RAW Review and Reactions
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Randy Orton at last nights RAW |
Before last night's show started the WWE showed the time taken at the Money in the bank pay per view to honour the life of the American dream, WWE legend and hall of famer, Dusty Rhodes. I'm really glad that they did this it was another moment that saw me get very emotional and I'm sure I was not the only one. If you would like me to do a whole post on Dusty Rhodes and the impact he had on mine and many others life let me know in the comments bellow.
The show last night kick started with our WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins. Fresh off he's huge win over Dean Ambrose, Rollins came to the ring sporting a huge smile on he's face, appearing as though he was living on cloud nine. He of course went straight on the mic and made everyone know just how much of a good mood he was in. He spoke about about he's championship match the previous night and even gave Ambrose a little notice for bringing he's a-game. I've said it before but Seth Rollins has seriously improved and come a long way when it comes to he's mic skills. He's a convincing heel there's no doubt about that but he now knows how to sell himself and he's matches really really well. I don't have anything bad to say about the little promo that he cut last night, it was clever and done so well. The part where he took out the list of people he wanted to thank had me in stitches but I thought it was such a funny but good touch and he's interaction with the live crowd not just last night but every night is just so strong. I really liked how cocky and arrogant he come across, it was convincing and it made a really good story for the WWE to go on. When he didn't mention the Authority in he's little thank you speech I was really interested in seeing where things were going next. I will admit I wasn't expecting to see Ambrose come out and attack Rollins at all. I honestly thought that everything was ended at Money in the bank but Ambrose spending more time in the spotlight is not going to have me complaining any time soon. I won't lie, I am worried that they may be carrying this on a little too long and I don't know how much more they can do but it fitted into the opening moments really well and Ambrose not saying anything until Rollins was gone was great. When Rollins had left the ring, Dean decided to take a seat in the middle of the ring and claimed he was not leaving until the champion makes he's way back out to the ring. I thought that cutting to a commercial break was a really clever idea and for once they managed to time their adverts right! Congrats WWE, it's about time. When the show returned from the break Ambrose was still in the ring and we got a backstage segment between the Authority and Seth Rollins, which I did really like.
Eventually our new Mr Money in the bank (still loving saying that) came down to the ring to confront the WWE universe and of course Dean Ambrose. Sheamus very quickly made the comparison to him and Ambrose pointing out that the difference was he walked out of the pay per view a winner and well Ambrose didn't. The two then went into their match with Sheamus taking early control backing the lunatic fringe into the corner and throwing some neat punches straight to the crowd favourite. The viciousness of Sheamus maintained throughout this match, we of course saw him work on and pay special attention to the injured leg of Ambrose and this was something the maintained from the start to the end of this match and it was something the commentators were able to work a story on, showcasing Ambrose as the hard nut that regardless of the injury and state he is in he will put on the fight of he's life like a true lunatic. I have to say he sold the injury really well and convincingly throughout. For me as a huge fan of both of these superstars I very much enjoyed what we were seeing. I think these guys have the potential to put on a phenomenal, match of the year quality match given the time and build up so I'm really looking forward to seeing what is in store for these two in the future. Back to last night's action and one thing that became very clear was that whenever Ambrose started to gain some momentum it was short lived and Sheamus always eventually was able to use he's strength to he's advantage and Ambrose's injured leg. Dean did bring a out lot of Sheamus and pushed him witch we always like to see and it's what Sheamus needed. The moment in the match where Sheamus said he didn't need this and was heading to walk off was a key moment in highlighting the type of character Sheamus now has. This was also the part of the night where Randy Orton made he's appearance and it allowed Ambrose enough time to use the distraction to get the win. It was a good way for Ambrose to get a win and also a clever way for Sheamus to loose. A decent match and a good showing for both superstars. A great match to kick start the show and I loved that the WWE continuing the feud between Sheamus and Orton, a nice little brawl between those two and I have high hopes for their feud. Great chemistry and great history, expecting a lot here.
Bad News Barrett was in action next as he had a rematch against the man that beat him on the Money in the bank kick off show, R-truth. I'm going to be straight with you, I have no idea what on earth the WWE are doing with Barrett right now but what I do know is I'm really really hating it and that's my way of trying really hard not to swear about this. It frustrates me so much seeing how badly Barrett is treated by the WWE. There's no doubt that he is a top talent and over the years he has been working with the company he has proven that time and time again that he is a top talent, yet the WWE don't ever seem to know what to do with him and they waste he's talents so much. It was great seeing him get the upper hand last night despite loosing to Truth yet again, but he's booking needs to be much much stronger. I do have a blog post planned where I talk about Barrett so let me know if that is something you would like to see.
Up next, we heard from the man that the whole world is talking about, the NXT champion, Kevin Owens. After loosing to Cena last night in what was a phenomenal match up, Owens showed the entire WWE universe how he felt about he's loss and of course John Cena, when he once again blind
sided and attacked the fifteen time world champion, leaving the pay per view with a huge smile on he's face for a second time round. You guys will know from my Money in the bank review and reactions posts (witch will also be linked bellow) that I loved the ending of their rematch on Sunday and I thought the match itself was just incredible. I do feel a little sorry for Owens, he's working really hard at the moment working both main roster and NXT shows but he's such an amazing talent and deserves all the attention he is getting. Anyway, back to last night and the start of Owens promo last night saw him make it perfectly clear that John Cena was not going to be showing up on RAW last night. The promo itself was just amazing. I continue to be amazed by the quality of Owens promos week after week. I'm enjoying every single one of them and last night was no different. What we did get last night was Kevin send the message that he was coming after the United States championship witch I loved.This is exactly what the United States championship needed, the attention is so strong and the feud/storyline is so strong and so hooking.
Still on the topic of Kevin Owens, he further pushed the feud between him and Cena when he claimed to "do Cena's job" and hold an open challenge, that open challenge would be accepted by the one and only Dolph Ziggler. At this point in the night I honestly had the biggest smile on my face. We were getting another dream match of mine and another two of my favourites were going at it. I think it's safe to say a lot of the WWE universe were excited or this one. The start of this match saw Ziggler go right on the attack but it didn't last very long at all and that dominate, barbaric, ruthless side to Kevin Owens shined and came right through very early and he took full control of the match and Dolph Ziggler, letting everyone know who was in charge. What made me so interested in this match was the simple fact that these two very different superstars were competing. They may have a very different style but there are a couple of things these two have in common and one of the biggest most important things is that these two have had some of the most physical, intense, and entertaining matches in WWE history. I was so interested in seeing how their styles would work together and how the well they would work together. The first half of this match (and more) really did see Owens take full control, walking all over Ziggler, quite literally, working on the mid section of the former world champion. He really did take it to Dolph throughout this match but there did come a time where Ziggler was able to start building some momentum and it all started with hitting that amazing DDT halfway through the match but it was once again short lived. What was so clear for me in this match was the presences of Kevin Owens. It's something that has always stood out for me but there was something about last night that made me realise it even more. He brings a feel to each and every one of he's matches that you just don't see in the WWE very often at all. The thing with this match also was that it had that feel that no matter what Ziggler did it just wasn't enough and Owens just kept coming at him. This is how you bounce back off a loss. I honestly loved this match and it was by far one of my favourites if not my actual favourite of the night. Will it make my top twenty this month?
Up next, Randy Orton was in action and after sending a huge statement to Mr Money in the bank Sheamus, earlier on in the night, Orton was ready to take on he's opponent for the night who ended up being Kane. I feel really really sorry for Kane, I honestly do. Even though I was really happy for Sheamus and I'm glad he won I was seriously backing Kane last on Sunday. I thought he was the most sensible choice to win the Money in the bank ladder match. The stories they could of done with Kane as Mr money in the bank would of been amazing and I honestly believe the WWE missed the ball there. I feel like Kane is at a point in he's career where he needed the win and where it felt most needed. I wasn't a major fan of the booking last night. There's obviously a lot of history between Orton and Kane witch makes the match and easy watch but neither of them could afford a clean loss and so what I was hopeing for was a DQ ending or a little taste of poetic Justice with Sheamus using the distraction and that is exactly what we got. Half way through the match we saw Sheamus come down to the iring and Kane changed the match to a no holds bards match witch allowed Sheamus to come out and assist Kane in the win. Kane might have got a victory of Orton witch was needed but the attention was not on him what so ever which sucked, but he did get some extra attention backstage in a segment with Seth Rollins. However, the one good thing I'm taking away from this is the great story development between Orton and Mr money in the bank.
It was then time to focus the attention to the Intercontinental championship and Ryback as the champion joined the announce team to watch the Big Show take on The Miz in one on one action. I mentioned in my blog post how much I really didn't like how the Intercontinental championship match ended on Sunday. I made it very clear that I felt as though Ryback needed a longer, stronger, and an all round better first pay per view title defence and it was such a let down. I honestly had no interest in this match last night. I really don't think there is a need for the Miz to be involved right now with the Big Show and Ryback. Ryback and Show would of perfectly been able to put on a decent feud if given enough time and attention and the right direction and I really think it's a shame the WWE have failed both superstars and the IC title and hopefully they will be able to turn it around at some point. Anyway, last night saw the Miz walk away with the victory after the Big Show was counted out when he spent most of the time arguing with Ryback. I still don't know the point of the Miz's role or what even he's role is.
Up next, we heard from Roman Reigns who after was attacked by Bray Wyatt was unable to climb the ladder to become the two thousand and fifteen money in the bank winner was not in the best of moods at all. I will be honestly, I'm not fully into this feud as of yet. These guys do have a great deal of chemistry and history and I do think the feud has potential but at the moment it's just a little out of the blue and a little random for my liking but I'm defiantly giving it a chance. Bray did cut a great promo as usual last night and brining Reigns daughter into the storyline was a very good way for the feud to generate heat and interest. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. I have some high expectations for this one.
Early on in the night we got a backstage segment between all the divas in the locker room (minus Natalya) witch saw Paige attempt to rally the divas and to get them to take her side in ending the era of the Bella twins which didn't really go her way. In the segment we also learnt that Paige would be taking on Brie and Nikki in a two on one handicap match witch was up next. I have said it way too many times by now but I'm beyond bored of this feud between Paige and the Bella twins. They literally have been feuding since January and while I do think the work right now is a good storyline and is actually keeping me entertained, I want something different and by different I mean Paige well and truly out of the title picture. Anyway, back to last night and I thought the booking was made sense, it was a little obvious and predicable but it made sense. Paige did get some early momentum going and things did look to be going her way but it wouldn't take too long for the numbers game to catch up with the former two time divas champion.Of course Nikki and Brie worked perfectly together throughout and they did bring a lot of character to the match. All three divas told a great story from the start to the end and because the storyline is so strong I found the match easy to get into. There were a thew moments in the match where it wasn't as clean and a couple of moves were not done as well as they could of been but all round it was a decent match with a typical divas match length. A really good story telling match and some pretty good actual wrestling.
The attack from Kevin Owens to MGK was another huge part of the night and a huge development in the Cena/Owens feud. We know how good friends Cena is with MGK and so we can expect John to speak about this massively on next weeks show.
Up next we had the former tag team champions the New Day in action as they competed in six man tag team actions taking on the team of Adrian Neville and the new WWE tag team champions, the prime time players. The New day took the loss just how I expected. Like I had earlier predicted, because of their gimmick, loosing the titles would not effect them as badly as it would of another tag team. I thought it was an interesting paring last night with the Prime tie players and Neville but it worked and its nice seeing something different. We saw some great double team between Titus and Young which was great and they worked really well with Neville throughout. One thing that was made very obvious last night was that the prime time players are champions of the fans. The crowd really did get behind them once again last night, and it was so good seeing Titus dominate the way he does in the ring with he's insane strength and as for Young I think he's an amazing wrestler and he has so so so much to show and I'm glad he is finally getting the time to showcase what he is capable of. I did get into this match more than I expected. The ending was really well done as Darren Young and Adrian Neville worked together to close in on the victory over the new day. An all round good tag team match, an easy watch and a nice part to the show. Loving the work from all six of these superstars.
Finally, our main event segment, and as we found out at the start of the show, The Authority were set to close the show telling Seth Rollins who he's next opponent will be for the WWE World Heavyweight championship and after a night of superstars trying to impress the Authority and the WWE universe guessing superstar after superstar it was a main event segment I was really looking forward to especially with the rumours and speculation that had been surfacing all night. There really was a great deal of anticipation and I was literally left on the edge of my seat . When Rollins came down to the ring with a massive smile on he's face joining Stephanie and Hunter in the ring you could just sense that something big was going to happen and Seth was really going to regret what he was
saying. Claiming that there is no superstar on the roster on the roster who could take the title off of him and no matter who the Authority have chosen he will beat them and embarrass them like he has done to every other single superstar. The Authority then told Rollins he still needed to prove himself and that the fact he has pushed their buttons so much that they are starting to question him and that he needs to prove that he is the diamond the authority has infested in him. The music then hit and it was made clear, Seth Rollins next opponent for the WWE World heavyweight championship was Brock Lesnar. And in case you were wondering, yes I did mark out and yes I did have a huge smile on my face. Everything about this closing segment was perfect. The timing was so well and I just loved it , honestly loved it. The build up to this match and the next pay per view alone is going to be insane. I cannot wait.
All round I thought it was actually a pretty good show. We got a couple of great matches but last nights show was very much about building on storyline's and story development and we did see that perfectly. My persona highlights were the amazing one on one match against Ziggler and Owens, Kevin Owens in general just stealing the show, the opening promo from Rollins, the story development between Sheamus and Randy Orton, and,of course the return of Brock Lesnar. I'm going to rate the show a seven out of ten but let me know what you thought by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. I will see you later in the week with my NXT Review and Reactions.
Money in the Bank Review and Reactions
RAW Predictions
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