RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! Last night saw the go home show for this Sunday's Money In The Bank pay per view and what a show we were treated. With packed bookings, the last matches for the weekends show announced and a crazy main event it was a busy night. In today's blog post I'm taking you right back through to all of last nights action from start to finish, telling you what I thought of every match, promo, and segment to take place. There's a heck of a lot to get through in today's post so I don't want to waste too much time, but before we jump into things, as usual I have a couple of reminders and up dates for you. First of all, you guys will know by now that is officially Money in the bank prediction week which means that throughout this week I will be uploading my predictions for each match on the card. On Sunday I will be live tweeting throughout the show while also telling you who I'm backing for each match. The morning after I will be uploading my Money in the bank review and reactions post, so there's a busy week ahead! You may also be aware that NXT month will be returning to my blog very very soon. There has been a thew changes with the return date because of how busy I have been but I will have further updates as soon as possible. In the meantime, I will begin to start pre posting for the series so if there are any posts you would like to see in NXT month then do please let me know and I will get straight onto those for you. Next month I will also have some further updated regarding my podcast. I will link bellow any recent posts including my first Money in the bank prediction post. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of last nights Monday night RAW by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Last night's show kick started with the United States champion, John Cena with he's open challenge, who as usual got a very mixed reaction from the crowd. I actually wasn't expecting John to kick start the show. I was expecting another opening segment from the Authority so I was really delighted to see something a little different. I'm really looking forward to he's rematch this weekend against Kevin Owens, it's probably the match I'm most looking forward too if I'm being honest. Before he's open challenge match last night he of course cut a promo for us all with the usual comments, but because I'm so interested in he's match this weekend and the feud with Owens I was really interested in the promo and I did actually get into it a lot and when Kevin Owens made an appearance I was glued to my TV even more. On a serious, note, the promos and segments between these two have just been outstanding! They have both sold their feud and match perfectly and they always leave me on the edge of my seat hanging onto every word, and last night was no different what so ever. During last night show Kevin Owens suggested that we have an NXT championship open challenge and in the end in the decision was was that who ever came down the ramp next would decide what championship they wanted to fight for, either the NXT championship or Cena's United States championship. Last night saw Adrian Neville of all people come down to the ring and of course he was decided to challenge Owens for the championship that he held not that long ago himself. I thought this was amazing. It was a nice little NXT flashback and what I love about this the most was that it proved how important NXT and it's championship really is. The thing with Neville is you can see just how much NXT means to him and how passionate he is about it and that really did shine through last night.
So, the first match of the night saw Kevin Owens defend he's NXT championship against the longest reigning NXT champion in history, Adrian Neville. This was an all star match up and I was really really looking forward it. I was expecting a heck of a lot from these two and the match. These are two of NXT and the WWE's hottest talents right now, they are two of the best of the best and you could only expect a strong quality match up between them. They both represent NXT so so and well and I think this is a very clever way of showcasing the talent down in NXT and the work with Owens and Cena is an amazing way in promoting the product. Back to last nights action and the early stages of this match saw Neville take full control, using speed to he's advantage and allowing that to keep him in control of the match.However it didn't last all that long and the dominance of Owens really did take over. The thing with Owens is he's not all power. He has a very very wide move set as he has already proven that time and time again. He's has a great speed, quick in the ring and very very diverse. He has that unpredictability factor and it's that that leaves you glued to your TV screen. He's an all round performer, with great agility and speed and amazing strength and power. Last night we saw a great deal of that. It was like I was watching a Brock Lesnar match. Neville got very little offence and we saw Owens simply dominate this match as he become more aggressive the longer the match went on. There were a thew times where Neville was able to gain some kind of control but it never really lasted long and Owens always found a way to get back on track. These guys really knew how to keep us all entertained and gripped throughout. There were some amazing spots throughout and it was such a well put together match. Both superstars had a strong showing and despite loosing the match Neville had nothing to feel ashamed about. He put on a great match and won't suffer badly for that loss at all. Another great title defence from Owens. Great opening match and strong all round opening to the show.
Divas action next and it was announced that Nikki Bella would yet again defend her Divas championship against the time champion, Paige. I know you all know what I'm about to say but I have to go there again. I'm beyond pissed off that Paige is getting another title shot. The fact that Paige has been feuding with the Bella's since January is just ridiculous. It drives me mad that there are plenty of other divas like Emma, Summer Rae, Natalya, and Alicia Fox who deserve the spotlight
just as much as Paige. I'm a fan of her's you all know that but when the WWE insist on shoving her down our throats you can't help but want to see the other girls get some attention. Anyway, back to last night and Nikki Bella went one on one with Summer Rae. I've said it plenty times before that I'm a huge Summer Rae fan, I have been for a long time. I think she's the perfect example of someone who wants to succeed and improve. She has taken advantage of everything the WWE has had to offer but for some reason they just aren't pushing her and giving her the attention she deserves. She might not be the sharpest in the ring but she has seriously improved and is much better than people think she is, she just needs a chance to shine. I do really think they should turn her and keep her working as a baby face. She makes a great heel but we could really see a lot from her if she was booked as a baby face. I hate how the divas are never able to get a proper character. One minuet there working as a heel the next a baby face. It's such a shame that the character development is so weak. Anyway, last nights match saw Nikki take early control using her strength advantage to just that, showing off and making frequent covers. Summer got very little offence and in the end Nikki picked up a clean victory gaining some extra momentum before Sunday.
Up next, we saw two men competing in this Sunday's Money in the bank ladder match go one on one as Roman Reigns took on New Day member and ladder match veteran, Kofi Kingston. This might also come to a bit of a surprise but I was actually really looking forward to this match when it was announced by Byron before the show. I think someone like Kofi will push Roman to do better in the ring and push him to he's limits, forcing him to explore and show more of he's move set. They don't have that much history together but I was convinced we could of been in for a little treat here. I have really been enjoying the work of both Roman Reigns and The New Day so I was pretty excited for this one, which surprised me too. I did feel as though Kofi needed the win more but I knew full well that he would either loose the match or it wouldn't end cleanly, but I was really hopeing that Kofi would get a strong, solid win. A defeat over Reigns would really cement him as a serious contender going into Money in the bank so I tried to stay positive for him but I knew deep down what we were going to get. Before the match began Roman delivered a pretty decent promo. I'll cut him some slack, he is improving on the mic slowly. He'll never be Ambrose or Wyatt material but he is getting better slowly and he's character is shining through much better when he speaks. Last night, he was cut off by an appearance from Kane who made it clear what he's role was this Sunday at the money in the bank ladder pay per view. We then had Ziggler come out and say a thew words. I was so delighted to see Ziggler come out last night, he really did save the segment. Then R-truth came out and had me in stitches of laughter and then it was the turn of the New Day, who you guys know keep me very entertained. It wouldn't take long for Orton and Sheamus to make an appearance too. They then jumped to Orton and Sheamus' match But I will write my comments on the Kofi/Reigns match here. Right, so the match last night was actually fairly split down the middle. Both Superstars had their time in control but in all honesty it was Reigns who most of the time got the upper hand, take full advantage of he's strength and actually surprisingly brought a lot of speed to the match. I loved the fact that the New Day stay at ringside and were used as an advantage to Kofi throughout the match, it pushed them as top heels even more and allowed them to generate so much heat and attention. You guys know I'm a big New Day fan so I was really enjoying this one. I still think Reigns has a lot of work to do as I said in my prediction post yesterday but he's matches are just getting better and better and he's all round performances are so much stronger than we have gotten in the past. In the end it was Reigns who got the win. A predicable ending and I would rather had seen Kofi get the win just because he needed it more but it was a decent match.
After last weeks brutal attack, Randy Orton was able to get some redemption and a taste of payback when he went one on one with Sheamus in a rematch from last week. If you read my RAW prediction post you will know that I did actually predict we would get a rematch between these two last night and I'm really glad we did. I have said it before here on my blog and on twitter that these two have such great chemistry and a strong history that whenever their in the ring against one another we can expect a lot both on a wrestling scale and an entertainment scale. They tell a great story and well their both very attractive men so it's nice little treat for us ladies. Now, this Sunday, both Orton and Sheamus will be competing in the money in the bank ladder match and so it was nice to see them kick start a mini feud, it means we can really expect more from them this weekend and they are walking into the match with a story to tell. I've also mentioned a couple of times over the past month that I would love to see these two have a full on feud over the next month or so. I think it would benefit both Orton and Sheamus and put them both back on track. Back to last night's match and I did go into this with high expectations. These two have had some great matches in the past and I was expecting quite a bit from both of them.The early stages of this match saw Orton take full control, letting all he's frustrations out from what took place last week. It was really nice seeing that full on viper side to Orton throughout this match, he really took it to Sheamus from the very start. Sheamus really did struggle to get some offence in the early stages but when he did take some control he really took the time to wear down Orton and slow the pace. What I love about these two is how much they push each other to do better and show the best of themselves. The match was very back and fourth at times and Orton as usual really did feed off of the live crowd. Now, I really did feel as though Sheamus needed this one. He need a strong win before Money in the bank but in the end the match ended in DQ after this time it was Orton who got a chair involved and the attack continued as Orton gave Sheamus a taste of he's own medicine.
Before last night's show began it was announced by Byron Saxton on WWE.com that Kane and Dolph Ziggler would be going one on one on the last stop before this Sunday's pay per view. We know that both these superstars will be competing in the Money in the bank ladder match this weekend and so this match being announced and booked didn't really come to a surprise to me if I'm being honest. I might even of mentioned it in my prediction post last night. To be blunt, I wasn't really expecting a lot from this match at all and I wasn't the biggest fan of the booking. In my opinion Kane needed the win. It might come to a surprise to a lot of you that I am actually backing Kane this weekend at Money in the bank for reasons I spoke about in my prediction post that will be linked bellow. Even though I wasn't expecting a lot from this match I did try my best to get into it and I was very very interested in seeing how it was going to play out. Throughout the match last night we saw Ziggler use he's speed advantage in full effect but the power of Kane really did take over whenever Dolph looked to be getting some offence. Kane spent most of this match dominating and in full control. Half way through the match Rusev came out and the attention very quickly turnt to the domestic happening between Lana and Rusev and after Lana feel off the ramp, Kane was able to use the distraction and pick up the win. A clever ending an I really liked the fact the Lana and Rusev drama is still something the WWE are working on.
We then had another Miz TV and this time the guest were the Intercontinental Champion Ryback and he's opponent for Money in the bank, the big show and after Show knocked Miz out last week, the host wasn't in the best of moods and he actually started demanding a match for a chance at the title but was soon interrupted by the champ. I'm not gonna lie, I actually really enjoyed the little segment between The Miz and Ryback, I wasn't expecting to be entertained by these two but Ryback did a great job last night. he's connecting with the fans so well recently and it's so good to see. I'm slowly gaining more confidence in him as champion. He's really got the fans on he's side and he one hundred per cent deserves it. Eventually the Big Show made an appearance and the first thing he did was actually talk down to the Miz, telling him that he was the one tag team partner he disliked from the very start. He then started hyping himself up, talking of course about he's side and how if he wants to break something he will break and if he want's to take something he will take it. I'll be honest I'm not looking forward to the Big Show VS Ryback match this weekend but the build up and story has been fairly decent. The best part of this segment was when Ryback was able to hit the shell shock on Big Show which was actually really impressive but to be honest I would preferred to have seen him do that firstly at Money in the bank but it was an all round pretty good segment.
Tag team action next and Los Matadores were set to take on Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. I do actually plan on writing up a full blog post on the return of Harper and Rowan so make sure to keep an eye out for that over the next couple of weeks. I'm personally really glad that they are back together but I don't think they should of been separated at the time they were in the first place but as I said, I will have more on this within the next week. Back to last night and Rowan started out the match really taking control and using he's size to he's advantage. From the very start and throughout Harper and Rowan worked really well together, making frequent tags and staying in control. Rowan did spend more time in the match but after some double team it was Harper who got the pin fall win. After the match they completely took out Los Matadores and we also heard a thew words from Harper and Rowan after the match. These are defiantly two guys to keep an eye on over the next couple of months. Keeping in the theme of tag teams, Titus O'Neil went one on one with Big E. As we know the New Day will be defending their tag team titles against the Prime time players this weekend at the money in the bank pay per view. I did mention in my prediction post that I was expecting to see a match like this take place last night so I wasn't surprised at all to see the two powerhouses go at it. Big E did take early control of this match, in all honesty I do think he is the better wrestler of the two. There's no doubt that Titus can move around in that ring and he's strength is unbelievable but I do believe Big E is just the all round better wrestler of the two. Last night's match as short lived after Big E used the distraction to get a quick pin fall victory, meaning they have slightly more momentum heading into their match this weekend.
Finally, main event time and it was an odd one this week as Seth Rollins took on J&J Security in a two on one handicap match. Throughout the night we saw Rollins push the buttons of Joey and Jamie and we finally saw them crack and give up on Rollins. The story telling throughout the night between these three was strong and it made sense but I can't deny the fact that I had no interest in this match and the only reason I continued watching was because Ambrose watching on from the crowd and Kane was at ringside. As predicted, Rollins hardly broke a sweat at the start of this match but we did
actually see J&J Security get some offence and it was nice to see them not get completely walked over and they did get a great reaction from the crowd throughout. Ambrose watching the match did add a lot of entertainment, whenever the camera is on that man he makes things all about him and keeps us all entertained. I was actually surprised to see just how much I got into this match, even my mum showed some interest! It was much much better than I thought it was going to be and it was really entertaining. The ending was just priceless as off the distraction J&J were able to get a quick victory and I honestly could not stop laughing and it was another good night for us Ambrose fans as he left standing tall and of course with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
I thought the show last night was decent. For a go home show it could of been better but stand out matches had to be Owens VS Neville and the rematch between Sheamus and Orton. The final hype for Money in the bank was strong and I am really looking forward to the pay per view. I'd give last night's RAW a six and a half out of ten, but that's why I think. Let me know what YOU thought by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Money in the bank predictions part one
Last night's show kick started with the United States champion, John Cena with he's open challenge, who as usual got a very mixed reaction from the crowd. I actually wasn't expecting John to kick start the show. I was expecting another opening segment from the Authority so I was really delighted to see something a little different. I'm really looking forward to he's rematch this weekend against Kevin Owens, it's probably the match I'm most looking forward too if I'm being honest. Before he's open challenge match last night he of course cut a promo for us all with the usual comments, but because I'm so interested in he's match this weekend and the feud with Owens I was really interested in the promo and I did actually get into it a lot and when Kevin Owens made an appearance I was glued to my TV even more. On a serious, note, the promos and segments between these two have just been outstanding! They have both sold their feud and match perfectly and they always leave me on the edge of my seat hanging onto every word, and last night was no different what so ever. During last night show Kevin Owens suggested that we have an NXT championship open challenge and in the end in the decision was was that who ever came down the ramp next would decide what championship they wanted to fight for, either the NXT championship or Cena's United States championship. Last night saw Adrian Neville of all people come down to the ring and of course he was decided to challenge Owens for the championship that he held not that long ago himself. I thought this was amazing. It was a nice little NXT flashback and what I love about this the most was that it proved how important NXT and it's championship really is. The thing with Neville is you can see just how much NXT means to him and how passionate he is about it and that really did shine through last night.
So, the first match of the night saw Kevin Owens defend he's NXT championship against the longest reigning NXT champion in history, Adrian Neville. This was an all star match up and I was really really looking forward it. I was expecting a heck of a lot from these two and the match. These are two of NXT and the WWE's hottest talents right now, they are two of the best of the best and you could only expect a strong quality match up between them. They both represent NXT so so and well and I think this is a very clever way of showcasing the talent down in NXT and the work with Owens and Cena is an amazing way in promoting the product. Back to last nights action and the early stages of this match saw Neville take full control, using speed to he's advantage and allowing that to keep him in control of the match.However it didn't last all that long and the dominance of Owens really did take over. The thing with Owens is he's not all power. He has a very very wide move set as he has already proven that time and time again. He's has a great speed, quick in the ring and very very diverse. He has that unpredictability factor and it's that that leaves you glued to your TV screen. He's an all round performer, with great agility and speed and amazing strength and power. Last night we saw a great deal of that. It was like I was watching a Brock Lesnar match. Neville got very little offence and we saw Owens simply dominate this match as he become more aggressive the longer the match went on. There were a thew times where Neville was able to gain some kind of control but it never really lasted long and Owens always found a way to get back on track. These guys really knew how to keep us all entertained and gripped throughout. There were some amazing spots throughout and it was such a well put together match. Both superstars had a strong showing and despite loosing the match Neville had nothing to feel ashamed about. He put on a great match and won't suffer badly for that loss at all. Another great title defence from Owens. Great opening match and strong all round opening to the show.
Divas action next and it was announced that Nikki Bella would yet again defend her Divas championship against the time champion, Paige. I know you all know what I'm about to say but I have to go there again. I'm beyond pissed off that Paige is getting another title shot. The fact that Paige has been feuding with the Bella's since January is just ridiculous. It drives me mad that there are plenty of other divas like Emma, Summer Rae, Natalya, and Alicia Fox who deserve the spotlight
just as much as Paige. I'm a fan of her's you all know that but when the WWE insist on shoving her down our throats you can't help but want to see the other girls get some attention. Anyway, back to last night and Nikki Bella went one on one with Summer Rae. I've said it plenty times before that I'm a huge Summer Rae fan, I have been for a long time. I think she's the perfect example of someone who wants to succeed and improve. She has taken advantage of everything the WWE has had to offer but for some reason they just aren't pushing her and giving her the attention she deserves. She might not be the sharpest in the ring but she has seriously improved and is much better than people think she is, she just needs a chance to shine. I do really think they should turn her and keep her working as a baby face. She makes a great heel but we could really see a lot from her if she was booked as a baby face. I hate how the divas are never able to get a proper character. One minuet there working as a heel the next a baby face. It's such a shame that the character development is so weak. Anyway, last nights match saw Nikki take early control using her strength advantage to just that, showing off and making frequent covers. Summer got very little offence and in the end Nikki picked up a clean victory gaining some extra momentum before Sunday.
Up next, we saw two men competing in this Sunday's Money in the bank ladder match go one on one as Roman Reigns took on New Day member and ladder match veteran, Kofi Kingston. This might also come to a bit of a surprise but I was actually really looking forward to this match when it was announced by Byron before the show. I think someone like Kofi will push Roman to do better in the ring and push him to he's limits, forcing him to explore and show more of he's move set. They don't have that much history together but I was convinced we could of been in for a little treat here. I have really been enjoying the work of both Roman Reigns and The New Day so I was pretty excited for this one, which surprised me too. I did feel as though Kofi needed the win more but I knew full well that he would either loose the match or it wouldn't end cleanly, but I was really hopeing that Kofi would get a strong, solid win. A defeat over Reigns would really cement him as a serious contender going into Money in the bank so I tried to stay positive for him but I knew deep down what we were going to get. Before the match began Roman delivered a pretty decent promo. I'll cut him some slack, he is improving on the mic slowly. He'll never be Ambrose or Wyatt material but he is getting better slowly and he's character is shining through much better when he speaks. Last night, he was cut off by an appearance from Kane who made it clear what he's role was this Sunday at the money in the bank ladder pay per view. We then had Ziggler come out and say a thew words. I was so delighted to see Ziggler come out last night, he really did save the segment. Then R-truth came out and had me in stitches of laughter and then it was the turn of the New Day, who you guys know keep me very entertained. It wouldn't take long for Orton and Sheamus to make an appearance too. They then jumped to Orton and Sheamus' match But I will write my comments on the Kofi/Reigns match here. Right, so the match last night was actually fairly split down the middle. Both Superstars had their time in control but in all honesty it was Reigns who most of the time got the upper hand, take full advantage of he's strength and actually surprisingly brought a lot of speed to the match. I loved the fact that the New Day stay at ringside and were used as an advantage to Kofi throughout the match, it pushed them as top heels even more and allowed them to generate so much heat and attention. You guys know I'm a big New Day fan so I was really enjoying this one. I still think Reigns has a lot of work to do as I said in my prediction post yesterday but he's matches are just getting better and better and he's all round performances are so much stronger than we have gotten in the past. In the end it was Reigns who got the win. A predicable ending and I would rather had seen Kofi get the win just because he needed it more but it was a decent match.
After last weeks brutal attack, Randy Orton was able to get some redemption and a taste of payback when he went one on one with Sheamus in a rematch from last week. If you read my RAW prediction post you will know that I did actually predict we would get a rematch between these two last night and I'm really glad we did. I have said it before here on my blog and on twitter that these two have such great chemistry and a strong history that whenever their in the ring against one another we can expect a lot both on a wrestling scale and an entertainment scale. They tell a great story and well their both very attractive men so it's nice little treat for us ladies. Now, this Sunday, both Orton and Sheamus will be competing in the money in the bank ladder match and so it was nice to see them kick start a mini feud, it means we can really expect more from them this weekend and they are walking into the match with a story to tell. I've also mentioned a couple of times over the past month that I would love to see these two have a full on feud over the next month or so. I think it would benefit both Orton and Sheamus and put them both back on track. Back to last night's match and I did go into this with high expectations. These two have had some great matches in the past and I was expecting quite a bit from both of them.The early stages of this match saw Orton take full control, letting all he's frustrations out from what took place last week. It was really nice seeing that full on viper side to Orton throughout this match, he really took it to Sheamus from the very start. Sheamus really did struggle to get some offence in the early stages but when he did take some control he really took the time to wear down Orton and slow the pace. What I love about these two is how much they push each other to do better and show the best of themselves. The match was very back and fourth at times and Orton as usual really did feed off of the live crowd. Now, I really did feel as though Sheamus needed this one. He need a strong win before Money in the bank but in the end the match ended in DQ after this time it was Orton who got a chair involved and the attack continued as Orton gave Sheamus a taste of he's own medicine.
Before last night's show began it was announced by Byron Saxton on WWE.com that Kane and Dolph Ziggler would be going one on one on the last stop before this Sunday's pay per view. We know that both these superstars will be competing in the Money in the bank ladder match this weekend and so this match being announced and booked didn't really come to a surprise to me if I'm being honest. I might even of mentioned it in my prediction post last night. To be blunt, I wasn't really expecting a lot from this match at all and I wasn't the biggest fan of the booking. In my opinion Kane needed the win. It might come to a surprise to a lot of you that I am actually backing Kane this weekend at Money in the bank for reasons I spoke about in my prediction post that will be linked bellow. Even though I wasn't expecting a lot from this match I did try my best to get into it and I was very very interested in seeing how it was going to play out. Throughout the match last night we saw Ziggler use he's speed advantage in full effect but the power of Kane really did take over whenever Dolph looked to be getting some offence. Kane spent most of this match dominating and in full control. Half way through the match Rusev came out and the attention very quickly turnt to the domestic happening between Lana and Rusev and after Lana feel off the ramp, Kane was able to use the distraction and pick up the win. A clever ending an I really liked the fact the Lana and Rusev drama is still something the WWE are working on.
We then had another Miz TV and this time the guest were the Intercontinental Champion Ryback and he's opponent for Money in the bank, the big show and after Show knocked Miz out last week, the host wasn't in the best of moods and he actually started demanding a match for a chance at the title but was soon interrupted by the champ. I'm not gonna lie, I actually really enjoyed the little segment between The Miz and Ryback, I wasn't expecting to be entertained by these two but Ryback did a great job last night. he's connecting with the fans so well recently and it's so good to see. I'm slowly gaining more confidence in him as champion. He's really got the fans on he's side and he one hundred per cent deserves it. Eventually the Big Show made an appearance and the first thing he did was actually talk down to the Miz, telling him that he was the one tag team partner he disliked from the very start. He then started hyping himself up, talking of course about he's side and how if he wants to break something he will break and if he want's to take something he will take it. I'll be honest I'm not looking forward to the Big Show VS Ryback match this weekend but the build up and story has been fairly decent. The best part of this segment was when Ryback was able to hit the shell shock on Big Show which was actually really impressive but to be honest I would preferred to have seen him do that firstly at Money in the bank but it was an all round pretty good segment.
Tag team action next and Los Matadores were set to take on Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. I do actually plan on writing up a full blog post on the return of Harper and Rowan so make sure to keep an eye out for that over the next couple of weeks. I'm personally really glad that they are back together but I don't think they should of been separated at the time they were in the first place but as I said, I will have more on this within the next week. Back to last night and Rowan started out the match really taking control and using he's size to he's advantage. From the very start and throughout Harper and Rowan worked really well together, making frequent tags and staying in control. Rowan did spend more time in the match but after some double team it was Harper who got the pin fall win. After the match they completely took out Los Matadores and we also heard a thew words from Harper and Rowan after the match. These are defiantly two guys to keep an eye on over the next couple of months. Keeping in the theme of tag teams, Titus O'Neil went one on one with Big E. As we know the New Day will be defending their tag team titles against the Prime time players this weekend at the money in the bank pay per view. I did mention in my prediction post that I was expecting to see a match like this take place last night so I wasn't surprised at all to see the two powerhouses go at it. Big E did take early control of this match, in all honesty I do think he is the better wrestler of the two. There's no doubt that Titus can move around in that ring and he's strength is unbelievable but I do believe Big E is just the all round better wrestler of the two. Last night's match as short lived after Big E used the distraction to get a quick pin fall victory, meaning they have slightly more momentum heading into their match this weekend.

actually see J&J Security get some offence and it was nice to see them not get completely walked over and they did get a great reaction from the crowd throughout. Ambrose watching the match did add a lot of entertainment, whenever the camera is on that man he makes things all about him and keeps us all entertained. I was actually surprised to see just how much I got into this match, even my mum showed some interest! It was much much better than I thought it was going to be and it was really entertaining. The ending was just priceless as off the distraction J&J were able to get a quick victory and I honestly could not stop laughing and it was another good night for us Ambrose fans as he left standing tall and of course with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
I thought the show last night was decent. For a go home show it could of been better but stand out matches had to be Owens VS Neville and the rematch between Sheamus and Orton. The final hype for Money in the bank was strong and I am really looking forward to the pay per view. I'd give last night's RAW a six and a half out of ten, but that's why I think. Let me know what YOU thought by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Money in the bank predictions part one
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