Top 15 Superstars Of the month: June
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the divas champion Nikki Bella |
15) Big Show
Kicking off June's addition of my top fifteen superstars of the month is the Big Show. I think this is the first time that the Big Show has ever been put in my top fifteen superstars of the month post. I'll give you a heads up, this months list is a real good mixture so we have a nice little change. The month of June was a good one for the Big Show. After spending months of struggling to get into anything interesting and dominate the past month saw the former world champion finally get back on track a little. Now I haven't been a fan of he's actual feud witch has been with the Miz and Intercontinental champion Ryback. I've spoken a lot about that feud so I won't go too into why but I do think the work between him and Ryback has been pretty strong and it's allowed Show to once again showcase himself as a dominate, dangerous, threat. Throughout the month he has been involved in strong segments and the feud has progressed as it has gone on. He has managed to look really strong throughout the month. He's beat downs on Ryback have put him centre of attention and reminded everyone that he is one of the most dangerous men on the roster. They have been convincing beat downs and he has finally started to be portrayed as someone we should all be taking seriously. I'm not sure if working more with the Authority again is a good idea but if it is done right and he isn't made out to be a joke then it could be a good idea. I'm one hundred per cent supporting him in he's championship triple threat match in a couple of weeks time at the Battleground pay per view. He deserves one big, dominate championship reign before he parts ways with the WWE. I think he could bring so much to the championship and they could do some really interesting storyline's that would benefit him and the actual championship.
14) Samoa Joe
In at number fourteen this month is Samoa Joe. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is the first time I have ever had Samoa Joe in my top fifteen superstars of the month blog post since he came to the WWE so this feels really good to write. Since Joe arrived in the WWE he has been on fire. He was thrown right into centre stage when he confronted Kevin Owens at NXT Takeover Unstoppable. He literally could not have made an even bigger impact, as soon as he came down to the ring the crowd went mental and so did everyone online. Ever single person I came into contact with was talking about he's shock arrival in the WWE. The month of June saw Samoa Joe make he's NXT in ring debut and the feud between him and Owens really kick started. He's in ring debut may not have been up against a top top star of NXT like Tyler Breeze for example but it was enough to make an impact and to get everyone talking once again. He had a great showing, dominating most of the match and showcasing that seriously diverse move set Joe is known for. He really did send a huge message in that one match and he great month only became greater when they really started putting some work into he's feud with NXT Champion, Kevin Owens. Joe cut some great promos and participated in some great backstage interviews that really pushed the feud and generated even more heat to it. There were some amazing segments also between the two superstars. This month we also got a one on one match between Samoa Joe and NXT champion Kevin Owens. The match was a great little taster of what is to come between them and the brawl to close the show was just just a great touch and perfectly done. Samoa Joe has only been on the NXT scene a couple of months but he has already made a huge huge impact and with he's alliance with Finn Balor the month of July is set to be big for the former TNA star.
13) Velvet Sky
Up next is the first TNA knockout to feature in my June addition of top fifteen superstars of the month. It was a couple of months back that we saw Velvet Sky fired from TNA through a storyline and this month we saw her make her return to impact when she was spotted in the crowd at a show during an Angelina Love promo/match (I can't remember witch one it was). Rocking a new image and attitude Velvet didn't say a single word and instead just stood staring at Angelina. Throughout the month we saw Velvet attack Angelina and can I just say every single one of them was done really really well. The addition of Angelina's body guards was a really nice touch. The build up tot heir one on one match was really clever and really well done. These two knockouts have a huge history and have so so much chemistry together that whenever they share a TV screen together it's just magic. I always enjoy watching these two work together or in a feud and this one has so much potential. Their going off a really strong story and with Velvet's new image it all ties together really well. Towards the end of the month we finally got a one on one match between the two knockouts. The match itself saw Sky dominate most of it and put on an all round great performance. It was such a strong match to come back from. Their was a great amount of chemistry, a good story was told and she stayed in control throughout the match. It was a well put together match and one that did feature in the first half of my top twenty matches of the month blog post that will also be linked bellow. It has been a great comeback month for Velvet Sky and with her new image, entrance theme and attitude I'm seeing a great storyline in the future between her and Taryn Terrell. Watch out July, Velvet Sky is coming after you.
12) Finn Balor
Coming in at number thirteen this month is NXT favourite, Finn Balor. Yet again, the past month has been really really strong for Finn Balor. We were treated to a special mini two part documentary about the rise of Finn Balor were we got to see the journey to NXT, learning about he's early life and career. I absolutely loved this. I thought it was really well put together and it was great seeing another side to Balor. It's always a good thing when we got to learn more about superstar and connect with them on a more personal level. If you haven't seen it I advise you to seriously go check it out. This month also saw Balor pick up even more momentum as he started a mini feud with Rhyno. Since Rhyno came to WWE NXT he has made it clear he has some kind of problem with Finn Balor and this month we got to see them in action against one another on two separate occasions both being great. Their most recent one I wrote about in my NXT Review and Reactions post witch will be linked bellow so you can go check that out. I'm really loving the work between those two, it's a dream seeing them square off in the ring and they have never disappointed. They honestly work really really well together. We also saw Balor continue to slowly build up he's feud with Kevin Owens. We learnt this past month that in July Owens and Balor will go one on one for the NXT Championship in Japan. That show will be aired on the WWE Network just in case you didn't know. The mini brawl between the two a couple of weeks back on NXT was a great little move in the build up to their match. Balor was worked a couple of decent matches and picked up some solid victories this month making him the number thirteen holder this month.
11) John Cena
Up next at number twelve is the current United States champion and fifteen time world champion, John Cena. Throughout the month of June we have seen the epic feud between Cena and Kevin Owens continue as they had the second match in their saga. At the two thousand and fifteen Money In The Bank pay per view the two yet again tore the house down when they put on another phenomenal match up. I honestly thought they could not top their Elimination Chamber match but they really took it up a whole other level and stole the show for a second show in a row. Cena throughout the match sold Owens moves well and even pulled out some new stuff witch is always a shock to see. Cena played he's role perfectly and told a great story. Picking up the win was bonus for him. The actual build up was amazing. There was no doubt that the Cena/Owens feud was my favourite feud of the month. It just carried on delivering and delivering and just when you thought it couldn't get any better they would just take it up a notch and keep you interested and entertained. Cena put on some great promos, probably some of the best I have ever seen from him and that's saying something considering that he opens he's mouth pretty much every single week. I liked that he took a week off after Money in the bank, it was great that he was willing to do that and helped the story so so much. You guys know I'm not the biggest John Cena fan at all but I do really respect him and this month he gained even more of my respect. He's had some great matches, one of the best of the month even, he had amazing promos and segments throughout and so this month he takes the number twelve spot.
10) Roman Reigns
At number elven this month is Roman Reigns. I really struggled to decide to have Reigns or Wyatt or both in this months top fifteen superstars of the month list but when I looked back at the actual wrestling and the month as a whole I decided to just go with Reigns. If we had actually seen Wyatt wrestle more he would of by far been in the list as well as Reigns but for this month I don't think there was a place for him. Yet again, Roman Reigns had a strong month. He's booking has been very very clever and I have to applaud WWE and the creative team because for once they have not only made the right moves this month but they have actually done the right things with Roman Reigns who they seem to make the worse decisions with. Right at the start of the month we saw Reigns forced to earn he's way into the Money in the bank ladder match as punishment for siding with Dean Ambrose and helping him leave Elimination Chamber with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. In one night he went toe toe with Mark Henry, Bad News Barrett, and Bray Wyatt. All of witch were pretty good matches with one standing out the most for me. This may not have been the best one for all of you but it was my personal favourite, maybe because it was at the start of the show and I was wide awake, but he's first match against Bad News Barrett really got my attention. I thought it was really well done and they both had a good showing. It was a predicable ending and we all knew what was going to happen but I really got into it and it even made my top twenty matches of the month list. He had two other stand out performances and matches. One was back at Money in the bank in the contract match. He had a great showing throughout, coming across very dominate and in control. He was by far a stand out of the night and match. The other match that stood out for me and made the top twenty was he's one on one with Sheamus. I didn't expect the match to be as good as it was by Reigns had yet another great showing. This month also saw Roman kick start a new feud with Bray Wyatt witch I'm loving. It's been done so well and I did not expect to be liking it as much as I have done.
9) Dean Ambrose
Kicking off the top ten superstars of the month, June addition, is the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. It has been a really really great month for Ambrose. He has finally been getting the attention and big push that he deserves as he spent the whole of June working main events and competing in some of the best matches of the month and year! We saw him once again feud with Seth Rollins and what an amazing feud it was. I wasn't expecting them to actually have a full on feud but it was great and it was nice seeing it not last as long. He had some outstanding matches and it felt so great seeing him compete in the main event. They completely stole the show back at Money in the bank, having an easy candidate for match of the year. Later this week you can see where that match came in this months top twenty matches of the month blog post later on in the week, the link to part one will be bellow also. He's all round performances have been so strong and he has the fans right behind him all month long. As usual he has cut some great promos and been involved in awesome segments. We have over recent weeks seen him take a little seat back but he has still been booked really well and he's one on one and tag team matches have been great addition to the shows. I think he will have a calmer July but there is still a lot to see of him and he is still going to very much needed to help out with feuds and superstars who are in stronger work at the current time.
8) Seth Rollins
This month's number nine spot is filled by the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins. It's been a very intresting past month for our world champion. He's finally got back on he's feet and we have once again seen the Seth Rollins we all loved to hate. Right back at the start of the month we saw him just about retain he's championship when the result of the match was changed by the referee to a DQ victory for Ambrose. The way he retained the championship back at Elimination Chamber was extremely controversial but it was just what he needed. Rollins has spent the past thew months really slacking. He's been booking wasn't as strong, he's was being portrayed to be a weak coward hiding behind the Authority and using J&J Security to keep hold of the championship, but things finally made a turn in the month of June and we finally got to see more of the Rollins we have grown to love to hate over the past year. Right at the start of the month we saw Rollins wanting to prove himself to the WWE Universe and to the Authority as he set out to let everyone know that he didn't need J&J Security, Kane, Stephanie McMahon, or Triple H to keep hold of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and knock off Dean Ambrose. We then saw Ambrose and Rollins go one on one yet again, this time at the Money in the bank pay per view. The two had a phenomenal match and you will see where the match came in my top twenty of the month in tomorrow's blog post. Seth's victory was huge and was a big message sent out to everyone. He stood out in the match and was one of the top superstars we all didn't stop talking about all week.Now, he may have proved that he can defeat Dean Ambrose cleanly but the Authority wasn't done just yet. It was soon announced that Rollins will next defend he's championship at Battleground against the one and only, Brock Lesnar. So far the build up has been extremely strong. Seth has been playing a very clever game and has managed to come up on top in the build up/feud. Throughout the month of June we have see Seth cut great promos, participate in high rated segments, and compete in some of the best matches of the month.
7) Ethan Carter
Up next we have another TNA star and this time we are looking at Ethan Carter the third aka EC3. I am actually a really really big fan of EC3. I think I have said it before but I wasn't a supporter/fan of he's back when he was working with the WWE but he's character over in TNA is just great. He works it really really well and convincingly. He seems to get better week after week after week and the TNA really do know what they are doing with him. Finally, this month we have seen Ethan take things up a notch. He really has been given the big big push that he deserves and it's been great watching. Right from the start of the month we have seen Cater kick start he's feud TNA World Champion, Kurt Angle. Before June, we had seen Ethan build on momentum having great matches and amazing feuds with the likes of Mr Anderson and Rockstar Spud. You guys all know how much I loved the feud between EC3 and Spud. I spoke about it so much here on my blog and their big match was actually voted match of the month a thew months back. I have been waiting a long long time to EC3 really chase after the TNA World Championship and I think feuding with Kurt is just great. Kurt is the perfect person to really make a start out of Ethan Carter and give him that big big push he deserves, cementing him as a top star in the company. I do think that Carter is going to have an amazing Summer as he reaches the top of he's career. The past month we have seen him compete in great matches and participate in some outstanding promos/ segments that have just helped he's character and developed it even more. A great month for EC3 and even better July waiting around the corner.
6) The Bella Twins
This month's number six spot is filled by Brie and the Divas champion, Nikki Bella. I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest Bella twin fan. I don't think their the best in ring competitors, speakers or all round talent in the WWE Main roster divas division and when you compare Nikki as a champion and Sasha Banks as a champion we can all see there is a huge huge difference and not a good one. I have however mentioned a lot that I think Nikki in particular has improved so much over the past year and has developed so much as a character. She's having a great title reign and weather if you like it or not she's on her way to becoming the longest reigning divas champion, and I'll be honest, I'm not too happy about that myself. I haven't bee the biggest fan of how she has been booked recently. I don't think her matches have been strong enough or long enough at all. I did really enjoy her one on one championship match with Paige back at Money in the bank. I thought she had a really great showing, selling moves well, executing her own moves well and keeping a lot of the attention on her with her big big heel victory. Throughout the month of June we have seen a lot of attention on the Bella twins as we have seen them completely dominate the roster. I do think the whole Paige VS The Bella era is a good storyline to go down but like I have said all month I do think the timing is completely wrong. I think it's a very clever story but it just feels too late. I've been loving the cheat wins by Nikki, with twin magic and everything. It's really generated a lot of heat and attention and it's actually brought some interest and entertainment to the championship reign. They have both cut some decent promos and segments backstage and in the ring. They have both competed in a number of matches week in and week out. The direction of the current "Bella rules" storyline does seem a little messy but I'm defiantly interested and the past month has been all about Nikki and Brie Bella.
5) Dirty Heels
Kicking off the final top five superstars of the month list this month is one of the strongest tag teams around right now with two of the greatest individual wrestlers in the world, the Dirty Heels, aka Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. I will be completely honest, at the start of the work between Aries and Roode VS The Wolves I wasn't the biggest fan. Individually this are four of the best wrestlers in the world, there's no doubt about that. I enjoy watching all of these guys compete and I could watch them wrestle all night long,however, I'm not the biggest fan of Roode and Aries. I don't know, why I just never have been, Don't get me wrong, as I said, I could watch them compete all night, outstanding wrestlers, I just personally don't like them for some reason. This month however I have found myself really really backing them and getting behind them more than ever. I will always be supporting the Wolves because they are my favourite tag team all across pro wrestling right now but the heel turn was just great. I liked how it was done and seeing the desperation of needing the win and just created such a great storyline. It's made all the matches far more interesting and entertaining. Talking of entertaining, how amazing have both the tag teams and single matches with these two teams. The Dirty Hells have been earning so much momentum and have just been top top stand outs week after week after week. Aries also had one of the greatest matches of the year when he took on Kurt Angle for the TNA World Championship.
4) Sheamus
Coming in at number four this month in my top fifteen superstar of the month list is the new Mr Money In The Bank, Sheamus. Since Sheamus retuned he has been on fire and I have spoken about this a million times before. To be fair he has had a couple of not so great shows/performances after coming back from he's injury but this month we haven't seen any of that at all and he's momentum has been high and stayed high. Right at the start of the month we learnt that he would be competing in the two thousand and fifteen Money in the bank ladder match. You all know that I was backing both him and Kane but in all honesty I wasn't expecting him to actually win at all. Just like most people I was convinced Reigns was winning the contract so it was a massive massive surprise to see him actually pick up the win. I literally was jumping up and down with excitement and had the biggest smile on my face, I'm not even exaggerating. Becoming Mr Money in the bank might not have pleased everyone but it was exactly what he needed. As I said, Sheamus has been on a roll since returning from he's injury but he needed something that gave him more attention and let everyone know that Sheamus is a man to watch and a serious contender for the next WWE World Heavyweight Championship holder and it did just that. Since money in the bank he has been picking up strong win after strong win and competed in some great matches against both Randy Orton and Roman Reigns in both singles and tag team action. Talking of Orton, those two had a great little feud at the start of the month in the build up to Money in the bank. I thought it was really great and it's shame the WWE haven't done that much more with it. They have great chemistry and worked amazingly well together. There's also been a nice little alliance with Kane. I think Sheamus has another huge month ahead of him.
3) Paige
We now have the last diva to enter this month's top fifteen superstars of the month list, as former two time divas champion, Paige makes her way in at number three. Paige has literally been everywhere this month. I'm going to be honest, I love Paige. I've been the biggest fan of her's since day one, but the fact the WWE have shoved her in our face so much has made me loose a little bit of interest in her and almost get bored of her, but that's a topic for a whole other post, so lets just talk about the past month. June has seen Paige top everything she does. I have been watching and paying more attention to shows like Superstars and main event and Paige has just been on fire this month. She had two matches in particular that did really stand out for me and one was actually featured in my top twenty matches of the month blog post, witch was her one on one with Alicia Fox. It was a nice long match that saw Paige have one of her best main roster performances ever. She also took on Layla in a pretty good one on one match. In both she picked up a huge huge win. She also competed in a great divas championship match against Nikki Bella at Money in the bank, witch also featured in my top twenty matches of the month blog post. She's cut some awesome promos and been involved in great segments. Her feud with the Bella twins has been red hot and put her centre of attention. The role she has played has been amazing and she has been centre of attention alongside the Bella's throughout the month. Not to mention her great showing on Tough Enough as a judge. Like her or not, Paige is owning the divas division and is getting everyone talking about her.
2) Kurt Angle
Coming in at number two and just missing out on the number one spot this month is TNA World Champion, Kurt Angle. When you ask the question " could Kurt Angle have a better month than June" the awnser is simply no. He has on fire throughout the month of June. For once I have actually been interest in TNA Main events. I've spoken about this on my blog in the past. I have been a fan of Kurt Angle pretty much all of my life and over the past four weeks or so he has been proven exactly why while also proving that he is far from leaving the ring and while he may not be the youngest on the roster he sure is the best. Throughout the month he has been none stop and has really has proven what it means to be a "fighting champion". Week after week he has been a stand out of every Impact show and almost every single week he has defined he's championship. We have seen him take on guys such as Erick Young, Austin Aries, Spud and kick start he's feud with Ethan Carter. Every single match has been strong. He had a phenomenal championship match up against Austin Aries, a match that is sure to be in my top fifty matches of the year blog post in December. He also had a pretty good match with Rockstar Spud witch I really really enjoyed. He's new feud with Ethan Carter has so far been amazing. Both guys are looking good in the feud and Angle is just killing. Kurt has had some of the best matches, promos, and segments of the year all in one month making him June's second superstar of the month.
1) Kevin Owens
Finally, for a second month in a row, my superstar of the month is NXT Champion Kevin Owens. I really do try and have a different superstar of the month every four weeks but once again there was no one else that deserved to take the number one spot more than Kevin Owens. By the end of May I was convinced that it would be impossible for him to have a second straight amazing month and top the last but he really has done just that, taking it up a notch and dominating a never four plus week in the WWE. Everywhere you go, every single WWE product you watch Kevin Owens is there. It doesn't matter if it is RAW, Smackdown, or NXT, Kevin Owens has been everywhere and everyone is talking about him. Throughout the month Owens' booking has been amazing! I have to applaud the WWE creative team, witch isn't something I get to do very often, but they have just got it so right with him for another month. Week after week he has been competing in top top matches against superstars such as Samoa Joe, Cesaro, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, and Adrian Neville. All of witch have been performed to a high standard and have been branded some of the best of the month and year. I actually featured four/five of Owens matches this past month in my top twenty matches of the month blog post (part two will be uploaded later this week). On RAW he had two open challenge matches. One would be against Ziggler, witch was honestly a dream match of mine and made me so happy. The other was against former NXT champion, Adrian Neville, witch as yet another dream match of mine. In both matches Owens dominated and took almost full control. He also had a great match against Cesaro on Smackdown, it might not have been the longest but it was so well done on both superstars behalf. The build up for he's rematch against John Cena was amazing. He cut some of
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Kevin Owens attacking MGK on RAW |
So Kevin Owens made it as June superstar of the month with Kurt Angle a close second but I want to know who stood out for you this month. Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 20 matches of June part 1
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