Money In the Bank Predictions: New Day VS Prime Time Players
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Tag Team Championship Match |
This Sunday, live on the WWE Network, the New Day will defend their tag team championships against number one contenders, the Prime Time Players. After becoming one of the most dominate faction in WWE today the New day have numbers on their side and a championship advantage but with months of building themselves up and finally getting the push the deserve will a hungry, determined, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil walk out of the money in the bank pay per view your new Tag team champion? In today's blog post I'm going to be taking you through what both teams have been up to and making my predictions for the show. I will also insert what I wrote in my Payback Review and Reactions posts for the last pay per view title defence. With so much to get through let's waste no time and jump right into things!
Here is what I wrote about the last time the New Day defend their tag team titles back at the Payback Pay per view:
"Up next, tag team action and yet another match that I was really looking forward too as the New Day defended their tag team gold against the former tag team champions, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd in a two out of three falls match. You guys know how much I've been loving the action from the tag division lately. I have had nothing but positive things to say about most of the teams on the main roster witch means a change. I'm a huge huge fan of both these tag teams and so once again it was hard to take a side but for storyline purposes I had to side with the New Day on this one, but I was really looking forward to this and I had high high standards/expectations for this one, especially because it was a two out of three falls match. I'm always talking about how much diversity there is when Cesaro, Kidd, Kofi, and Big E all step in the ring and there is always that unpredictability in the tag division witch I love. The start of the match had that battle of the power feel with Cesaro and Big E showcasing their strength, trying to one up each other. Cesaro for me however was an early stand out. He stayed in control and even when things started to turn he quickly got back on top of things and put himself back in the spotlight. The great team work between Cesaro and Kidd allowed them to pick up the first pin fall. There was so much energy throughout this match and the crowd were really into it witch is always nice to see and hear. In the second round, the New day took control and made very frequent tags to stay in control and on top of things, making it difficult for Kidd to make a tag. I also liked the ringside work between Natalya and Xavier Woods, it just added a bit more to the match. Big E was another stand out for me in this one. He did stuff last night I haven't seen him do before and he brought a lot of character to this match. Both him and Cesaro made sure they were the stand outs and made sure everyone would be left talking about them and trust me they were. The second win went to the new day after Kofi made the cover on Kidd. I will admit, I was actually really on edge during the last round because I genuinely did not know what to expect and I love that and I think we need that in more matches. The team work between Cesaro and Kidd was so strong and so on point that I can't fault it at all or make any complaints. It was such a well put together match and the ending left me speechless. When Xavier Woods got in the ring and made the cover I kinda had nothing to say apart from what the hell. It was a really clever idea. Kidd and Cesaro didn't look weak by the loss and at the same time The New Day were further pushed as top heels. Once again I really liked this ending and how the match was put together."
You have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to talk about the Prime Time Players here in a prediction post. I have been waiting for what seems like forever for these two superstars to get the push the deserve and now they are finally getting the attention they deserve I could not be happier. Since Darren Young returned a thew months back the WWE have been working a slow approach with them. Spending months, weeks, building them up and giving them the push the deserve. For a while we saw them take a break from appearing on RAW and Smackdown in the ring, and instead we would see them cut hilarious promos from the titron and pick up solid win after solid win on shows such as Main event and Superstars, building their popularity on the way. Turning Young and Titus as baby faces was the best move the WWE could have made with them. They made good heels, no doubt about it, but they were being held back because of how much they were limited by being heels. Now that they are playing the roles of the good guys they are standing out better than ever. They have proven over the months that their a very strong comedic, entertaining pair and can sell a match in minuets. Their in ring ability isn't the neatest of them all but they good. They know how to tell a story, how to entertain us and with Titus' underrated strength and the skill set of Young they make a solid tag team. So far the WWE universe has been loving them and has backed them one hundred per cent which I'm so happy about. They have been a roll since making a comeback on the main roster. They cleared the ring before the chamber match and then at the Elimination Chamber a couple of weeks back they came very close to becoming the tag team champions after a strong, stand out performance. I think regardless of whether or not they leave the tag team champions they will still have a stand out performance and their push will continue with them staying in the title picture. Their push and popularity is so big that the WWE couldn't just take the attention away from them. There's a lot they can do with Young and O'Neil and I really want them to carry on pushing them. I think it's likely this match will end in DQ or the New Day will get a cheat win, that way the feud between the two teams could last a little longer but I do think that a title change could be on the cards for this weekend.
For months now I've been sitting here writing about how much I'm loving the new day and since the last live show nothing has changed. I still think their the hottest tag team on the main roster right now and I still think there one of the best heels around at the moment. What I love most about them is just how much of a unique heel they make. Their not your typical set of bad boys, you don't always know what their going to do next and I really do love that about them. Since becoming tag team champions they have gotten better and better. Growing by the week and keeping us all very entertained. Every single title defence has been strong and entertaining and I honestly cannot fault them at all. Because Kofi is competing in the Money in the bank ladder match I'm guessing that it will be Big E and Xavier Woods who will be competing this weekend, defending the titles. You all know that I'm not the biggest Xavier Woods fan. I still think he shouldn't have a major wrestling role and instead should be the voice of the group but he is getting better and regardless of how I feel about him personally I cannot deny that he's improving in the ring greatly and he is entertaining me week after week,every time he's competing. Now, I'm really looking forward to this Sundays tag team match. For the past four months or so the WWE main roster tag division has been red hot, delivering to a very very high standard. It's about time the tag division started improving and standing out more and they have been
doing a great job. What I'm loving the most is the unpredictability. We've had a couple of surprising title changes over the past year and it's all turnt out to be good moves made by WWE. The matches have been strong and I do think we are going to see that continue this Sunday. I think Big E will surprise us on a couple of occasions and will be the stand out but what I'm hopeing is Xavier plays he's role as the underdog well and also gives us a couple of surprises in the match. he really needs to prove himself in the ring, hopefully he does that this weekend. When it comes to successful title defences as much as I'm backing the Prime Time Players I do think that the New Day will be retaining. I think the WWE will want them to hold onto the titles a little more, maybe until Summer Slam, but as I mentioned before, there's a lot of unpredictability in the tag division and a title change wouldn't surprise me completely after what we have seen this year already. I don't think this will be a stand out match and might be pretty short lived weak and that's just because I don't know if the two teams have enough skill and experience to deliver a high quality tag team match. If the titles do drop this weekend then the New Day won't suffer at all. Their characters/gimmick makes it easy for them to drop the title and move onto something strong but in all honesty I do think they need to hold onto them for a little longer.
doing a great job. What I'm loving the most is the unpredictability. We've had a couple of surprising title changes over the past year and it's all turnt out to be good moves made by WWE. The matches have been strong and I do think we are going to see that continue this Sunday. I think Big E will surprise us on a couple of occasions and will be the stand out but what I'm hopeing is Xavier plays he's role as the underdog well and also gives us a couple of surprises in the match. he really needs to prove himself in the ring, hopefully he does that this weekend. When it comes to successful title defences as much as I'm backing the Prime Time Players I do think that the New Day will be retaining. I think the WWE will want them to hold onto the titles a little more, maybe until Summer Slam, but as I mentioned before, there's a lot of unpredictability in the tag division and a title change wouldn't surprise me completely after what we have seen this year already. I don't think this will be a stand out match and might be pretty short lived weak and that's just because I don't know if the two teams have enough skill and experience to deliver a high quality tag team match. If the titles do drop this weekend then the New Day won't suffer at all. Their characters/gimmick makes it easy for them to drop the title and move onto something strong but in all honesty I do think they need to hold onto them for a little longer.
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