RAW Predictions
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The Bella twins and Alicia Fox on RAW |
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. Its the start of a brand new week witch of course means its time once again for my RAW Predictions. Now, we are just under three weeks away from the two thousand and fifteen Battleground pay per view and with five matches already announced for the show its time to start adding the final touches to both the kick off and the main show and after last weeks dramatic RAW we can expect one heck of a showdown tonight. Will Paul Heyman make an appearance to address and confront Seth Rollins and The Authority about their actions last weeks during the closing moments of RAW? Will the divas division ever see an end to the Bella takeover? And what will be waiting around the corner next in the John Cena/Kevin Owens saga? Well in today's blog post I'm going to be recapping all the action from last week and making my predictions for tonight's show. Before we get into today's blog post however I have a couple of reminders and updates for you, so lets waste no time and jump right into those. I'm going to start with NXT month. I have already mentioned that there has been a set back for NXT month and instead of it returning in July it's now going to be coming back in August, my birthday month. I really do wish that I didn't have to push it back again but I have been so busy recently with all the live shows and prediction posts that I have no time to pre post for NXT month. I would love to know what posts you would like to see in the season to let me know by leaving a comment bellow. I will also soon be brining you my updates and news surrounding my podcast and a couple of other new projects I'm working on. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog posts including last weeks RAW Review and Reactions my Money in the bank review and reactions blog post. Finally, you can let me know what your predictions are for tonight's show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So, we are just under three weeks until the two thousand and fifteen Battleground pay per view and as the big night slowly but surely approaches tonight on RAW we can expect more touches to be added to the up and coming pay per view. That includes more matches to be announced, current feuds to get an extra push, and superstars competing in three weeks time to gain even more momentum. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking you back through all of last weeks action and making my predictions for tonight's Monday night RAW. Let's waste no more time and jump right into the post.
I'm going to start this weeks predictions looking at the work surrounding the Intercontinental Championship. Now, I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of the current three way feud between The Miz, Ryback, and Big Show. I don't understand why the Miz is involved, I think he's lost in the feud and that there is no place for him what at all. I don't think the feud is benefiting any of the three superstars or the actual championship and they all deserve better. To be fair, I will cut creative some slack because over the past week I have actually been a little more interested in it all. The brawls and beat downs between Ryback and the Big Show have really given the feud something that it was missing. I've been much more entertained and I have some interest in the pay per view match. But this has been thanks to the work between Ryback and Big Show. I still think it should just have been a feud between those two. There's no need for Miz what so ever, but he is booked for the match and so in tonight's show we need to see things begin to change up a little. There's three weeks until Battleground, that's six shows left for the WWE to make Miz seem to be an important factor in the triple threat. He needs more of an involvement in the feud and he needs to do two other hugely important things. The first is gain momentum. The Big Show has been on a role over the past couple of weeks and Ryback hasn't done a bad job either, competing in some decent matches and scoring some pretty big victories, tonight we need to see Miz jump on the band wagon. I would really like to see him compete in a match tonight that reminders us all just how good of an in ring competitor he is. I'm not really sure if they working him as a baby face or a heel at the moment, the WWE don't seem to know what they're doing with half their roster. Taking on someone like Bad News Barrett or Dolph Ziggler would be a great way for Miz to pick up some momentum if they can have him defeat who ever he is competing against. Using R-truth for Barrett or Rusev and Lana for Dolph as a distraction would be the perfect way for Miz to get a quick win. A win is a win after all. We also need to know where he stands in the storyline. What he's role is, because right now all I can see is an extra superstar who is going to make Show and Ryback look strong in the triple threat. He needs to start coming across as a threat to both them and the championship and that has to start tonight or it will be far too late. Some kind of interaction with either one of them would be great, weather if its a segment or beat down. If he misses the show because of Tough Enough it would be a huge set back for him and the storyline.
This leads me into my next topic; the Authority. It was a huge week for the Authority, we saw a reunion between Kane and the Big Show, and Seth Rollins settled the score with J&J Security and Kane who together would give Brock Lesnar one of the biggest beat downs he has ever taken. Tonight we can expect their run of good luck and control to continue a little more. Lets first start by taking a look at what we saw on Smackdown last Thursday. Set to take on Kane, Ryback was making he's way down to the ring when he was blind sided by the Big Show as the former world champion really took it to the Big Guy. The Intercontinental Champion was then forces (after the beat down) to still go one on one with Kane. He may of had a fighting effort but the numbers game was too much and we were left with another beat down that saw Kane and Big Show back on top and in control. Weather or not the Big Show will have full involvement with the Authority again, I don't know. I'm not sure how it will go down with most of the fans. Personally, I think the only way it would work is if they really used the Authority to help show gain the IC championship at Battleground and help Seth Rollins retain against Brock Lesnar. They would have to be careful not to over do it and a lot of thought will have to go into it. The likely booking for tonight will see Kane and Show team up to take on Ryback and probably Dean Ambrose if we go off what we got on last weeks RAW. I wouldn't mind seeing that match as long as it was booked right and the length of the match as decent. Or we could get something like Miz and Ryback teaming up if they are working Miz as a baby face. Linking in with what I said above not so long ago, if they had Ryback team up with Miz and they pick up the win it would be great if they could have Miz blind side attack Ryback. It would be a good story to go on with Ryback not trusting anyone only himself while at the same time Miz would get the push he so desperately needs. Any kind of victory tonight or promo from Ryback will be a great way for him to regain some momentum.
Keeping on the theme of the Authority we have to talk about what we saw last week as the closing scene. After spending over a week being told he could no defeat Brock Lesnar and working on not so great terms with the Authority, Seth Rollins took the time last week to bring the gang back together and after spending all night trying to get Kane and J&J Security back on he's side they finally joined him when it was needed, just at the beast, Brock Lesnar was making he's way down to the ring. The beat down on Lesnar was completely un expected. I can't remember ever seeing Brock take a beating like he did last week and felt so odd seeing him as the one lying on the matt and someone else standing tall. I do think the beat down was done well and it made sense storyline wise, it's going to be an important factor leading into the championship match in three weeks time. I know a lot of people didn't really like it and I can see why. No one wants Lesnar to come across weak but to be fair I don't think he did. He had Kane, one of the biggest men in the company, Rollins, one of the most gifted in ring talents, and J&J Security, who know full well how to throw a good punch or too, go at him all at once and he did end up injuring Jamie Noble so I don't think he looked bad what so ever. On tonight's show we can expect to see a multiple of things. The first is for Seth Rollins to open the show boasting about what had happened last week. He did last week on Smackdown so we can expect him to the exact same thing tonight on RAW. He's also likely to address Jamie's injury again and the fact that the gang is back together again, this time even stronger, while probably still insulting them all somehow, as part of a long term feud growing. What we can also expect is an appearance from Paul Heyman. I doubt very much Lesnar will be on tonight's show for the obvious reasons, witch no I don't think will make him look weak. Heyman is likely to either interrupt Rollins in the opening segment or open the show himself, or make an appearance later on in the show. It doesn't matter when he shows up because when he does we all know he is going to give us one killer promo talking about what happened last week. He could easily explain the reason why Lesnar isn't there is because it is too dangerous for Seth Rollins to be in the same arena as Lesnar. It would be amazing if they had Heyman come out to Lesnars theme. Imagine the face on Rollins half way through he's promo to be interrupted by what he thinks is Lesnar only to then see Heyman and one massive mic coming he's way. Match wise for the champion tonight, I do think he needs to compete. We saw him take on Ambrose last week on Smackdown but we need to see him in something new and strong tonight. Likely opponents include Dolph Ziggler, Adrian Neville, and Ryback. Heyman interrupting him after the match would be great also. I did see that there was a tag team match between Kane and Rollins VS Ambrose and Reigns for tonight witch I would hate to see. It's something we have seen far too much and I will probably turn my TV over if we get this again.
At the moment there are three superstars who are in need of something strong. Three Superstars who storyline wise, have nothing going for them right now. They are, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus, and Randy Orton. First of all I have no bloody idea where Orton is. This year he has either been injured, on Vacation or off somewhere doing god knows what, he seriously and WWE creative need to get their act together. He's one of the top stars on the roster and we are getting nothing from him at all. They had a good direction and thing going on between him and Sheamus that I as really enjoying but we got nothing last week, I would love it if they continued the feud between Orton and Sheamus. They work great together, have great history and chemistry and they both would seriously benefit from working with each other. They really do need on another to get back on track and stay their. I'd like to see Sheamus cut a boastful promo and for it to be interrupted by Orton. If their is going to be match between the at Battleground we can expect that to be announced either tonight or next week. As for Ambrose, after having such a huge feud with Rollins I do think he needs to take a little seat back. I don't think he needs anything big right now. He doesn't need a crazy storyline or anything for now. Let him work some basic matches that still get him noticed but he doesn't need to be centre of attention at the moment. I'd like to see him booked well still but like I said earlier, teaming up with Reigns to take on Kane and Rollins isn't strong enough at all and it really isn't going to go down well.
Lets cross over to the diva division next. I'm honestly getting bored of talking about The Bella's and Paige. It's the same on crap and I would much rather be able to sit here and talk about Natalya or Summer Rae or Emma. There are plenty of amazing divas in the back that deserve some attention but all we get is the same old crap. I have no idea where the WWE are going with this whole Bella Army VS Paige thing. It seems to have no direction what so ever and seems a little messy at the moment. I am waiting to see who else is going to be added to team Bella and another name is likely to be added. Last week on Smackdown Naomi was defeated by Alicia Fox even though her and Tamina did take down the Bella's half way through the match. Weather we see the whole "if you can't beat them join them" thing continue here, I personally would hate to see Naomi and Tamina join team Bella. Its a small possibility that instead they will join Paige setting up a six diva tag team match for Battleground, witch also means Nikki will hold on to the title even longer. I don't know about you but I'm more than bored of Nikki's title reign. I'd like to see Paige make an appearance tonight. I know she is doing Tough Enough at the moment but I do think it's important she makes a showing tonight. I'm also still waiting for Charlotte to make her debut. There is rumours that she will be debuting to side with Paige to take on the Bella's but it is still a question of when.
Talking of WWE divas, last week on both RAW and Smackdown we saw some backstage work between Rusev and Summer Rae, I'm not too sure about this. I like how there is some spotlight on Summer but I want to see her actually wrestle. If they do put her in a story with Rusev it would probably set up Lana's in ring debut. I've mentioned before that Lana can wrestle and I'm waiting for her to actually debut in the ring. If we see an alliance between Summer Rae and Rusev then a mixed tag team match in the future could most defiantly be on the cards. On tonight's show we can expect to see things really start to take shape between Summer and Rusev and the direction the WWE are going with them to really kick start. I'm not really loving the work between Lana and Ziggler but it's okay, I just want to see more. As soon as Rusev is competing again a mixed tag team or/and a one on one between Ziggler and Rusev is defiantly going to be booked. I also want to mention how I really do think we need to see Wyatt in action tonight. We are constantly seeing Reigns compete and pick up
momentum we need to start seeing more from Bray. I hate how he is booked and I really do think that in order for he's Battleground match to work we need to actually see him compete in a couple of really strong matches to gain momentum. Ziggler would be the perfect opponent for him tonight.
Lastly, this week I'm going to be talking about the feud I'm most enjoying at the moment; Kevin Owens VS John Cena. We now know that Cena will defend the United States Championship against Owens in three weeks time at Battleground. We have heard these guys speak a lot and we have seen the compete a lot. I'd like to see things go back to basics just for this week. So that means maybe not seeing Owens tonight. I love the guy but I don't think he is going to be needed tonight, I never thought I would say this but I do think that it would be a good move to make having the basic open challenge from Cena return. Likely and best opponent for him I would say would be Luke Harper for tonight. Something a little more basic would work perfectly for this week in my opinion. On a very last little quick note, the Prime time players will be on the search for some momentum tonight also.
So they are my predictions, let me know what yours are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So, we are just under three weeks until the two thousand and fifteen Battleground pay per view and as the big night slowly but surely approaches tonight on RAW we can expect more touches to be added to the up and coming pay per view. That includes more matches to be announced, current feuds to get an extra push, and superstars competing in three weeks time to gain even more momentum. In today's blog post I'm going to be taking you back through all of last weeks action and making my predictions for tonight's Monday night RAW. Let's waste no more time and jump right into the post.
I'm going to start this weeks predictions looking at the work surrounding the Intercontinental Championship. Now, I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of the current three way feud between The Miz, Ryback, and Big Show. I don't understand why the Miz is involved, I think he's lost in the feud and that there is no place for him what at all. I don't think the feud is benefiting any of the three superstars or the actual championship and they all deserve better. To be fair, I will cut creative some slack because over the past week I have actually been a little more interested in it all. The brawls and beat downs between Ryback and the Big Show have really given the feud something that it was missing. I've been much more entertained and I have some interest in the pay per view match. But this has been thanks to the work between Ryback and Big Show. I still think it should just have been a feud between those two. There's no need for Miz what so ever, but he is booked for the match and so in tonight's show we need to see things begin to change up a little. There's three weeks until Battleground, that's six shows left for the WWE to make Miz seem to be an important factor in the triple threat. He needs more of an involvement in the feud and he needs to do two other hugely important things. The first is gain momentum. The Big Show has been on a role over the past couple of weeks and Ryback hasn't done a bad job either, competing in some decent matches and scoring some pretty big victories, tonight we need to see Miz jump on the band wagon. I would really like to see him compete in a match tonight that reminders us all just how good of an in ring competitor he is. I'm not really sure if they working him as a baby face or a heel at the moment, the WWE don't seem to know what they're doing with half their roster. Taking on someone like Bad News Barrett or Dolph Ziggler would be a great way for Miz to pick up some momentum if they can have him defeat who ever he is competing against. Using R-truth for Barrett or Rusev and Lana for Dolph as a distraction would be the perfect way for Miz to get a quick win. A win is a win after all. We also need to know where he stands in the storyline. What he's role is, because right now all I can see is an extra superstar who is going to make Show and Ryback look strong in the triple threat. He needs to start coming across as a threat to both them and the championship and that has to start tonight or it will be far too late. Some kind of interaction with either one of them would be great, weather if its a segment or beat down. If he misses the show because of Tough Enough it would be a huge set back for him and the storyline.
This leads me into my next topic; the Authority. It was a huge week for the Authority, we saw a reunion between Kane and the Big Show, and Seth Rollins settled the score with J&J Security and Kane who together would give Brock Lesnar one of the biggest beat downs he has ever taken. Tonight we can expect their run of good luck and control to continue a little more. Lets first start by taking a look at what we saw on Smackdown last Thursday. Set to take on Kane, Ryback was making he's way down to the ring when he was blind sided by the Big Show as the former world champion really took it to the Big Guy. The Intercontinental Champion was then forces (after the beat down) to still go one on one with Kane. He may of had a fighting effort but the numbers game was too much and we were left with another beat down that saw Kane and Big Show back on top and in control. Weather or not the Big Show will have full involvement with the Authority again, I don't know. I'm not sure how it will go down with most of the fans. Personally, I think the only way it would work is if they really used the Authority to help show gain the IC championship at Battleground and help Seth Rollins retain against Brock Lesnar. They would have to be careful not to over do it and a lot of thought will have to go into it. The likely booking for tonight will see Kane and Show team up to take on Ryback and probably Dean Ambrose if we go off what we got on last weeks RAW. I wouldn't mind seeing that match as long as it was booked right and the length of the match as decent. Or we could get something like Miz and Ryback teaming up if they are working Miz as a baby face. Linking in with what I said above not so long ago, if they had Ryback team up with Miz and they pick up the win it would be great if they could have Miz blind side attack Ryback. It would be a good story to go on with Ryback not trusting anyone only himself while at the same time Miz would get the push he so desperately needs. Any kind of victory tonight or promo from Ryback will be a great way for him to regain some momentum.
Keeping on the theme of the Authority we have to talk about what we saw last week as the closing scene. After spending over a week being told he could no defeat Brock Lesnar and working on not so great terms with the Authority, Seth Rollins took the time last week to bring the gang back together and after spending all night trying to get Kane and J&J Security back on he's side they finally joined him when it was needed, just at the beast, Brock Lesnar was making he's way down to the ring. The beat down on Lesnar was completely un expected. I can't remember ever seeing Brock take a beating like he did last week and felt so odd seeing him as the one lying on the matt and someone else standing tall. I do think the beat down was done well and it made sense storyline wise, it's going to be an important factor leading into the championship match in three weeks time. I know a lot of people didn't really like it and I can see why. No one wants Lesnar to come across weak but to be fair I don't think he did. He had Kane, one of the biggest men in the company, Rollins, one of the most gifted in ring talents, and J&J Security, who know full well how to throw a good punch or too, go at him all at once and he did end up injuring Jamie Noble so I don't think he looked bad what so ever. On tonight's show we can expect to see a multiple of things. The first is for Seth Rollins to open the show boasting about what had happened last week. He did last week on Smackdown so we can expect him to the exact same thing tonight on RAW. He's also likely to address Jamie's injury again and the fact that the gang is back together again, this time even stronger, while probably still insulting them all somehow, as part of a long term feud growing. What we can also expect is an appearance from Paul Heyman. I doubt very much Lesnar will be on tonight's show for the obvious reasons, witch no I don't think will make him look weak. Heyman is likely to either interrupt Rollins in the opening segment or open the show himself, or make an appearance later on in the show. It doesn't matter when he shows up because when he does we all know he is going to give us one killer promo talking about what happened last week. He could easily explain the reason why Lesnar isn't there is because it is too dangerous for Seth Rollins to be in the same arena as Lesnar. It would be amazing if they had Heyman come out to Lesnars theme. Imagine the face on Rollins half way through he's promo to be interrupted by what he thinks is Lesnar only to then see Heyman and one massive mic coming he's way. Match wise for the champion tonight, I do think he needs to compete. We saw him take on Ambrose last week on Smackdown but we need to see him in something new and strong tonight. Likely opponents include Dolph Ziggler, Adrian Neville, and Ryback. Heyman interrupting him after the match would be great also. I did see that there was a tag team match between Kane and Rollins VS Ambrose and Reigns for tonight witch I would hate to see. It's something we have seen far too much and I will probably turn my TV over if we get this again.
At the moment there are three superstars who are in need of something strong. Three Superstars who storyline wise, have nothing going for them right now. They are, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus, and Randy Orton. First of all I have no bloody idea where Orton is. This year he has either been injured, on Vacation or off somewhere doing god knows what, he seriously and WWE creative need to get their act together. He's one of the top stars on the roster and we are getting nothing from him at all. They had a good direction and thing going on between him and Sheamus that I as really enjoying but we got nothing last week, I would love it if they continued the feud between Orton and Sheamus. They work great together, have great history and chemistry and they both would seriously benefit from working with each other. They really do need on another to get back on track and stay their. I'd like to see Sheamus cut a boastful promo and for it to be interrupted by Orton. If their is going to be match between the at Battleground we can expect that to be announced either tonight or next week. As for Ambrose, after having such a huge feud with Rollins I do think he needs to take a little seat back. I don't think he needs anything big right now. He doesn't need a crazy storyline or anything for now. Let him work some basic matches that still get him noticed but he doesn't need to be centre of attention at the moment. I'd like to see him booked well still but like I said earlier, teaming up with Reigns to take on Kane and Rollins isn't strong enough at all and it really isn't going to go down well.
Lets cross over to the diva division next. I'm honestly getting bored of talking about The Bella's and Paige. It's the same on crap and I would much rather be able to sit here and talk about Natalya or Summer Rae or Emma. There are plenty of amazing divas in the back that deserve some attention but all we get is the same old crap. I have no idea where the WWE are going with this whole Bella Army VS Paige thing. It seems to have no direction what so ever and seems a little messy at the moment. I am waiting to see who else is going to be added to team Bella and another name is likely to be added. Last week on Smackdown Naomi was defeated by Alicia Fox even though her and Tamina did take down the Bella's half way through the match. Weather we see the whole "if you can't beat them join them" thing continue here, I personally would hate to see Naomi and Tamina join team Bella. Its a small possibility that instead they will join Paige setting up a six diva tag team match for Battleground, witch also means Nikki will hold on to the title even longer. I don't know about you but I'm more than bored of Nikki's title reign. I'd like to see Paige make an appearance tonight. I know she is doing Tough Enough at the moment but I do think it's important she makes a showing tonight. I'm also still waiting for Charlotte to make her debut. There is rumours that she will be debuting to side with Paige to take on the Bella's but it is still a question of when.
Talking of WWE divas, last week on both RAW and Smackdown we saw some backstage work between Rusev and Summer Rae, I'm not too sure about this. I like how there is some spotlight on Summer but I want to see her actually wrestle. If they do put her in a story with Rusev it would probably set up Lana's in ring debut. I've mentioned before that Lana can wrestle and I'm waiting for her to actually debut in the ring. If we see an alliance between Summer Rae and Rusev then a mixed tag team match in the future could most defiantly be on the cards. On tonight's show we can expect to see things really start to take shape between Summer and Rusev and the direction the WWE are going with them to really kick start. I'm not really loving the work between Lana and Ziggler but it's okay, I just want to see more. As soon as Rusev is competing again a mixed tag team or/and a one on one between Ziggler and Rusev is defiantly going to be booked. I also want to mention how I really do think we need to see Wyatt in action tonight. We are constantly seeing Reigns compete and pick up
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Seth Rollins and Joey Mercury on RAW |
Lastly, this week I'm going to be talking about the feud I'm most enjoying at the moment; Kevin Owens VS John Cena. We now know that Cena will defend the United States Championship against Owens in three weeks time at Battleground. We have heard these guys speak a lot and we have seen the compete a lot. I'd like to see things go back to basics just for this week. So that means maybe not seeing Owens tonight. I love the guy but I don't think he is going to be needed tonight, I never thought I would say this but I do think that it would be a good move to make having the basic open challenge from Cena return. Likely and best opponent for him I would say would be Luke Harper for tonight. Something a little more basic would work perfectly for this week in my opinion. On a very last little quick note, the Prime time players will be on the search for some momentum tonight also.
So they are my predictions, let me know what yours are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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