Top 20 Matches of May PT2

Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. So, we have reached the end of another month which of course means it's time to go back and look some of the best matches of may as I count down the top twenty matches of the month. May has been insane and over the past four weeks we have seen some of my favourite and all round strongest matches of the year. Whether if its been NXT, WWE, or TNA we have seen some phenomenal matches and it's been really hard to narrow it down to just twenty matches but I think a really strong list and one that is probably the best top twenty so far this year. Part two will be uploaded on Wednesday if things go to plan but we have a huge week of looking back at the month of May so I hope you enjoy everything that is coming your way this week. Now, before we get into today's blog post there's a thew little reminders for you. First up, NXT Month. July will see the return of NXT month and I will start pre posting for that next week so if there are any posts in particular that you would like to see do please let me know by leaving a comment bellow. I will also be having more information on my podcast which I plan to start towards the end of this year. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog post so you can stay all up to date on everything. And finally, you can let me know what you thought of this months action and what has been your match of the month by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
10) Austin Aries and Bobby Roode VS The Wolves (TNA 17/5)
Up next, another TNA match and this time it's tag team action as Austin Aries and Bobby Rude teamed up to take on one of the hottest tag team talents around tight now, The Wolves. When you look at the four names in this match you already know that you are in for one heck of a treat. These are four of the best professional wrestlers not only in TNA but around right now, full stop. I have been a huge fan of both Roode and Aries for quite some time. I have a huge amount of respect for pair of them and I admire them both for different reasons. Then we have the wolves. Now, I did take a big break from TNA and when I started watching again it was these guys who were getting me exited week in and week out and were making me want to tune in and watch the product itself. That really hasn't changed over the past year and my love for them has grown and grown. Their a team who seem to get better and better and improve as their career goes on. For a long period of time now they have been proving themselves to be the one of the best tag teams around right now and I don't doubt for a single second that their not. I can honestly say they are my favourite tag team on the scene at the moment and I really don't have a bad word to say about them. This match stood out for me this month because everything about it was so well done. Their was meaning behind it. It had passion, heart, and it felt as though I was watching a match that was a life or death situation. Because of the history and experience Aries and Rood shared they were able to work just perfectly together and they brought the veteran feel. Both of them had a fair amount of time in the ring but if I'm being honest it was Aries who stood out for me and I promise I'm not just saying that because he's my personal favourite of the two. Both of the Wolves grabbed my attention. They were the stand outs of the entire match in my eyes and more than deserved that win. The match might of had a predicable ending but it was all done so well and the amount of passion and energy was just insane.
9) Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (RAW 4/5)
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins come into this month's top twenty matches yet again as we go back to the fourth of this month and the episode of Monday night RAW that grabbed all of our attention. The previous week Ambrose and Rollins had a great match on Smackdown but after outside interference throughout the match Kane issued a rematch on RAW and just before the bell could ring he further announced that if Seth Rollins lost this match then Dean Ambrose would be added to the Payback main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, making it a fatal four way. Now, this match already had my attention because a another Dean Ambrose/ Seth Rollins match but when Kane made this huge announcement everything got very serious and I did not take my eyes off of my TV screen for a second. The thought of Ambrose main eventing a pay per view for the World championship was just too much to take in as an Ambrose fan and I tried my best not to get my hopes up too much. We all know that whenever these guys step in the ring against one another they out on outstanding matches. They perform to a level that no one else does and are able to get a crowd going better than any other two superstars on the roster. This night and match was no different what so ever. The crowd were all for Ambrose and so was everyone on twitter. The match throughout was very back and fourth. One didn't stay in control for too long before the other was able to take over. The energy these two brought was insane and they proved in this one single match why they are so popular and that they truly are two of the best in ring performers in the WWE right now. They had the crowd going crazy from start to finish. They took the action outside of the ring where they both honestly just blew me away. We had a mixture of fast paced action and slower paced. We got some technical wrestling, more extreme wrestling, we saw Ambrose flying through ropes all over the place. I was honestly so surprised with how extreme and entertaining this was. They just seem to better themselves every single time they take each other on. The closing moments were so quick and when Ambrose got that win I think I actually jumped and screamed with joy. I was honestly not expecting him to win this match and so it was such a nice surprise. Outstanding, stand out match with an amazing ending.
Up next is a match I think we can all agree was pretty freaking amazing. Going back to the early days of the month on the fourth we saw Sami Zayn take on he's biggest challenge yet when he had a surprise match, accepting John Cena's open challenge. Before the match even began we had WWE Legend and an all time personal favourite, Bret Hart come to the ring to introduce Sami Zayn. It doesn't really get much better than that does it? The match itself was just a tiny little taster of what Sami Zayn is all about and what he is capable of doing in the ring. He gave Cena a real run for he's money and every single person was gripped throughout. There's no doubt about it. This match was all about Sami Zayn, Cena was simply there to give him the match. The attention was all on the former NXT Champion. I'm sure for anyone who had never seen Zayn perform before this night was left speechless and wanting more to say the least. Both Cena and Zayn played there roles throughout. We had Zayn bringing the excitement and the speed to the match and Cena brought the experience. In this one match we got to see all of Zayn's top moves witch included he's submission hold, witch we actually saw quite early on in the match. They both worked so so well together and it was nice to see Cena take a seat back at times and let Zayn have he's moments. There was of course the injury that Zayn suffered in this match witch really made everything more intense and at the same time it allowed a story to be told. We really saw that never give up, never back down attitude from Zayn witch we all know and love. There was not a single moment the crowd fell silent at all and twitter went crazy for Sami. In the end of course, John got a clean victory and was able to pin Zayn but everything about this match was perfect even the sportsmanship at the end witch is always great to see. For Sami things couldn't really have gotten better. He was introduced to the ring by Legend Bret Hart, took on fifteen time champion and face of the company, John Cena, in he's home town. Not many people can say all that for their first big match on RAW.
We now go back to NXT Takeover Unstoppable and the first match of the night as the number one contender for the NXT championship was crowned when Tyler Breeze and Finn Balor went head to head live on the WWE Network. The expectations for this match were extremely high. Both Balor and Breeze have been highlighted as two of the most talented in ring performers and characters in NXT history and after having numerous phenomenal matches since their debuts they had set the bar real high for themselves. As a huge fan of both superstars this was a nice little treat for me and I knew I was going to sit back and enjoy this one, knowing it was a potential match of the year let aloe month! Now, this was suppose to be a triple threat but after Hideo Itami joined the long list of superstars to suffer a shoulder injury it came down to a one on one between Balor an Breeze. I'll be honest I was disappointed when I heard the news about Itami. I was really looking forward to the triple threat and I was expecting him to walk away the victor, but I think it just made me more interested in the whole thing. Before we get into the actual match we need to talk entrances. Breeze had a very special entrance in the style of a catwalk which honestly put the biggest smile on my face but once again it was Balor who stole the show when it came to the entrance alone. I'm going to be honest, this was the best entrance I have ever seen. As soon as the attention went on Balor and he's appearance the arena had a whole new feel. There was a level of excitement and energy that you could feel through your screen. Everything about this entrance was perfect. It was haunting, it was unpredictable, it was timed to perfection and it brought this sense of intensity that we didn't originally have. The reaction it got from the crowd was just mental! The match itself lived up to the hype. Throughout, we got fast paced action and unpredictability. They complimented each others styles so well and managed to bring out the best in each other from start to finish. There was never a dull moment and with two huge personalities they brought so much character to the match and I honestly think this is match of the year quality.
6)Austin Aries and Bobby Roode VS The Wolves (31/5)
In at number six is another tag team match coming from Austin Aries and Bobby Roode and the Wolves. I have really really enjoyed the two out of the five matches to come from these guys for the TNA tag team titles. Both matches have made it in my top ten matches of the month and both have been two of my personal favourite matches of the year so far. The second match has ended up a little higher than the first just because it was better. They upped their game one hundred per cent and just when I thought they couldn't do better than they already had done they go and take up a whole other level. The action in this match was none stop and I literally mean none stop. I had no idea where to look because there really was bodies everywhere! All four of these guys made sure that the attention was on them and while the cameras may have been on what was going on in the ring, you were still looking around to see what else was going on outside of the ring. It was one of those matches where you could not take your eyes off of the TV for a single second because you literally could have missed something huge. I loved how well the two teams worked together. The chemistry between all four of them was insane and this was by far my favourite tag team match of the year so far.
5) Rusev VS John Cena (Payback 17/5)
Up next, a match that is not only one of my favourites of the month but of the entire year so far. The final chapter in the John Cena/ Rusev saga, as the two went one on one in an "I Quit" match at the Payback pay per view. I will be completely honest, because I felt this feud has been going on for far too long and I had lost all interest in it, I wasn't expecting all that much and it was the one match of the night I wasn't looking forward too. Not to mention it was the most predicable match of the night. However, this was for me, hands down the match of the night. I was left completely speechless by the end of it. The energy was so high, there were a crazy amount of story telling and development and the action was completely none stop. It didn't take long at all for me to get fully into this match despite being seriously tired by this point of the night. It woke me straight back up and I found myself right up front at my TV paying very very close attention to everything that was going on. Rusev for me was the stand out. He proved just how good he is in this match not only as a wrestler but as a character. He really told a great story and kept everyone hooked. He portrayed he's emotions perfectly and every single move was delivered to a high standard. The addition of Lana at ringside and the growing tensions between the two throughout the match added a whole new feel to it all. This was an extreme match, witch allowed both superstars to stand out and take centre stage. I have nothing bad to say about this match and the ending in particular was so well booked. Lana translating to the ref that Rusev had said he quit allowed a new story to grow/ transition between them and allowed Rusev to pick up a loss without looking weak and still keep the attention on him.
4) Seth Rollins VS Randy Orton VS Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose (Payback 17/5)
Up next, another match that has been one of my favourite matches of the month and of the year so far, the Payback main event witch saw Seth Rollins defend he's WWE World Heavyweight championship in a fatal four way against Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, and Dean Ambrose. After a weak pay per view main event at Extreme Rules, the WWE were under a lot of pressure to deliver at Payback and they more than did that. The build up to this match was so strong and so captivating that I don't think anyone was not looking forward to it. We had four of the top superstars competing all in one match. Four of the most popular men in all of sports entertainment competing for Championship gold. What was there not to look forward too. In the early stages of this match Reigns took serious control and was the stand out straight away. I have to admit, I'm not the biggest Roman Reigns fan but you cannot deny that he has seriously improved over the past thew months. He's much cleaner in the ring. He's moves are executed far better, he tells a story more and he's far more convincing in the ring. I have to be honest, I'm slowly becoming a Reigns fan. This match was so action packed that you could not take your eyes off of the TV for a single second because there was always something happening. I was a little disappointed with Orton's performance as a whole. He had some great moments but it did feel as though at times he got lost in the match. As a former huge Shield fan this match was also very very emotional. The little Shield reunion had me marking out like a complete mad person. God knows what my neighbours thought was going on! The stand outs for me had to be Reigns and Ambrose. Rollins and Ambrose brought the character while the working between Dean and Roman was enough to bring years to your eyes. I loved the addition of Kane and J&J Security. This was a strong quality match and one that I will be talking about all year round.
3) Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (Elimination Chamber)
Coming in at number three this month is a match I think we can all agree was one heck of an emotional roller-coaster, as the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose went one on one with former partner, Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. When I was writing my predictions for this match I really did have a good time. Looking back at the history and careers of these two superstars and seeing just how far they have come. I remember watching Ambrose as Jon Moxley and being completely captivated by him just wanting him to be a success and that continued as he came to FCW. We all saw so much potential in him and we all knew he would be a big star eventually but he had a slow build up with both really high and really low moments. On this night we saw Dean Ambrose really become a star. He had spent weeks, months even years proving he was/is a main event talent but this night got rid of any doubters. Now, the expectations and standards of this match were very very high. These two have a huge amount of history, competing against one another since their early days in FCW. Every single time they have shared a ring they have stole the show thanks to their amazing chemistry and insane wrestling ability. This night was no different and they really did deliver once again, proving they are the best of the best once and for all. The action was fast paced throughout and they maintained that unpredictability factor from start to finish. They told a story and everything they did left me on the edge of my seat and cheering as though I was right there watching the action from ringside. The ending left me waking up all my neighbours as Ambrose was able to pin Rollins for the championship. However, after Rollins shoved the referee in front of him the match was changed to a dq win, meaning that Rollins retained the championship, so basically both Ambrose and the fandom was screwed over, but the match it self was just perfect and one of my favourites of the night and of course the month.
Coming in at number two this month is one of my favourite matches of the year so far as NXT Champion Kevin Owens took on the face of the WWE and the current United States champion, John Cena at the Elimination Chamber. The story throughout the build up of this match and the match it self was simple; In the eyes of Kevin Owens, Cena's time was up and he's time was now. He had spent years wrestling around the world, being the man that everyone looked up to, the man everyone feared, the man who was the face and he felt that coming to the WWE was not going to be any different. He refused to live in the world of John Cena. He refused to work in the shadows of the fifteen time champion. The first ever segment between the two saw Kevin Owens awnser John's United States championship open challenge, well sort of. It as made perfectly clear by Owens that he felt insulted by Cena. He hated the fact that Cena was taking credit for injuring Sami Zayn and when he tried to give Kevin some "veteran advice" the insult grew. After wrestling for a longer period of time than Cena you could visually see Owens blood boil and it's then that the story really began. I thought the story itself was so well thought out and for once I was actually really feeling this feud and was excited to see where it was going next. For the next couple of weeks we saw Owens gain more and more momentum and the amazing promos building up the feud and match were so strong and so captivating. The match itself lived up to the hype. I really enjoyed writing my prediction post for this one and I will link that post bellow so you can go and check that out if you want to or haven't already done that. Throughout the match both superstars carried on telling the story and they did it so perfectly. They kept you captivated and hanging on to every piece of action and trust me that hardly happens on the main roster at the moment. The pace of the match varied throughout and both superstars were able to showcase what they are made of and they really brought out the best in each other. Owens was by far the stand out despite a strong performance from both of them. He told a story so perfectly and brought a level of entertainment we haven't seen in the WWE in a very long time. He played the perfect heel from start to finish, mocking Cena and using the fifteen time world champion's own moves to gain momentum. The booking was done so well and I was beyond delighted to see Owens come out on top. He made such a huge statement and I think he's win has a huge, deeper meaning behind it. It's time for a change in the WWE and for Owens to have he's first match on the WWE main roster against John Cena of all people at the Elimination chamber and win it, is a huge huge deal. The promo after was the icing on the cake and the perfect night for both NXT and Kevin Owens as they prove that the future really is taking over.
1) Sasha Banks VS Becky Lynch (NXT Takeover Unstoppable 20/5)
Finally, it's time to crown this months match of the month and for the first time ever on my blog we have a divas match taking the top spot as the NXT Women's championship match between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch comes in at number one. There's no doubt about it, the divas stole the show at NXT Takeover Unstoppable. From start to finish we got a fast and the furious style match up full of technical wrestling, perfectly applied submissions and high risk manoeuvres. These girls brought it to a whole new level and raised the bar yet again. This was the longest match of the night at almost fifteen minuets and every one of those fifteen minuets was used so well. They took advantage of the time they were being given made sure that they made everyone pay attention to them and the women of the business. Before the match on the pre show, Stephanie McMahon mentioned how the divas down in NXT are revolutionising women's professional wrestling and what it means to be a diva in

taking a double stomp to the forearm and wearing Becky down from their which was of course was ironic after Becky made Banks tap out to the arm-breaker a couple of weeks prior to this match. That was really what the story went on throughout the match. That and of course Lynch proving herself to the NXT universe and the women who claimed she had "Made" her; Sasha Banks. Lynch's all round performance on the night was outstanding and she was hands down the stand out of the entire night. The respect both these divas got from the fans was more than well deserved. Coming down to the ring at the start of the match Banks received a huge reaction from the Full Sail University crowd. This was a level of respect she had more than earned over the past year or so and I think this night was a huge realisation in just how far she has come since debuting. After the match the girls got a hue standing ovation and Lynch left the arena with the crowd singing here theme. This was a level of respect and storytelling that the main roster divas could only dream of and the match itself was one of the best wrestling matches I have ever seen and quite possibly the best divas match in the history of the WWE.
Top 20 Matches of May part 1
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