WWE Returns We Want to see This Year

Bobby Lashley
I'm pretty sure every year I mention that I would love to see Bobby Lashley make a return to the WWE and twenty eighteen is no different. No departed from Impact Wrestling the chances of the former champion making a return are higher than ever and the rumors have been very strong over the past month or so. His previous run with the WWE showed him to be a promising star the WWE was high on but of course things just didn't really last and go as planned. Since leaving the company Lashley has established himself as a true athlete in every sense of the word. His now MMA background gives him an even bigger edge and advantage and throughout the years he has worked several amazing standout matches for Impact wrestling that highlighted him as one of the companies best on the roster. In two thousand and eighteen, there isn't anyone I want to see make a return to the WWE more than Bobby Lashley. I'm uncertain as to whether or no NXT is the right place for him with Smackdown LIVE standing out as a better home than any but regardless of what show he is put on Lashley is bound to make an impact and collisions with the likes of Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Kevin Owens and so so many more make for true must-see matches.
In an up and coming blog post, I will be talking about Kharma in more detail but she really is one name I really want to see back on the WWE roster. With her previous run cut short after she fell pregnant, the WWE hasn't brought the star back since after her return to Impact wrestling however, her name has recently popped back up again in a recent WWE YouTube video where she was listed as one of the stars that could make a return in the new year. With the first ever Women's Royal Rumble coming up Kharma's name has once again popped up as one of the stars fans want to see back inside a WWE ring and an entrant in this match. She's one of the names I personally really want to see feature in this iconic match up but also simply just back inside a WWE ring. There are so many faces I would love to see her challenge including the likes of Paige, Sasha Banks, Charlotte and of course Nia Jax. She's not only what the women's Royal Rumble need but the two thousand and eighteen WWE Women's division needs.
Rey Mysterio
Again, Rey Mysterio is a name that frequently pops up in posts like this. After the cruiserweight division made a return a few years back Mysterio was a star on everyone's lips as he clearly was the man to take the division to the next level and elevate it to where it should be. Fast forward to twenty eighteen and he remains a figure the WWE needs. He's exactly what the roster, in general, is missing and of course, there is no denying how much a big star is really needed over on 205 LIVE. Saying that however, Smackdown LIVE is also in desperate need of big names and Mysterio is just that. His experience, popularity and sheer wrestling ability make him one of the best of the best. Still, on good terms with the WWE, it's not impossible for Rey to make a WWE comeback but with commitments elsewhere he may just be the most unlikely of names to make a return that will be featuring on this list.
Ethan Carter III
Another popular name that has been mentioned a heck of a lot recently when discussing potential WWE returns for twenty eighteen. After recently departing with Impact Wrestling everyone has been wondering when and if the WWE would be getting their hands on him again. His previous run with the WWE was simply awful and he was nowhere near treated they way he should have been. His Impact Wrestling run showed him to be a star in every sense of the word. A brilliant character was established that he nails perfectly and his in-ring work was strong he worked several fantastic matches against a number of stars. He is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best of the best today and the WWE need to get their hands on him. A perfect fit for NXT he could have one epic run down there and even stronger run up on the main roster as part of either RAW or Smackdown LIVE. He's a big-time name still and someone fans have a lot of interest in. His young, his a brilliant all-around star and he has plenty to give to the WWE.
And finally, the man you were all expecting to feature on this list today, Batista. No one in this post has made it quite as clear as the Animal how much they want to make a return to the WWE to the point where it's almost guaranteed. Everyone including the WWE itself has mentioned the possibilities of Batista making a return to the company and while he has expressed previously he is only interested in working a feud/match with Triple H it's a match that has money and interest in it
but there are so many names I would love to see Batista collide with and his presence on Smackdown LIVE, in particular, is something the brand would seriously benefit from as I've already made it clear the blue brand is in desperate need of big stars added to its roster. Out of everyone on today's list, it's Batista I believe could be making the return this year more than any and I'm very interested in seeing where this story goes and if he really does make a little comeback regardless of how short.
And that rounds up my list of WWE returns we want to see this year! As always, I had so much fun writing this post and I would love to know what you guys think so with that in mind feel free to leave a comment bellow or tweet me over at @TezangiVictoria telling me who you would like to see make a WWE return this year!
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