Extreme Rules Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all good! So it's the night after Extreme Rules and it's time to relive all the action of last night. With championship matches left right and centre, a strong kick off show, and an insane main event, Today I bring you all the action from last night in my Extreme Rules Review and Reactions. I'm going to be taking you through every single little thing to take place at the fallout pay per view of Wrestlemania, from start to finish, telling you what I thought of every match and how I think it will effect the next month. But before we get into today's post there are a few little reminders that I have for you as usual. First of all is RAW predictions witch will be up later today. Also, this weekend there will be no Top five superstars of the week once again because I will be uploading my top twenty matches of the month and my top fifteen superstars of the month at the end of this week, so make sure to keep an eye out for the links to all those posts this week on twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. I'm also still trying to decide on a dedication month for May. TI have previously done a Divas month back in January and I have also done an NXT month back in October. So if you have any ideas of what you would like to see in May next month do let me know before the end of this week. If I don't decide on a topic I will save it for the following month. I'm still not sure also if there will be any review and reactions posts this week aside from RAW, but I will let you know. At the end of today's blog post, as usual, I will link bellow any recent posts including all my Extreme Rules predictions post. All my social media links will also be linked bellow. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of last nights Extreme Rules pay per view and what your predictions are for RAW tonight by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria
A thew hours before the Extreme Rules pay per view it was announced by WWE.com that the Intercontinental champion Daniel Bryan would be unable to compete due to another injury. As we all know, Bad News Barrett was scheduled to have he's rematch for the title against Bryan last night but instead he was put on the kick off show and was set to take on Neville in one on one action. Now I don't know if it was the bad mood I was in last night or what but this news really did not sit well with me. I think at this point I'm bored of Bryan getting injured to the point where he cannot compete, especially because it always seems to be when he has some kind of championship around he's waist.And I was also really frustrated for Barrett and the fact that they didn't just declare it a forfeit and put the title back on Barrett. I think I'm just bored of it all now and I was really looking forward to this match, you would of seen in my prediction post that I had this down as the match that would steal the show. I'm not sure why the WWE thought of putting Barrett's match on the kick off show. Probably because they didn't want to highlight Bryan's absence even more. But I personally would of liked to have seen the action on the main show. I thought giving Neville the match however was a good call. It was an easy way to get him on the pay per view and give him another chance to put on yet another great match. The thing with these two superstars is that they are so so different. From the way they look to their in ring styles, these two are worlds apart but they are more than capable of delivering a strong match. It wasn't long at all for the crowd to get an NXT chant started and they made it clear they were behind the former NXT Champion. We did see Neville take control very early one in the match, really using he's speed advantage to just that. When things did turn around we really saw things get a lot tougher and the pace was taken down a notch or two, using the surroundings outside of the ring to work for Barrett's side. Neville throughout did a good job in selling every move down to perfection and bring so much conviction to everything both he and Barrett did. We saw a lot of covers from the former five time Intercontinental champion and throughout the time he was in control he was grounding Neville, really taking away he's momentum and energy. I was defiantly expecting to see Neville do more throughout. I was really surprised to see just how much Barrett dominated the match up. But we of course still saw a heck of a lot from Neville and he really was able to showcase what he is capable of to a high level, using crowd momentum and speed to he's advantage. He was also the one who brought the energy to the match while Barrett told the story. What I loved the most about this match was the unpredictability of it. I legit had no idea who would be walking away the winner of this one and it was that that kept me watching and entertained. In the end Neville picked up a nice huge win. Great match and a really nice way to kick things off.
The first match of the night saw one of the matches I was most looking forward too as two of my favourite current superstars Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper went one on one in a Chicago street fight. Now, I love Street Fight matches, but over the years they have really gone down hill but if there are two superstars on the current roster that could bring all the excitement back to street fight it's Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper. You guys know how happy I have been all month about these two feuding. I think they compliment each other so so well in the ring. Their both very similar but also quite different. Their both very extreme, very ECW, unpredictable superstars and this match was bound to be just that. Extreme and Unpredictable. Very early on in this match we saw weapons used and most importantly we saw Ambrose take serious control. Literally in the first minuet Ambrose brought all the character to this match and all the extremity. Another thing witch was great about this match was the awesome crowd. We all know how great the Chicago crowd is but they really did a great job showing so much interest in this match and really backing Ambrose. What this match also had, witch a lot on this card didn't have was history. These two have so much history outside of the WWE back in the indie days, so this was a really nice little throwback for me, and because of that history they were able to tell a story throughout the match. I think the thing I personally loved the most about this match was the unpredictability. You honestly had no idea what was going to happen next and what these two would pull out of the bag next. It had that slight touch of an ECW feel to it. There was that feeling that these two genuinely hate each other and that they really wanted to hurt one another. When Harper drove off with Ambrose in the car I think I almost cry laughed. When this did happen things kinda froze and the attention went else where for a while. We wouldn't see both these superstars until later on in the match when the car came out of nowhere during an interview with the New Day. When we did see them again things had changed and Ambrose was back in control again. When they were back in the ring it was all about one upping each other as the ring began to fill with steel chairs and the ECW chants began. There was point where Harper buried Ambrose in chairs. In the end Ambrose finally picked up a pay per view win. I could not have been happier.
Up next was the match I was most looking forward of the night, Sheamus VS Dolph Ziggler and their "Kiss me arse" match. Everything about the build up to this match was perfect. Now, I know so many people had a problem with the stipulation of this match but I personally thought it fitted it perfectly and was such a clever good move to make. With Sheamus' new gimmick and he's whole new message the Kiss me arse stipulation was so so well fitted and just worked so so well. I could not have said any more good things about this match and its stipulation than I have done. The match was very split throughout. We saw the action taken outside right at the very start and when things went back inside the ring things carried on with the split feel until Sheamus was able to slow the pace down and let things start to turn on he's side. Sheamus really showed how physical and barbaric he is, wearing Dolph down and really using he's strength advantage to just that. Because Sheamus was in control at this point it meant the match was going at a much slower pace and spent a lot of time taking all the energy away from Ziggler. Throughout the match we also saw Sheamus do a really good job in portraying a perfect heel, staying in character and telling the story he has been telling since he's return down to perfection. Whenever we thought Ziggler was getting back on track and he was able to gain some momentum Sheamus always had something better and stronger waiting around the corner to throw back at him. The crowd of course were all for Ziggler, I personally were rooting for Sheamus. Talking of Sheamus it was nice to see him use some new stuff and really show another side to he's move set. Using the ropes, locking in the submission hold, and showcasing he's strength. In the end Ziggler got the win. Now, I hated this. Not just because I'm a Sheamus fan but because storyline wise I don't see how it made sense. I honestly didn't think the WWE would be stupid enough to have Sheamus loose he's come back pay per view and with this stipulation. This was the way to push Sheamus as mega heel and really add some heat. So I don't fully get why they made this move. I liked what we got after the match with Sheamus' serious disapproval and little temper tantrum. The low blow and attack after was a great touch but yeah, still not sure on how I feel about this. It was a decent match, I suppose a clever ending but I think I just expected more. In the end Sheamus did rub Ziggler's face in he's arse cheek so I can't complain.
Tag Team action next as the current champs Cesaro and Tyson Kidd defended their championships against the New Day. I never did a predictions post for this match because it was originally set to be
on the kick off show but after the IC title match was cancelled things changed but what I will say I was really looking forward to this match mainly because we now have that unpredictability factor in the tag division and we have had that for a while now and I'm loving it. Last night, fighting o the side of the new day was Big E and Kofi Kingston witch made me happy because I'm still not the biggest Xavier woods fan. I liked how Big E, Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd all brought something different and where all very different in ring performers so you didn't really know what to expect. One thing that was certain last night was this was a Cesaro loving city. Talking of Cesaro he once again showed off that amazing strength. The champs did spend most of the time in control witch was great to see and both Kid and Cesaro got their time to really shine and take centre stage. It was also a nice little change seeing Kid and Cesaro work more so as a baby face team. For me, I'd have to say Cesaro was the stand of this match. He brought strength, speed, and excitement to this match and a touch of unpredictability but both Kidd and The New Day had a great showing also. In the end we got new Tag team champions. Now I don't know about you but I was not expecting that at all. Like I was legit in shock. I would of loved to have seen the titles stay around the waists of Kidd and Cesaro but I think this is an interesting move and once again I love that unpredictability factor.
Up next we saw John Cena defend the United States championship against former champion Rusev in a Russian Chain match. I will admit, I wasn't a fan of this stipulation but I liked how it was different and it brought something a little new. I also liked how much of a minimal build up we got. It meant that the match wasn't as boring as it would of been if it had a heavy build up because it really didn't need it due to the fact these two have been feuding for over three months now. Rusev spent the early part of this match in control trying to wear Cena down enough so that all he had to do was drag he's body round the ring but of course, he was in the ring with Cena and it was not going to be that easy. I'll be one hundred per cent honest, this match did not do it for me at all. I struggled to stay focused and able to keep watching, I thought it was flat and predicable and it all round lacked entertainment for me. Don't get me wrong I think it had some great moments but as an all round back it did not work for me at all. I found it so boring and nothing about it made me wanna carry on watching, the camera angle frustrated me quite a it also. I did like it when Lana walked off though, that was pretty entertaining and I think that was the right road to go down with the ending of this match. I also thought the match dragged a bit and went on far too long for my liking. In the end of course it was Cena who was able to get the win and walk away still the United States Champion. I liked the ending of the match but not the overall match itself.
Divas action next as Nikki Bella defended her divas championship against Naomi. Once again, I was actually looking really looking forward to this match. I liked the way the match came together and the build up and Nikki and Naomi have had some great matches in the past so we know they can really deliver. There was also yet again that unpredictability witch I liked. What I was hoping for was that these two would get a good amount of time in the ring, we know these girls are capable of putting on a great divas match it comes down to the amount of time they get. Last night saw Nikki Bella take control in the early stages of the match but Naomi very quickly used her surroundings to her advantage to get back on track. We also saw Naomi debut a new entrance theme witch I'm personally not a fan of. It's not terrible but it's not great either. One thing that was very certain about this match was how athletic it was. The thing with Naomi is that she brings a whole new feel to every match she competes in. She takes it up to a whole new level and performs in a way no other diva on the roster does and I really like that about her. There was also a very very viscous side to Naomi last night. More viscous to what we have already been getting from her these past thew weeks. Last night Naomi just upped her game to a whole new level and the bitch effect was in full effect. She dominated most of the match taking it to Nikki throughout. The crowd however were one hundred per cent behind the champ and she defiantly used the crowd momentum to her advantage and half way through was able to turn things around for a thew moments. Personally, I was expecting more from Nikki. At times it felt like she held back and she didn't do a great job in telling a story while Naomi was able to do it all keeping the attention all on her. In the closing moments we saw Brie kick Naomi in the face to then allow Nikki to hit the rack attack and retain the title. This was a little disappointing mainly because I really wanted to see a new champ in Naomi but I expected it to end that way.
It was then time for the one match I was least looking forward too, Roman Reigns VS The Big Show in a last man standing match. Now, I had a bet with friend last night that I couldn't go a night without saying something mean about Roman Reigns and I actually passed with flying colours. What I will give to this match before I get into bashing it is that it did have a solid build up and the WWE were able to turn things around and were able to make the feud and match more interesting and entertaining, with the turning point being what happened during the London shows. The match itself was not that bad at all and was better than I was expecting it to be. I think this was probably one of the most predicable matches of the night but it was one of the most important when it comes down to careers. Big Show spend a heck of a lot of this match in control and really taking it to the much younger, Roman Reigns. But I have to give it to Reigns, he really did hold he's own and have he's moments where he did take the spotlight and have he's time in control. I think the other problem I had with this is that I'm all round not a Last man standing match fan if I'm honest. I was really impressed with Reigns throughout this match, he held he's own so so well and proved a lot of people wrong including me. He spent a lot of time in control of the match and he surprised us all quite a bit. It did feel like the match was never going to end witch frustrated me a bit the match was much better than I expected and I did find myself really getting into it towards the end. Reigns had a good showing and really proved himself.
There was also a quick match between Bo Dallas and Ryback witch of course saw Ryback score the win.
It was finally main event time as Seth Rollins had he's first championship defence on pay per view when he took on Randy Orton inside a steal cage. The standard and the expectations of this match were so so high. I personally was counting on this to be the match of the night and potential match of the month. It could also have very easily have been one of the greatest matches in Seth Rollins' career so far. Let's fact it, the odds were in Rollins favour when it came down to the fact that the RKO was banned and how comfortable he would be in a match with this stipulation. However, the Randy had the experience on he's side and then of course we had Kane as the gate keep and with the recent events there was no telling how he would shake things up. I thought the build up of this match was really strong and I was really looking forward to this match, It was the one match of the night where I put everything aside, whether it be my lap top or my food and paid serious attention to my TV screen. I think this was a serious match for Rollins and he's career and defying himself as the present and the future of the WWE. The audience was very team Orton but to be fair it was probably the most split crowd reaction of the night. I'm a pretty big steal cage match fan so that increased my interest in this
match even more. At the start of the match we saw Rollins try to escape almost straight away witch grabbed my attention. I forgot to mention that Rollins did not come down to the ring with J&J Security so that kept me on edge a little. We saw Seth try and escape from the cage quite a thew times at the start of the match in hope for a quick exit and win. Talking of the start of the match, Orton spent most of the start in full control,dominating the champ. I will admit I was surprised to see how slow paced the match was. I thought it would of been a lot quicker and the action to be more intense. When J&J Security made their appearance of the night it was then thing started to speed up and things grew far more interesting. I was surprised to hear that the crowd was not as into the match as I excepted they would be and they seemed more quiet. Orton pulled out some nice little tricks sending a thew messages to the authority. In the end Kane ended up playing a vital role when he choke slammed both Randy Orton and Seth Rollins and then tried to help Rollins in winning the match by putting he's arm across Orton to make the cover but it didn't really work. It became clear at this point that Kane was out to help Rollins retain but in the end Rollins was able to escape the cage anyway and leave still the WWE World Heavyweight champion. I'll admit I was disappointed with this match with how it played out throughout and how it ended I think Rollins needed a stronger win like actually covering Orton but he was still able to retain anyway.
All round, I thought Extreme Rules twenty fifteen was a decent pay per view. It wasn't terrible but it could of been better. I thought the booking was interesting and there was some decisions made witch I personally may not have made but there was a thew matches I really enjoyed and some did really surprise me. My favourite's probably have to be the kick off show match, Sheamus VS Ziggler, and the tag team match between the new day and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd and that match was the surprise for me. I was a little disappointed with the main event. I think all round I would give this pay per view a seven out of ten. Let me know what you thought by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
A thew hours before the Extreme Rules pay per view it was announced by WWE.com that the Intercontinental champion Daniel Bryan would be unable to compete due to another injury. As we all know, Bad News Barrett was scheduled to have he's rematch for the title against Bryan last night but instead he was put on the kick off show and was set to take on Neville in one on one action. Now I don't know if it was the bad mood I was in last night or what but this news really did not sit well with me. I think at this point I'm bored of Bryan getting injured to the point where he cannot compete, especially because it always seems to be when he has some kind of championship around he's waist.And I was also really frustrated for Barrett and the fact that they didn't just declare it a forfeit and put the title back on Barrett. I think I'm just bored of it all now and I was really looking forward to this match, you would of seen in my prediction post that I had this down as the match that would steal the show. I'm not sure why the WWE thought of putting Barrett's match on the kick off show. Probably because they didn't want to highlight Bryan's absence even more. But I personally would of liked to have seen the action on the main show. I thought giving Neville the match however was a good call. It was an easy way to get him on the pay per view and give him another chance to put on yet another great match. The thing with these two superstars is that they are so so different. From the way they look to their in ring styles, these two are worlds apart but they are more than capable of delivering a strong match. It wasn't long at all for the crowd to get an NXT chant started and they made it clear they were behind the former NXT Champion. We did see Neville take control very early one in the match, really using he's speed advantage to just that. When things did turn around we really saw things get a lot tougher and the pace was taken down a notch or two, using the surroundings outside of the ring to work for Barrett's side. Neville throughout did a good job in selling every move down to perfection and bring so much conviction to everything both he and Barrett did. We saw a lot of covers from the former five time Intercontinental champion and throughout the time he was in control he was grounding Neville, really taking away he's momentum and energy. I was defiantly expecting to see Neville do more throughout. I was really surprised to see just how much Barrett dominated the match up. But we of course still saw a heck of a lot from Neville and he really was able to showcase what he is capable of to a high level, using crowd momentum and speed to he's advantage. He was also the one who brought the energy to the match while Barrett told the story. What I loved the most about this match was the unpredictability of it. I legit had no idea who would be walking away the winner of this one and it was that that kept me watching and entertained. In the end Neville picked up a nice huge win. Great match and a really nice way to kick things off.
The first match of the night saw one of the matches I was most looking forward too as two of my favourite current superstars Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper went one on one in a Chicago street fight. Now, I love Street Fight matches, but over the years they have really gone down hill but if there are two superstars on the current roster that could bring all the excitement back to street fight it's Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper. You guys know how happy I have been all month about these two feuding. I think they compliment each other so so well in the ring. Their both very similar but also quite different. Their both very extreme, very ECW, unpredictable superstars and this match was bound to be just that. Extreme and Unpredictable. Very early on in this match we saw weapons used and most importantly we saw Ambrose take serious control. Literally in the first minuet Ambrose brought all the character to this match and all the extremity. Another thing witch was great about this match was the awesome crowd. We all know how great the Chicago crowd is but they really did a great job showing so much interest in this match and really backing Ambrose. What this match also had, witch a lot on this card didn't have was history. These two have so much history outside of the WWE back in the indie days, so this was a really nice little throwback for me, and because of that history they were able to tell a story throughout the match. I think the thing I personally loved the most about this match was the unpredictability. You honestly had no idea what was going to happen next and what these two would pull out of the bag next. It had that slight touch of an ECW feel to it. There was that feeling that these two genuinely hate each other and that they really wanted to hurt one another. When Harper drove off with Ambrose in the car I think I almost cry laughed. When this did happen things kinda froze and the attention went else where for a while. We wouldn't see both these superstars until later on in the match when the car came out of nowhere during an interview with the New Day. When we did see them again things had changed and Ambrose was back in control again. When they were back in the ring it was all about one upping each other as the ring began to fill with steel chairs and the ECW chants began. There was point where Harper buried Ambrose in chairs. In the end Ambrose finally picked up a pay per view win. I could not have been happier.
Up next was the match I was most looking forward of the night, Sheamus VS Dolph Ziggler and their "Kiss me arse" match. Everything about the build up to this match was perfect. Now, I know so many people had a problem with the stipulation of this match but I personally thought it fitted it perfectly and was such a clever good move to make. With Sheamus' new gimmick and he's whole new message the Kiss me arse stipulation was so so well fitted and just worked so so well. I could not have said any more good things about this match and its stipulation than I have done. The match was very split throughout. We saw the action taken outside right at the very start and when things went back inside the ring things carried on with the split feel until Sheamus was able to slow the pace down and let things start to turn on he's side. Sheamus really showed how physical and barbaric he is, wearing Dolph down and really using he's strength advantage to just that. Because Sheamus was in control at this point it meant the match was going at a much slower pace and spent a lot of time taking all the energy away from Ziggler. Throughout the match we also saw Sheamus do a really good job in portraying a perfect heel, staying in character and telling the story he has been telling since he's return down to perfection. Whenever we thought Ziggler was getting back on track and he was able to gain some momentum Sheamus always had something better and stronger waiting around the corner to throw back at him. The crowd of course were all for Ziggler, I personally were rooting for Sheamus. Talking of Sheamus it was nice to see him use some new stuff and really show another side to he's move set. Using the ropes, locking in the submission hold, and showcasing he's strength. In the end Ziggler got the win. Now, I hated this. Not just because I'm a Sheamus fan but because storyline wise I don't see how it made sense. I honestly didn't think the WWE would be stupid enough to have Sheamus loose he's come back pay per view and with this stipulation. This was the way to push Sheamus as mega heel and really add some heat. So I don't fully get why they made this move. I liked what we got after the match with Sheamus' serious disapproval and little temper tantrum. The low blow and attack after was a great touch but yeah, still not sure on how I feel about this. It was a decent match, I suppose a clever ending but I think I just expected more. In the end Sheamus did rub Ziggler's face in he's arse cheek so I can't complain.

on the kick off show but after the IC title match was cancelled things changed but what I will say I was really looking forward to this match mainly because we now have that unpredictability factor in the tag division and we have had that for a while now and I'm loving it. Last night, fighting o the side of the new day was Big E and Kofi Kingston witch made me happy because I'm still not the biggest Xavier woods fan. I liked how Big E, Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd all brought something different and where all very different in ring performers so you didn't really know what to expect. One thing that was certain last night was this was a Cesaro loving city. Talking of Cesaro he once again showed off that amazing strength. The champs did spend most of the time in control witch was great to see and both Kid and Cesaro got their time to really shine and take centre stage. It was also a nice little change seeing Kid and Cesaro work more so as a baby face team. For me, I'd have to say Cesaro was the stand of this match. He brought strength, speed, and excitement to this match and a touch of unpredictability but both Kidd and The New Day had a great showing also. In the end we got new Tag team champions. Now I don't know about you but I was not expecting that at all. Like I was legit in shock. I would of loved to have seen the titles stay around the waists of Kidd and Cesaro but I think this is an interesting move and once again I love that unpredictability factor.
Up next we saw John Cena defend the United States championship against former champion Rusev in a Russian Chain match. I will admit, I wasn't a fan of this stipulation but I liked how it was different and it brought something a little new. I also liked how much of a minimal build up we got. It meant that the match wasn't as boring as it would of been if it had a heavy build up because it really didn't need it due to the fact these two have been feuding for over three months now. Rusev spent the early part of this match in control trying to wear Cena down enough so that all he had to do was drag he's body round the ring but of course, he was in the ring with Cena and it was not going to be that easy. I'll be one hundred per cent honest, this match did not do it for me at all. I struggled to stay focused and able to keep watching, I thought it was flat and predicable and it all round lacked entertainment for me. Don't get me wrong I think it had some great moments but as an all round back it did not work for me at all. I found it so boring and nothing about it made me wanna carry on watching, the camera angle frustrated me quite a it also. I did like it when Lana walked off though, that was pretty entertaining and I think that was the right road to go down with the ending of this match. I also thought the match dragged a bit and went on far too long for my liking. In the end of course it was Cena who was able to get the win and walk away still the United States Champion. I liked the ending of the match but not the overall match itself.
Divas action next as Nikki Bella defended her divas championship against Naomi. Once again, I was actually looking really looking forward to this match. I liked the way the match came together and the build up and Nikki and Naomi have had some great matches in the past so we know they can really deliver. There was also yet again that unpredictability witch I liked. What I was hoping for was that these two would get a good amount of time in the ring, we know these girls are capable of putting on a great divas match it comes down to the amount of time they get. Last night saw Nikki Bella take control in the early stages of the match but Naomi very quickly used her surroundings to her advantage to get back on track. We also saw Naomi debut a new entrance theme witch I'm personally not a fan of. It's not terrible but it's not great either. One thing that was very certain about this match was how athletic it was. The thing with Naomi is that she brings a whole new feel to every match she competes in. She takes it up to a whole new level and performs in a way no other diva on the roster does and I really like that about her. There was also a very very viscous side to Naomi last night. More viscous to what we have already been getting from her these past thew weeks. Last night Naomi just upped her game to a whole new level and the bitch effect was in full effect. She dominated most of the match taking it to Nikki throughout. The crowd however were one hundred per cent behind the champ and she defiantly used the crowd momentum to her advantage and half way through was able to turn things around for a thew moments. Personally, I was expecting more from Nikki. At times it felt like she held back and she didn't do a great job in telling a story while Naomi was able to do it all keeping the attention all on her. In the closing moments we saw Brie kick Naomi in the face to then allow Nikki to hit the rack attack and retain the title. This was a little disappointing mainly because I really wanted to see a new champ in Naomi but I expected it to end that way.
It was then time for the one match I was least looking forward too, Roman Reigns VS The Big Show in a last man standing match. Now, I had a bet with friend last night that I couldn't go a night without saying something mean about Roman Reigns and I actually passed with flying colours. What I will give to this match before I get into bashing it is that it did have a solid build up and the WWE were able to turn things around and were able to make the feud and match more interesting and entertaining, with the turning point being what happened during the London shows. The match itself was not that bad at all and was better than I was expecting it to be. I think this was probably one of the most predicable matches of the night but it was one of the most important when it comes down to careers. Big Show spend a heck of a lot of this match in control and really taking it to the much younger, Roman Reigns. But I have to give it to Reigns, he really did hold he's own and have he's moments where he did take the spotlight and have he's time in control. I think the other problem I had with this is that I'm all round not a Last man standing match fan if I'm honest. I was really impressed with Reigns throughout this match, he held he's own so so well and proved a lot of people wrong including me. He spent a lot of time in control of the match and he surprised us all quite a bit. It did feel like the match was never going to end witch frustrated me a bit the match was much better than I expected and I did find myself really getting into it towards the end. Reigns had a good showing and really proved himself.
There was also a quick match between Bo Dallas and Ryback witch of course saw Ryback score the win.
It was finally main event time as Seth Rollins had he's first championship defence on pay per view when he took on Randy Orton inside a steal cage. The standard and the expectations of this match were so so high. I personally was counting on this to be the match of the night and potential match of the month. It could also have very easily have been one of the greatest matches in Seth Rollins' career so far. Let's fact it, the odds were in Rollins favour when it came down to the fact that the RKO was banned and how comfortable he would be in a match with this stipulation. However, the Randy had the experience on he's side and then of course we had Kane as the gate keep and with the recent events there was no telling how he would shake things up. I thought the build up of this match was really strong and I was really looking forward to this match, It was the one match of the night where I put everything aside, whether it be my lap top or my food and paid serious attention to my TV screen. I think this was a serious match for Rollins and he's career and defying himself as the present and the future of the WWE. The audience was very team Orton but to be fair it was probably the most split crowd reaction of the night. I'm a pretty big steal cage match fan so that increased my interest in this
match even more. At the start of the match we saw Rollins try to escape almost straight away witch grabbed my attention. I forgot to mention that Rollins did not come down to the ring with J&J Security so that kept me on edge a little. We saw Seth try and escape from the cage quite a thew times at the start of the match in hope for a quick exit and win. Talking of the start of the match, Orton spent most of the start in full control,dominating the champ. I will admit I was surprised to see how slow paced the match was. I thought it would of been a lot quicker and the action to be more intense. When J&J Security made their appearance of the night it was then thing started to speed up and things grew far more interesting. I was surprised to hear that the crowd was not as into the match as I excepted they would be and they seemed more quiet. Orton pulled out some nice little tricks sending a thew messages to the authority. In the end Kane ended up playing a vital role when he choke slammed both Randy Orton and Seth Rollins and then tried to help Rollins in winning the match by putting he's arm across Orton to make the cover but it didn't really work. It became clear at this point that Kane was out to help Rollins retain but in the end Rollins was able to escape the cage anyway and leave still the WWE World Heavyweight champion. I'll admit I was disappointed with this match with how it played out throughout and how it ended I think Rollins needed a stronger win like actually covering Orton but he was still able to retain anyway.
All round, I thought Extreme Rules twenty fifteen was a decent pay per view. It wasn't terrible but it could of been better. I thought the booking was interesting and there was some decisions made witch I personally may not have made but there was a thew matches I really enjoyed and some did really surprise me. My favourite's probably have to be the kick off show match, Sheamus VS Ziggler, and the tag team match between the new day and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd and that match was the surprise for me. I was a little disappointed with the main event. I think all round I would give this pay per view a seven out of ten. Let me know what you thought by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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