Wrestlemania Predictions: Chris Jericho VS AJ Styles
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! It is officially Wrestlemania week! The biggest week in WWE and wrestling as we count down the final days until the biggest event of them all, Wrestlemania thirty two. All week long here on my blog we are going to be celebrating Wrestlemania as well. Every single day I will be uploading my Wrestlemania prediction and my NXT Takeover Dallas predictions. On some days I will be uploading up to three posts just because there are so many posts to be uploaded. I have to admit that it took a long long time for me to get all of these posts done and I had to work super hard so I hope you guys enjoy reading each one of them. It's also been a while since I last wrote a pay per view prediction post. Once Christmas hit last year I struggled to find the time to actually write these post and after a while they just faded out. I promised a couple of months back that I would be brining my pay per view predictions posts starting with Wrestlemania and NXT Takeover Dallas. It's been a little weird writing these again but despite the hard work they have been fun to do and have been keeping me busy. I hope you guys have also liked the couple of Wrestlemania posts as part of Wrestlemania season I have been uploaded over the past couple of weeks as well As always I will be linking bellow any recent blog posts including my most recent RAW and NXT Review, my previous pay per view review and reactions post and my last NXT Takeover and Wrestlemania prediction post. Finally, you can let me know what your predictions are for both of these huge show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Since the moment he arrived in the WWE just three months ago, AJ Styles has found himself feuding with an all time great in Chris Jericho. The company veteran has set out to teach the indie star a lesson and after falling flat in two separate matches against the phenomenal one, Jericho will get one more chance to defeat the WWE's latests big new name. But witch of the two will walk out the victor? Will Styles crack under the Wrestlemania pressure? Or will Jericho struggle to find a way to top off he new rival? In today's blog post we are going to be taking a look back at what both of these superstars have been up to over the past couple of months and making my bold predictions for this huge match.
Before we get started with actual prediction bellow are a couple of paragraphs I have written over the past several weeks about AJ Styles.
Number one is going to come as no surprise at all but it really did have to be AJ Styles. It was at the Royal Rumble pay per view two weeks ago that we saw the phenomenal one make he's huge WWE debut entering at number three. This was something that had been rumoured for quite some time and was something we all very much anticipated. Despite having that small part of me that predicted it I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. Whenever anyone asked me if I thought Styles was going to debut I'd keep my awnser short and sweet. I really didn't want to be disappointed. On the night when he entered the Rumble I basically marked out like crazy! God knows what my neighbours thought was going. Actually talking of Neighbours everyone in my house was so loud that night that the a couple of nights later my neighbour asked me what the noise was about. It's only February but I honestly think come December this will be featured at number one as the most shocking and awesome moment of the entire year. After having a brilliant January we saw the continue on into and through February with he's feud with Chris Jericho continuing on throughout the whole month. The two collided on two more separate occasions including a fantastic or should I say phenomenal match up at the Fastlane pay per view. Each one of their matches got better and better as they went on and the third and final bout was by far the best. The night after the pair tag teamed picking up a victory over the Social Outcasts. This past month has been just as strong if not stronger for Styles who has picked up not one but two victories over a future hall of famer in Chris Jericho as he's momentum continues to get bigger on the road to Wrestlemania. What awaits next for the phenomenal one heading into the biggest event of the year remains something we should all be keeping our eyes on.
Number one is going to come as no surprise at all but it really did have to be AJ Styles. It was at the Royal Rumble pay per view two weeks ago that we saw the phenomenal one make he's huge WWE debut entering at number three. This was something that had been rumoured for quite some time and was something we all very much anticipated. Despite having that small part of me that predicted it I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. Whenever anyone asked me if I thought Styles was going to debut I'd keep my awnser short and sweet. I really didn't want to be disappointed. On the night when he entered the Rumble I basically marked out like crazy! God knows what my neighbours thought was going. Actually talking of Neighbours everyone in my house was so loud that night that the a couple of nights later my neighbour asked me what the noise was about. It's only February but I honestly think come December this will be featured at number one as the most shocking and awesome moment of the entire year. It's going to be so difficult topping that. As someone that has been such a major fan of Styles for so long seeing him debut was just insane and one of my highlights of the month. It's hard explaining to a none wrestling fan how much I loved this moment and how special it was. The following night Styles made he's RAW debut when he went one on one with Chris Jericho. A dream match for thousands of wrestling fans I turnt away from social media for this match and let myself enjoy what was bound to be special. The pair did not disappoint what so ever and I could have watched the compete all night long! Styles picked up a massive victory that night and has had a great start to he's WWE career. I'm definitely still getting used to hearing Styles' name mentioned in the WWE but it's long overdue and it feels amazing. Everyone is talking about AJ Styles right now and there is no doubt that he is the hottest thing not only in the WWE right now but all across the world of pro wrestling.
Here is what I wrote about Chris Jericho in last months top ten superstars of the month:
Since returning to action last month, Chris Jericho has been on fire performing better than ever in what was a fantastic feud with new kid on the block AJ Styles. The storyline was basic and simple but very entertaining. For once the WWE create this big over the top storyline. They kept to a simple storyline that captivated the WWE Universe. Chris Jericho VS AJ Styles was a feud that wrestling fans all round the world have been desperate to see for years and year, I being one of them fans and they have not disappointed in the slightest. Through the month of February, Jericho found himself playing more so the role of the heel. Coming across as the typical tough to crack rookie, Jericho made it perfectly clear to Styles that he did not like him nor did he respect him and that while Style has had great success throughout he's career on the indies scene this was the WWE and the phenomenal one still had to prove he was worthy of he's place in the WWE. After scoring he's victory over Styles Jericho initially declined the request of a rematch at Fastlane but after AJ attacked him the future all of famer was left with no choice but to accept and face him one more time and after what was a fantastic match worthy of being noted as a potential match of the year candidate, Jericho showed he's respects towards the new comer and the following night delivered a great little speech to the phenomenal one telling everyone that he felt that Styles had proven himself and was destined to have a great career in the WWE. Throughout the month Jericho has been one of the most entertaining and must see superstars. He kept he's feud with Styles alive and entertaining pushing and carrying the feud so so well. He has take part in several brilliant matches and so he had to feature in this months top ten superstars of the month
Chris Jericho has been brilliant throughout the past month. After forming a tag team alliance with AJ Styles he's heel turn was timed perfectly and the attack after their tag team championship match was great. If you read my review for that episode of RAW than you will know that I had nothing but positive things to say about this moment of the night. By now I have made it perfectly clear that I am a much bigger fan of a heel Jericho. He performs he's bad guy role with such ease and he's so brilliantly convincing that he leaves you completely captivated and entertained by everything he does and says. In recent weeks he has delivered some fantastic promos that have left me reminding everyone why he is one of my personal all time favourites. In my personal opinion it has been the conviction from Jericho that has really made this feud and it has been him to bring all the storyline entertainment and push the actual match.
Despite not being the biggest fan of a fourth match between these two I have loved the story the WWE have created between these two. The development in the relationship between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho has been fantastic and very very entertaining to watch. Seeing them go to war at Fastlane and Jericho show he's respect towards Styles was great. Their tag team alliance wasn't my favourite WWE idea in the world and I wasn't a fan of them working as a tag team but it added to their storyline perfectly and I look it now and just think, genius! Seeing them work together so strongly as a tag team really developed their relationship but more importantly it made Jericho's heel turn even better and I loved it. You can check out what I thought of the entire heel turn by clicking the RAW Review link bellow.
In all honest I was expecting the rivalry between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles to be much much more exciting and interesting than it has been. Don't get me wrong, I think the work between the two has been brilliant, we have seen some great matches and some fantastic promos from both superstars. However, as someone who has wanted to see these two collide for such a long time my expectations were very very high and while I do think they have already competed in strong matches against one another I was expecting them all to be much much better than they have been. For some reason the chemistry between the two isn't as strong as I originally thought it would be and so that has great effected their previous matches. Now, their most recent bout was without a doubt the best of the three. It was slightly longer, the story was stronger, and the chemistry was a little better. It must have been a stand out in my eyes as it sure made my top fifteen matches of the month list. I'm confident however, that this Wrestlemania match up will be their best to date and Styles will truly make he's mark in the WWE. If you have been reading my blog over the past month or have been following me on twitter you will know that I am not a fan of these two colliding for a fourth time. It's just such a stupid number of matches to have in a row. You want that odd number so that it's clear who is the better of the two, the stronger and you don't get that with this match and so it kind of takes away from the importance of this match. It doesn't feel as much of a bigger deal as their previous match did because of the fact it was their third. Now, anyone can see that this clearly was not the original plans for both these superstars. I think most people were expecting to see Chris Jericho versus Dean Ambrose at Mania this year and I'm confident that was the original plan but with Lesnar now taking on Ambrose things have changed around and so pushing one more match between Styles and Jericho was the best option and road to go down. Because these two are such high profile superstars no one really has an issue with seeing the pair collide one more time especially when it is on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania but like I said, that big fight feel, that importance isn't really there for this match because of the fact this is their fourth bout.
Regardless of being slightly disappointed by their previous matches I am confident that this will be their best out of the four. This is such a huge night for both superstars but its a major deal for AJ
Styles who will walk into he's first ever Wrestlemania. Now, it's a pretty huge deal to have your first ever Wrestlemania match just a couple of months after debuting and your opponent to be Chris Jericho of all people. The pressure Styles is under is immense and he's performance of the night will finally allow him to prove himself to fans and everyone in the back. As we have already touched on today, these two superstars have brilliant in ring capabilities, their experience they share and their move sets create a promising Wrestlemania match up and they could easily put on a show stopper of a match. Of course, I am hopeing to see the go at it for at least fifteen minuets at the least. The longer these two have in the ring the better this match will be and to be fair they are walking into this with a great story behind them. We know by now what they are capable of delivering in the ring when they take on one another and now they must walk into this match with every intention on topping their last. The big stage does put of these talents under pressure but Jericho has performed at Mania many times before and while this is Styles' first Wrestlemania he has competed all around the world and for sure will feel comfortable on the Mania stage as he looks to solidify he's place on the WWE main roster. I've already touched on it today but I am confident that Styles will walk out the victor, it's the best and only option. He's only been on the roster a couple of months and it would be stupid to have him fall at he's first Wrestlemania after looking so strong since arriving on the scene. The WWE make some stupid decisions but I have the belief in them that they aren't stupid enough to book this match wrong.
As usual you can let me know what your predictions are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Remember I will be live tweeting throughout Wrestlemania this Sunday!
Since the moment he arrived in the WWE just three months ago, AJ Styles has found himself feuding with an all time great in Chris Jericho. The company veteran has set out to teach the indie star a lesson and after falling flat in two separate matches against the phenomenal one, Jericho will get one more chance to defeat the WWE's latests big new name. But witch of the two will walk out the victor? Will Styles crack under the Wrestlemania pressure? Or will Jericho struggle to find a way to top off he new rival? In today's blog post we are going to be taking a look back at what both of these superstars have been up to over the past couple of months and making my bold predictions for this huge match.
Before we get started with actual prediction bellow are a couple of paragraphs I have written over the past several weeks about AJ Styles.
Number one is going to come as no surprise at all but it really did have to be AJ Styles. It was at the Royal Rumble pay per view two weeks ago that we saw the phenomenal one make he's huge WWE debut entering at number three. This was something that had been rumoured for quite some time and was something we all very much anticipated. Despite having that small part of me that predicted it I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. Whenever anyone asked me if I thought Styles was going to debut I'd keep my awnser short and sweet. I really didn't want to be disappointed. On the night when he entered the Rumble I basically marked out like crazy! God knows what my neighbours thought was going. Actually talking of Neighbours everyone in my house was so loud that night that the a couple of nights later my neighbour asked me what the noise was about. It's only February but I honestly think come December this will be featured at number one as the most shocking and awesome moment of the entire year. After having a brilliant January we saw the continue on into and through February with he's feud with Chris Jericho continuing on throughout the whole month. The two collided on two more separate occasions including a fantastic or should I say phenomenal match up at the Fastlane pay per view. Each one of their matches got better and better as they went on and the third and final bout was by far the best. The night after the pair tag teamed picking up a victory over the Social Outcasts. This past month has been just as strong if not stronger for Styles who has picked up not one but two victories over a future hall of famer in Chris Jericho as he's momentum continues to get bigger on the road to Wrestlemania. What awaits next for the phenomenal one heading into the biggest event of the year remains something we should all be keeping our eyes on.
Number one is going to come as no surprise at all but it really did have to be AJ Styles. It was at the Royal Rumble pay per view two weeks ago that we saw the phenomenal one make he's huge WWE debut entering at number three. This was something that had been rumoured for quite some time and was something we all very much anticipated. Despite having that small part of me that predicted it I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. Whenever anyone asked me if I thought Styles was going to debut I'd keep my awnser short and sweet. I really didn't want to be disappointed. On the night when he entered the Rumble I basically marked out like crazy! God knows what my neighbours thought was going. Actually talking of Neighbours everyone in my house was so loud that night that the a couple of nights later my neighbour asked me what the noise was about. It's only February but I honestly think come December this will be featured at number one as the most shocking and awesome moment of the entire year. It's going to be so difficult topping that. As someone that has been such a major fan of Styles for so long seeing him debut was just insane and one of my highlights of the month. It's hard explaining to a none wrestling fan how much I loved this moment and how special it was. The following night Styles made he's RAW debut when he went one on one with Chris Jericho. A dream match for thousands of wrestling fans I turnt away from social media for this match and let myself enjoy what was bound to be special. The pair did not disappoint what so ever and I could have watched the compete all night long! Styles picked up a massive victory that night and has had a great start to he's WWE career. I'm definitely still getting used to hearing Styles' name mentioned in the WWE but it's long overdue and it feels amazing. Everyone is talking about AJ Styles right now and there is no doubt that he is the hottest thing not only in the WWE right now but all across the world of pro wrestling.
Here is what I wrote about Chris Jericho in last months top ten superstars of the month:
Since returning to action last month, Chris Jericho has been on fire performing better than ever in what was a fantastic feud with new kid on the block AJ Styles. The storyline was basic and simple but very entertaining. For once the WWE create this big over the top storyline. They kept to a simple storyline that captivated the WWE Universe. Chris Jericho VS AJ Styles was a feud that wrestling fans all round the world have been desperate to see for years and year, I being one of them fans and they have not disappointed in the slightest. Through the month of February, Jericho found himself playing more so the role of the heel. Coming across as the typical tough to crack rookie, Jericho made it perfectly clear to Styles that he did not like him nor did he respect him and that while Style has had great success throughout he's career on the indies scene this was the WWE and the phenomenal one still had to prove he was worthy of he's place in the WWE. After scoring he's victory over Styles Jericho initially declined the request of a rematch at Fastlane but after AJ attacked him the future all of famer was left with no choice but to accept and face him one more time and after what was a fantastic match worthy of being noted as a potential match of the year candidate, Jericho showed he's respects towards the new comer and the following night delivered a great little speech to the phenomenal one telling everyone that he felt that Styles had proven himself and was destined to have a great career in the WWE. Throughout the month Jericho has been one of the most entertaining and must see superstars. He kept he's feud with Styles alive and entertaining pushing and carrying the feud so so well. He has take part in several brilliant matches and so he had to feature in this months top ten superstars of the month
Chris Jericho has been brilliant throughout the past month. After forming a tag team alliance with AJ Styles he's heel turn was timed perfectly and the attack after their tag team championship match was great. If you read my review for that episode of RAW than you will know that I had nothing but positive things to say about this moment of the night. By now I have made it perfectly clear that I am a much bigger fan of a heel Jericho. He performs he's bad guy role with such ease and he's so brilliantly convincing that he leaves you completely captivated and entertained by everything he does and says. In recent weeks he has delivered some fantastic promos that have left me reminding everyone why he is one of my personal all time favourites. In my personal opinion it has been the conviction from Jericho that has really made this feud and it has been him to bring all the storyline entertainment and push the actual match.
Despite not being the biggest fan of a fourth match between these two I have loved the story the WWE have created between these two. The development in the relationship between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho has been fantastic and very very entertaining to watch. Seeing them go to war at Fastlane and Jericho show he's respect towards Styles was great. Their tag team alliance wasn't my favourite WWE idea in the world and I wasn't a fan of them working as a tag team but it added to their storyline perfectly and I look it now and just think, genius! Seeing them work together so strongly as a tag team really developed their relationship but more importantly it made Jericho's heel turn even better and I loved it. You can check out what I thought of the entire heel turn by clicking the RAW Review link bellow.
In all honest I was expecting the rivalry between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles to be much much more exciting and interesting than it has been. Don't get me wrong, I think the work between the two has been brilliant, we have seen some great matches and some fantastic promos from both superstars. However, as someone who has wanted to see these two collide for such a long time my expectations were very very high and while I do think they have already competed in strong matches against one another I was expecting them all to be much much better than they have been. For some reason the chemistry between the two isn't as strong as I originally thought it would be and so that has great effected their previous matches. Now, their most recent bout was without a doubt the best of the three. It was slightly longer, the story was stronger, and the chemistry was a little better. It must have been a stand out in my eyes as it sure made my top fifteen matches of the month list. I'm confident however, that this Wrestlemania match up will be their best to date and Styles will truly make he's mark in the WWE. If you have been reading my blog over the past month or have been following me on twitter you will know that I am not a fan of these two colliding for a fourth time. It's just such a stupid number of matches to have in a row. You want that odd number so that it's clear who is the better of the two, the stronger and you don't get that with this match and so it kind of takes away from the importance of this match. It doesn't feel as much of a bigger deal as their previous match did because of the fact it was their third. Now, anyone can see that this clearly was not the original plans for both these superstars. I think most people were expecting to see Chris Jericho versus Dean Ambrose at Mania this year and I'm confident that was the original plan but with Lesnar now taking on Ambrose things have changed around and so pushing one more match between Styles and Jericho was the best option and road to go down. Because these two are such high profile superstars no one really has an issue with seeing the pair collide one more time especially when it is on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania but like I said, that big fight feel, that importance isn't really there for this match because of the fact this is their fourth bout.
Regardless of being slightly disappointed by their previous matches I am confident that this will be their best out of the four. This is such a huge night for both superstars but its a major deal for AJ

As usual you can let me know what your predictions are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Remember I will be live tweeting throughout Wrestlemania this Sunday!
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