Top 10 Matches of the year so far
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. I have a special blog post for you today. Instead of a top twenty matches of the month post I have my top ten matches of the year so far! I actually wasn't originally planning on doing this blog post. It was a little bit of a random decision. I was on a coffee high last night and so I decided to write this blog post for you and upload it today. These are just my personal top ten matches of the month. There are so many more that I wanted to put in this blog post but I wanted to keep it small for you and save the rest for the end of the year because I have a big top fifty matches of the year coming up in December! So there is that to look forward too. If you would like to see a part two, so another ten then I can do that if you want to but it won't include any matches from this point onwards. I can also do a TNA edition if you would like that too. Before we get into the blog post let me just remind you that NXT season has started on my blog. The posts are little all over the place at the moment so I hope you don't mind them being a touch delayed. It's just because of the live shows at the moment taking up a lot of time. I will link bellow any recent blog post and finally, you can let me know what your match of the year has been so far by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
10) Charlotte VS Bayley VS Becky Lynch VS Sasha Banks
Content from NXT Takeover Review and reactions- We then had the NXT Women's match witch saw Charlotte defend the title in a fatal four way against Sasha Banks, Bayley and Becky Lynch. I know I say this about every NXT live show divas match, but this was honestly the best divas match I have ever ever seen. I don't even know where to start. They all had such an amazing performance. A lot of the time with fatal four way matches, there is always one or two people who it feels like they shouldn't be there. That they don't have a place and do really do much, this was not the case in this match. Every single one of these divas deserved to be their and all of them performed outstandingly. It's almost impossible to choose a stand out but if I had to choose one it would have to be Bayley but they all did so well. Bayley just took it to another level. She did stuff in the ring last night I had no idea she was capable of doing and she really did out do herself. The weakest of the match has to be Lynch. She did have a great performance but out of everyone she was the weakest and that was clear. What I loved the most about this match was the length. These girls gout almost thirty minuets in the ring and honestly I couldn't be more happy. I'm always talking about the divas getting more time and NXT just give them that. The fact they got such a long match means that they got to show so much and what frustrates me so much is that NXT only got two hours last night but they manage go give the girls close to half an hour in the ring, yet RAW is a three hour show and the divas struggle to get ten minuets a week. The divas on the main roster are capable of performing to this level but they don't get the time to stand out. Last night these girls raised the bar and proved that women can do just as much as men. I was expecting Bayley to walk away as the new champ but it was beyond happy to see Banks crowned the new champ, She was the one I was personally rooting for and she more than deserved the win. We saw her use Becky at the start of the match and it was great seeing the tensions between the two rise and see her eventually pin Charlotte to become the new NXT Women's champion. It was also great seeing Charlotte and Banks have their little moment at the end of the match. It was also so nice seeing how much respect the divas get down in NXT from the fans and live crowds, their storyline's are so well written and NXT proves people want to see divas wrestling matches.
9) Finn Balor VS Adrian Neville (NXT Takeover)
At number nine is the NXT Takeover match up between Finn Balor and Adrian Neville. This was an outstanding match up between too phenomenal wrestlers with bags of chemistry. Content from NXT Takeover Review and Reactions- Up next was most possibly the most anticipated match of the night, the final round in the number one contenders tournament for the NXT championship, seeing Adrian Neville go one on one with Finn Balor. The expectations for this match were so so high. These are two of the biggest stars around right now and two of the most talented and so everyone was excited for this match up including myself. I was a little worried that because my expectations were so high that they wouldn't meet them but this match was just phenomenal. I'm trying so hard not to swear here, but it was just outstanding. You couldn't take your eyes off the screen because you knew that the moment you looked away for a second you could miss something huge. There's honestly not much I can say about this match because it was that good. There was no clear stand out in my opinion. One didn't stand out more than the other at all. It was such a great back and fourth match, extremely athletic, it had so much character and story to it and most importantly it was convincing. After Balor scored the win it will be interesting seeing what they do with Neville and how they will write him out of NXT as he goes up to the main roster. Balor's entrance was of course amazing and I'm glad the body point is going to be a regular thing.
8) Cesaro VS Rusev VS Kevin Owens
Going back to the thirteenth of July we saw three superstars all declare that they were the rightful man to take on John Cena for the United States Championship on that episode of Monday night RAW. So to settle the score and to find the perfect man to take on Cena and get a shot at the championship all three men competed in a big triple threat and what a match it was. Here is what I wrote in my RAW Review and Reactions about this match. I have to say, the things that came out of Rusev's mouth before any match began had me in stitches! He was coming out with the one line insults like a machine. Loved it.To decide who would face Cena last night all three superstars competed in a triple threat and what a match it was. Easily the match of the night. There's no doubt about that. These are three of my favourite competitors and three of the best in ring competitors in all of the WWE. I thought this was perfect booking. All three superstars brought something completely different to the table and they just worked perfectly together. In the early stages we saw the bigger Kevin Owens and Rusev go straight to Cesaro and when they thought they had worn him down they started on each other, but this is Cesaro we are talking about and he did not just sit in the corner and watch the action. For me Cesaro was the stand out of this match. He brought and delivered to such a high standard. He gave both Owens and Rusev a run for their money and pushed them both to their limits. But in return they also gave Cesaro a run for he's money and pushed him to he's limits. They all brought out the best in each other and pushed each other to such a high level. Cesaro took some huge bumps last night and there were a couple of times I had to double check my TV to see if he was actually okay. It was a very very physical match, packed with such great quality, pure wrestling. I haven't seen that much talent, that much diversity, and that much passion in one ring in a long time and it was great. What was so amazing about this match too was the fact that these guys were all NXT guys. This was such a good showing of how the future is now. The guys of tomorrow are taking the spotlight today and they completely owned the night. Half way through the match Kevin Owens walked off witch I thought was great. I love it when Owens does that, its such a great heel move and it always works, last night was no different. Even when Owens did walk off Rusev and Cesaro still owned it and carried on putting on one heck of a match. This will easily bee featured in my top twenty of the month this month. The only thing that I didn't like about this was the ending. I was expecting Rusev to win this match anyway and I was fine with that, Owens walking off was a huge indication that Rusev was winning, after all Cesaro has had two straight opportunities and so I was expecting it. I'm glad the match ended by pin fall but I just felt like we needed something bigger to have Cesaro get pinned but I'm not going to complain too much because the match was just amazing. They got a great deal of time witch made me so so happy. Cesaro had such a great connection with the live crowd. Anyone who says Cesaro cannot connect with the fans clearly is watching something different to the rest of the world, and what Rusev got that night was exactly what he needed.
7) Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (Money in the bank)
At number seven and this months match of the month is one of the best matches I think I have ever seen as long time rivals and former partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins went one on one in a ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view. I think we can all agree that this was just simply an outstanding show, we had so many good quality matches and I know that I personally went to bed very very happy indeed. Looking at all the matches that took place on the night there really was one that stood out more than the rest. The standard was high for both this match and the entire night but these two superstars did not disappoint what so ever and they lived up to the hype. I will admit that there was a small part of me that was questioning whether or not Ambrose and Rollins would be able to top all the matches they have had in the past but they somehow where able to better themselves yet again and in my opinion this was their best match to date. ladder matches are one of my favourite matches in all of WWE and with these two superstars competing, two of my personal favourites, I allowed myself to sit back and eally enjoy this one. These guys have such a huge history that dates back all the way to FCW and the chemistry they share is just insane. No matter what the stage, what the time and what the match these two just steal any show and always always deliver to a high standard. Because of their history everyone did have high expectations of this match, including myself, but I knew these guys wouldn't disappoint and they didn't what so ever! I was honestly hooked from the very beginning right through to the very end and I was on the edge of my seat throughout. The chemistry between these two was something that first grabbed my attention and was something that stayed throughout. These guys have so much history together and they know each other so well in the ring that just like all their other matches it was of such a high quality and it was just so easy to get into and enjoy. Right from the very start we got a fast paced, action packed match which honestly got better and better and better as it went on. Their was not a dull moment what so ever and they just told the perfect story throughout. It was so clear they knew each other well in the ring and they just brought the best out of each other as usual. The match itself was honestly everything that I look for, it was barbaric, extreme, unpredictable, it was fast paced, entertaining, easy to get into and had so much story behind it. There came point in the match where Rollins started working on one of Ambrose's legs and it was then that the lunatic fringe started to struggle more and struggled to gain some kind of momentum back. For while we saw Rollins take full control, working on the injured leg favouring the figure four leg lock to use and put pressure on the leg. This was such a high quality match, with so much intensity and excitement, that I did not take my eyes off of my TV screen for a split second. The crowd were so
into this match from the very start right to the very end and the two of them just stole the show and put on an outstanding match. They just gave it their all and pulled everything they could think of and had out of the bag. This was one of the most physically intense matches I have ever seen. So gripping, so entertaining, simply outstanding. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this match and the closing moments had me hardly breathing as we saw both superstars fall from the ladder with the championship but still holding on the title it was Seth Rollins who retained the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He may not have one, but Ambrose stole the show and cemented himself as a top WWE, main event talent. This was by far one of my favourite matches of the year.
6) Sami Zayn VS John Cena
Up next is a match I think we can all agree was pretty freaking amazing. Going back to the early days of the month on the fourth we saw Sami Zayn take on he's biggest challenge yet when he had a surprise match, accepting John Cena's open challenge. Before the match even began we had WWE Legend and an all time personal favourite, Bret Hart come to the ring to introduce Sami Zayn. It doesn't really get much better than that does it? The match itself was just a tiny little taster of what Sami Zayn is all about and what he is capable of doing in the ring. He gave Cena a real run for he's money and every single person was gripped throughout. There's no doubt about it. This match was all about Sami Zayn, Cena was simply there to give him the match. The attention was all on the former NXT Champion. I'm sure for anyone who had never seen Zayn perform before this night was left speechless and wanting more to say the least. Both Cena and Zayn played there roles throughout. We had Zayn bringing the excitement and the speed to the match and Cena brought the experience. In this one match we got to see all of Zayn's top moves witch included he's submission hold, witch we actually saw quite early on in the match. They both worked so so well together and it was nice to see Cena take a seat back at times and let Zayn have he's moments. There was of course the injury that Zayn suffered in this match witch really made everything more intense and at the same time it allowed a story to be told. We really saw that never give up, never back down attitude from Zayn witch we all know and love. There was not a single moment the crowd fell silent at all and twitter went crazy for Sami. In the end of course, John got a clean victory and was able to pin Zayn but everything about this match was perfect even the sportsmanship at the end witch is always great to see. For Sami things couldn't really have gotten better. He was introduced to the ring by Legend Bret Hart, took on fifteen time champion and face of the company, John Cena, in he's home town. Not many people can say all that for their first big match on RAW.
5) Cesaro VS John Cena (RAW 6/7)
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF THE MONTH:Whenever John Cena and Cesaro step in the ring together they create magic. It's that simple. On the sixth of July the two of them went one on one in an open challenge match for the United States championship. The previous week we saw the exact same thing but after Kevin Owens caused the match to end in DQ Cesaro was given a rematch and one more chance at becoming the US champion. I was honestly so excited for this match. Like I said every single time these guys compete against one another they put on outstanding matches. There hasn't been one single match from these two that hasn't been amazing and this one may just be my favourite of the lot. I was originally expecting a lot from the match just like everybody else. They had risen the bar extremely high from their previous one on one's so we were all expecting them to steal the show and that is exactly what we got. They hands down had the match of the night and completely stole the show. They worked so so well throughout the match. The action flowed greatly. Every move just transitioned into the next really well. It was such a back and fourth match as well. No one spent a great deal of time or a big amount of time in control of the match. They both shared the spotlight and put on a great performance and it was so split. The crowd were pretty much one hundred per cent behind Cesaro and even though it was a split match Cesaro was the stand out for me. I think he proved yet again that he is a main event talent and deserves to get that big push. He gained even more respect from the WWE universe and the speech Cena gave him after the match proved just how much respect the guys in the locker room have for him. I was so glad this was the main event. It was something different and Cesaro deserved the spotlight. It was a fantastic match and out of every single match in this months list I think I enjoyed this one the most.
4) Kevin Owens VS John Cena (Money in the bank)
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF JUNE- Up next was one of my favourite matches of not only the month but of the year so far as Kevin Owens and John Cena went one on one for a second time back at the Money in the bank pay per view. I honestly did not think these two could put on a better match than their first. I was really worried that the second one would not be as good as the first but they just bettered themselves and took it to a while new level. I watched this match with my mum and she really got into this one too, and when I say she got into it I mean she really got into it! Just as much as I did. These guys performed to a whole new level and just tore the house down. They brought out the best in one another and pushed each other to show more and more. It was one of those matches that just got better and better as it went on. We saw both Cena and Owens pull out some new stuff that we haven't seen from them before which was great and we just saw a whole new side to both of their move sets. There wasn't a single dull moment what so ever and everyone was into this match from the very start right to the very end. I thought all the right moves/decisions where made throughout the match and right to the end. The storytelling was so so strong and Owens brought so much heat and character to the match. The crowd reaction was insane and these guys put on one of the best matches I have seen in a very long time. Phenomenal performance, outstanding match.
3) Sasha Banks VS Becky Lynch
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF MAT- At number three in my top ten matches of the year so far, is a divas match ,as the NXT Women's championship match between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch comes into the list. There's no doubt about it, the divas stole the show at NXT Takeover Unstoppable. From start to finish we got a fast and the furious style match up full of technical wrestling, perfectly applied submissions and high risk manoeuvres. These girls brought it to a whole new level and raised the bar yet again. This was the longest match of the night at almost fifteen minuets and every one of those fifteen minuets was used so well. They took advantage of the time they were being given made sure that they made everyone pay attention to them and the women of the business. Before the match on the pre show, Stephanie McMahon mentioned how the divas down in NXT are revolutionising women's professional wrestling and what it means to be a diva in the WWE, these girls did just that and so much more. We all know by now that we can expect some outstanding work to be produced from the women in NXT but the level these two performed on was something we haven't seen before. Throughout the match we saw Sasha work on one of Lynch's arm taking a double stomp to the forearm and wearing Becky down from their which was of course was ironic after Becky made Banks tap out to the arm-breaker a couple of weeks prior to this match. That was really what the story went on throughout the match. That and of course Lynch proving herself to the NXT universe and the women who claimed she had "Made" her; Sasha Banks. Lynch's all round performance on the night was outstanding and she was hands down the stand out of the entire night. The respect both these divas got from the fans was more than well deserved. Coming down to the ring at the start of the match Banks received a huge reaction from the Full Sail University crowd. This was a level of respect she had more than earned over the past year or so and I think this night was a huge realisation in just how far she has come since debuting. After the match the girls got a hue standing ovation and Lynch left the arena with the crowd singing here theme. This was a level of respect and storytelling that the main roster divas could only dream of and the match itself was one of the best wrestling matches I have ever seen and quite possibly the best divas match in the history of the WWE.
1) Brock Lesnar VS Seth Rollins VS John Cena (Royal Rumble)
Finally, at number one, and officially my match of the year so far is of course the triple threat match between Seth Rollins, John Cena and Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight championship that took place at the Royal Rumble pay per view all the way back in January. Coming up with a number one spot for my top ten matches of the year so far was not difficult at all. This match blew every single other match out of the water. This will one hundred per cent be in the list for the best matches of twenty fifteen with out a doubt. It's another bold statement to make but I honestly think this was one of the best triple threat matches I have ever seen and for someone who is not a fan of :"It was then time for the WWE World Heavyweight championship match as Brock Lesnar was set to defend the title against John Cena and Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins. Now this was a title match. These guys put on one of the best triple threat matches I have ever seen and trust me I'm not a triple threat match fan at all so that's a pretty big deal. They all had a solid performance but it was Cena who fell flat simply because Seth and Brock took it to all new heights and really did change the feel of the match. For me it was Rollins who stole the show. I predicted way before the match started that Rollins was gonna be the man of the match but I never ever predicted he would have such an amazing performance. He did stuff in the ring last night I haven't seen anyone do in years and he proved he really is the future of the WWE. As for Lesnar he has an equally amazing performance. He just did stuff last night I don't think I have ever seen anyone do. We all knew Lesnar was super human but he took things to a whole new level last night and left me speechless, that's right he left ME speechless. The match had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through and was I loved the most was how unpredictable it was. You genuinely had no idea who was gonna win, how and who they would pin. This is what the fans want in a championship match and the ending was perfect with Lesnar rightfully retaining."
triple threat matches I really did love this match. It had everything you could possibly ask for in a match up. It was one of those matches that left you wanting more and made you realise why exactly you are a pro wrestling fan. Here is what I wrote about the match in my Royal Rumble Review and Reactions
10) Charlotte VS Bayley VS Becky Lynch VS Sasha Banks
Content from NXT Takeover Review and reactions- We then had the NXT Women's match witch saw Charlotte defend the title in a fatal four way against Sasha Banks, Bayley and Becky Lynch. I know I say this about every NXT live show divas match, but this was honestly the best divas match I have ever ever seen. I don't even know where to start. They all had such an amazing performance. A lot of the time with fatal four way matches, there is always one or two people who it feels like they shouldn't be there. That they don't have a place and do really do much, this was not the case in this match. Every single one of these divas deserved to be their and all of them performed outstandingly. It's almost impossible to choose a stand out but if I had to choose one it would have to be Bayley but they all did so well. Bayley just took it to another level. She did stuff in the ring last night I had no idea she was capable of doing and she really did out do herself. The weakest of the match has to be Lynch. She did have a great performance but out of everyone she was the weakest and that was clear. What I loved the most about this match was the length. These girls gout almost thirty minuets in the ring and honestly I couldn't be more happy. I'm always talking about the divas getting more time and NXT just give them that. The fact they got such a long match means that they got to show so much and what frustrates me so much is that NXT only got two hours last night but they manage go give the girls close to half an hour in the ring, yet RAW is a three hour show and the divas struggle to get ten minuets a week. The divas on the main roster are capable of performing to this level but they don't get the time to stand out. Last night these girls raised the bar and proved that women can do just as much as men. I was expecting Bayley to walk away as the new champ but it was beyond happy to see Banks crowned the new champ, She was the one I was personally rooting for and she more than deserved the win. We saw her use Becky at the start of the match and it was great seeing the tensions between the two rise and see her eventually pin Charlotte to become the new NXT Women's champion. It was also great seeing Charlotte and Banks have their little moment at the end of the match. It was also so nice seeing how much respect the divas get down in NXT from the fans and live crowds, their storyline's are so well written and NXT proves people want to see divas wrestling matches.
9) Finn Balor VS Adrian Neville (NXT Takeover)
At number nine is the NXT Takeover match up between Finn Balor and Adrian Neville. This was an outstanding match up between too phenomenal wrestlers with bags of chemistry. Content from NXT Takeover Review and Reactions- Up next was most possibly the most anticipated match of the night, the final round in the number one contenders tournament for the NXT championship, seeing Adrian Neville go one on one with Finn Balor. The expectations for this match were so so high. These are two of the biggest stars around right now and two of the most talented and so everyone was excited for this match up including myself. I was a little worried that because my expectations were so high that they wouldn't meet them but this match was just phenomenal. I'm trying so hard not to swear here, but it was just outstanding. You couldn't take your eyes off the screen because you knew that the moment you looked away for a second you could miss something huge. There's honestly not much I can say about this match because it was that good. There was no clear stand out in my opinion. One didn't stand out more than the other at all. It was such a great back and fourth match, extremely athletic, it had so much character and story to it and most importantly it was convincing. After Balor scored the win it will be interesting seeing what they do with Neville and how they will write him out of NXT as he goes up to the main roster. Balor's entrance was of course amazing and I'm glad the body point is going to be a regular thing.
8) Cesaro VS Rusev VS Kevin Owens
Going back to the thirteenth of July we saw three superstars all declare that they were the rightful man to take on John Cena for the United States Championship on that episode of Monday night RAW. So to settle the score and to find the perfect man to take on Cena and get a shot at the championship all three men competed in a big triple threat and what a match it was. Here is what I wrote in my RAW Review and Reactions about this match. I have to say, the things that came out of Rusev's mouth before any match began had me in stitches! He was coming out with the one line insults like a machine. Loved it.To decide who would face Cena last night all three superstars competed in a triple threat and what a match it was. Easily the match of the night. There's no doubt about that. These are three of my favourite competitors and three of the best in ring competitors in all of the WWE. I thought this was perfect booking. All three superstars brought something completely different to the table and they just worked perfectly together. In the early stages we saw the bigger Kevin Owens and Rusev go straight to Cesaro and when they thought they had worn him down they started on each other, but this is Cesaro we are talking about and he did not just sit in the corner and watch the action. For me Cesaro was the stand out of this match. He brought and delivered to such a high standard. He gave both Owens and Rusev a run for their money and pushed them both to their limits. But in return they also gave Cesaro a run for he's money and pushed him to he's limits. They all brought out the best in each other and pushed each other to such a high level. Cesaro took some huge bumps last night and there were a couple of times I had to double check my TV to see if he was actually okay. It was a very very physical match, packed with such great quality, pure wrestling. I haven't seen that much talent, that much diversity, and that much passion in one ring in a long time and it was great. What was so amazing about this match too was the fact that these guys were all NXT guys. This was such a good showing of how the future is now. The guys of tomorrow are taking the spotlight today and they completely owned the night. Half way through the match Kevin Owens walked off witch I thought was great. I love it when Owens does that, its such a great heel move and it always works, last night was no different. Even when Owens did walk off Rusev and Cesaro still owned it and carried on putting on one heck of a match. This will easily bee featured in my top twenty of the month this month. The only thing that I didn't like about this was the ending. I was expecting Rusev to win this match anyway and I was fine with that, Owens walking off was a huge indication that Rusev was winning, after all Cesaro has had two straight opportunities and so I was expecting it. I'm glad the match ended by pin fall but I just felt like we needed something bigger to have Cesaro get pinned but I'm not going to complain too much because the match was just amazing. They got a great deal of time witch made me so so happy. Cesaro had such a great connection with the live crowd. Anyone who says Cesaro cannot connect with the fans clearly is watching something different to the rest of the world, and what Rusev got that night was exactly what he needed.
7) Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (Money in the bank)
At number seven and this months match of the month is one of the best matches I think I have ever seen as long time rivals and former partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins went one on one in a ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view. I think we can all agree that this was just simply an outstanding show, we had so many good quality matches and I know that I personally went to bed very very happy indeed. Looking at all the matches that took place on the night there really was one that stood out more than the rest. The standard was high for both this match and the entire night but these two superstars did not disappoint what so ever and they lived up to the hype. I will admit that there was a small part of me that was questioning whether or not Ambrose and Rollins would be able to top all the matches they have had in the past but they somehow where able to better themselves yet again and in my opinion this was their best match to date. ladder matches are one of my favourite matches in all of WWE and with these two superstars competing, two of my personal favourites, I allowed myself to sit back and eally enjoy this one. These guys have such a huge history that dates back all the way to FCW and the chemistry they share is just insane. No matter what the stage, what the time and what the match these two just steal any show and always always deliver to a high standard. Because of their history everyone did have high expectations of this match, including myself, but I knew these guys wouldn't disappoint and they didn't what so ever! I was honestly hooked from the very beginning right through to the very end and I was on the edge of my seat throughout. The chemistry between these two was something that first grabbed my attention and was something that stayed throughout. These guys have so much history together and they know each other so well in the ring that just like all their other matches it was of such a high quality and it was just so easy to get into and enjoy. Right from the very start we got a fast paced, action packed match which honestly got better and better and better as it went on. Their was not a dull moment what so ever and they just told the perfect story throughout. It was so clear they knew each other well in the ring and they just brought the best out of each other as usual. The match itself was honestly everything that I look for, it was barbaric, extreme, unpredictable, it was fast paced, entertaining, easy to get into and had so much story behind it. There came point in the match where Rollins started working on one of Ambrose's legs and it was then that the lunatic fringe started to struggle more and struggled to gain some kind of momentum back. For while we saw Rollins take full control, working on the injured leg favouring the figure four leg lock to use and put pressure on the leg. This was such a high quality match, with so much intensity and excitement, that I did not take my eyes off of my TV screen for a split second. The crowd were so
into this match from the very start right to the very end and the two of them just stole the show and put on an outstanding match. They just gave it their all and pulled everything they could think of and had out of the bag. This was one of the most physically intense matches I have ever seen. So gripping, so entertaining, simply outstanding. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this match and the closing moments had me hardly breathing as we saw both superstars fall from the ladder with the championship but still holding on the title it was Seth Rollins who retained the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He may not have one, but Ambrose stole the show and cemented himself as a top WWE, main event talent. This was by far one of my favourite matches of the year.
6) Sami Zayn VS John Cena
Up next is a match I think we can all agree was pretty freaking amazing. Going back to the early days of the month on the fourth we saw Sami Zayn take on he's biggest challenge yet when he had a surprise match, accepting John Cena's open challenge. Before the match even began we had WWE Legend and an all time personal favourite, Bret Hart come to the ring to introduce Sami Zayn. It doesn't really get much better than that does it? The match itself was just a tiny little taster of what Sami Zayn is all about and what he is capable of doing in the ring. He gave Cena a real run for he's money and every single person was gripped throughout. There's no doubt about it. This match was all about Sami Zayn, Cena was simply there to give him the match. The attention was all on the former NXT Champion. I'm sure for anyone who had never seen Zayn perform before this night was left speechless and wanting more to say the least. Both Cena and Zayn played there roles throughout. We had Zayn bringing the excitement and the speed to the match and Cena brought the experience. In this one match we got to see all of Zayn's top moves witch included he's submission hold, witch we actually saw quite early on in the match. They both worked so so well together and it was nice to see Cena take a seat back at times and let Zayn have he's moments. There was of course the injury that Zayn suffered in this match witch really made everything more intense and at the same time it allowed a story to be told. We really saw that never give up, never back down attitude from Zayn witch we all know and love. There was not a single moment the crowd fell silent at all and twitter went crazy for Sami. In the end of course, John got a clean victory and was able to pin Zayn but everything about this match was perfect even the sportsmanship at the end witch is always great to see. For Sami things couldn't really have gotten better. He was introduced to the ring by Legend Bret Hart, took on fifteen time champion and face of the company, John Cena, in he's home town. Not many people can say all that for their first big match on RAW.
5) Cesaro VS John Cena (RAW 6/7)
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF THE MONTH:Whenever John Cena and Cesaro step in the ring together they create magic. It's that simple. On the sixth of July the two of them went one on one in an open challenge match for the United States championship. The previous week we saw the exact same thing but after Kevin Owens caused the match to end in DQ Cesaro was given a rematch and one more chance at becoming the US champion. I was honestly so excited for this match. Like I said every single time these guys compete against one another they put on outstanding matches. There hasn't been one single match from these two that hasn't been amazing and this one may just be my favourite of the lot. I was originally expecting a lot from the match just like everybody else. They had risen the bar extremely high from their previous one on one's so we were all expecting them to steal the show and that is exactly what we got. They hands down had the match of the night and completely stole the show. They worked so so well throughout the match. The action flowed greatly. Every move just transitioned into the next really well. It was such a back and fourth match as well. No one spent a great deal of time or a big amount of time in control of the match. They both shared the spotlight and put on a great performance and it was so split. The crowd were pretty much one hundred per cent behind Cesaro and even though it was a split match Cesaro was the stand out for me. I think he proved yet again that he is a main event talent and deserves to get that big push. He gained even more respect from the WWE universe and the speech Cena gave him after the match proved just how much respect the guys in the locker room have for him. I was so glad this was the main event. It was something different and Cesaro deserved the spotlight. It was a fantastic match and out of every single match in this months list I think I enjoyed this one the most.
4) Kevin Owens VS John Cena (Money in the bank)
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF JUNE- Up next was one of my favourite matches of not only the month but of the year so far as Kevin Owens and John Cena went one on one for a second time back at the Money in the bank pay per view. I honestly did not think these two could put on a better match than their first. I was really worried that the second one would not be as good as the first but they just bettered themselves and took it to a while new level. I watched this match with my mum and she really got into this one too, and when I say she got into it I mean she really got into it! Just as much as I did. These guys performed to a whole new level and just tore the house down. They brought out the best in one another and pushed each other to show more and more. It was one of those matches that just got better and better as it went on. We saw both Cena and Owens pull out some new stuff that we haven't seen from them before which was great and we just saw a whole new side to both of their move sets. There wasn't a single dull moment what so ever and everyone was into this match from the very start right to the very end. I thought all the right moves/decisions where made throughout the match and right to the end. The storytelling was so so strong and Owens brought so much heat and character to the match. The crowd reaction was insane and these guys put on one of the best matches I have seen in a very long time. Phenomenal performance, outstanding match.
3) Sasha Banks VS Becky Lynch
CONTENT FROM TOP 20 MATCHES OF MAT- At number three in my top ten matches of the year so far, is a divas match ,as the NXT Women's championship match between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch comes into the list. There's no doubt about it, the divas stole the show at NXT Takeover Unstoppable. From start to finish we got a fast and the furious style match up full of technical wrestling, perfectly applied submissions and high risk manoeuvres. These girls brought it to a whole new level and raised the bar yet again. This was the longest match of the night at almost fifteen minuets and every one of those fifteen minuets was used so well. They took advantage of the time they were being given made sure that they made everyone pay attention to them and the women of the business. Before the match on the pre show, Stephanie McMahon mentioned how the divas down in NXT are revolutionising women's professional wrestling and what it means to be a diva in the WWE, these girls did just that and so much more. We all know by now that we can expect some outstanding work to be produced from the women in NXT but the level these two performed on was something we haven't seen before. Throughout the match we saw Sasha work on one of Lynch's arm taking a double stomp to the forearm and wearing Becky down from their which was of course was ironic after Becky made Banks tap out to the arm-breaker a couple of weeks prior to this match. That was really what the story went on throughout the match. That and of course Lynch proving herself to the NXT universe and the women who claimed she had "Made" her; Sasha Banks. Lynch's all round performance on the night was outstanding and she was hands down the stand out of the entire night. The respect both these divas got from the fans was more than well deserved. Coming down to the ring at the start of the match Banks received a huge reaction from the Full Sail University crowd. This was a level of respect she had more than earned over the past year or so and I think this night was a huge realisation in just how far she has come since debuting. After the match the girls got a hue standing ovation and Lynch left the arena with the crowd singing here theme. This was a level of respect and storytelling that the main roster divas could only dream of and the match itself was one of the best wrestling matches I have ever seen and quite possibly the best divas match in the history of the WWE.
2) Finn Balor VS Kevin Owens (Beast in the east)
The build up to this match was great. The WWE had put a lot of effort into making this an all star match up and that is exactly what it was. The hype was lived up to, the expectations were exceeded, and this was by far not only the match of the month but one of the best matches of the entire year. After weeks, months even, of a great build up these two finally stepped in the ring together, one on one for the NXT Championship. Before we get into the actual match I want to talk about that build up. For weeks, since he became number one contender at NXT Takeover Unstoppable, Finn Balor was on a momentum high. He managed to pick up huge, clean victories over the likes of Tyler Breeze, Tye Dillinger, Rhyno and even the champ, Kevin Owens. He was made centre of attention on the NXT roster and when he wasn't in the ring competing everyone was still talking about him. We were treated to a three part mini documentary that told the story of Finn Balor generating even more attention. I thought it was an amazing idea and great Documentary, if you haven't seen it I really advise that you check it out. It was such a key part in the build up. It allowed the NXT universe to connect with Balor on a much more personal level and to be fair it was a big clue to how the championship match was going to end. There was then the little video that they did with Balor promoting the show and he's "demon" side coming out witch I loved as well. All of this tied together amazingly well and made the match something it wouldn't of been without it. The entire build up gave this match I haven't seen any other match have. There was a massive story in it and that's what I loved. It was as if we had bee invited into Finn's life and we were all in the big journey with him. Coming back to Japan, the place that truly made him a star was the story of this match. It was about Balor picking up the big one in the place that made him. It was such an important big chapter of he's life and career and we all felt apart of it. I haven't ever watched a match and it had had that feel to it. The energy from the moment Balor entered the arena to the moment he left was insane. It felt as though I was right there, in Japan watching the action from ringside. I don't think I have been that into a match all year round. I was cheering, clapping, banging the table, and screaming at my lap top like a mad person. The actual wrestling was mental! The diversity, the skill, the technique,it was all just amazing. These guys pushed each other to the limits and brought out the very very best in each other. Owens brought so much character. Throwing the flowers before the match started, the blatant disrespect shown it all just made the match a whole lot better. Throughout the match you Owens just kept reminding us why we should hate him but then he would just put on such a great performance that you have to admire him as a wrestler. He had a dominate performance but it was Balor who picked up the big win in the end. I was honestly expecting Owens to retain just because I was convinced he was dropping the title to someone else so that was a great surprise. I remember jumping up and down, cheering and clapping like I was there. I may even of had a little tear or two. It all just tied together so well. Balor brought so much heart and passion that I loved every moment of this match. It had a phenomenal story, outstanding wrestling, and it all just came together perfectly.
1) Brock Lesnar VS Seth Rollins VS John Cena (Royal Rumble)

triple threat matches I really did love this match. It had everything you could possibly ask for in a match up. It was one of those matches that left you wanting more and made you realise why exactly you are a pro wrestling fan. Here is what I wrote about the match in my Royal Rumble Review and Reactions
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