Tough Enough Review and Reactions: Week Six
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! So it's week five of Tough Enough and the competition is only getting harder. This week saw the most dramatic and entertaining show if the season so far witch means there is loads to review in today's blog post. With one more contestant out of the competition and a big week over and done with, things are starting to get serious for the seven remaining contestants. I mentioned in last weeks review and reaction that I'm going to be keeping everything the way it is in these posts so the format will not be changing just because I think it works best and you guys seem to like it just the way it is. I want to let you guys know that I'm really really enjoying doing these blog post and watching the show. They are currently my favourite blog post to write and I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying.Last week NXT month started and run all the way through until the middle of August. I mentioned last week that because of the fact we have NXT Takeover and Summer Slam one day after the other it would mean I would of had no time to upload all the NXT blog post for the series I would of likes to and I didn't want to push it back another month, so the first post will be up sometime this week and NXT Review and Reactions post will be up every week from this week as well. I will link bellow and recent blog post including last weeks RAW Predictions and Review and Reactions. Finally,you can let me know what you thought of this weeks Tough Enough by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Right, let's start off this weeks Tough Enough Review and Reactions by taking a look at the drama that took place. At the start of the episode we saw the Tough Enough contestants react to Patrick's show elimination last week. I'm still really pissed off about the fact that Patrick left last week. Even though I'm a ZZ fan this is tough enough and Patrick was hands down the perfect man to win the season. I think this was even more evidence that the WWE made the wrong decisions with this season. Having the fans as the deciding judges was just the wrong idea altogether. I still think that it should have been the coaches that choose who get's eliminated. Hopefully, if they do another series next year they will make some much needed changes. Talking of change's being made last night Hulk Hogans replacement was announced and replacing him was The Miz, witch didn't come to much of a surprise to me. I would have much preferred to have seen a coach take Hogans place. It seems like it made much more sense and would have fitted it better, but I get why they chose the Miz and I didn't have a problem with it I don't get why so many people moaned about it. Anyway back to last night and we saw ZZ kinda look kind of lazy. He was the one most closest to Patrick and it was clear that he was missing him and he didn't hide that. Talking of ZZ we also saw him do some early "training". I didn't feel like he was taking it seriously. It came across like a joke and I want to see him actually put one hundred and twenty per cent in to it and I didn't get that feel from him last night. There was also continues heat between Amanda and Chelsea. I really cannot stand Amanda right now and every little thing that came out of her mouth last night frustrated me. Later on in the show we saw more of the romance/showmance between Chelsea and Tanner. I get that reality TV is a big deal and whatever, but I honestly much rather spend four hours watching Total Divas than the cringe worthy stuff between Tanner and Chelsea. The less air time this little showmance gets the better. There was also a little argument between Sara and Chelsea and GiGi and Amanda. There was literally no point to this little argument what so ever. The plain simple fact is that Amanda was told she was boring in week two and ever since has adopted this role of the bitchy blonde and I hate it. It's not winning her any supporters and to be honest I really really cannot stand her. Like, it's a serious dislike. I'm also hating how Georgia is coming across by hanging out with Amanda. Mada also confronted ZZ about he's frustrations with what happened in the second challenge this week. I one hundred per cent understand why Mada was so mad and I totally back what he had to say and why he confronted ZZ. ZZ admitting that he didn't think he could beat Mada was a big part of the night and it did frustrate me. I'd rather be watching someone who knows they are better than anyone and everyone else and can win. Like Patrick. I love ZZ but he's taking up a big spot.
This weeks first challenge saw Cesaro make he's first Tough Enough appearance as he special gusted for the show and challenge this week. The challenge theme this week was focus. The contestants had a course to complete full of different platforms and the contestants had to remember a particular number. Sounds simple but it sure well wasn't. There were only three contestants that actually remember all seven numbers they were, Tanner, Georgia, and Josh. For the entire challenge ZZ actually didn't come last witch was great! Mada, the guy who everyone is saying is improving week after week so I was disappointed. Even though Josh did a decent job I wasn't impressed by he's performance. I was impressed with Sara but once again it was Georgia and Chelsea who stayed on top for the girls with GiGi the only girl remembering all seven numbers but Chelsea having the fasts time. These girls remain at the top and continue to battle it out for the top spot. Tanner was all the round winner in this challenge and I was actually really happy for him. He wasn't smug about the win or anything and so I was happy for the guy. I liked the challenge and it was nice seeing Cesaro make an appearance too. The second challenge remained all about focus once again as the contestants were finally back in the ring and this week they had to team up and take demands from Billy Gunn with the catch being that a load of crowd noises were being played to see who would be thrown off and who would just get down too it. Stand outs where Josh and Chelsea. Chelsea by far was the best performing girl, there's no doubt about it. Sara has improved and Georgia was decent. Amanda on the other hand was terrible. I know there are a great deal of Amanda lovers out there that are going to kill me for saying this but I hated watching her in the ring last night. She looked awkward and messy and no, I didn't like it at all. Chelsea was the only women of the bunch that made believe that she could be a WWE diva and I could sit through a match. ZZ was fairly decent but nowhere near as good enough as he should have been. It's week six and what we saw from him last night was not good enough. Mada was pretty good. I think if he was put in their with someone like Josh he would have done better and would have stood out more. Tanner didn't do anything super special in this challenge. He didn't stand out for me in any particular way but he's improving and he's improving at a faster pace than ZZ. Last week the Big Show guest stared on Tough Enough to give the guys a little taste of what it takes to be a WWE superstar when they had to take chop from show before the elimination. This week however it was the girls tern as team B.A.D aka, Naomi, Tamina and current NXT Women's Champion, Sasha Banks guest stared on Tough Enough and gave the women a taste of what it takes to be a WWE Diva. To be fair, every single one of the girls did a good job last night. I was disappointed with Chelsea, she wasn't as clean as I expected her to be but I was really impressed with Sara Lee.
With the challenges and drams of this weeks show fully analysed let's now take a deeper look into each contestants overall performance of the week.
I'm first going to take a look at Josh. I started off as a huge fan of Josh. He was my favourite but my mind changed very very quickly and literally in a matter of minuets he became my list favourite. However, week after week he has the one contestant who has improved and has just gotten better and better week after week. I was surprised to see him in last weeks bottom three. I understand why he was put in the bottom three but I don't think he deserved to be there. I was even more surprised with just how many people voted to keep him in so clearly he's a popular guy. This week Josh needed to impress me and everyone else. He's been working at a very mediocre level. He hasn't done anything that has made him really stand out and he needed to change that around this week. For me he didn't really do what he needed to do and he kind of just remained working at that mediocre level and I was so so disappointed with him. I get why the fans, especially the girls, like Josh and why the WWE would too, after all he's Vince's dream idea of a WWE superstar but I can't see myself become a fan any time soon. He may have remembered he's numbers but he didn't do anything that made him stand out for all the right reasons and he was the only contestant that had a little fall. He did however make up for it in the second challenge when he was actually in the ring so it was a better week than last week but he didn't come across strong enough for me yet. Maybe I'm just being a little mean.
Chelsea and Georgia
There's no doubt that the two best performing girls right now in the competition are Chelsea and Georgia. Now, I really did not see my change in opinion coming the way it did. Two weeks ago I was all for Georgia. She was my favourite of the girls and I was rooting for her one hundred and ten percent. And as for Chelsea I wasn't feeling her in the slightest. I was the biggest Chelsea hater in the world and I went on rant after rant about why I didn't like her and why I felt she shouldn't be there. However, we are at week six now and all of that has changed. I found myself really rooting for Chelsea last night and not so much Georgia. I think the reason I'm backing away from Georgia is her attitude. The more she hangs around Amanda the more I dislike her. Amanda manages to bring out the worse in every single person in the competition. GiGi is a nice girl but we are seeing more and more of her bad side and I'm not sure just how much that is working in her favour. She didn't have as much f a good week. She's got some serious competition in Chelsea and she's been giving her a run for her money. Georgia still managed to have a good week but not as good as we have seen from her in the past. Chelsea on the other hand a great week. She was the fasts girl in the first challenge and then in the second was not only the best performing female but she was the best performing in the ring as a whole in my opinion. I'm liking how she is coming across. It's clear just how much she wants this and I loved that. I've been liking her more and more as we have seen her and I hope she is growing on everyone else too because to be honest she is taking over for me when it comes to the women. I'd like to see Georgia step it back up again next week and see these two go at it a little more. The one thing we all know is that no matter what happens, as long as they are both in the competition they are going to be on top.
Tanner and Sara Lee
I have put Tanner and Sara Lee in the same category this week because I feel like we saw a lot of the same things between them this week. They both did good in the first challenge, they both did average in the second, and most important they both showed improvements. I say "most importantly" because it really is. This competition is all about bettering yourself, improving, and showing that with time they can be a WWE superstar/diva. These two are doing just that. Week after week they are getting better and working on their individual things they need working on. Sara Lee did much better in both challenges. She may not have wont he challenge but she looked good and much much better than before. She was also better in the ring this week. With time, this girl is just getting it and I think give her a couple of years down in NXT and she could go really far. The same goes for Tanner. He really does have so much potential but he needs to start working on he's charisma and character and crowd/fan interaction. With time though, I do think he could be a great success too. It was a good week for him again.
Amanda, ZZ and Mada
I one hundred and ten per cent think that the wrong person left this week. Amanda or ZZ should have
gone by far. Mada was the one contestant that was really improving and really working hard to better himself and it was showing week after week after week. I hated the fact that Miz saved Amanda and I hated that everyone still voted to keep ZZ in. Its starting to feel like ZZ isn't taking this half as serious as he should be and it's a shame because Mada really deserved to stay. Amanda irritates me to death. I cannot stand her what so ever. I find annoying, rude, boring, and I don't think she has what it takes to be WWE diva what so ever. A pretty face and good body is not enough to be a WWE diva and the Miz saving her because of she looks was terrible. It's views like he's that are the reason the divas have suffered so long. I don't think my mind on her will be changed at all and I want her gone next week.
Right, let's start off this weeks Tough Enough Review and Reactions by taking a look at the drama that took place. At the start of the episode we saw the Tough Enough contestants react to Patrick's show elimination last week. I'm still really pissed off about the fact that Patrick left last week. Even though I'm a ZZ fan this is tough enough and Patrick was hands down the perfect man to win the season. I think this was even more evidence that the WWE made the wrong decisions with this season. Having the fans as the deciding judges was just the wrong idea altogether. I still think that it should have been the coaches that choose who get's eliminated. Hopefully, if they do another series next year they will make some much needed changes. Talking of change's being made last night Hulk Hogans replacement was announced and replacing him was The Miz, witch didn't come to much of a surprise to me. I would have much preferred to have seen a coach take Hogans place. It seems like it made much more sense and would have fitted it better, but I get why they chose the Miz and I didn't have a problem with it I don't get why so many people moaned about it. Anyway back to last night and we saw ZZ kinda look kind of lazy. He was the one most closest to Patrick and it was clear that he was missing him and he didn't hide that. Talking of ZZ we also saw him do some early "training". I didn't feel like he was taking it seriously. It came across like a joke and I want to see him actually put one hundred and twenty per cent in to it and I didn't get that feel from him last night. There was also continues heat between Amanda and Chelsea. I really cannot stand Amanda right now and every little thing that came out of her mouth last night frustrated me. Later on in the show we saw more of the romance/showmance between Chelsea and Tanner. I get that reality TV is a big deal and whatever, but I honestly much rather spend four hours watching Total Divas than the cringe worthy stuff between Tanner and Chelsea. The less air time this little showmance gets the better. There was also a little argument between Sara and Chelsea and GiGi and Amanda. There was literally no point to this little argument what so ever. The plain simple fact is that Amanda was told she was boring in week two and ever since has adopted this role of the bitchy blonde and I hate it. It's not winning her any supporters and to be honest I really really cannot stand her. Like, it's a serious dislike. I'm also hating how Georgia is coming across by hanging out with Amanda. Mada also confronted ZZ about he's frustrations with what happened in the second challenge this week. I one hundred per cent understand why Mada was so mad and I totally back what he had to say and why he confronted ZZ. ZZ admitting that he didn't think he could beat Mada was a big part of the night and it did frustrate me. I'd rather be watching someone who knows they are better than anyone and everyone else and can win. Like Patrick. I love ZZ but he's taking up a big spot.
This weeks first challenge saw Cesaro make he's first Tough Enough appearance as he special gusted for the show and challenge this week. The challenge theme this week was focus. The contestants had a course to complete full of different platforms and the contestants had to remember a particular number. Sounds simple but it sure well wasn't. There were only three contestants that actually remember all seven numbers they were, Tanner, Georgia, and Josh. For the entire challenge ZZ actually didn't come last witch was great! Mada, the guy who everyone is saying is improving week after week so I was disappointed. Even though Josh did a decent job I wasn't impressed by he's performance. I was impressed with Sara but once again it was Georgia and Chelsea who stayed on top for the girls with GiGi the only girl remembering all seven numbers but Chelsea having the fasts time. These girls remain at the top and continue to battle it out for the top spot. Tanner was all the round winner in this challenge and I was actually really happy for him. He wasn't smug about the win or anything and so I was happy for the guy. I liked the challenge and it was nice seeing Cesaro make an appearance too. The second challenge remained all about focus once again as the contestants were finally back in the ring and this week they had to team up and take demands from Billy Gunn with the catch being that a load of crowd noises were being played to see who would be thrown off and who would just get down too it. Stand outs where Josh and Chelsea. Chelsea by far was the best performing girl, there's no doubt about it. Sara has improved and Georgia was decent. Amanda on the other hand was terrible. I know there are a great deal of Amanda lovers out there that are going to kill me for saying this but I hated watching her in the ring last night. She looked awkward and messy and no, I didn't like it at all. Chelsea was the only women of the bunch that made believe that she could be a WWE diva and I could sit through a match. ZZ was fairly decent but nowhere near as good enough as he should have been. It's week six and what we saw from him last night was not good enough. Mada was pretty good. I think if he was put in their with someone like Josh he would have done better and would have stood out more. Tanner didn't do anything super special in this challenge. He didn't stand out for me in any particular way but he's improving and he's improving at a faster pace than ZZ. Last week the Big Show guest stared on Tough Enough to give the guys a little taste of what it takes to be a WWE superstar when they had to take chop from show before the elimination. This week however it was the girls tern as team B.A.D aka, Naomi, Tamina and current NXT Women's Champion, Sasha Banks guest stared on Tough Enough and gave the women a taste of what it takes to be a WWE Diva. To be fair, every single one of the girls did a good job last night. I was disappointed with Chelsea, she wasn't as clean as I expected her to be but I was really impressed with Sara Lee.
With the challenges and drams of this weeks show fully analysed let's now take a deeper look into each contestants overall performance of the week.
I'm first going to take a look at Josh. I started off as a huge fan of Josh. He was my favourite but my mind changed very very quickly and literally in a matter of minuets he became my list favourite. However, week after week he has the one contestant who has improved and has just gotten better and better week after week. I was surprised to see him in last weeks bottom three. I understand why he was put in the bottom three but I don't think he deserved to be there. I was even more surprised with just how many people voted to keep him in so clearly he's a popular guy. This week Josh needed to impress me and everyone else. He's been working at a very mediocre level. He hasn't done anything that has made him really stand out and he needed to change that around this week. For me he didn't really do what he needed to do and he kind of just remained working at that mediocre level and I was so so disappointed with him. I get why the fans, especially the girls, like Josh and why the WWE would too, after all he's Vince's dream idea of a WWE superstar but I can't see myself become a fan any time soon. He may have remembered he's numbers but he didn't do anything that made him stand out for all the right reasons and he was the only contestant that had a little fall. He did however make up for it in the second challenge when he was actually in the ring so it was a better week than last week but he didn't come across strong enough for me yet. Maybe I'm just being a little mean.
Chelsea and Georgia
There's no doubt that the two best performing girls right now in the competition are Chelsea and Georgia. Now, I really did not see my change in opinion coming the way it did. Two weeks ago I was all for Georgia. She was my favourite of the girls and I was rooting for her one hundred and ten percent. And as for Chelsea I wasn't feeling her in the slightest. I was the biggest Chelsea hater in the world and I went on rant after rant about why I didn't like her and why I felt she shouldn't be there. However, we are at week six now and all of that has changed. I found myself really rooting for Chelsea last night and not so much Georgia. I think the reason I'm backing away from Georgia is her attitude. The more she hangs around Amanda the more I dislike her. Amanda manages to bring out the worse in every single person in the competition. GiGi is a nice girl but we are seeing more and more of her bad side and I'm not sure just how much that is working in her favour. She didn't have as much f a good week. She's got some serious competition in Chelsea and she's been giving her a run for her money. Georgia still managed to have a good week but not as good as we have seen from her in the past. Chelsea on the other hand a great week. She was the fasts girl in the first challenge and then in the second was not only the best performing female but she was the best performing in the ring as a whole in my opinion. I'm liking how she is coming across. It's clear just how much she wants this and I loved that. I've been liking her more and more as we have seen her and I hope she is growing on everyone else too because to be honest she is taking over for me when it comes to the women. I'd like to see Georgia step it back up again next week and see these two go at it a little more. The one thing we all know is that no matter what happens, as long as they are both in the competition they are going to be on top.
Tanner and Sara Lee
I have put Tanner and Sara Lee in the same category this week because I feel like we saw a lot of the same things between them this week. They both did good in the first challenge, they both did average in the second, and most important they both showed improvements. I say "most importantly" because it really is. This competition is all about bettering yourself, improving, and showing that with time they can be a WWE superstar/diva. These two are doing just that. Week after week they are getting better and working on their individual things they need working on. Sara Lee did much better in both challenges. She may not have wont he challenge but she looked good and much much better than before. She was also better in the ring this week. With time, this girl is just getting it and I think give her a couple of years down in NXT and she could go really far. The same goes for Tanner. He really does have so much potential but he needs to start working on he's charisma and character and crowd/fan interaction. With time though, I do think he could be a great success too. It was a good week for him again.
Amanda, ZZ and Mada

gone by far. Mada was the one contestant that was really improving and really working hard to better himself and it was showing week after week after week. I hated the fact that Miz saved Amanda and I hated that everyone still voted to keep ZZ in. Its starting to feel like ZZ isn't taking this half as serious as he should be and it's a shame because Mada really deserved to stay. Amanda irritates me to death. I cannot stand her what so ever. I find annoying, rude, boring, and I don't think she has what it takes to be WWE diva what so ever. A pretty face and good body is not enough to be a WWE diva and the Miz saving her because of she looks was terrible. It's views like he's that are the reason the divas have suffered so long. I don't think my mind on her will be changed at all and I want her gone next week.
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