Battleground Predictions: Randy Orton VS Sheamus
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Randy Orton VS Sheamus |
This Sunday live on the WWE Network and cable TV the viper Randy Orton will go one on one with Mr Money in the bank, Sheamus at the two thousand and fifteen Battleground pay per view. After attempting to one up each other and get the upper hand for almost a month now the two superstars will have on big collide this Sunday but who will come up on top? Who needs the victory the most? Will Orton regain some much needed momentum and get back on track by knocking off Sheamus? Or will Mr money in the bank be able to defeat former World champion Randy Orton and get that huge victory he has been looking for? In today's blog post I'm going to be taking you back through the actions of Money in the bank and looking at what both superstars have been up to over the past month. So with so much to get through lets waste no more time and jump right into the blog post.
Before we get started properly, lets take a look back at what happened back at Money in the bank for both of these superstars. Here is what I wrote in my review and reactions blog post the full post will be linked bellow so you can go and give that a read if you haven't already done so.
"Opening the show was the the Money in the bank ladder match. I really wasn't expecting them to open the show with the biggest match of the night. I was really expecting it to be much much later in the show but it was a massive way to kick start the night. It got everyone gripped and excited straight away. This has been one of my favourite match types for a very long time. Every single year I look forward to this pay per view and this match. I think I've always loved the unpredictability and the different styles are bundled into one match. Saying that, I did honestly think that last night's was one of the most predicable Money in the bank ladder matches of all time. I personally was backing Sheamus and Kane but deep down I think we all was beleiving that Roman Reigns was leaving the show the new Mr Money in the bank. This year did see a great mixture of experienced and inexperienced superstars. Guys like Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and Kane were walking into this match with bags of experience while Reigns and Neville were competing in their first so there was a great little mixture in their not to mention the very different styles also. Even though I did feel it was a little predictable I was really into the match from the get go and it was one that I was probably most hyped for. Entrances were interesting, Ziggler was accompanied to the ring by Lana which as interesting, it's gonna be good to see if they have anything bigger planned for these two, I'm personally not a fan of the pairing but it's interesting to say the least. I'd say Ziggler and Reigns got the best reaction and Kofi got a great heel crowd reaction. Talking of Kofi he was oddly one of the favourites to win this match. Right at the very start of this match Kofi went straight for the ladder really showing he's veteran side and experience in this match and we saw that maintain throughout the match. It was clear he was very very experienced in this match and he used he's experience from the very start and throughout. He spent a lot of time centre of attention and I was actually really surprised to see just how much attention was on him throughout the entire match up. Another early stand out was Sheamus. He's a very barbaric superstar and with this stipulation of match he was able to really show that. He constantly tried to climb the ladder, he remained centre of attention going straight on the attack to several superstars in the match. He took control and was a dominate figure from the get go. Talking of barbaric superstars and performances, Reigns came to money in the bank with a whole new attitude and persona. He was much more viscous last night and I think he needed to be. He really did stand out and was someone I really kept my eyes on. A strong,stand out performance he had such a great reaction from the live crowd also. We didn't get as much from Ziggler as I expected but we really did see he's experience come into play and he was by far one of the crowd favourites. He had some great moments in this match that really did get everyone talking. Some strong chemistry between him and Neville that I loved seeing. Kane was someone we didn't see as much of either. He was one of my favourite's going into this match and I wanted to see even more than we did. He's experience showed throughout this match and when he did have control he really had control. One of the best moments of the night had to be when Bray Wyatt came out and attacked Reigns taking him out of the match. I felt it was a really clever way to kick start a new feud for both superstars while also taking Reigns out of the picture. In the end it was my favourite of the night who walked out Mr Money in the bank. I was so happy to see Sheamus leave the winner. He honestly deserved it so much and I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for him. I did want the match to be longer but for what we got it was really good and I was completely entertained. Good ending and a great way to kick off the show."
When it comes to talking about Randy Orton I don't really know where to start or what to say. To be honest he just hasn't done a lot at all. He competed at money in the bank, did a couple of matches and shows after that and then went on vacation again for a thew weeks, so there isn't all that much to report on. I have to be honest, I've been really disappointed with how little we have seen of Orton and how weak the booking has been for him. However, to be fair there hasn't been all that much for him over the past couple of months witch is a big shame. We have had Rollins work with Ambrose and Lesnar, Reigns has been working a lot with Wyatt and Rollins and so there hasn't been a place for him to take centre stage and be put in a big big main event feud, so really putting him in a feud with Sheamus made perfect sense. Both of them needed something to do, something strong and decent, and there hasn't been anything else for them so it was a perfect match. They also have a great history and a great deal of chemistry so you can't complain too much. I'm not expecting a lot from this match if I'm being totally honest. They have had a messy build up so I'm not expecting some kind of match of the year despite the fact that they are more than capable of putting something like that on. I think both superstars are under eminence pressure to deliver and put on a good performance just because of the weak past month they have had but I think Orton is under even more pressure. He hasn't done a lot since Money in the bank he needs to generate some interest and get everyone talking about him again. The one thing I really do love about Randy Orton though is that he works amazingly well as both a heel and a baby face and so we can always expect a lot from him. Like I not long just said, he works so so well with Sheamus and they have a great history so we can really expect him to both push Sheamus to deliver well and Sheamus to push him to he's limits. The build up has been pretty weak and has been very back and fourth. It hasn't really had a clear direction or storyline what so ever so it's hard to make predictions. I think in reality Sheamus is in need of the victory just because he needs to maintain that momentum and carry on coming across like a big threat and top, main event superstar while he is Mr money in the bank,defeating Randy Orton will do just that. As for Randy it's really hard to say what is best. He hasn't been in action that much at all this past month and picking up a win against Mr money in the bank would be a great way to allow him to gain momentum and put him back in the spotlight. It would allow him to come across as a superstar to still continue watching when it comes to the main event spot and the WWE World heavyweight championship. I think he is in with a big big chance of winning this Sunday. Depending on the plans for Sheamus and the Summer Slam pay per view he could easily walk away with this victory and head into Summer Slam with a rematch against Sheamus. I do however think this match is going to favour Sheamus more and it could end in DQ. I would like to see Orton take on some unlikely opponents in the next couple of months and start to look at some new faces he could take on like Kevin Owens for example and looking at the United States championship picture. I do still think that feuding with Sheamus is the best thing for him right now but if the WWE want this feud to continue for another month leading into Summer Slam then they are going to have to do a lot of working in making this a mega awesome feud and giving it everything it needs to make a top top feud that everyone can look forward too.
As for Sheamus, he too hasn't had the best of months. I think the WWE could of done a lot lot better with he's booking. It hasn't been terrible at all but what I'm saying is that it could of been much better. Since the money in the bank pay per view Sheamus has competed in some great matches. The one that has stood out the most for me had to be he's first one on one with Roman Reigns, witch did actually feature in my top twenty matches of the month last month. The link to that blog post will be bellow. I thought he had a really good showing throughout that match and he worked really really well with Reigns on the night. Great chemistry, a very physical match, and very entertaining. A match that got better and better as it went on and I'm so glad he got to have that match. I thought he did a great job back at Money in the banks. I know that a lot of you were not happy to see him crowned Mr money in the bank but I am such a big big fan of he's, I have been from the very start, that I was just so happy for him and it was great to see him back on the top. I was backing Kane more so on the night but I will be speaking more about that in a future blog post so look out for that too in the next couple of weeks/months. I think he has had a great run since coming backing and debuting he's new big heel character but like I said, I think he's booking could have been stronger. I think that feuding with Orton was the best move for him. There isn't really another top star for him to feud with and these two have great history and chemistry so I can't complain about them feuding. What I can complain about however is the poor build up their match has gotten. There's been no strong clear storyline and I need that to get into an up and coming match up. I really do wish I was looking forward to this match more but there just nothing to go on and it feels like there is no point to the match. I do think these two can put on a great match because we have seen them do it in the past but I think with a good storyline it would of been better, much much better. I do think this weekend is about Sheamus and we may not know but he is playing a huge huge role on the roster both at this weekend's show leading up to Summer Slam. The main event of Battleground does suggest that we could see Sheamus cash in the money in the bank contract and I wouldn't be surprised if he did so at all. It would make sense for him to cash in on Lesnar if he wins as the "Plan B" and so if he did pick up a win against Orton as well as cash in it would be a huge night for him but I think it's more likely we will see a cash in at Summer Slam or later on in the year. I do think that Sheamus really needs the win but it's going to need to be a really convincing win. He needs to start winning over the WWE
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Randy Orton on Monday night RAW |
Altogether I think this has the potential to be a great match. Yes, its had a poor build up and there's next to no storyline but these guys have such great history and such great chemistry that they could easily pull off a great match. I think time is going to be Key for these two. They need to really wow us and put on a great match, anything less than that won't be good enough and won't go down well with the fans. I think we can expect a very physical, character full match with the history and chemistry between the two shining through a lot throughout. I have to back Sheamus on this one just because I think that he needs more and Orton can bounce back from it better. But I want to know what YOU think. Leave your comments bellow or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria telling me what your predictions are.
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