Possible Royal Rumble Surprise Entrants

In a recent blog post, I took a look at potential names the WWE should sigh this year and right at the top of that list was of course Richocet. One of the most talented and interesting in-ring performers of today, Richocet is leading a brand new generation of professional wrestlers and there is not a doubt in my mind the WWE have wanted to get their hands on him for quite some time. Twenty eighteen does look to be the year Richocet could finally arrive on the scene and breakout onto the larger stage where he always belonged and what better night to debut and make an impact than the Royal Rumble. Sure, there will be those who will say he should head straight to NXT and enter the Rumble doesn't stop that however, the transition from the indies to the WWE main roster straight away would be pretty damn easy for someone like Richocet with his popularity and sheer talent but regardless of what happens after an appearance at the Rumble the apperance it's self is a huge deal and with rumours very strong regarding his arrivial to the WWE it doesn't look so unlikely that the former Lucha Underground star could very well be debuting this Sunday!
Rey Mysterio
Keeping on the theme of Lucha Underground stars, Rey Mysterio is up next in today's blog post. Whenever I've discussed potential WWE returns for the year ahead Mysterio is a name that has always popped up. With the Cruiserweight division making its own return a couple of years back Rey became a star on everyone's lips as we all began to speculate when and if he will make a return. As we kick start twenty eighteen not much has changed and he remains a name that is constantly brought up when talking about possible returns hence the reason he is featuring today. Now, because there have been so many rumors looking at Mysterio's return I do believe there is a chance it could happen and personally, I would love to see it happen. I strongly believe he could be an excellent addition to the roster on either RAW or Smackdown LIVE and collisions with some new talent is something I know I and so many others would love to see! If you want to check out why I want to see Mysterio return in detail click the links bellow at the end!
The Great Khali
In two thousand and seventeen, the Great Khali made a one-off return assisting Jinder Mahal in keeping hold of his WWE championship but since then we haven't seen him back on WWE TV, could that change this up and coming weekend? Of course, if the Great Khali does make a return this weekend there is no chance he would walk out the victor, however, a potential assistance once again in helping Jinder Mahal remain in the match a little longer if the former champ is even in the Rumble. There's a lot the WWE can do with Khali for a short space of time that with the right storyline's it could totally work and having him return at the rumble as a surprise entrant could be a very interesting twist.
It's pretty much become a tradition now to see NXT stars make their debut at the Royal Rumble pay per view and with not one but two Rumble matches taking place this year the night looks to be full of surprises. Now, I'm expecting a couple of NXT stars to make an appearence this year but Sanity is definitely at the top of that list for me. Killian Dane, Erick Young, and Alexander Wolf could all make an impact in the Rumble and together work as one heck of a dominante force but if I had to pick one to go in, for the sheer reaction of the crowd and his global popularity it has to be Eric Young with the apperance of Dane and Wolf maybe at some point. We also have to consider Nikki Cross who is yet another Favourite of mine for the women's Rumble. Now, I've touched on the fact that I believe Sanity will be arriving on the main roster at some point in the early stages of this year and there really is no better night for them to make their name and make an impact than this partiuclar pay per view!
Ronda Rousey
And finally, we have the name everyone is talking about right now, Ronda Rousey. The moment the first ever Women's Royal Rumble was announced Ronda Rousey was the women everyone was talking about. With rumours regarding Rousey signing with the WWE being around for qutie sometime this historic match was yet another opportunity for predictions to kick in and she straight away became the fan favourite for the win. Over the past few months I've mentioned Rousey and a four horsewomen vs four horsewomen match being on the cards and the Rumble could well and truly be the opening for that. Rousey vs Charlotte is a golden match. It's money. I was having a discussion with a friend on this and we both mentioned just how big of of a deal that match would be and what it would do for the divison. Looking at the big picture and future stoyline's Ronda debuting on Sunday, winning and facing off against Charlotte could very easily make for one of the strongest matches of Wrestlemania this year and yet another historic contest for womens wrestling!
And there we have it! That is my list! Of course, surprise entrants are a must for both Rumbles and I cannot wait for the what both those matches have coming up this weekend! As always, any recent blog posts will be linked bellow including last weeks RAW and Smackdown LIVE highlights post! And finally, you can tell me what your predictions are and who you are expecting to make a surprise appearance at the Rumble by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me over at @TezangiVictoria.
Recent Blog Posts:
Surprise Returns We Want to see in the Women's Royal Rumble
This weeks RAW and Smackdown LIVE Highlights
My Top 12 WWE Matches of the past 10 Years Part 1
Last Week in Wrestling
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