Tough Enough Review and Reactions: Week 3
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! So it's Wednesday and the end of week three for the Tough Enough contestants and with one more out of the competition there are still ten compositors fighting to be crowned the winner of tough enough two thousand and fifteen and earn a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. I'm back today to recap all of last night's action from week three with my review and reactions blog post. I honestly love writing this reviews. They are my favourite blog posts to write at the moment and I'm so glad that you are all enjoying them as much as I am. The way I'm writing these review's seem to be going down well with you and you all seem to be liking it the way it is as am I so I'm going to keep writing these posts the same way I have bee from week one. If you are new basically what I do is first write about the drama of the week, and then the challenges and I lastly write about each contestant and what I thought of everyone's performance. Before we get into this weeks' review I have a couple of updates and reminders for you. Firstly, last night we saw the next season of Total Divas kick start and usually I would have my Total Divas review and reactions post but I will no longer be doing this. I would like to dedicate all my work at the moment to tough enough and NXT month and there just wouldn't be enough time to upload a Total Divas review and reactions post. Last week it was announced by WWE that on the twenty second of August witch is the day before Summer Slam, the next NXT Takeover show will take place. This makes it really difficult to be able to have NXT month throughout August, so what I have decided to do is start NXT month half way though July so that will be just before Battleground and that will run until halfway through August, so around my birthday time. I have already started pre posting for the series so let me know if there are any blog post in particular you would like to see in NXT month. As usual, I will link bellow any recent blog post including last weeks RAW and Smackdown Review and Reactions posts. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This weeks show kick started with some pretty big news as Princess Dianna decided that Tough Enough and the WWE was not the place for her as she waved goodbye to the competition and quit. I was honestly not expecting this what so ever. It came to such a surprise to me. You guy's know I wasn't the biggest fan of Dianna at all. She was my least favourite amongst the group and I wasn't backing her at all but like I mentioned in last weeks blog post, I thought she had so much potential. She got everyone talking, she did well in most of the challenges and she was standing out. I think she would of done great in the character building challenge this week and I do think she is a great loss to the competition as a contender and as a reality star. But I have to say good riddance. To be in this business you have to love it, you have to be passionate about it and it has to be your everything. From day one Dianna showed no passion and heart for the WWE and pro wrestling so I'm glad she's gone and a diva who actually loved this can win it. What frustrates me and made me so angry about this last night was that she could of just gone last week and Alex could of had he's second chance. He could of stayed and she could of gone. She wasted everyone's time and took a place and it really did piss me off. Anyway, let's look at the rest of the drama this week and for the girls there was a clear problem and some heat between Amanda and Gabi. This is something I think we all saw coming. Gabi is very easy to dislike and she comes across hard to live with. She's very out there, very in your face, and she doesn't come across well at all. Unlike Dianna, she doesn't appear to be the princess or the bitchy girl in the locker room, she's just the straight up bitch. I did like her at the start of week on but I just wasn't feeling her last night at all and the more she talks and the more I see of her the more I dislike her. It was nice to see Amanda speak up last night. She's been told to stand out multiple times and she did last night I just didn't like the way she came across. She made some pretty cocky, obnoxious comments last night that made me turn my nose up a little but she's still a favourite of mine. There was also growing tensions between Tanner and Patrick. From day on these two have been in competition with each other. It's all about proving who is better and one upping each other when it comes to these two and last night everything just blew up. I think the problem was was that Tanner did not like the fact he was not on top. Patrick had yet another great week winning another challenge and it really got under the skin of Tanner. Patrick is very confident, he's very in your face and he will call you out without a care in the world. In the end their personalises really did clash and the little fight that we saw was just something that you could feel coming from these two from day one. It was bound to happen and yeah it did make great TV. I would of liked it if Patrick backed away but Tanner pushed him and it was Tanner that took things too far. I hated how he came across and just as I was getting used to him and starting to like him that all changed last night. Sara was under a lot of pressure to stand out and while we did hear from her more it just wasn't enough again. I think she really is struggling because she's not a massive personality like the other girls. She's not fake and she doesn't want to argue or get into conflict just to stand out. She's still my favourite girl in the competition and I'm still backing her but she needs to push herself more. We did see a little alliance between her and Gabi witch I'm not sure about. It will get her more TV time but Gabi's the girl you tell your kids to stay away from and I'm telling Sara Lee to stay away from her.
This week's theme was character building. For the first time since the competition started the contestants didn't have to please the coaches, judges and everyone at home with their physical abilities, instead it was all about character. They took the week off of focusing on the physical side of the business and focused more on the entertainment. I was so glad that we got to see a character building challenge so early on in the competition. Character is so so important. You could be one of the strongest, fastest, or best in ring wrestlers in the world but if you don't have a good, hooking, entertaining, captivating, and interesting character you wont last five minuets in the WWE. When I watch pro wrestling I want to be able to watch someone who interests me and entertains me. Characters like Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt are some of the biggest characters on the roster right now and they are who everyone should be wanting to be like when it comes to the standard of character. The contestants all chose a random gimmick/character out of a hat and had an hour to put together an outfit and perform and entrance in front of everyone, witch I thought was a great challenge. My early picks for stand outs where firstly Tanner. He has already shown a lot of a character and so I thought he would do really really well. I was also expecting great stuff from ZZ and Daria. I was honestly very very surprised with what we saw. I had three stand outs for the guys; Patrick, Josh, and Mada. Josh did so much better than I expected him to do. I wasn't really expecting him to show a lot at all and I did think he would struggle but he did great and even though he had problems finding clothes that fitted he did a great job apart from the god awful British accent. Yeah, that did make me cringe a little. Mada for me was the top stand out for the guys. He didn't win the challenge but he impressed me so much. It was the first time I looked at him and thought, wow this guy could be a WWE superstar. It was the first time I thought that I could book him for a show and that he could make it in the WWE as a strong character. Patrick of course was a natural. He knew what he had to do and he did it great. A little bit of brown noseing with the whole using Lita's dog for the entrance but hey, he's in it to win it and he did a great job and it all worked really well. Stand outs for the girls were Amanda and Georgia. Amanda did a great job. She was wearing next to nothing but she has a great body, she looked good and she portrayed her character well. Georgia really impressed me. She just keeps getting better and better the more we see of her. This was her second week on top picking up another challenge win. She was amazing in this challenge. She came across convincing and strong and it felt like I was watching her enter at an NXT show. I was disappointed with Daria a lot. She just looked like she was taking the piss and I didn't like it at all. It was cringe central and it didn't work for me one bit. I felt sorry for ZZ. I get what he was doing I thought he did good it was just a shame that the coaches could see the direction he was going in and what he was trying to do.
Now, let's take a look at everyone's individual week.
It was another great week for Patrick. He has honestly become my top favourite to win the whole competition. I think he has it all. He get's better and better each weak and he delivers to a high standard every single time. He tackles every single challenge head on and gives it he's all every single time. He hasn't had one week yet and I don't think he will. He's in it to win it and he lets you know that. He comes across like he wants this more than anything. He comes across the most passionate and most ready to be a WWE superstar. He's clear favourite with the coaches and with everyone at home. What he needs to do is manage he's temper and stay away from Tanner. Tanner is easy to let get under you skin and the reason these two clash is their both so similar. They both want it so badly and they have both been on top since day one. I would of liked to have seen Patrick just walk away from the argument and be the bigger man because Tanner set out looking for a fight but we have to remember, Patrick is only nineteen and so we have to cut him some slack a little. What we need to see from Patrick now is keep up the good work in the challenges. He's on a role right now and full of momentum but if he lets he's problem with Tanner and the mini competition they have take over he will go down hill and that's when we will see things change.
I wasn't a fan of Georgia at the start what so ever. I just thought she was another model like girl who was here for a bit of reality TV and didn't give a crap about wrestling but she has so quickly become my favourite girl. She is blowing everyone out of the water and with Dianna gone we really are going to see her just stay at the top and carry on competing at this high high level. She gets better and better each and every single week. She shocked me massively in the challenge this week and I was so glad she won the challenge. She comes across like a very sweet, genuine girl and I think she is slowly winning over the fans big time. She's the prime of example of someone who is standing out without having to run their mouth and be a bitch. I have nothing bad to say about her what so ever.
Tanner and Gabi
I put Tanner and Gabi in the same group this week because they both just pissed me off a lot. I made it clear I was not a Tanner fan from the start but I could not deny the fact that he is an amazing athlete. He spent the first week on top and he had everyone talking about him even if it was for the wrong reasons. The problem I have with Tanner is every time I think I'm starting to like him he will do or say something that pisses me of and I'm right back at the start again. Now, that might work as a WWE superstar and as a character but when there are people voting for you to stay in and your suppose to be winning over the WWE universe it's not going to work. He came across real bad last night. I didn't like how cocky he was and I most certainly didn't like the fight that he started. We saw him really push Patrick buttons and I think the whole issue he has with Patrick is that Patrick is doing better than him right now. The fact is is that he's jealous. He wants to be on top and he wants to be the best. Patrick is he's biggest competition and he knows that. I'd like to see him bounce back next week and deliver well and turn things around. Make me go "aww aint Tanner nice" and maybe things will be different but right now I'm right back at the start with Tanner. The same can be said for Gabi. In week one I was rooting for her but she didn't do it for me last night. I didn't like seeing her use Sara Lee to stay in the competition even though she tried to turn it around and make it look as though she was helping Sara. I didn't like her entrance in the character challenge even though it was sexy as hell and I don't like how she's coming across. She is yet to shine in a challenge and I hope she does that next week because right now I have no idea how she has dodged the bottom three.
Mada and Josh and Amanda
Mada, Amanda, and Josh turnt things around this week big time. From the start I haven't been the biggest supporter of Mada. I never saw the big deal with him. He was working at an average level and he wasn't standing out the same way Patrick and Tanner were. However, I think he shocked us all last night. I was not expecting such a great performance from him in the character challenge at all. Like I said it was the first time I looked at him and thought, wow this guy could be a WWE Superstar. He had my favourite entrance out of everyone and I think he's going to start being a serious threat. He's one hundred per cent the underdog in the competition so everyone should maybe be taking their attention off of Patrick and Tanner and looking more at Mada. Josh was the same. I have had such an up and down ride with Josh, one minuet I like him the next I hate him then I like him again. This week was a good week. He annoyed me a couple of times with a thew comments he made but I think he's just trying to keep it real and I can't moan about that really. He did a lot better than I expected him to do. He impressed me a heck of a lot. He may have struggled with the gimmick but he made it work and he put one hundred and ten per cent effort into it. For once I don't have a bad comment to make about Josh. Yay! Then we have Amanda. Amanda has been a favourite of mine from the start. I really really like her. I think she has everything it takes to be a great WWE diva and I think no matter what the WWE will want to sign her. It was nice to see her speak up and stand out more this week. She did great in the challenge and got strong feedback. My only problem was how she came across. It was a little bitchy but the little feud between her and Gabi makes great TV and I'm glad she is finding more character she just needs to draw the line between keeping it real and coming across like a bitch.
Sara Lee and ZZ
Sara Lee and ZZ are hands down the fan favourites. They have both been the ones the WWE universe have no talking about and have backed the most. They are two big big favourites of mine and when it comes down to the people's vote, these two have got it. However, they both had a pretty bad week and both were in the bottom three for a second time. I really felt for Sara Lee. I think she is trying her best but she just isn't having it easy. Paige has been real hard on her two weeks in a row and even though I'm sure its just tough love I just wanted to give her a hug by the end of the show. The character she was given could not be any different than her true self. She really struggled coming across like a mean girl because she isn't a mean girl what so ever. She doesn't have a bad, horrible bone in her body and she struggled big time this week. But she tried her best and I have to give her that. She spoke up and we saw more of her but now she needs to steal the show next week or she will be in the bottom two again. Hopefully the challenge next week favours her big time. Same goes for ZZ. I really felt for him because he wasn't taking the piss at all with the challenge. I understood where he was coming from and what he was trying to do and I felt so bad that not everyone else saw that. But he pulled it together really well and explained himself really well in he's little save me speech.
So that means that this week Daria wet home. I was expecting it if I'm honest. She's been working at a very average level throughout her time in the competition and her challenge performance was terrible. I just wish that what she did at panel is what she did and showed in the actual challenge because she wouldn't of been were she was. To be fair she had no chance going up against Sara and ZZ. Their two of the fan favourites and there was no way either one of them was going home so I felt for her. I thought she had a lot more to offer and I think she's going to be a great loss. Did the right person go? I'm not sure. I think the reasons why she left was clear and it made sense but I think it should of been Gabi's week. She's gonna have to pull it together if she wants to stay another week. All round I thought it was great show. I loved the role Seth Rollins played, Daniel Bryan continued to be favourite judge and Paige...well she pissed me off even more. But that's what I thought. Let me know what you thought of all of last nights action by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This weeks show kick started with some pretty big news as Princess Dianna decided that Tough Enough and the WWE was not the place for her as she waved goodbye to the competition and quit. I was honestly not expecting this what so ever. It came to such a surprise to me. You guy's know I wasn't the biggest fan of Dianna at all. She was my least favourite amongst the group and I wasn't backing her at all but like I mentioned in last weeks blog post, I thought she had so much potential. She got everyone talking, she did well in most of the challenges and she was standing out. I think she would of done great in the character building challenge this week and I do think she is a great loss to the competition as a contender and as a reality star. But I have to say good riddance. To be in this business you have to love it, you have to be passionate about it and it has to be your everything. From day one Dianna showed no passion and heart for the WWE and pro wrestling so I'm glad she's gone and a diva who actually loved this can win it. What frustrates me and made me so angry about this last night was that she could of just gone last week and Alex could of had he's second chance. He could of stayed and she could of gone. She wasted everyone's time and took a place and it really did piss me off. Anyway, let's look at the rest of the drama this week and for the girls there was a clear problem and some heat between Amanda and Gabi. This is something I think we all saw coming. Gabi is very easy to dislike and she comes across hard to live with. She's very out there, very in your face, and she doesn't come across well at all. Unlike Dianna, she doesn't appear to be the princess or the bitchy girl in the locker room, she's just the straight up bitch. I did like her at the start of week on but I just wasn't feeling her last night at all and the more she talks and the more I see of her the more I dislike her. It was nice to see Amanda speak up last night. She's been told to stand out multiple times and she did last night I just didn't like the way she came across. She made some pretty cocky, obnoxious comments last night that made me turn my nose up a little but she's still a favourite of mine. There was also growing tensions between Tanner and Patrick. From day on these two have been in competition with each other. It's all about proving who is better and one upping each other when it comes to these two and last night everything just blew up. I think the problem was was that Tanner did not like the fact he was not on top. Patrick had yet another great week winning another challenge and it really got under the skin of Tanner. Patrick is very confident, he's very in your face and he will call you out without a care in the world. In the end their personalises really did clash and the little fight that we saw was just something that you could feel coming from these two from day one. It was bound to happen and yeah it did make great TV. I would of liked it if Patrick backed away but Tanner pushed him and it was Tanner that took things too far. I hated how he came across and just as I was getting used to him and starting to like him that all changed last night. Sara was under a lot of pressure to stand out and while we did hear from her more it just wasn't enough again. I think she really is struggling because she's not a massive personality like the other girls. She's not fake and she doesn't want to argue or get into conflict just to stand out. She's still my favourite girl in the competition and I'm still backing her but she needs to push herself more. We did see a little alliance between her and Gabi witch I'm not sure about. It will get her more TV time but Gabi's the girl you tell your kids to stay away from and I'm telling Sara Lee to stay away from her.
This week's theme was character building. For the first time since the competition started the contestants didn't have to please the coaches, judges and everyone at home with their physical abilities, instead it was all about character. They took the week off of focusing on the physical side of the business and focused more on the entertainment. I was so glad that we got to see a character building challenge so early on in the competition. Character is so so important. You could be one of the strongest, fastest, or best in ring wrestlers in the world but if you don't have a good, hooking, entertaining, captivating, and interesting character you wont last five minuets in the WWE. When I watch pro wrestling I want to be able to watch someone who interests me and entertains me. Characters like Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt are some of the biggest characters on the roster right now and they are who everyone should be wanting to be like when it comes to the standard of character. The contestants all chose a random gimmick/character out of a hat and had an hour to put together an outfit and perform and entrance in front of everyone, witch I thought was a great challenge. My early picks for stand outs where firstly Tanner. He has already shown a lot of a character and so I thought he would do really really well. I was also expecting great stuff from ZZ and Daria. I was honestly very very surprised with what we saw. I had three stand outs for the guys; Patrick, Josh, and Mada. Josh did so much better than I expected him to do. I wasn't really expecting him to show a lot at all and I did think he would struggle but he did great and even though he had problems finding clothes that fitted he did a great job apart from the god awful British accent. Yeah, that did make me cringe a little. Mada for me was the top stand out for the guys. He didn't win the challenge but he impressed me so much. It was the first time I looked at him and thought, wow this guy could be a WWE superstar. It was the first time I thought that I could book him for a show and that he could make it in the WWE as a strong character. Patrick of course was a natural. He knew what he had to do and he did it great. A little bit of brown noseing with the whole using Lita's dog for the entrance but hey, he's in it to win it and he did a great job and it all worked really well. Stand outs for the girls were Amanda and Georgia. Amanda did a great job. She was wearing next to nothing but she has a great body, she looked good and she portrayed her character well. Georgia really impressed me. She just keeps getting better and better the more we see of her. This was her second week on top picking up another challenge win. She was amazing in this challenge. She came across convincing and strong and it felt like I was watching her enter at an NXT show. I was disappointed with Daria a lot. She just looked like she was taking the piss and I didn't like it at all. It was cringe central and it didn't work for me one bit. I felt sorry for ZZ. I get what he was doing I thought he did good it was just a shame that the coaches could see the direction he was going in and what he was trying to do.
Now, let's take a look at everyone's individual week.
It was another great week for Patrick. He has honestly become my top favourite to win the whole competition. I think he has it all. He get's better and better each weak and he delivers to a high standard every single time. He tackles every single challenge head on and gives it he's all every single time. He hasn't had one week yet and I don't think he will. He's in it to win it and he lets you know that. He comes across like he wants this more than anything. He comes across the most passionate and most ready to be a WWE superstar. He's clear favourite with the coaches and with everyone at home. What he needs to do is manage he's temper and stay away from Tanner. Tanner is easy to let get under you skin and the reason these two clash is their both so similar. They both want it so badly and they have both been on top since day one. I would of liked to have seen Patrick just walk away from the argument and be the bigger man because Tanner set out looking for a fight but we have to remember, Patrick is only nineteen and so we have to cut him some slack a little. What we need to see from Patrick now is keep up the good work in the challenges. He's on a role right now and full of momentum but if he lets he's problem with Tanner and the mini competition they have take over he will go down hill and that's when we will see things change.
I wasn't a fan of Georgia at the start what so ever. I just thought she was another model like girl who was here for a bit of reality TV and didn't give a crap about wrestling but she has so quickly become my favourite girl. She is blowing everyone out of the water and with Dianna gone we really are going to see her just stay at the top and carry on competing at this high high level. She gets better and better each and every single week. She shocked me massively in the challenge this week and I was so glad she won the challenge. She comes across like a very sweet, genuine girl and I think she is slowly winning over the fans big time. She's the prime of example of someone who is standing out without having to run their mouth and be a bitch. I have nothing bad to say about her what so ever.
Tanner and Gabi
I put Tanner and Gabi in the same group this week because they both just pissed me off a lot. I made it clear I was not a Tanner fan from the start but I could not deny the fact that he is an amazing athlete. He spent the first week on top and he had everyone talking about him even if it was for the wrong reasons. The problem I have with Tanner is every time I think I'm starting to like him he will do or say something that pisses me of and I'm right back at the start again. Now, that might work as a WWE superstar and as a character but when there are people voting for you to stay in and your suppose to be winning over the WWE universe it's not going to work. He came across real bad last night. I didn't like how cocky he was and I most certainly didn't like the fight that he started. We saw him really push Patrick buttons and I think the whole issue he has with Patrick is that Patrick is doing better than him right now. The fact is is that he's jealous. He wants to be on top and he wants to be the best. Patrick is he's biggest competition and he knows that. I'd like to see him bounce back next week and deliver well and turn things around. Make me go "aww aint Tanner nice" and maybe things will be different but right now I'm right back at the start with Tanner. The same can be said for Gabi. In week one I was rooting for her but she didn't do it for me last night. I didn't like seeing her use Sara Lee to stay in the competition even though she tried to turn it around and make it look as though she was helping Sara. I didn't like her entrance in the character challenge even though it was sexy as hell and I don't like how she's coming across. She is yet to shine in a challenge and I hope she does that next week because right now I have no idea how she has dodged the bottom three.
Mada and Josh and Amanda
Mada, Amanda, and Josh turnt things around this week big time. From the start I haven't been the biggest supporter of Mada. I never saw the big deal with him. He was working at an average level and he wasn't standing out the same way Patrick and Tanner were. However, I think he shocked us all last night. I was not expecting such a great performance from him in the character challenge at all. Like I said it was the first time I looked at him and thought, wow this guy could be a WWE Superstar. He had my favourite entrance out of everyone and I think he's going to start being a serious threat. He's one hundred per cent the underdog in the competition so everyone should maybe be taking their attention off of Patrick and Tanner and looking more at Mada. Josh was the same. I have had such an up and down ride with Josh, one minuet I like him the next I hate him then I like him again. This week was a good week. He annoyed me a couple of times with a thew comments he made but I think he's just trying to keep it real and I can't moan about that really. He did a lot better than I expected him to do. He impressed me a heck of a lot. He may have struggled with the gimmick but he made it work and he put one hundred and ten per cent effort into it. For once I don't have a bad comment to make about Josh. Yay! Then we have Amanda. Amanda has been a favourite of mine from the start. I really really like her. I think she has everything it takes to be a great WWE diva and I think no matter what the WWE will want to sign her. It was nice to see her speak up and stand out more this week. She did great in the challenge and got strong feedback. My only problem was how she came across. It was a little bitchy but the little feud between her and Gabi makes great TV and I'm glad she is finding more character she just needs to draw the line between keeping it real and coming across like a bitch.
Sara Lee and ZZ
Sara Lee and ZZ are hands down the fan favourites. They have both been the ones the WWE universe have no talking about and have backed the most. They are two big big favourites of mine and when it comes down to the people's vote, these two have got it. However, they both had a pretty bad week and both were in the bottom three for a second time. I really felt for Sara Lee. I think she is trying her best but she just isn't having it easy. Paige has been real hard on her two weeks in a row and even though I'm sure its just tough love I just wanted to give her a hug by the end of the show. The character she was given could not be any different than her true self. She really struggled coming across like a mean girl because she isn't a mean girl what so ever. She doesn't have a bad, horrible bone in her body and she struggled big time this week. But she tried her best and I have to give her that. She spoke up and we saw more of her but now she needs to steal the show next week or she will be in the bottom two again. Hopefully the challenge next week favours her big time. Same goes for ZZ. I really felt for him because he wasn't taking the piss at all with the challenge. I understood where he was coming from and what he was trying to do and I felt so bad that not everyone else saw that. But he pulled it together really well and explained himself really well in he's little save me speech.
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He's by far the fan favourite and that aint changing any time soon. |
So that means that this week Daria wet home. I was expecting it if I'm honest. She's been working at a very average level throughout her time in the competition and her challenge performance was terrible. I just wish that what she did at panel is what she did and showed in the actual challenge because she wouldn't of been were she was. To be fair she had no chance going up against Sara and ZZ. Their two of the fan favourites and there was no way either one of them was going home so I felt for her. I thought she had a lot more to offer and I think she's going to be a great loss. Did the right person go? I'm not sure. I think the reasons why she left was clear and it made sense but I think it should of been Gabi's week. She's gonna have to pull it together if she wants to stay another week. All round I thought it was great show. I loved the role Seth Rollins played, Daniel Bryan continued to be favourite judge and Paige...well she pissed me off even more. But that's what I thought. Let me know what you thought of all of last nights action by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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