Top 5 missed Opportunities and Mistakes by the WWE in the past year
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Luke Harper and Erick Rowan |
5) Naomi and the divas championship
Kicking off today's top five is something that you all have not stopped hearing me talk about; Naomi and the divas championship. Can I start out by saying that I think it is a complete joke that Naomi has been with the WWE for the time that she has been and has not yet held the divas championship. I'll get into that in a little while but lets start with talking about the year Naomi had had so far. There is no denying the fact that the year of twenty fifteen for the former NXT contestant has been great. She has finally been getting the attention that she rightfully deserves. It was a slow start to the year for her but she would then go on start working with the Usos witch gave her a lot more attention and time in the spotlight. During her time working with the Usos she managed to compete in some pretty decent matches and was also able to pick a win or two of the divas champion, but was never put in a full on feud or given a title shot because she was working so closely with the Usos and the timing just wasn't right. At Wrestlemania, we had that huge fatal four way tag team match and Naomi once again was given a moment in the spotlight when her and Jimmy Uso flew over the top rope. It was a small moment in the night but it was a big moment for Naomi and her career. A tiny little Wrestlemania moment that I haven't forgotten at all. It was after Mania that Naomi really started getting the push that she deserved, and it all started with a huge victory over the Bella twins and Natalya when she teamed up with Paige and AJ Lee. From then onwards she would pick up even more victories over the Bella twins and after not being satisfied with what she was getting, we finally saw her turn heel. The heel turn was perfectly done and the timing was more than right and I was feeling really positive about what the future held for her. Her alliance with Tamina Snuka was a little odd in my opinion but its something that has grown on me greatly. Now, the first divas championship match Naomi got was back at Extreme Rules when she took Paige's place in the match. I was fine with Naomi not getting the win on that night. It meant that the story could continue a little more and Naomi's big win could be hyped a little more for a little longer, but she never got that big win. I was honestly convinced that at the Elimination Chamber network special we was going to see a new divas champion in Naomi. It made perfect sense and it seemed like the best way for Nikki to drop the title. It was a decent match and the fact she would have dropped it in a triple threat would of made Nikki's title reign end look good. When Nikki retained I was beyond pissed off. It just felt like the WWE had taken one big dump on Naomi. They had spent the entire year building her up and giving her that big push all for nothing. It made her look weak and made the previous month look completely pointless. It was clear that after that match she was not going to be getting a title shot again for a long time and it just made me so mad. The build up screamed that it was time for Naomi to be champion.She could of easily went into a feud with Paige after becoming champion after what had happened at the London show in April and with Charlotte coming up to the roster soon a feud between those two would of been great. Two of the most athletic divas in WWE history going at it. Those girls would of torn the house down easily. There's no chance in hell could the WWE have used the excuses that it wasn't her time or there wouldn't of been anything for her as champion storyline wise because clearly that is not the case. This is another example of Vince and creative wanting The Bella's to stay the centre of attention in the divas division and it's a huge shame.
4) Jack Swagger
I have entitled number four as "Jack Swagger". Nothing else apart from he's name because let's be honest, what on earth are the WWE doing with Swagger? It seems as though everyone has been made to forget that he is a former money in the bank winner,a former Elimination Chamber winner, a former world champion, a man that has stepped in the ring with the likes of Randy Orton. The past three to four years or so have seen Jack get the worse of treatments. Now, I may be a little bias on this one because I am a huge, major Jack Swagger fan and I have been from the get go but I promise I can back up what I'm saying. When the WWE gave Swagger the "real American" gimmick was delighted. It had so much potential and the amount feuds and storyline's I had going around in my head was insane. Finally, Swagger was going to be getting back on track and he's alliance with Zeb Colter was great. In the early stages of the gimmick Swagger was on fire and he's feud with Alberto Del Rio was done pretty good and the best part about it was he was given a World championship match at Wrestlemania. So all was good there, but I knew from the moment he lost that match things were going to start going down hill. When Cesaro joined the Real Americans, I wasn't all that for the move. To me it just didn't make sense but on the plus side it meant that they were going to be getting a bit more attention and the heat they generated was amazing. However, I was really disappointed with how things ended. I loved that Cesaro went on to be a Paul Heyman guy, it was a nice little twist and it was what he deserved, but it would of been nice to have seen a little feud between Cesaro and Swagger. I think they would of brought out the best in one another and the feud would of benefited both superstars in the long run. The biggest mistake the WWE have made with Swagger over the past year is with the United States championship. I will never ever understand why the WWE didn't put the United States championship on Swagger before Rusev came on the scene. I think it's ridiculous that with the gimmick Jack has he wasn't given the US championship. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that was the best move to make for him. Even though he was a heel it would of still made sense with him showcasing himself as a cocky champion, portraying himself as the better than the average American and that the championship proved that. There you go, an easy storyline that would of given him huge heat as a heel and managed to make him holding the title make sense. Then when Rusev came up to the main roster we could have seen Jack turn baby face with the same views and promos he delivered in the actual feud he had with him. Dropping the US title to Rusev would of been amazing. The amount of heat, entertainment, and excitement would of been great, and I know for a fact that would of been one storyline I would be hooked on even as a Brit. This would of have been a great way for the title to change hands but it would of also gave back the attention needed to the actual championship. But instead we got nothing. Swagger spent months being used to make Rusev look good and give him the push a newbie would need. He lost several matches to him and even when their feud was long gone he was still loosing little matches to him. I honestly think this was a waste of the US championship, a good feud and a good superstar.
3) AJ Lee VS Stephanie McMahon at Wrestlemania
There is no doubt that this years Wrestlemania was insane. It was by far one of the best Wrestlemania's I have ever seen and ranks in my top five of all time. But there is one thing that I was disappointed not see, AJ Lee VS Stephanie McMahon. You may remember me writing a blog post about why this was the perfect year to get this match and in case you didn't see that I will link it bellow so you can go and check that out and give it a read if you want to. Now, wrestling fans, we don't always agree on everything and that is the one thing I love about the community. There is constant debate about everything but if there is one thing that we can almost all agree on it is that we wanted to see AJ Lee VS Stephanie McMahon take place. This is one divas match that everyone was always talking about and wanting to see and it honestly does really upset me that we will never actually see that match happen. I think the foundation was set for it to be this year and it really would have been the perfect year for it. The Wrestlemania thirty one card was just mental and adding one of the requested divas matches of all time added to it would of have just been perfect. We had seen more tensions grow between both AJ and Stephanie throughout the year and after a couple of years worth of building up the timing just felt right. We all knew that this was likely to be AJ's last Wrestlemania and having her go out to this match would have just been a great moment for her and for WWE history. The divas match we actually got did make sense but it just felt like the timing for that was wrong and things could have been done better. It didn't feel like a Wrestlemania quality booking and Lee VS McMahon would have gone down much much better. Here is a little preview of what I wrote in my " Why this is the perfect year for AJ Lee VS Stephanie McMahon" blog post:
"The timing is just right. Stephanie needs to be further reinforced as a major heel and Lee need something new and exciting. With the right amount of attention put into this storyline the WWE could or in fact would have one of the best diva feuds of al time without a doubt. The two women have everything you could ask for. The passion is there, the heat is there from built up moments over the past couple of years and they both have the fan following. Lee being the top diva in the divsion means she has a huge following from the WWE universe and the exact same can be said about Stephanie being the top heel. Stephanie has very quickly become a top heel in the company at times getting more heat than the superstars, she's clearly so comfortable in her role and knows how to play the mean boss to perfection. While I do think AJ makes a better heel she has proven to make a very intresting however still entertaining baby face and knows how to keep the fans wanting more. Despite poor booking during her recent baby face run, Lee is the only solid baby face in the divsion and her anti authority gimmick allows her to pull of an amazing feud with Stephanie despite how whether or not she is portrayed as a heel or baby face.On several different occasions the two women have shown serious chemistry on the mic ad have left you beginning for fists to be thrown and a match between the two witch lets be honest hasn't happened between two divas in a long while." The link to the full post will be bellow.
2) Hell in a cell 2014 ending
One of the greatest feuds of this generation is by far Ambrose VS Rollins. Last year the two took over and had one of the greatest rivalry's in WWE history and to this day, their matches are still being spoken about as they continue to put on amazing bouts. One of my personal favourite Ambrose VS Rollins matches has to be there one on one at last years Hell in a cell pay per view. I think we all left that pay per view exhausted and speechless. They put on a phenomenal match up and yet again tore the house down. However, there is one part of the match that didn't go down well with me at all and something I continue to have a moan about; the ending. I remember writing in my prediction post for this match that it was a no brainier, Ambrose was walking out the victor of this match. He needed the win and with the storyline being the way it was it just felt as though it made sense. The match was going really really well for Dean and just as he was closing in on the victory the lights went out and Bray Wyatt was in the Cell and the next thing we knew he fed Ambrose a sister Abigail and cost Dean the match. Now, I don't completely hate the ending to this match and even I have to admit it made sense. It was a nice, simple transition of feuds for Ambrose and it also meant he didn't have a weak loss. I understand that, not to mention the WWE wanted Rollins to stay on a momentum high, but things could of been done differently. Rollins loosing to Ambrose would not have hurt the role he was on and the big plans they had for him would of easily been able to stick around, there was no doubt about that. If I was booking the match I would of had Ambrose pick up the win because he needed a pay per view win and some momentum going, and then just as he starts to celebrate the lights go down and he is attacked by Wyatt to close the show. It would of meant that Ambrose was transitioned into a new feud easily while also picking up a strong win.
1) The split of the Wyatt family
Finally we have something I feel really passionate about and something I haven't stopped talking about for an entire year now, the split of the Wyatt family. I was actually going to do a complete separate blog post on this but I decided not to and I've managed to cut it down quite a bit but if you would like to see a more detailed blog post on this do let me know, but I'm pretty sure your bored to death of hearing me talk about this. So last year it was a big year for Erick Rowan, Luke Harper, and Bray Wyatt. We saw Harper and Rowan dominate the tag division and half way through the year they had an amazing feud with the Usos. Now, you all know that I'm not the biggest fan of the Usos what so ever but this was actually one of my favourite feuds of the year and one of the best tag team feuds I think I have ever seen. The quality of the matches was just outstanding and they really did deliver to a high standard and I had so many of them in my top fifty matches of the year blog post. Saying all that, there was one big mistake that the WWE made, well two. I will never understand why they did not put the tag team title on Harper and Rowan. With the build up the last match got and how the storyline had been, it just made sense to me to have them end the feud with the tag team titles around their waists. I honestly do think the championships were kept on the Usos for far too long and to be and to many others it just made perfect sense for them to drop the titles to them to end the feud. It
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Stephanie McMahon |
So that is just five of the WWE missed opportunities and mistakes in the past year but I have so many more. If you would like to see a part two then let me know down in the comments section bellow. I'd also love to know what you think are the WWE biggest mistakes and missed opportunities of the past year and of all time by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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