RAW Review and Reactions
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Brock Lesnar on Monday night RAW |
Last week we saw Seth Rollins buy he's way back into the good books of J&J Security but with a not so goo ending to Smackdown for team Authority the start of week's Monday night RAW saw the beast Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman kick start the show just two weeks after taking a beating from Seth Rollins and the Authority but also just a thew days after a complete one sided match against Kofi Kingston at beast in the east. I was so so glad to see Brock back last night. I was hopeing he wouldn't away until the last RAW before Battleground. The thing with Brock is he always brings a whole other feel to any show he attends. Whenever he is in an arena, whenever he appears on a show he makes it feel more important, more unpredictable. He makes it a show worth watching and that's exactly what he brought last night and it's exactly what the feud needed. We needed a strong build up, something that would hook us to the main event and keep us interested and that is what we got. We have seen Rollins take centre stage. We have seen the champion beat down the beast, do the impossible and prove Brock Lesnar is mortal, witch by the way I loved! I thought the beat down was a clever idea and showcased Rollins as a dangerous champion, but last night it was all about Brock Lesnar. Heyman took to that mic and he focused the whole promo on the fact that Brock Lesnar is a conqueror. He spoke about him conquering the Undertaker and the streak, conquering John Cena for the WWE championship at Summer Slam, and conquering Roman Reigns. He went on to say that Rollins would be next and at Battleground Lesnar will have the WWE World Heavyweight champion back on he's shoulder. As usual he did a phenomenal job selling not only the up and coming show but last night's Monday night RAW when he sent a huge message to the champ that there was no hiding from Brock tonight. I personally loved the opening to this show! I really thought it was exactly what the show and the storyline/feud needed. It got me pumped for the show and ready for the night.
The first match of the night was a one on one as the Worlds largest athlete the Big Show took on the Intercontinental champion, Ryback. I had a big problem with this match. I have been saying for the past week now that I feel like the Miz has been lost in the build up towards the IC championship match at Battleground. It doesn't feel like he should be in the match at all and I felt as though it was important for him to have last night to gain loads of momentum and make everyone know that he does have a place in the triple threat and that he was actually a threat to Ryback, the big show, and the Intercontinental championship. I do think that the match gave Miz the chance to do that but I think their could of been better booking decisions made for the three of them. What I will say is what I have been saying all week long witch is that this is the one feud that has gotten better and better as it has gone on and I'm far more interested in it than I was three weeks ago or so. I hated Miz at ringside fr this match! It just felt pathetic and pointless. I cant stand that the WWE don't take him serious enough and it felt pointless and had no big effect. It just kind of took the seriousness away from it all. I get why they did it but I didn't like it personally. The match itself was really hard to focus on because of Miz at ringside. What we did see was Big Show take early control and maintain that throughout the match. Whenever Ryback seemed to be gaining some momentum and taking control Miz would cause a distraction or Big Show would get back in control on he's own without the distraction. Like I said it was really difficult to get into the match. There was no attention on and it all was about the Miz playing he's dumb role. Yes it was entertaining and it was funny but it wasn't helping him or any of the superstars and the IC championship. Ryback did impress me in this match though. He fought back, he didn't give and he didn't let the distractions of the Miz takeover. I do think that the ending was very clever with The Big Show going up top and hitting the elbow to the chest. He would of easily one the match and picked up a huge, much needed victory but when the Miz came out attacking both superstars it was what was needed for the Miz. However. I didn't like how the tables turnt and he was ganged up on by the bigger guys. It made him look weak and I just hated it.We needed to see Miz as a serious threat and contender for Battleground, we didn't get that. Really really disappointed.
Brie Bella was in action next when she took on Paige in a one on one match. Just like the divas work from last week, I had no interest in this what so ever. Same old crap, boring and predicable. I think the WWE have really let down the divas division again and this whole team Bella VS Paige just isn't working with me but I wanted to try my best and get into this match because to be honest the divas match between Brie and Naomi actually wasn't that bad for the time they got and I know that given the time Paige and Brie could put on a great match. Throughout the match we saw Naomi and Tamina backstage. We know that Tamina competed in a triple threat match last week at the Beast I the east show alongside Paige for the divas championship so that was to be expected to see those backstage scenes. The match last night was short lived but once again for the time they got it was actually a pretty good match. Easy to get into and I liked the idea of the out side interference even though it was predicable. The closing moments where done really well and Brie Bella picked up another win with an attack from Nikki Bella following after the match.
Mr Money in the bank Sheamus was up next when he took on Roman Reigns in one on one action. I was so glad this match was booked for last night's show. They have had some great matches in the past the last time they competed in a singles match against each other it was in my top twenty matches of the month. I think Sheamus is a great opponent for Reigns. He really pushes him and brings out the best in him. They have great, physical matches and I always enjoy watching these two go at it. I mentioned in my prediction post that I felt Reigns needed to spend the next two weeks working on more on he's feud with Bray Wyatt building that up for Battleground witch meant staying away from Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and the WWE World Heavyweight championship so this was great booking for him. As for Sheamus I do think he needs stronger booking after Battleground. We need more attention on the fact that he is Mr Money in the bank and that he is someone to seriously start watching out for. Stronger booking, stronger feuds, stronger storyline's and more involvement with Seth Rollins and the Authority. Anyway back to last night's match and it was just like what we saw the last time these two took each other on. Straight away a very physical match with both superstars wanting to prove they are stronger than the other. This was a theme that stayed throughout this match. It was all about power and strength and a test to see who was stronger than the other. What I loved was that these two had so much chemistry. The pushed each other and told a story from the start and throughout and I loved that. Reigns did spend more time in control at the start taking the up hand early on but eventually Sheamus would turn things around and take on that viscous style of he's but it took one distraction for things to turn round and Reigns to slowly start building momentum. I was really getting into this match and for the first time I was really feeling Roman Reigns and backing. Towards the end of the match we saw what we thought was Wyatt come down to the ring witch caused the distraction leaving Sheamus with a count out win. This is what we needed. Sheamus still picked up a win but there was still a lot of attention on the Wyatt/Reigns feud. Great mind games from Wyatt and a nice move in the storyline. I still wanted more though if I'm being honest. There was then a surprise appearance from Randy Orton. It's been a while since we last saw Orton and when we did we had a little feud starting between him and Sheamus and so I was so glad to see the fight start out between those two last night and the feud carry on between those two. I've always said how much I love seeing these guys work with each other so I loved this. Great part of the night for me it all came together and fitted really well.
Up next, an in ring Promo from Rusev who was out with Summer Rae of course. I'm not sure about the direction this has taken. I think the WWE had something strong going with the Lana and Rusev break up angle but brining Ziggler into it what one thing and then adding Summer it just all has gotten out of control and what the WWE need to do now is make sure the keep it simple. The more simple this storyline is the better it will be. I do still think we can get some great work and matches between all four of these guys but they need to just keep things simple. I'm still interested and I'm still
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Team Bella stayed on top last night. |
Bo Dallas was in action next, we got the usual inspiration speech and we would then learn he's opponent for the night would be Dean Ambrose who was rocking a new little hair cut witch I loved. Firstly, I loved the "we BOlieved chants" they honestly gave me life and put the biggest smile on my face. I didn't actually mind the booking for this match. I hated reading comments from people who were saying the WWE were screwing Dean over and burying him because that is not the case at all. Bo is a great wrestler and great character so taking him on is not a bad thing at all. Dean isn't in a big feud right ow and so basic booking is just what he needs to keep he's momentum up and to keep everyone talking. It kept me happy and he picked up a nice, clean, easy win. Many hated the booking, I didn't mind it so whatever. Talking of singles action we next had Bad News Barrett VS R- Truth. I honestly did not pay much attention to this. I've hated the work between these two throughout the past couple of months. I'm a massive fan of Barrett's and I know he deserves so much better. We saw him main event the Beast in the east show in a tag team, an amazing tag team match at that where Barrett had a phenomenal performance. He proved he can main event a show. We all know is capable of doing so much better than what we are seeing. He's booking over the past couple of months has been terrible. He's a great wrestler, great character and great all round performer, why the WWE are booking him so badly I don't know. I didn't enjoy what we got last night. Barrett did have a good performance and I was entertained by Truth but it wasn't good enough for Barrett. He had a dominate performance and picked up a much needed win but we need stronger work from now on. Let's put this rubbish between these two to bed now. Please....
As seen earlier on in the show in a backstage segment with Triple H, Seth Rollins wanted to call out Brock Lesnar and we didn't have to wait too long for it as that was up next. Calling out Brock Lesnar is a brave brave move, it's kind of like telling everyone you have a death wish but I loved the idea. With things going on between these two superstars throughout the show it kept me watching and it kept the show interesting and entertaining. It was also doing the job in getting be excited and ready for the championship match in two weeks time. Coming down to the ring with J&J Security, all holding some kind of weapon, I can't remember exactly what they were holding but it was clearly something to save their back for when Lesnar did eventually want to come down their beat their assess. As usual Rollins was he's typical cocky, obnoxious self, telling everyone that Brock Lesnar is yesterday's news. He slagged off both Lesnar and Paul Heyman and boasted even more about the beat down that took place two weeks ago. I liked the idea and I thought it fitted into the show really well. Rollins sounded great, he got under everyone's skin and it was a pretty intense promo to be honest, so I don't have anything bad to really say about the promo and mic work from Rollins last night. When Rollins did call Lesnar out the beast didn't waste too much time what so ever in coming down to that ring let's just say the mind games has switched roles massively. He made he's way to the ring not taking he's eyes off of Rollins for a single second but instead of actually going in the ring and taking he's anger out on Rollins he unloaded completely on the car that Seth had gotten J&J Security last week. Now when I say he really took it to that car, I mean he really took it to that car. Then J&J Security made the biggest mistakes of their life's when they ran down tot he ramp trying to attacking him. Lesnar of course being Brock Lesnar completely destroyed these and the German suplex onto the car was like a moment of my life. The closing moments of this segment saw Rollins chased out of arena by Lesnar. Loved this part of the show. Such a great build up to the pay per view match and it was nice to see it take place in the middle of the show.
Tag team action as the Lucha Dragons took on the number one contenders for the Tag team championships, the New Day. I thought this was very interesting and clever booking. Right now the Lucha Dragons are on a high and I honestly think they are on their way to becoming the tag team champions. I'm predicting come the end of the year, let's say Survivor Series, maybe earlier, we will see Sin Cara and Kalisto as the champs. Putting them against the New Day was a great way to keep them in the spotlight and close to the tag team championships. The match itself wasn't bad. I did really get into it. It was nice to see something different instead of the new day taking on the Prime time players and whoever they were teaming up with. The match was really well put together and the Lucha Dragons had a very dominate performance using their speed and high flying ability to get the upper hand.The New Day did bring a lot of character to the match and that mixed in with what the Lucha Dragons brought to the table, I was very very entertained throughout the match. To be honest I wasn't really listening to the Prime Time Players who were on commentary because I was trying my best to really focus on the action in the ring. It was a fairly fast paced match with Big E slowing things down a little and using he's strength to he's advantage and to slow down the action. The closing moments were great. It really showed just how dangerous the New Day are when they work together and the numbers game will always be on their side just like it was last night and it was that that got them a nice big win last night.
John Cena and he's open challenge was up next and I was surprisingly looking forward to this.The United States championship open challenge matches always seem to deliver to a high standard and I have always been really hooked and interested in these matches so I was looking forward to this one. We got the typical promo from Cena before the match witch didn't really have an effect to be honest but to be honest when Owens came out I gained a lot more interest in what was going on. After dropping he's title to Finn Balor on Saturday at Beast in the East he was not in a good mood at all and demanded that he needed that United States championship and wanted the championship match right then and there but just before the bell could even ring Cesaro's music hit and I marked out. I was honestly so glad to see Cesaro come down to the ring last night and accept the open challenge. John Cena is the perfect opponent for Cesaro. These two always put on such a great match whenever they share the ring and so you had to expect a lot from this last night and you had to be excited for it. I also really really liked what Cesaro had to say to Kevin Owens last night I think at one point I "Aww'ed". Anyway, the actual match lived up to the expectations one hundred per cent. Whenever these two compete it's magic. It becomes yet another night that Cesaro proves he is worthy of so much more than he is getting. He proves he's a main event star and can compete against the big names. He had the live crowd and everyone at home really behind him. I think over the past year the WWE universe have just developed so much respect for Cesaro because he has honestly just been earning it time and time again. I've seriously become a huge huge fan of he's over the past year and with the support he has from the fans I really hope that the WWE open their eyes and give him the
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Dean Ambrose last night on RAW |
I thought it was a decent show last night. We had some amazing segments and the match of the night was easily Cesaro VS Cena. It was nice to see a different main event and the United States championship get so much attention. I really enjoyed the night last night and I'll rate the show an eight out of ten. But that's what I thought. Let me know what you thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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