Top 20 Matches of May PT1
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. So, we have reached the end of another month which of course means it's time to go back and look some of the best matches of may as I count down the top twenty matches of the month. May has been insane and over the past four weeks we have seen some of my favourite and all round strongest matches of the year. Whether if its been NXT, WWE, or TNA we have seen some phenomenal matches and it's been really hard to narrow it down to just twenty matches but I think a really strong list and one that is probably the best top twenty so far this year. Part two will be uploaded on Wednesday if things go to plan but we have a huge week of looking back at the month of May so I hope you enjoy everything that is coming your way this week. Now, before we get into today's blog post there's a thew little reminders for you. First up, NXT Month. July will see the return of NXT month and I will start pre posting for that next week so if there are any posts in particular that you would like to see do please let me know by leaving a comment bellow. I will also be having more information on my podcast which I plan to start towards the end of this year. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog post so you can stay all up to date on everything. And finally, you can let me know what you thought of this months action and what has been your match of the month by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
20) Taryn Terrell VS Brook (TNA 3/5)
Kicking off this months top twenty matches of the month is the first Knockouts match in the list, going right back to the start of the month on the third witch saw Taryn Terrell go one on one with Brook. It was at the end of April that we saw Taryn start a new little faction called "the doll house". I know there are split opinions on the whole thing but I have been loving it. I think it's a really clever and interesting idea. It works so well in this day and age of wrestling and I felt like it had huge potential from the very start. The edition of Taryn was just perfect. I will admit that for this match in particular I didn't have the highest of expectations. Don't get me wrong these are two very very talented female wrestlers and two of my personal favourites but I was honestly expecting to just get a simple, short one on one with Taryn dominating and it ending in DQ, but that is not what we got at all. These girls really proved they are two of the best around and proved that the TNA knockouts are some of the best female wrestlers in world. If you look at how much these two have improved over the years you can't help but be seriously impressed. The action they brought was insane. I was so so impressed with Brook. She sold moves really well and did such a good job getting the crowd going, and to be honest they were all pretty much a one hundred per cent team Brook crowd. She executed moves down to perfection. Admittedly there were a couple of messy moments and parts that didn't flow as well but they were all over looked because of how strong the performance was. Taryn had a decent showing as champion and it was nice seeing an even more feisty, aggressive version of Taryn I really enjoyed seeing that. There was some really nice spots that left me really impressed with both girls, particularly Brooke. The addition of the rest of the Doll house members left you one edge a little because you really didn't know what they would end up doing as part of their role. I liked how Taryn won. It didn't make Brook look weak because the champ used the Doll house yet again to win and in the end she had a great match. I loved the segment after even more between Gail and Taryn. I thought it was a little too early to start getting strong rivals for the Doll house but I liked seeing Gail and Kong work together. It's so great being so into a women's rivalry so much.
19) John Cena VS Adrian Neville (RAW 11/5)
Up next is a match that features two superstars who have stood out the most over the past couple months, John Cena and Adrian Neville. On the eleventh of this month during Monday night RAW John Cena set he's weekly open challenge and it was answered by the longest reigning NXT Champion of all time, Adrian Neville. As soon as Neville's music hit I had a huge smile on my face. Earlier on in the night I had predicted in my RAW Prediction post that he would be answering the open challenge on the night and I had high expectations of this match. These two superstars are very very different in the ring and I was looking forward to seeing how their different styles complimented each others. Throughout the match we got back and fourth action between the two but for me it was Neville who stood out. The stuff he does in the ring never stop amazing me and it was no different on this particular night. He really put on a strong fight throwing stuff at Cena that the fifteen time champion had never been faced with. He brought the speed and the unpredictability. The energy was insane and the action was none stop. We even saw Cena pull out some fresh stuff out of the bag. The match was so well put together and more than enough to get in this months top twenty matches of the month.
18)Doll House VS Gail Kim & Awesome Kong (TNA 10/5)
Up next is another knockouts match and it comes from the three on two handicap match taken place on the tenth of this month. You look at this line up alone and you know your in for a treat. I've spoke a lot over the past month about the Dollhouse and how much of a fan I am of them. I really like the idea and I think they really do have so much potential. I will admit I wasn't all that happy about this match taking place so early on into the debut of the Dollhouse. I would of liked to have seen them have a real dominate run and then see this match take place just because it was such a big deal and the end result should of been Gail and Kong picking up the win but because of when it took place it meant that the Dollhouse had to get the win on that night. The match itself lived up to the hype. Being a huge fan of both Gail and Kong for so long and loving their long time rivalry, it felt so good to see them on the same side, teaming for the first time, it was such an amazing moment as a long time fan. They struggled at the beginning to get on the same side but as the match went on they began to work better and better and better. We got so see an equal amount of both knockouts and the match flowed really well. I would of liked to have seen more of Taryn but I really liked the role she played. I liked how the Dollhouse worked and after the match we got a really great moment between Gail and Kong as despite not winning the match they proved they are two of the greatest female competitors of all time.
17) Charlotte & Bayley VS Emma and Dan Brooks
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Up next, divas action, and for the first time at an NXT live show, we were given not one but two divas matches. The first was a tag team match which saw former NXT Women's champion team up with fan favourite Bayley to take on the team of Emma and newly debuted Dana Brooks. For a couple of weeks now we have seen Dana call out Charlotte and show some serious jealousy towards the genetically superior diva. I have actually liked the tensions between these two. I think it makes sense and it's a nice easy way to put Dana in the spotlight, push her as a heel and at the same time ease her into the roster while pushing Charlotte out a little as she heads up to the main roster. Then there's the on going feud between Emma and Bayley which once again, I have been really enjoying. Just like with Charlotte and Dana the feud makes sense. So far it has been really well done and the story development has been strong. Now, last night I was rooting for Charlotte and Bayley, simply because they are my favourites of the four, however, when it comes down to who actually needed the win it was hands down Emma and Dana. Emma needs momentum after not having so much success on the main roster and during the early stages of her feud with Emma. The same goes for Dana. She hasn't been on the scene long and so far she isn't getting a great response from the fans, so I felt as though she really needed to prove herself and pick up a strong win. Pinning Charlotte would of allowed her to make a huge mark in NXT. If I'm being honest, I wasn't expecting a lot from this match. I predicted it to be short and simple but this is NXT divas we're talking about, so we can always expect good quality. The early stages of the match saw Bayley and Charlotte in control and working really well together which was expected after the history they have. However, as the match progressed we really saw Emma and Dana take control and we saw this for quite sometime. I was surprised to see how just well the two heels worked together. They mad frequent tags and showcased
a lot of character. The match itself flowed really well and it went on a lot longer than I expected it too. If I had to choose the weakest diva of the four last night it had to be Dana. We did see more of her and she didn't have a disappointing performance at all but the fact she is the least experienced really did show at times but she did have an all round good performance she brought a lot of character and storytelling to the match. The stand out of the match for me had to be Charlotte, there's no question about it. She may not have been in the ring as much as Bayley when she was competing she was in full control and left everyone on their feet, not to mention it was the former NXT Women's champion who closed in on the victory for her and Bayley. This was a really well put together match up. It was easy to get into thanks to the strong wrestling ability, story telling, chemistry and character. I think it's still sad that the Payback divas match was a tag team match up and it was not of the standard that we got from last nights divas tag team match.
16) Kurt Angle VS Eric Young (TNA 10/5)
Up next we have another TNA match in the list and this time it comes from the main event of the tenth of this months show. I've mentioned before in previous blog post that for some reason the work surrounding the TNA world championship never excites me and I have such little interest. When it comes to TNA it's always the X divsion and the tag division that gets my attention and keeps me watching. However, I have really been enjoying the work from Eric Young this month yet again. He makes such a strong heel and with a good character and great wrestling ability, I can't help but enjoy everything he does. This match in particular stood out this month because it was so so strong. I could not keep my eyes off of the TV. Now, I'm not a fan of this feud, I haven't been from the start but the matches have always delivered to a high standard. This was one hundred per cent one of them. I liked how much we got to see Young in control of the match. We got pure wrestling in this match and it wasn't overly gimmicky at all. I liked the chaos half way through the match with the rising and Chris Melendes and the Beat down clan, so we got some great story development there. It was such a close calling match and there were so many times I as convinced that Young had the win and I really like that in a match because it keeps me watching and that's what this one did.
15)New Day VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (Smackdown 1/5)
Up next is one of my favourite tag team matches and Smackdown matches of the month. Now I know that this match did first air on the Thursday witch was the last day of April but here in the UK it first aired on Friday the first of May so I thought that it would still be ok putting it in the May top twenty. Anyway, these guys had one of my favourite matches back at Extreme Rules so I was so down for watching them go at it yet again. I have been saying a lot over the past couple of months that I have been loving the work from the WWE main roster tag division. The booking for almost every team has been done so so well, even on shows like Main event and Superstars. It's nice to actually be interested in WWE tag team action from the main roster. This match in particular stood out this month because of the amazing wrestling, the storytelling and the team work. From start to finish these guys had my full attention. It was a fast paced match but it had it's moment's where it slowed down a little. The styles where very mixed. There was a touch of high flying from Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Kidd brought the technicality, and Cesaro and Big E obviously brought the power and strength. There wasn't just one man from each team who got the most time, all four superstars got their time to shine and they all was able to have some great spots. It was one of those matches where you could't afford to take your eyes off of the screen because you could miss something vital. There was close pin falls after close pin falls and that really grabbed your attention. Plus because of the unpredictability in the WWE at the moment (particularly in the tag division) I found myself so much more into the match. I loved how it ended, I thought it pushed the New day as the big heels they are and they all told a great story throughout.
14) Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn (NXT Takeover Unstoppable)
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Finally, it was main event time and the turn of one of the most personal matches in NXT history. A match that the entire world was looking forward to as Kevin Owens took on he's former best friend and fan favourite Sami Zayn, defending he's NXT Championship .There's no doubt about it, this was an all star match up. Everyone was expecting a heck of a lot from this match including myself. The two are so well travelled, have so much experience and know each other so well both in an outside of the ring that the chemistry between them was so strong we were for sure set to have an outstanding main event and one that could possibly make NXT history. The standard was very high and everyone has seriously high expectations of this match but there was not a chance in hell that these two were going to disappoint. They had a strong build up and after both of them had a confrontation with top WWE superstar and current United States champion, John Cena, the two were both beaming with momentum. The entire arena and everyone at home was super excited for this match and the energy was just insane! I was surprised to see Sami Zayn dominate this match almost completely. From the moment he got he's hands on Owens he took full control and we saw a side to Zayn that I don't think we have seen before. It was more than desperation and anger. It was about him proving himself and getting he's payback on the NXT champion. There was so much energy and passion brought to this match and I found myself just glued to my screen. Watching, I felt as though I was in the arena watching the action at ringside. It felt as though the fans were involved in a way that you just don't usually see or feel. When Owens did regain control he really regained control and we never really saw Zayn bounce back. I have said it before and after last night I will say it again, Kevin Owens has that feel of being the Brock Lesnar of NXT. He's that unstoppable force that doesn't give a crap about anything or anyone and we really saw that last night. Then we have the debut of Samoa Joe. There's not much I can say about this apart from the fact I marked out in a way I don't think I ever have done before. I spent the whole not hopeing that he would make an appearance but I don't think I was truly expecting it so when he did come out and confronted Owens apart of me died. I honestly cannot wait to see what the WWE have in store for these two. I think this is just another example of why everyone should be watching NXT. It's here that the best of the best really are.
13) Kenny King VS Rockstar Spud VS Mandrews VS Tigre Uno (TNA 3/5)
Up next is one of the matches I most enjoyed and one that I got into the most out of every match on the list, going back to the early stages of the month on the third, we have the X- Division championship ladder match between Kenny King, RockStar Spud, Tigre Uno, and Mandrews. Just looking at this line up you know you are in for a treat and your about to get one heck of a match and that is exactly what we got. None of these guys disappointed us what so ever. The action started from the very moment the last wrestler came down to the ramp and we were all gripped from that moment on wards. Everything was nice and fast paced and the match as a whole had everything you could possibly want. Apart from Spud everyone had a stand out performance. I have to give it to Spud though, He did work he's injury storyline really really well and he took some huge bumps. So storyline wise, Spud was a stand out. For me the main guy that got my attention had to be Tigre Uno. Whenever this guy is in the ring I'm impressed but on this particular night in the his particular match I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. You just knew he was about to do something amazing but you didn't know when an you didn't know what exactly that amazing thing was going to be. He and Mandrews took centre stage throughout this match, hitting some great moves on one another and selling like crazy. They both used their high flying style to their advantage and even though Kenny King left the winner and new X division champion it was Uno and Mandrews who everyone was talking about for weeks to come. Kenny King did have a good, memorable performance too and I really liked that he won the match. The addition of Homicide assisting Kenny King to he's win worked so well for me, and set up a nice little story to go on. You guys know how much I love the BDC.
I haven't stopped praising the work of the creative team and what they have been doing with the tag division. Throughout the month we have got some great tag team action and this was by far one of the best matches of the Payback pay per view and the month. This was a two out of three falls match for the titles witch just added a whole new level of interest to everything. I was already really looking forward to the match and so making it a two out of three falls match just changed the game completely. I have said it before but there is so much diversity within these two teams and they all bring something new and fresh. What we got in this match was constancy. From start to finish this match was strong. I never lost any interest what so ever. The stand outs by far were Big E and Cesaro. These guys made the match about them and really did blow my mind away. I never get over just how diverse Cesaro is in the ring and he really showed that diversity in this match. It was a highly entertaining match and an unpredictable one at that, keeping everyone hooked to the end. Talking of the end, how perfect was it? It was so clever and so well done. Xavier coming in and getting the win for Kofi and Big E was so unexpected and really well done. It pushed the new day as heels even more and at the same time Cesaro and Kidd never looked weak.
20) Taryn Terrell VS Brook (TNA 3/5)
Kicking off this months top twenty matches of the month is the first Knockouts match in the list, going right back to the start of the month on the third witch saw Taryn Terrell go one on one with Brook. It was at the end of April that we saw Taryn start a new little faction called "the doll house". I know there are split opinions on the whole thing but I have been loving it. I think it's a really clever and interesting idea. It works so well in this day and age of wrestling and I felt like it had huge potential from the very start. The edition of Taryn was just perfect. I will admit that for this match in particular I didn't have the highest of expectations. Don't get me wrong these are two very very talented female wrestlers and two of my personal favourites but I was honestly expecting to just get a simple, short one on one with Taryn dominating and it ending in DQ, but that is not what we got at all. These girls really proved they are two of the best around and proved that the TNA knockouts are some of the best female wrestlers in world. If you look at how much these two have improved over the years you can't help but be seriously impressed. The action they brought was insane. I was so so impressed with Brook. She sold moves really well and did such a good job getting the crowd going, and to be honest they were all pretty much a one hundred per cent team Brook crowd. She executed moves down to perfection. Admittedly there were a couple of messy moments and parts that didn't flow as well but they were all over looked because of how strong the performance was. Taryn had a decent showing as champion and it was nice seeing an even more feisty, aggressive version of Taryn I really enjoyed seeing that. There was some really nice spots that left me really impressed with both girls, particularly Brooke. The addition of the rest of the Doll house members left you one edge a little because you really didn't know what they would end up doing as part of their role. I liked how Taryn won. It didn't make Brook look weak because the champ used the Doll house yet again to win and in the end she had a great match. I loved the segment after even more between Gail and Taryn. I thought it was a little too early to start getting strong rivals for the Doll house but I liked seeing Gail and Kong work together. It's so great being so into a women's rivalry so much.
19) John Cena VS Adrian Neville (RAW 11/5)
Up next is a match that features two superstars who have stood out the most over the past couple months, John Cena and Adrian Neville. On the eleventh of this month during Monday night RAW John Cena set he's weekly open challenge and it was answered by the longest reigning NXT Champion of all time, Adrian Neville. As soon as Neville's music hit I had a huge smile on my face. Earlier on in the night I had predicted in my RAW Prediction post that he would be answering the open challenge on the night and I had high expectations of this match. These two superstars are very very different in the ring and I was looking forward to seeing how their different styles complimented each others. Throughout the match we got back and fourth action between the two but for me it was Neville who stood out. The stuff he does in the ring never stop amazing me and it was no different on this particular night. He really put on a strong fight throwing stuff at Cena that the fifteen time champion had never been faced with. He brought the speed and the unpredictability. The energy was insane and the action was none stop. We even saw Cena pull out some fresh stuff out of the bag. The match was so well put together and more than enough to get in this months top twenty matches of the month.
18)Doll House VS Gail Kim & Awesome Kong (TNA 10/5)
Up next is another knockouts match and it comes from the three on two handicap match taken place on the tenth of this month. You look at this line up alone and you know your in for a treat. I've spoke a lot over the past month about the Dollhouse and how much of a fan I am of them. I really like the idea and I think they really do have so much potential. I will admit I wasn't all that happy about this match taking place so early on into the debut of the Dollhouse. I would of liked to have seen them have a real dominate run and then see this match take place just because it was such a big deal and the end result should of been Gail and Kong picking up the win but because of when it took place it meant that the Dollhouse had to get the win on that night. The match itself lived up to the hype. Being a huge fan of both Gail and Kong for so long and loving their long time rivalry, it felt so good to see them on the same side, teaming for the first time, it was such an amazing moment as a long time fan. They struggled at the beginning to get on the same side but as the match went on they began to work better and better and better. We got so see an equal amount of both knockouts and the match flowed really well. I would of liked to have seen more of Taryn but I really liked the role she played. I liked how the Dollhouse worked and after the match we got a really great moment between Gail and Kong as despite not winning the match they proved they are two of the greatest female competitors of all time.
17) Charlotte & Bayley VS Emma and Dan Brooks
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Up next, divas action, and for the first time at an NXT live show, we were given not one but two divas matches. The first was a tag team match which saw former NXT Women's champion team up with fan favourite Bayley to take on the team of Emma and newly debuted Dana Brooks. For a couple of weeks now we have seen Dana call out Charlotte and show some serious jealousy towards the genetically superior diva. I have actually liked the tensions between these two. I think it makes sense and it's a nice easy way to put Dana in the spotlight, push her as a heel and at the same time ease her into the roster while pushing Charlotte out a little as she heads up to the main roster. Then there's the on going feud between Emma and Bayley which once again, I have been really enjoying. Just like with Charlotte and Dana the feud makes sense. So far it has been really well done and the story development has been strong. Now, last night I was rooting for Charlotte and Bayley, simply because they are my favourites of the four, however, when it comes down to who actually needed the win it was hands down Emma and Dana. Emma needs momentum after not having so much success on the main roster and during the early stages of her feud with Emma. The same goes for Dana. She hasn't been on the scene long and so far she isn't getting a great response from the fans, so I felt as though she really needed to prove herself and pick up a strong win. Pinning Charlotte would of allowed her to make a huge mark in NXT. If I'm being honest, I wasn't expecting a lot from this match. I predicted it to be short and simple but this is NXT divas we're talking about, so we can always expect good quality. The early stages of the match saw Bayley and Charlotte in control and working really well together which was expected after the history they have. However, as the match progressed we really saw Emma and Dana take control and we saw this for quite sometime. I was surprised to see how just well the two heels worked together. They mad frequent tags and showcased
a lot of character. The match itself flowed really well and it went on a lot longer than I expected it too. If I had to choose the weakest diva of the four last night it had to be Dana. We did see more of her and she didn't have a disappointing performance at all but the fact she is the least experienced really did show at times but she did have an all round good performance she brought a lot of character and storytelling to the match. The stand out of the match for me had to be Charlotte, there's no question about it. She may not have been in the ring as much as Bayley when she was competing she was in full control and left everyone on their feet, not to mention it was the former NXT Women's champion who closed in on the victory for her and Bayley. This was a really well put together match up. It was easy to get into thanks to the strong wrestling ability, story telling, chemistry and character. I think it's still sad that the Payback divas match was a tag team match up and it was not of the standard that we got from last nights divas tag team match.
16) Kurt Angle VS Eric Young (TNA 10/5)
Up next we have another TNA match in the list and this time it comes from the main event of the tenth of this months show. I've mentioned before in previous blog post that for some reason the work surrounding the TNA world championship never excites me and I have such little interest. When it comes to TNA it's always the X divsion and the tag division that gets my attention and keeps me watching. However, I have really been enjoying the work from Eric Young this month yet again. He makes such a strong heel and with a good character and great wrestling ability, I can't help but enjoy everything he does. This match in particular stood out this month because it was so so strong. I could not keep my eyes off of the TV. Now, I'm not a fan of this feud, I haven't been from the start but the matches have always delivered to a high standard. This was one hundred per cent one of them. I liked how much we got to see Young in control of the match. We got pure wrestling in this match and it wasn't overly gimmicky at all. I liked the chaos half way through the match with the rising and Chris Melendes and the Beat down clan, so we got some great story development there. It was such a close calling match and there were so many times I as convinced that Young had the win and I really like that in a match because it keeps me watching and that's what this one did.
15)New Day VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (Smackdown 1/5)
Up next is one of my favourite tag team matches and Smackdown matches of the month. Now I know that this match did first air on the Thursday witch was the last day of April but here in the UK it first aired on Friday the first of May so I thought that it would still be ok putting it in the May top twenty. Anyway, these guys had one of my favourite matches back at Extreme Rules so I was so down for watching them go at it yet again. I have been saying a lot over the past couple of months that I have been loving the work from the WWE main roster tag division. The booking for almost every team has been done so so well, even on shows like Main event and Superstars. It's nice to actually be interested in WWE tag team action from the main roster. This match in particular stood out this month because of the amazing wrestling, the storytelling and the team work. From start to finish these guys had my full attention. It was a fast paced match but it had it's moment's where it slowed down a little. The styles where very mixed. There was a touch of high flying from Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Kidd brought the technicality, and Cesaro and Big E obviously brought the power and strength. There wasn't just one man from each team who got the most time, all four superstars got their time to shine and they all was able to have some great spots. It was one of those matches where you could't afford to take your eyes off of the screen because you could miss something vital. There was close pin falls after close pin falls and that really grabbed your attention. Plus because of the unpredictability in the WWE at the moment (particularly in the tag division) I found myself so much more into the match. I loved how it ended, I thought it pushed the New day as the big heels they are and they all told a great story throughout.
14) Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn (NXT Takeover Unstoppable)
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Finally, it was main event time and the turn of one of the most personal matches in NXT history. A match that the entire world was looking forward to as Kevin Owens took on he's former best friend and fan favourite Sami Zayn, defending he's NXT Championship .There's no doubt about it, this was an all star match up. Everyone was expecting a heck of a lot from this match including myself. The two are so well travelled, have so much experience and know each other so well both in an outside of the ring that the chemistry between them was so strong we were for sure set to have an outstanding main event and one that could possibly make NXT history. The standard was very high and everyone has seriously high expectations of this match but there was not a chance in hell that these two were going to disappoint. They had a strong build up and after both of them had a confrontation with top WWE superstar and current United States champion, John Cena, the two were both beaming with momentum. The entire arena and everyone at home was super excited for this match and the energy was just insane! I was surprised to see Sami Zayn dominate this match almost completely. From the moment he got he's hands on Owens he took full control and we saw a side to Zayn that I don't think we have seen before. It was more than desperation and anger. It was about him proving himself and getting he's payback on the NXT champion. There was so much energy and passion brought to this match and I found myself just glued to my screen. Watching, I felt as though I was in the arena watching the action at ringside. It felt as though the fans were involved in a way that you just don't usually see or feel. When Owens did regain control he really regained control and we never really saw Zayn bounce back. I have said it before and after last night I will say it again, Kevin Owens has that feel of being the Brock Lesnar of NXT. He's that unstoppable force that doesn't give a crap about anything or anyone and we really saw that last night. Then we have the debut of Samoa Joe. There's not much I can say about this apart from the fact I marked out in a way I don't think I ever have done before. I spent the whole not hopeing that he would make an appearance but I don't think I was truly expecting it so when he did come out and confronted Owens apart of me died. I honestly cannot wait to see what the WWE have in store for these two. I think this is just another example of why everyone should be watching NXT. It's here that the best of the best really are.
13) Kenny King VS Rockstar Spud VS Mandrews VS Tigre Uno (TNA 3/5)
Up next is one of the matches I most enjoyed and one that I got into the most out of every match on the list, going back to the early stages of the month on the third, we have the X- Division championship ladder match between Kenny King, RockStar Spud, Tigre Uno, and Mandrews. Just looking at this line up you know you are in for a treat and your about to get one heck of a match and that is exactly what we got. None of these guys disappointed us what so ever. The action started from the very moment the last wrestler came down to the ramp and we were all gripped from that moment on wards. Everything was nice and fast paced and the match as a whole had everything you could possibly want. Apart from Spud everyone had a stand out performance. I have to give it to Spud though, He did work he's injury storyline really really well and he took some huge bumps. So storyline wise, Spud was a stand out. For me the main guy that got my attention had to be Tigre Uno. Whenever this guy is in the ring I'm impressed but on this particular night in the his particular match I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. You just knew he was about to do something amazing but you didn't know when an you didn't know what exactly that amazing thing was going to be. He and Mandrews took centre stage throughout this match, hitting some great moves on one another and selling like crazy. They both used their high flying style to their advantage and even though Kenny King left the winner and new X division champion it was Uno and Mandrews who everyone was talking about for weeks to come. Kenny King did have a good, memorable performance too and I really liked that he won the match. The addition of Homicide assisting Kenny King to he's win worked so well for me, and set up a nice little story to go on. You guys know how much I love the BDC.
12) Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (Smackdown 1/5)
We now have another match that I was interested in from the very moment it was first announced, we're going right back to the start of the month for this one as it is of course, Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins back on the first of May. This is another match that did first air at the end of April but over here in the UK we got it on the Friday so I thought that I could still put the match in the list. When you say the words Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins you know straight away that you are gonna be in for a treat. It doesn't matter if these guys are given a thirty minuet match or a five minuet match, whether the match is on Smackdown or a pay per view, you know these guys are going to give it there all and put a match on that keeps us talking. They proved this very fact on the first of May. I loved the backstage work before the match. I was actually really ill and when I was watching this Smackdown but the work between the two put a huge smile on my face and the backstage segment got me right in the mood for their match. Now, these two have bags and bags of chemistry. They've worked together as a team and enemies. Their rivalry goes way back to FCW so there is a story there already. What I was mainly happy about was Ambrose's booking. He was in need of something big and a one on one against the champ was a great start to the month. He dominated a good chunk of the match and of course brought the unpredictability. The action was yet again none stop. It was a little slower paced than I expected but it worked so so well. The addition of J&J security allowed Ambrose to shine even more and pull some other stuff out the bag that made him stand out. It was a well put together match, the chemistry and history between the two made it all so much more interesting and entertaining and I enjoyed every moment of it. They even managed to squeeze in deeper story at the end of it all when Reigns came to the aid of Dean during a beat down. A solid win for Rollins and a great performance from Ambrose.
11) New Day VS Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (Payback 17/5)
Yep, it's another tag team match up next in this months top twenty matches of the month, this time it's the Payback tag team championship match between the New Day and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd. Throughout this month I have been really enjoying the work from the WWE main roster tag division.I haven't stopped praising the work of the creative team and what they have been doing with the tag division. Throughout the month we have got some great tag team action and this was by far one of the best matches of the Payback pay per view and the month. This was a two out of three falls match for the titles witch just added a whole new level of interest to everything. I was already really looking forward to the match and so making it a two out of three falls match just changed the game completely. I have said it before but there is so much diversity within these two teams and they all bring something new and fresh. What we got in this match was constancy. From start to finish this match was strong. I never lost any interest what so ever. The stand outs by far were Big E and Cesaro. These guys made the match about them and really did blow my mind away. I never get over just how diverse Cesaro is in the ring and he really showed that diversity in this match. It was a highly entertaining match and an unpredictable one at that, keeping everyone hooked to the end. Talking of the end, how perfect was it? It was so clever and so well done. Xavier coming in and getting the win for Kofi and Big E was so unexpected and really well done. It pushed the new day as heels even more and at the same time Cesaro and Kidd never looked weak.
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