team champions? In today's blog post I take you back to what happened back at the Money in the bank pay per view. I will also be overlooking everything that has happened over the past month then finally I will go into my final predictions to close the show. With so much to get through let's waste no more time and jump right into everything.
Here is what I wrote in my Money in the bank review and reactions blog post about the tag team match. The full post will be linked bellow so you can go and check it all out if you want to.
"We then saw the tag team titles being defend as the New Day took on Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Over the past two to three months or so I have had nothing but positive things to say about the WWE tag team division. I can honestly say I have been enjoying the work greatly and for the first time in a long time the division is getting the attention they deserve. There was a time that tag team wrestling in the WWE was at an all time high and for a while now we haven't seen it get anywhere near that high, but I'm loving what we have been getting recently. Last night I was really interested in seeing how this match was going to work out. Personally, I was backing the prime time players. They may not be the strongest in ring competitors but they have so much character, so much charisma and so much passion that putting the tag team titles on them would not have gone down badly. They have spent years bettering themselves and waiting for their moment to shine and it's about time the WWE gave them the push the deserve. I have also really been enjoying the work of the New Day, you guys all know that I'm a major new day fan and they have been keeping me very very entertained so at the same time I wouldn't have minded seeing them retain the titles. Talking of new day, last night saw Big E and Xavier Woods compete and defend the titles after earlier in the night Kofi competed in the money in the bank ladder match and was put through a ladder. Before the match I really enjoyed the promo delivered by the New day, I thought it was a nice little touch and it was done really well, it put a smile on my face anyway. The champs did take early control of this match, full of energy and rage they really dominated the early stages of this match. Darren Young who kick started the match for the Prime Time Players struggled massively to get any offence or momentum going and the match fell flat quick because of this. It took a great deal of time before Titus was able to get into the match but when he did the pace of the match really did speed up and there was a huge shift in momentum and control. I'm always amazed by the strength of Titus and last night was no different. The closing moments saw the Prime time players took full control and in the end Titus was able to pin Xavier Woods to get the win and become the new WWE Tag team champions. I was honestly so so proud of these guys, they really deserved it and its about time they got this push."
The Prime time players push is something that is long over due but to be fair they have only just found their way on the roster and the timing really is right. Both Darren Young and Titus O'Neil have been on the scene for a while now and pretty much from the get go these two have been working together as the Prime Time players but there was always something holding them back, something that was stopping them from really having success in the WWE. They clearly had a lot of charisma and personality but the gimmick was holding them back greatly, limiting what they could do together and in storyline's. The tag division is something that is always up and down. Instead of having monthly ups and downs they have yearly ups and downs and when the prime time players started and throughout their run the division wasn't looking strong and they never had their time to show because they were pushed as jobbers and that's about it. Don't get me wrong, they had a couple of decent matches and moments but it never went passed that and they were always over shadowed by better tag teams with a better character. Then they had that awkward feud where they broke up and had a couple of pretty bad matches. That then brings us to the now and twenty fifteen has been great for these two so far. When Young returned after he's injury the little feud was over and the pair were reunited. I was honestly so glad that they put them back together. They clearly have bags of chemistry, charisma and personality it was just about timing with these guys that's all. They have spent years waiting for their moment and it has finally come. The WWE spent months showing us promos from Young and O'Neil were they would show just how funny they are and how much character they have by having them basically take the piss out of the other tag teams, witch by the way was done really really well. They were also working some decent matches on Main Event and Superstars, building their momentum and popularity. Then of course, last month at Money in the bank they shocked us all and defeated the New Day to become the new WWE Tag team champions. I was so glad to see these guys pick up the win. I did originally think that if they were to win it might have been too soon and I was actually predicting them to pick up the titles either at this pay per view or Summer Slam so it was a nice little surprise having them get their big win last month. With what had happened earlier on in the night it made the timing right and it all came together really well. Over the past month we have seen them work very closely with Adrian Neville so I won't be surprised if the man that gravity forgot comes out to support he's new friends throughout the match and even the odds. As usual we can expect Darren and Titus to work perfectly well together this weekend. I would personally like to see Young in action more and in control of the match. So far we have seen him play the role of the guy who starts the match but doesn't stay in control and instead waits for Titus to make the tag and close the match. Darren is such a talented wrestler and we honestly haven't seen the best of him so I do hope we get to see more of him and he's move set this weekend.
I have spent months talking about how much I'm loving the New Day. I have told everyone and said it plenty of times that they are my current favourite tag team on the main roster and that hasn't changed in the slightest. Because of the role they were on I was shocked to see them drop the titles to Young and O'Neil so early into the feud but after what had happened early on in the night it all seemed to tie together really well and make sense. I was on hundred per cent expecting them to have a longer title reign but now days title reigns don't last all that long and the WWE are not afraid to drop titles any more so it wasn't a huge surprise. I think what I love the most about the New Day is just how well they are coming across as heels. They have by far been one of my favourite heels and I do think they are one of the best heels we have right now. Their the perfect heel stable. Their mic work has been outstanding! They manage to be really funny but still make us hate them and that it's a serious talent. They have bags and bags of charisma and their unpredictability is just another thing that keeps us all loving their work. Their the perfect mixture of superstars, with Big E brining the power, Kofi brining the experience and the high flying and Xavier bringing the voice their the a great mixture of amazing mic work, power and athleticism. They have really grown over the year but for me as someone who was never and still not a major Xavier Woods fan he really has been impressing me. He's been working so so hard that's really showing. He's made some great improvements and he brings so much character to the group. In all honesty, as much as I love them I can't see them re-claiming the tag team championships this weekend. I do think this is Young and O'Neil's time to shine and I can't see the WWE having them drop the title only a month after catching them. They have spent too much time hyping and them building up to just set them back so soon. I do worry for the New Day. I think their such a clever idea for a group and they just work amazingly well, fitting right into the roster, brining something totally new. Where they would go after another loss I don't
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The Prime Time Players on RAW |
I do think this is a match that deserves a lot of attention and a decent amount of time in the ring. These are two great tag teams with so much chemistry amongst each other and their teams. I'm hopeing they get more time than they did last month at Money in the bank. It would be cool if the Prime time players have Adrian Neville by their side just because of what we have seen recently from the three and the six superstars. I think even though I love the New Day I'm predicting Darren Young and Titus O'Neill for the win. But that is what I think! Let me know what your predictions are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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