Top 20 Matches of the month: June part 2
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Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins MITB |
10)Bobby Roode VS Eddie Edwards ( TNA 21/6)
On the fourteenth of this month we saw the third match in the five matches set to take place between the Wolves and the Dirty heels for the TNA Tag team championships take place and the closing moments of this match saw Roode and Aries live up to their tag team name when they used a steel chair and a low blow to score their first win over the Wolves. A week later Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards had a thew words for the former World champions, words that grab the attention of Mr Roode himself who would then accept a one on one match against Eddie Edwards with the winner choosing the stipulation tot he fourth match in the series. I actually really liked the big heel move the previous week from Roode and Aries. I felt as thought it was really well done and it made things so much more interesting so as far as this one on one match went I was really looking forward to it and of course I had some pretty high expectations, after all these are two of the best in the company. From the moment this match started to the moment it ended we got full blown, fast paced, entertainment. There was honestly not a dull moment throughout this entire match. It was an even one on one with both men sharing the momentum and time in control. The two guys told a great story from start to finish and I was really hooked on the action. We got a nice mixture of styles and they worked perfectly well together. I thought that the little involvement Austin Aries played was really clever and a great part to the night and show. Some great story development and an all round great quality match. The only problem I had with it was the commentary. I thought it was weak and let the match down but the actual wrestling and performance from the guys was amazing and I cant fault it at all.
9)Manik VS DJ Z VS Tigre Uno (TNA Slammiversary 28/6)
We now have another TNA match and this time it comes from the Slammiversary show we got right at the end of the month as Tigre Uno defended he's X division championship in a three way elimination match up against DJ Z and Manik. I new from the beginning that this was going to be a great match. These are three of the most talented stars in TNA and three of the most entertaining wrestlers around the world. I always enjoy watching any of these guys compete and they always always always deliver to a high standard and this match was no different what so ever. Right from the start we got a fast and the furious style match up with none stop action. All three men got their time to shine and they all had some amazing amazing spots. You didn't know where to look and what to expect next and I loved that. There was so much going on and it was so easy to get into so quickly. I was probably my favourite match of the night and one of my favourites of the year. It was so entertaining and full of so much diversity all round amazing wrestling that you couldn't not love what you were seeing. A great match from the very start right until the very end.
8)The Wolves VS Dirty Heels (TNA 28/6)
We next have match four in the five rounds of tag team matches against The Wolves and Austin Aries and Booby Roode aka Dirty Heels. I have honestly loved every single match we have seen from these two teams over the past month. Every single one of them has been on point and of a high standard. The month of June did see a great story come off of it all and as a result the matches have just gotten better and better as they have gone on. The one I'm about to talk about was probably my personal favourite of all we have seen. It had everything I wanted to see, it lived up to the hype and expectations, and we it had that match of the year feel to it. From start to finish we were treated to a fast and the furious style match up. There wasn't a boring, dull moment what so ever. Everything was done down to perfection, and the excitement maintained throughout the entirety of the match. You honestly didn't know what you was going to be seeing next and that's what I loved about it. The actual wrestling was so unpredictable and it kept you hanging on every singe piece of action. It was so great seeing so many styles all thrown and competing in one big match. It all worked so well and it was great seeing them all use the ladders, trash cans, tables, and steel chairs all to their advantage. It was a well put together match and by far one of my favourites of the year not just the month.
Kevin Owens is making he's first appearance in this months top twenty matches of the month as he's one on one with Adrian Neville on Monday night RAW back on the eighth makes its way into the list. On this particular night we saw John Cena open the show with a promo on Owens and their up coming Money in the bank match and he of course was issuing he's open challenge. However, he was interrupted one again by the NXT champion Kevin Owens and they would then have their segment where in the end Owens would suggest that the next superstar to come down the ramp would choose witch title he wanted to compete for right then and there, either the NXT or the United States championship. That next superstar to come out was Adrian Neville. As soon as Neville's music hit I knew exactly what title he was going after. Not only had he already faced Cena for the US Championship but as a former NXT champion and knowing he's passion for that title and the promotion it was clear we were getting Kevin Owens VS Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship. Now, I think I speak for everyone when I say the expectations for this match where high. These are two of the best of the best and I was really looking forward to seeing what they were going to pull out of the bag and I was of course expecting a lot. I mentioned in my review and reactions post that Neville's passion for NXT and the championship is so obvious and so strong and it shows greatly whenever he is talking about and throughout this match we saw just how strong that passion and love really was. The match felt important, it felt serious and it felt like I was watching a pay per view quality match. From the very beginning I was hooked and had my eyes glued to the TV screen. They told a great story throughout and both superstars were able to showcase a lot. Owens was very dominate throughout but Neville did get a great deal of offence. It was a great showing from both men and more than deserved to be in my top twenty.
6)John Cena VS Cesaro (RAW 29/6)
Content from RAW Review and Reactions- It was just over a year ago that Cesaro had a big turn around in he's career when he had one of the best matches of the year against John Cena so you can't help but be really excited for this one. Now, Tyson Kidd may be out of action at the moment (and will be for a long time) but he has been on a role in recent weeks, picking up victories and competing in strong matches on shows like Smackdown, Superstars, and Main event. There was a great feel to last nights match with the loud crowd and the fact that Owens was on commentary. I always love it when Owens is working on commentary, he sells he's up and coming match perfectly and pushes and tells a story so well.The actual match last night saw Cesaro spend a lot of time in control. He used that huge strength advantage to just that throughout but what we also saw was him spend a lot of time wearing down John, taking all the energy out of him. I was actually really surprised to see just how much time Cesaro did actually spend in control of the match because I wasn't expecting it at all. He was so impressive in the match from the very start right to the very end and he had a great reaction from the crowd. No matter what Cena through at Cesaro he just kept coming back for more and that momentum didn't fade. The moment Cesaro used the sharpshooter I think I died a little, the Tyson Kidd love last night was strong from Cesaro. Cesaro just kept throwing out more and more and more and pushed Cena to he's limits. It was nice to see Cena not dominate a match and have so much control of it for one. I think that's something we can all love about John. He's always willing to push and help the newer, younger stars. I don't think there is any other veteran on the roster right now who is willing to put over new stars as much as John Cena. There were actually times when I thought Cesaro was actually going to walk away with the win and when you can give that feeling out you know its a great match. It was a well put together match, it had loads of great spots, the action was none stop and everything about this match was perfect. The closing moments saw Owens attack Cesaro causing the match to end in DQ just as Cesaro was closing in on the victory. I actually liked this ending, it saved Cesaro loosing to John by pin fall and at the same time Owens was pushed yet again as a big heel. This was by far one of the best matches of the month, it was easily the match of the night, could it be a potential match of the year too?
5)Austin Aries VS Davey Richards (TNA Slammiversary 28/6)
Up next we have another TNA Slammiversary match up and this time it comes from Austin Aries and Davey Richards. This was a huge match as the winner would decide the stipulation of the final tag team match to crown the new champions. I've already said it but throughout the past month we have seen some outstanding matches between all four men (dirty heels and the Wolves) and so the expectations for this match were extremely high.I always enjoy watching both Davey and Aries wrestle. I've spoke about it so many times before but I could honestly watch them wrestle all night long. Their by far two of the greatest not only in Impact but across the world so whenever they do compete I make sure I'm comfy and let myself enjoy the whole match. With so much on the line they both brought it all to the table and didn't disappoint what so ever. I was hooked right from the very start right to the very end. They wasted no time jumping right into the action and had us all entertained from the beginning. I've said it a lot on my blog and on twitter that I've never been a fan of Aries as a character/person before but I have to admit, when he is working as a heel I'm much much much more interested and hooked with he's work and I really realised that in this match in particular. I did however, still get fully behind Davey Richards. There was no one true stand out, they both brought it and delivered to the highest of standards. There was not a dull moment what so ever and I loved how it ended. I thought it was a well put together match and a great part of the night.
Up next, another TNA match and another Kurt Angle entrance and it's actually from the same night ad he main evented the show taking on Austin Aries one on one. The standard for this match was high and I was really expecting a lot from this match. These are two of the best in the business and so you naturally expect these two to tare the house down and put on a phenomenal performance and they did just that. I've mentioned before that on a lot of occasions I struggle to get into TNA main events, I don't know why but I just do, however this was a completely different story. I spent all night waiting for it and was really excited about seeing these two wrestle. There was a good story behind it and I was really glad we got to see Angle wrestle two nights in a row, I think that really does say a lot about the type of champion he is. This was defiantly a match that just got better and better as it went on and more and more intense as it went on. I found myself literally sitting on the edge of my seat and yelling at my TV. It was a really really well put together, clean, action packed match. A nice mixture of styles and one that was by far one of my favourites of not just the month but the year so far and a serious contender for my top fifty matches of the year set to come in December.
Coming in at number three in this month's top twenty matches of the month is one of my favourite matches of the year so far. I honestly cannot put into words just how much I enjoyed this match. Despite the amazing build up I wasn't completely expecting a lot from it and I wasn't expecting it to be half as good as it actually was but this was just a phenomenal match up. Talking of the build up just how amazing was it? Seriously it was all so well thought out, so well done and an all round really clever idea. There was nothing like this storyline going in any promotion at the same time and hadn't been for quite some time. It was nice to have something new and different and something that stood out. I will be honest it took me a while to get into the actual storyline but it was easy to eventually get hooked and when I did I honestly just loved it. I liked how it was slowly done, slowly built up. There was a lot thought put into and it really paid off. I actually really wanted to go watch these two go head to and see what would go down and they just blew everyone out of the window. It was hard picking a top twenty list this month because there were so many great matches at Slammiversary but for me personally this was my favourite of the bunch. There was such a great story being told throughout the match and you just remembered everything from the build up. It had a personal feel it, it felt real and as a fan you felt involved. Their were so much chemistry between Magnus and Storm and that always changes the game. Talking of James Storm he's performance in this match left me literally lost for words. It's been a while since I have been that into a match of he's and that amazed by he's work. He's character work was just amazing on the night. He portrays himself as the perfect heel, yelling at the fans, getting in the face of the referee, and even spitting in the face of Josh Mathews. He was just amazing and a top stand out of the entire match. The action was none stop. It was extreme. the guys pushed each other right to the very end and there wasn't a dull moment in this entire match what so ever. I was entertained right from the very start and throughout and I know this is a serious contender for match of the year.
2)Kevin Owens VS John Cena (Money in the bank)
Up next was one of my favourite matches of not only the month but of the year so far as Kevin Owens and John Cena went one on one for a second time back at the Money in the bank pay per view. I honestly did not think these two could put on a better match than their first. I was really worried that the second one would not be as good as the first but they just bettered themselves and took it to a while new level. I watched this match with my mum and she really got into this one too, and when I say she got into it I mean she really got into it! Just as much as I did. These guys performed to a whole new level and just tore the house down. They brought out the best in one another and pushed each other to show more and more. It was one of those matches that just got better and better as it went on. We saw both Cena and Owens pull out some new stuff that we haven't seen from them before which was great and we just saw a whole new side to both of their move sets. There wasn't a single dull moment what so ever and everyone was into this match from the very start right to the very end. I thought all the right moves/decisions where made throughout the match and right to the end. The storytelling was so so strong and Owens brought so much heat and character to the match. The crowd reaction was insane and these guys put on one of the best matches I have seen in a very long time. Phenomenal performance, outstanding match.
1)Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (Money in the bank)
And finally, at number one and this months match of the month is one of the best matches I think I have ever seen as long time rivals and former partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins went one on one in a ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view. I think we can all agree that this was just simply an outstanding show, we had so many good quality matches and I know that I personally went to bed very very happy indeed. Looking at all the matches that took place on the night there really was one that stood out more than the rest. The standard was high for both this match and the entire night but these two superstars did not disappoint what so ever and they lived up to the hype. I will admit that there was a small part of me that was questioning whether or not Ambrose and Rollins would be able to top all the matches they have had in the past but they somehow where able to better themselves yet again and in my opinion this was their best match to date. ladder matches are one of my favourite matches in all of WWE and with these two superstars competing, two of my personal favourites, I allowed myself to sit back and
really enjoy this one. These guys have such a huge history that dates back all the way to FCW and the chemistry they share is just insane. No matter what the stage, what the time and what the match these two just steal any show and always always deliver to a high standard. Because of their history everyone did have high expectations of this match, including myself, but I knew these guys wouldn't disappoint and they didn't what so ever! I was honestly hooked from the very beginning right through to the very end and I was on the edge of my seat throughout. The chemistry between these two was something that first grabbed my attention and was something that stayed throughout. These guys have so much history together and they know each other so well in the ring that just like all their other matches it was of such a high quality and it was just so easy to get into and enjoy. Right from the very start we got a fast paced, action packed match which honestly got better and better and better as it went on. Their was not a dull moment what so ever and they just told the perfect story throughout. It was so clear they knew each other well in the ring and they just brought the best out of each other as usual. The match itself was honestly everything that I look for, it was barbaric, extreme, unpredictable, it was fast paced, entertaining, easy to get into and had so much story behind it. There came point in the match where Rollins started working on one of Ambrose's legs and it was then that the lunatic fringe started to struggle more and struggled to gain some kind of momentum back. For while we saw Rollins take full control, working on the injured leg favouring the figure four leg lock to use and put pressure on the leg. This was such a high quality match, with so much intensity and excitement, that I did not take my eyes off of my TV screen for a split second. The crowd were so
into this match from the very start right to the very end and the two of them just stole the show and put on an outstanding match. They just gave it their all and pulled everything they could think of and had out of the bag. This was one of the most physically intense matches I have ever seen. So gripping, so entertaining, simply outstanding. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this match and the closing moments had me hardly breathing as we saw both superstars fall from the ladder with the championship but still holding on the title it was Seth Rollins who retained the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He may not have one, but Ambrose stole the show and cemented himself as a top WWE, main event talent. This was by far one of my favourite matches of the year and is a serious contender for match of the year, but for now it's getting the award for June's match of the month.
And finally, at number one and this months match of the month is one of the best matches I think I have ever seen as long time rivals and former partners, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins went one on one in a ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view. I think we can all agree that this was just simply an outstanding show, we had so many good quality matches and I know that I personally went to bed very very happy indeed. Looking at all the matches that took place on the night there really was one that stood out more than the rest. The standard was high for both this match and the entire night but these two superstars did not disappoint what so ever and they lived up to the hype. I will admit that there was a small part of me that was questioning whether or not Ambrose and Rollins would be able to top all the matches they have had in the past but they somehow where able to better themselves yet again and in my opinion this was their best match to date. ladder matches are one of my favourite matches in all of WWE and with these two superstars competing, two of my personal favourites, I allowed myself to sit back and

into this match from the very start right to the very end and the two of them just stole the show and put on an outstanding match. They just gave it their all and pulled everything they could think of and had out of the bag. This was one of the most physically intense matches I have ever seen. So gripping, so entertaining, simply outstanding. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this match and the closing moments had me hardly breathing as we saw both superstars fall from the ladder with the championship but still holding on the title it was Seth Rollins who retained the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He may not have one, but Ambrose stole the show and cemented himself as a top WWE, main event talent. This was by far one of my favourite matches of the year and is a serious contender for match of the year, but for now it's getting the award for June's match of the month.
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