Tough Enough Review and Reactions: Week 2
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well ans good. So week two of tough enough is well an truly over. Another contestant has been eliminated and the competition just got harder. I'm back today with this weeks Tough Enough Review and Reactions. I mentioned last week that I wasn't sure how regular these posts would be. Some might be up a little later than others and there may be some weeks were I miss the post but I will still talk about every week even if it means talking about two shows in one post. That's fine with me. I know that last weeks blog post was a little all over the place. I did say that I wasn't sure about the order I as going to be doing things but I seemed to have created some kind of structure and it did seem to go well so I may be sticking with that. We have a lot to get through in today's post but before we can really get into anything I have a couple of reminders and up dates for you. I'm going to start with NXT month. I have already mentioned that there has been a set back for NXT month and instead of it returning in July it's now going to be coming back in August, my birthday month. I really do wish that I didn't have to push it back again but I have been so busy recently with all the live shows and prediction posts that I have no time to pre post for NXT month. I would love to know what posts you would like to see in the season to let me know by leaving a comment bellow. I will also soon be brining you my updates and news surrounding my podcast and a couple of other new projects I'm working on. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog posts including this weeks RAW Review, last weeks tough enough review and reactions and my Money in the bank review and reactions blog post. Finally, you can let me know what your predictions are for tonight's show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So it's week two and the tough enough contestants spent even more time being pushed to their limits in attempt to get a signed contract with WWE. The start of this weeks show opened with some hot drama back the house with everyone firing at Dianna making it clear they wanted her to leave. I liked seeing Amanda step up and actually say something. She did a great job last week in the physical challenge but I mentioned in the review and reactions blog post that I felt like she needed to do more to stand out and get noticed. There was even a clip uploaded to YouTube with Lita telling her the exact same thing. She didn't stand out in week one, she didn't give us a reason to keep her in the competition. This week she found her voice and we heard from her. Now I'm not a fan of Dianna at all. I spent a week saying how much I didn't like her and how much I wanted her to go but there was something unconformable watching last nights little argument. Having the girls go at her was one thing but with the big guys going at her as well was just a little awkward. Talking of speaking up we hears a lot more from the yetti Josh. I moaned a lot about Josh last week because once again he was another one who just faded into the background and he's a big guy to fade into the background. I hated how he couldn't put he's money where he's mouth is however this week that changed. He did great in both physically challenges witch I will get into later on in the post but he also found he's voice. Throughout last night's episode there was a lot of tension between Josh and Tanner after Josh explained that he felt cheated by Tanner and that he was the actual real winner of the challenge. I don't think he justified himself well. He didn't come across like he knew how to argue he's point and it he just seemed bitter and jealous just like what we saw last week but at least this time around he actually opened he's mouth. Going back to the opening of the show and there was also some conflict going on between Alex and Patrick. Now, I love Patrick, he's my favourite to win but I also like Alex, the problem with Alex is at the moment he just seems to be arguing with everyone and not delivering to a high enough standard. I have loads to say about Alex later on in the blog post so just wait for that. But the tensions between Alex and Patrick was something that stayed throughout the night. for the rest of Reality/drama for this weeks show we saw a little alliance between the two most hated girls, Gabi and Dianna, and we also saw Patrick show he's age a little. He's only nineteen and it was nice to see him act he's own age instead of someone who was like thirty nine or something. Georgia also showed us some of herself. She comes across like a very sweet, genuine girl and her friendship with Daria is nice to see also. When it comes to arguments this week Dianna was really in the firing line. it was like the Dianna show last night. We only really got one big argument witch was between Dianna and Daria. I think the women of the competition are just very very dominate and they're really taking the spotlight away from the guys just because they are so dramatic and loud. But we do have some bitchy guys in there too. ZZ remained the funny dude we all love throughout and we got a nice personal connection build with Mada.
The theme around this weeks challenge was fear. The contestants had to prove to the coaches and everyone at home that they had the courage to take on anything and prove they are fearless. It was great hearing the meaning behind the this weeks theme with Lita explaining that being in the ring you know that anything could happen, your career could end, you could suffer a major injury, anything could happen and you have to go into a match with a clear head and a fearless attitude. I thought it was a great theme and the first challenge saw the contestants swim a lake full of snakes, alligators and god knows what else and capture one of the twelve NXT championships waiting at the end and then swim back. So this was not only a physical challenge but a real mental challenge. It was defiantly one that was going to show us who really wanted to be there for the right reasons and who could really take the pressure. The challenge favoured ZZ greatly and it was so nice seeing him not come last in something.He did a great job and was one of the first back so it was a great night for ZZ fans. I really did feel for Patrick in this challenge. He made it clear he couldn't swim and he did struggle throughout the challenge. He spent most of he's time trying to actually get a life jacket that sent im further away from where he needed to get but what I loved was that he didn't give up and he was able to get a championship and make he's way back. The same can't be said for Alex and Mada who didn't complete the challenge. Alex struggled throughout this entire challenge, way more than Patrick did. I get he can't swim but it just felt like he didn't try enough, he didn't push himself enough and I was just screaming at my lap top for him to do more and to continue but it wasn't enough. Mada just ran out of time but if he was faster he wouldn't of ran out of time. Who did well? Their were thew people who stood out for me they were; Dianna, like her or not she owned this challenge, Georgia, once again came second and did a great job, and then Josh and Tanner also stood out for me for the boys but Patrick not giving up and fighting on really did make him stand out so well done for him. The second challenge saw the contestants take tot he ring as they learnt all about bumps. After a pep talk from Roman Reigns and a demonstration from NXT Star Bull Dempsey the guys and girls had to show their courage in the ring and take on the bump challenge. This was a great way to inject some reality into everyone. Their here to be wrestlers and it was time to see what that meant. Patrick completely stole the show with this one. He was confident with the bumps and had the best by far. He made it look simple and easy and everyone was impressed with him. For the girls it was Georgia who stood out. She showed no fear what so ever and showcased some great bumps...that sounds odd. Tanner and Alex did a pretty good job too while Dianna and ZZ struggled with this one.
Time to take a look at everyone's individual performances from this weeks show.
Daria and Amanda
We are first going to be talking about two girls this week, Amanda and Daria. The good news is we heard more from them this week. It was nice to notice they were actually there unlike the week before. I didn't like Paige's comment about Amanda being apart of the furniture because I thought we saw a great deal of her this week. The problem I have with these two however is I don't think they push themselves enough in the challenges. I didn't really notice Amanda in the challenges this week as I did last week. With Daria she's still working at a very average level and loosing the title in the lake was just not a good move but I did feel for her with that. I think if they push themselves more they can have a great week next week but at the moment they are both in trouble.
Mada and Sara Lee
At the moment there are two people who are not doing enough in my opinion, Mada, Sara Lee, and . Now, I like both of these guys but their just fading into the background and working at a very mediocre level and it's just not good enough. I will admit, was a little harsh on Mada last week so I'm going to try and cut him some slack this week. What we did get to see last night from him was the reason why he is here, he's family. What Mada has is an emotional connection with the viewers. He's an open book and I love that about him. He's a big family guy and he pulls on our heart stings a lot. That fire he has when he sees he's son and wife is what he needs to keep hold of because it's that that will not only allow him to do well in challenges but will keep him in the competition. At the moment he just isn't standing out. He's not doing anything and it's not good enough. I was disappointed that he didn't finish the first challenge then in the second we hardly even saw him and he clearly didn't do enough to make me remember anything. I'm rooting for this guy because he has the look and the potential but he has to step it up next week. The same goes for Sara Lee, she has a great connection with the WWE universe because she's real. She's not sucking up to the cameras and getting into arguments to get air time. She looks different, she is different that what we love about her. I said it last week and I will say it again, she's one of my favourite girls to win the competition but she needs to step up. Just like Paige said last night, its as if she is apart of the furniture and it's not good enough. I'm really behind Sara and I'm hopeing that being in the bottom three was her wake up call and she gets her ass into shape because I really think she could win this if she starts standing out more.
Patrick and Georgia
Up next we have our two top students of the week, Patrick and Georgia. I actually was't a big fan of Georgia at the start of the competition. I felt as though she was just another model wanting some fame and fortune but this is a girl who is here to win and here to compete. She has honestly turnt my opinions around in the space of forty five minuets. She did a great job in both challenges yet again. Her bumps were really strong and coming as runner up again in the first challenge kept her in the spotlight. We also saw more of her personality this week, she showed fight and passion but she also came across really sweet and genuine as I mentioned earlier with her little heart to hear with Daria. She doesn't get involved in big arguments but we know she is there. She's one hundred per cent the dark horse and she is someone we all need to keep an eye on because she could walk away with the contract easy. What we need to see from her now is taking the top spot instead of always being second. It was also another good week for Patrick. You all know that Patrick is my little favourite, I've been very vocal about that over the past week and nothing has changed. He's passion for the business really inspires me. He knows he's shit about the WWE and he knows what he wants. He speaks extremely well for such a young man and out of everyone there he's the only one that makes me go damn this guy wants it. I watch him and I just know he wants to be there. You can see how much it means to him and I can picture him as a WWE champion. He might not of been perfect in the challenge but I can't swim and I would't be able to do what he did. He didn't give up at all and unlike Mada and Alex he finished it. He showed real courage and fight and I loved. In the second challenge he owned it. Easily the best in the challenge. Everyone was impressed with him and it was the perfect challenge for him to redeem himself and he did just that. In last nights episode we also saw him act he;s own age and I loved that. Patrick is a very mature, passionate guy but he is only nineteen and I want to see that. I want to see him acting like a kid sometimes because he is and we got some of that last night when he was joking with the girls and I really liked seeing that. Go team Patrick!
Dianna and Gabi
Where do I begin with Dianna. I really don't like her. That's pretty obvious I know, and I'm not the only one. She's one of the most talked about controversial contestants but she was put in the bottom three this week and stayed with thirty per cent of the vote she's doing something right. The thing about Dianna is has star quality. Love her or hate her you're talking about her and that's what's keeping her in the show. She's very controversial the fact is she's good. She's doing well in most challenges, she's the best performing girl, and she is causing a lot of drama. People like to see drama and she brings that. If she changes her attitude she could be around for a long time and could even be a potential winner.She comes across like she doesn't want to be there and that's what needs to change in the next week other wise she will not survive another week. She needs to show more passion if she wants to stick around in the competition. I do think she would make a good heel diva but she needs to change the attitude while in the competition. Gabi fell a little more silent this week after having a pretty loud week last week. I do like Gabi, she's growing on me the more I see of her but she's just not doing enough in my opinion. She's working at a bellow average level in the challenges and the only time we see her is if she is arguing with someone or talking to Dianna. Next week I want to see her shine in the challenges and if she wants to stay that's what she is going to have to do.
Tanner and Josh
It was another good week for Tanner this week. Over the past seven days my opinion of Tanner has changed dramatically. I initially wasn't a fan of he's at all. I didn't like he's attitude one bit and I moaned about him a lot on twitter throughout the show. But this week he took a little seat back. I say little because there was some tensions between him and Josh throughout the show last night but I think it's a clash of personalities with these two. They both want to be the best and they both want to be better than one another more than anything. I put them both in the same group this week because I felt like we was getting the same from them. They both did great in the first challenge and the second. Tanner is on a real high right now but I want to see more of he's fun side. It would be nice if he came across more laid back, I think he would generate a bigger following if he did so. As for Josh, a huge improvement from last week. He opened he's mouth and spoke but I didn't like the arguments between him and Tanner that didn't sit well with me. He needs to stop being jealous of Tanner beating him and work harder to beat Tanner next week. He still does things that annoys me and I hate that he is so reliant on he's size but he's getting better.
When it comes to the elimination it was brutal and intense but I do think the right person went home.
I was a big big fan of Alex as you all know but he just wasn't delivering. He didn't show any improvements from last week at all. In the first week we saw him argue with Tanner and say some stupid stuff and this week we saw him argue with Patrick and say some stupid things. He didn't learn or try and turn things around what so ever. The comment about not needing to have good knowledge about the WWE pissed me off as much as it pissed Patrick off and I think he made some real bad statements and comments throughout the show. In the challenges he was weak. He didn't finish the first witch I understand because he couldn't swim but then again neither could Patrick but he finished it. He did better in the second challenge but not good enough. The thing with Alex was he had potential and he was good but he made stupid comments, he seemed to have an issue with everyone and he was working at a very very average level and it wasn't good enough. It was clear the competition meant a lot to him and I do think he had so much more to show, he's going to be a big loss but the right person left this week in my opinion. Let me know what you thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So it's week two and the tough enough contestants spent even more time being pushed to their limits in attempt to get a signed contract with WWE. The start of this weeks show opened with some hot drama back the house with everyone firing at Dianna making it clear they wanted her to leave. I liked seeing Amanda step up and actually say something. She did a great job last week in the physical challenge but I mentioned in the review and reactions blog post that I felt like she needed to do more to stand out and get noticed. There was even a clip uploaded to YouTube with Lita telling her the exact same thing. She didn't stand out in week one, she didn't give us a reason to keep her in the competition. This week she found her voice and we heard from her. Now I'm not a fan of Dianna at all. I spent a week saying how much I didn't like her and how much I wanted her to go but there was something unconformable watching last nights little argument. Having the girls go at her was one thing but with the big guys going at her as well was just a little awkward. Talking of speaking up we hears a lot more from the yetti Josh. I moaned a lot about Josh last week because once again he was another one who just faded into the background and he's a big guy to fade into the background. I hated how he couldn't put he's money where he's mouth is however this week that changed. He did great in both physically challenges witch I will get into later on in the post but he also found he's voice. Throughout last night's episode there was a lot of tension between Josh and Tanner after Josh explained that he felt cheated by Tanner and that he was the actual real winner of the challenge. I don't think he justified himself well. He didn't come across like he knew how to argue he's point and it he just seemed bitter and jealous just like what we saw last week but at least this time around he actually opened he's mouth. Going back to the opening of the show and there was also some conflict going on between Alex and Patrick. Now, I love Patrick, he's my favourite to win but I also like Alex, the problem with Alex is at the moment he just seems to be arguing with everyone and not delivering to a high enough standard. I have loads to say about Alex later on in the blog post so just wait for that. But the tensions between Alex and Patrick was something that stayed throughout the night. for the rest of Reality/drama for this weeks show we saw a little alliance between the two most hated girls, Gabi and Dianna, and we also saw Patrick show he's age a little. He's only nineteen and it was nice to see him act he's own age instead of someone who was like thirty nine or something. Georgia also showed us some of herself. She comes across like a very sweet, genuine girl and her friendship with Daria is nice to see also. When it comes to arguments this week Dianna was really in the firing line. it was like the Dianna show last night. We only really got one big argument witch was between Dianna and Daria. I think the women of the competition are just very very dominate and they're really taking the spotlight away from the guys just because they are so dramatic and loud. But we do have some bitchy guys in there too. ZZ remained the funny dude we all love throughout and we got a nice personal connection build with Mada.
The theme around this weeks challenge was fear. The contestants had to prove to the coaches and everyone at home that they had the courage to take on anything and prove they are fearless. It was great hearing the meaning behind the this weeks theme with Lita explaining that being in the ring you know that anything could happen, your career could end, you could suffer a major injury, anything could happen and you have to go into a match with a clear head and a fearless attitude. I thought it was a great theme and the first challenge saw the contestants swim a lake full of snakes, alligators and god knows what else and capture one of the twelve NXT championships waiting at the end and then swim back. So this was not only a physical challenge but a real mental challenge. It was defiantly one that was going to show us who really wanted to be there for the right reasons and who could really take the pressure. The challenge favoured ZZ greatly and it was so nice seeing him not come last in something.He did a great job and was one of the first back so it was a great night for ZZ fans. I really did feel for Patrick in this challenge. He made it clear he couldn't swim and he did struggle throughout the challenge. He spent most of he's time trying to actually get a life jacket that sent im further away from where he needed to get but what I loved was that he didn't give up and he was able to get a championship and make he's way back. The same can't be said for Alex and Mada who didn't complete the challenge. Alex struggled throughout this entire challenge, way more than Patrick did. I get he can't swim but it just felt like he didn't try enough, he didn't push himself enough and I was just screaming at my lap top for him to do more and to continue but it wasn't enough. Mada just ran out of time but if he was faster he wouldn't of ran out of time. Who did well? Their were thew people who stood out for me they were; Dianna, like her or not she owned this challenge, Georgia, once again came second and did a great job, and then Josh and Tanner also stood out for me for the boys but Patrick not giving up and fighting on really did make him stand out so well done for him. The second challenge saw the contestants take tot he ring as they learnt all about bumps. After a pep talk from Roman Reigns and a demonstration from NXT Star Bull Dempsey the guys and girls had to show their courage in the ring and take on the bump challenge. This was a great way to inject some reality into everyone. Their here to be wrestlers and it was time to see what that meant. Patrick completely stole the show with this one. He was confident with the bumps and had the best by far. He made it look simple and easy and everyone was impressed with him. For the girls it was Georgia who stood out. She showed no fear what so ever and showcased some great bumps...that sounds odd. Tanner and Alex did a pretty good job too while Dianna and ZZ struggled with this one.
Time to take a look at everyone's individual performances from this weeks show.
Daria and Amanda
We are first going to be talking about two girls this week, Amanda and Daria. The good news is we heard more from them this week. It was nice to notice they were actually there unlike the week before. I didn't like Paige's comment about Amanda being apart of the furniture because I thought we saw a great deal of her this week. The problem I have with these two however is I don't think they push themselves enough in the challenges. I didn't really notice Amanda in the challenges this week as I did last week. With Daria she's still working at a very average level and loosing the title in the lake was just not a good move but I did feel for her with that. I think if they push themselves more they can have a great week next week but at the moment they are both in trouble.
Mada and Sara Lee
At the moment there are two people who are not doing enough in my opinion, Mada, Sara Lee, and . Now, I like both of these guys but their just fading into the background and working at a very mediocre level and it's just not good enough. I will admit, was a little harsh on Mada last week so I'm going to try and cut him some slack this week. What we did get to see last night from him was the reason why he is here, he's family. What Mada has is an emotional connection with the viewers. He's an open book and I love that about him. He's a big family guy and he pulls on our heart stings a lot. That fire he has when he sees he's son and wife is what he needs to keep hold of because it's that that will not only allow him to do well in challenges but will keep him in the competition. At the moment he just isn't standing out. He's not doing anything and it's not good enough. I was disappointed that he didn't finish the first challenge then in the second we hardly even saw him and he clearly didn't do enough to make me remember anything. I'm rooting for this guy because he has the look and the potential but he has to step it up next week. The same goes for Sara Lee, she has a great connection with the WWE universe because she's real. She's not sucking up to the cameras and getting into arguments to get air time. She looks different, she is different that what we love about her. I said it last week and I will say it again, she's one of my favourite girls to win the competition but she needs to step up. Just like Paige said last night, its as if she is apart of the furniture and it's not good enough. I'm really behind Sara and I'm hopeing that being in the bottom three was her wake up call and she gets her ass into shape because I really think she could win this if she starts standing out more.
Patrick and Georgia
Up next we have our two top students of the week, Patrick and Georgia. I actually was't a big fan of Georgia at the start of the competition. I felt as though she was just another model wanting some fame and fortune but this is a girl who is here to win and here to compete. She has honestly turnt my opinions around in the space of forty five minuets. She did a great job in both challenges yet again. Her bumps were really strong and coming as runner up again in the first challenge kept her in the spotlight. We also saw more of her personality this week, she showed fight and passion but she also came across really sweet and genuine as I mentioned earlier with her little heart to hear with Daria. She doesn't get involved in big arguments but we know she is there. She's one hundred per cent the dark horse and she is someone we all need to keep an eye on because she could walk away with the contract easy. What we need to see from her now is taking the top spot instead of always being second. It was also another good week for Patrick. You all know that Patrick is my little favourite, I've been very vocal about that over the past week and nothing has changed. He's passion for the business really inspires me. He knows he's shit about the WWE and he knows what he wants. He speaks extremely well for such a young man and out of everyone there he's the only one that makes me go damn this guy wants it. I watch him and I just know he wants to be there. You can see how much it means to him and I can picture him as a WWE champion. He might not of been perfect in the challenge but I can't swim and I would't be able to do what he did. He didn't give up at all and unlike Mada and Alex he finished it. He showed real courage and fight and I loved. In the second challenge he owned it. Easily the best in the challenge. Everyone was impressed with him and it was the perfect challenge for him to redeem himself and he did just that. In last nights episode we also saw him act he;s own age and I loved that. Patrick is a very mature, passionate guy but he is only nineteen and I want to see that. I want to see him acting like a kid sometimes because he is and we got some of that last night when he was joking with the girls and I really liked seeing that. Go team Patrick!
Dianna and Gabi
Where do I begin with Dianna. I really don't like her. That's pretty obvious I know, and I'm not the only one. She's one of the most talked about controversial contestants but she was put in the bottom three this week and stayed with thirty per cent of the vote she's doing something right. The thing about Dianna is has star quality. Love her or hate her you're talking about her and that's what's keeping her in the show. She's very controversial the fact is she's good. She's doing well in most challenges, she's the best performing girl, and she is causing a lot of drama. People like to see drama and she brings that. If she changes her attitude she could be around for a long time and could even be a potential winner.She comes across like she doesn't want to be there and that's what needs to change in the next week other wise she will not survive another week. She needs to show more passion if she wants to stick around in the competition. I do think she would make a good heel diva but she needs to change the attitude while in the competition. Gabi fell a little more silent this week after having a pretty loud week last week. I do like Gabi, she's growing on me the more I see of her but she's just not doing enough in my opinion. She's working at a bellow average level in the challenges and the only time we see her is if she is arguing with someone or talking to Dianna. Next week I want to see her shine in the challenges and if she wants to stay that's what she is going to have to do.
Tanner and Josh
It was another good week for Tanner this week. Over the past seven days my opinion of Tanner has changed dramatically. I initially wasn't a fan of he's at all. I didn't like he's attitude one bit and I moaned about him a lot on twitter throughout the show. But this week he took a little seat back. I say little because there was some tensions between him and Josh throughout the show last night but I think it's a clash of personalities with these two. They both want to be the best and they both want to be better than one another more than anything. I put them both in the same group this week because I felt like we was getting the same from them. They both did great in the first challenge and the second. Tanner is on a real high right now but I want to see more of he's fun side. It would be nice if he came across more laid back, I think he would generate a bigger following if he did so. As for Josh, a huge improvement from last week. He opened he's mouth and spoke but I didn't like the arguments between him and Tanner that didn't sit well with me. He needs to stop being jealous of Tanner beating him and work harder to beat Tanner next week. He still does things that annoys me and I hate that he is so reliant on he's size but he's getting better.
When it comes to the elimination it was brutal and intense but I do think the right person went home.
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Coach Lita |
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