Top 20 Matches of the month April: pt1
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well! So we have reached the end of yet another month witch means its time for my top twenty matches of the month. You guys know how much I love writing these posts and I know you guys love reading them so I always love it when it comes to this time of the month. April has been completely dominated by the WWE and the main roster. I have really struggled to get into a lot of TNA matches this month. Don't get me wrong their have been some great shows ad matches but as a whole I just haven't connected this month with TNA and I think the WWE have been on a role with it's booking and I have really enjoyed watching the product in April. So you will see that this month both in my top twenty matches of the month and my top fifteen superstars of the month there will be a lot of WWE matches and WWE superstars in the list more than NXT and TNA but there is a mixture in there. Now, I know I wanted to start my TNA review and reactions but after being ill, and having family around and then having problems with my anxiety it was really difficult to get on track but hopefully I can next month. I will link bellow any recent posts including my RAW and Extreme rules review and reactions. You can let me know what you thought of this months action and what has been your match of the month by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
20) Cesaro & Tyson Kidd VS New Day (Extreme Rules 26/4)
CONTENT FROM EXTREME RULES REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Tag Team action next as the current champs Cesaro and Tyson Kidd defended their championships against the New Day. I never did a predictions post for this match because it was originally set to be
on the kick off show but after the IC title match was cancelled things changed but what I will say I was really looking forward to this match mainly because we now have that unpredictability factor in the tag division and we have had that for a while now and I'm loving it. Last night, fighting o the side of the new day was Big E and Kofi Kingston witch made me happy because I'm still not the biggest Xavier woods fan. I liked how Big E, Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd all brought something different and where all very different in ring performers so you didn't really know what to expect. One thing that was certain last night was this was a Cesaro loving city. Talking of Cesaro he once again showed off that amazing strength. The champs did spend most of the time in control witch was great to see and both Kid and Cesaro got their time to really shine and take centre stage. It was also a nice little change seeing Kid and Cesaro work more so as a baby face team. For me, I'd have to say Cesaro was the stand of this match. He brought strength, speed, and excitement to this match and a touch of unpredictability but both Kidd and The New Day had a great showing also. In the end we got new Tag team champions. Now I don't know about you but I was not expecting that at all. Like I was legit in shock. I would of loved to have seen the titles stay around the waists of Kidd and Cesaro but I think this is an interesting move and once again I love that unpredictability factor.
19) Gail Kim VS Angelina Love (TNA 3/4)
We next have a knockouts match that I personally could never get bored of as two of impacts greatest female talents of all time, Gail Kim and Angelina Love stepped in the ring to go one on one on the third of this month.Gail Kim and Angelina Love have huge history in TNA and have gone on to become two of the biggest names in the company and Professional Wrestling as a whole. We've seen them step in the ring against each other on multiple occasions but in my opinion, I could never get bored of seeing these two go at it. You know that when ever these girls are competing against each other they are going to bring it to a whole new level and prove yet again why the best of the best and they did just that in this match. This match in particular was a match that got better and better as it went on. The match was very fast paced from the get go. Gail spent most of the match in control and brought a real sense of extremity to the whole thing. Because these girls have so much history the match had a whole other feel to it and it felt much more personal and was much easier to get into. The action outside the ring was just as good as the action inside and they kept me watching my TV the whole way through. The match might not have been the longest but it was enough to enter into this months top twenty matches.
18) Rhyno VS Sami Zayn (NXT 15/4)
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Finally, it was main event time and what a main event we where treated to as former NXT champion and face of the brand, Sami Zayn took on a well known face in the WWE in Rhyno. Being a super fan of both Rhyno and Zayn this match was just right up my street. It had that top notch feel to it if you know what I mean. It was the type of match that you heard was taking place and you knew you would spend a lot of money to go and watch it. Out of all the matches that have taken place this year in the whole of the WWE and out of it, this is up there with one of the top matches I was most looking forward too and mine and everyone else had high high expectations. The moment Zayn's music hit the crowd where on fire. I will honestly never get over just how loved by the fas Zayn is, forget Roman Reigns, Zayn is the next big thing. When we say we want something different, Sami Zayn is what we mean, he could easily be the next face of the company. He might not be the biggest of guys but he sure is the most talented of guys.The match last night was quite slow paced and that's because Rhyno spent a lot of time at the start in control, making sure it went just that way, at he's pace, using he's strength advantage in full effect. When ever things did speed up it was because of Sami Zayn who really did bring the speed to this match and we really saw him as usual feed of the energy from the crowd. Rhyno was very dominate in this match throughout and really did bring it to Zayn, giving him a good old fashioned beat down.But let's not rule Zayn out at all. He stood he's ground throughout this match also and he pulled out a lot of awesome moves as usual. However, what they both brought to the table is passion and story telling. We all know how great of a story teller Zayn is in the ring but they both showed so much passion it was amazing really made you appreciate the work even more. The turning point in the match was when Rhyno had that fall from the top rope and Zayn was able to speed up the process and take things out the ring. I think this really did throw Rhyno off and Zayn was able to take advantage and score a strong win. Great match, great main event, very impressed and satisfied.
13) Bobby Roode VS Eric Young (TNA 3/4)
Up next is another TNA match up and this time it comes from Bobby Roode and Eric Young in there falls count anywhere match taking place on the third of this month. I will be honest, I have not been interested in the feud between these two at all. From the very start I have not been entertained of gripped by this feud in the slightest. I haven't paid much attention to their matches, or backstage work, or promos/segments at all. However, I do think the timing for the feud was more than right and this match watch great. I might not have liked the feud but I did love this match and I loved how it was put together. It fell into place really well and the amount of character and storytelling was so strong. Because they do have so much history and so much chemistry the match was easy to watch and easy to get into. I can honestly say I was gripped and entertained throughout this match. I was actually watching it with my aunt who's a major Bobby Roode fan so that added some extra entertainment. I felt like the match wasn't predictable and boring at all. It wasn't one sided, the momentum was split and it was a nice flowing match with a really good ending. I was expecting Roode to walk away the victor so it was really great seeing the opposite.
12) Sheamus VS Dean Ambrose (RAW 27/4)
CONTENT FROM RAW REVIEW & REACTIONS - When I first found out that these two where going to be competing last night I literally could of jumped with joy and once again not just because they are two of my favourites but also because these two are capable of putting on one of the greatest matches of the year. They both have that extreme, tough guy style in the ring that really does grip you. Ambrose brings that unpredictability to everything he does while Sheamus brings some tradition. A true, pure, European, tough style that you have to love. You give these guys ten minuets and their going to blow your mind away. With that in mind I really was keeping my hopes up on the fact these two might get a long match because they really did more than deserve it. If you look back at their performances from the previous night they were both beaming with momentum for two very different reasons. Ambrose was high on he's first pay per view win since going solo and even though Sheamus lost he's match against Dolph Ziggler he left Extreme Rules with the last laugh, having a strong performance and giving Ziggler a good old fashion beat down after the match and shaming him in front of the entire WWE universe. In my opinion this was the hardest match out of the tournament to predict. I have to admit I was a little worried for both of them because I wasn't sure witch one would suffer the most with a loss, I wasn't sure how two straight losses for Sheamus would go down for him but after what happened earlier on in the night with Ziggler it was easy to predict the ending. Anyway, the match started out very physical and very hands on straight away. As soon as that bell rang these two went at each other and really got physical. We saw Sheamus use that Strength advantage to the max throughout this match, from start to finish. The crowd were clearly strongly behind Ambrose and were very vocal throughout. What I liked about this match was how back and fourth it was. Neither one spent too much time in control and the action kept coming despite it not being the fastest paced match. It was one of those matches where you couldn't afford to take your eyes off the TV because you might just miss something big. The character in this match too was just so great. They both have such good characters and tell stories so well in the ring that it just works so well and they brought a whole new level of entertainment that no one else on the night brought. It had fast paced moments when Ambrose was in control and slower paced moments when Sheamus was in control. The styles throughout the match changed witch I liked also and kept that unpredictable feel to it. They took the action outside of the ring witch worked. The closing moments saw Dolph Ziggler attack Sheamus causing Ambrose the match and allowing Sheamus to qualify for the semi finals. I
can say, I really hated this ending but all round great match, would of been nice for Ambrose to have won and Ziggler waited until after the match.
RAW Review and Reactions
Extreme Rules Review and Reactions
20) Cesaro & Tyson Kidd VS New Day (Extreme Rules 26/4)
CONTENT FROM EXTREME RULES REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Tag Team action next as the current champs Cesaro and Tyson Kidd defended their championships against the New Day. I never did a predictions post for this match because it was originally set to be
on the kick off show but after the IC title match was cancelled things changed but what I will say I was really looking forward to this match mainly because we now have that unpredictability factor in the tag division and we have had that for a while now and I'm loving it. Last night, fighting o the side of the new day was Big E and Kofi Kingston witch made me happy because I'm still not the biggest Xavier woods fan. I liked how Big E, Kofi Kingston, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd all brought something different and where all very different in ring performers so you didn't really know what to expect. One thing that was certain last night was this was a Cesaro loving city. Talking of Cesaro he once again showed off that amazing strength. The champs did spend most of the time in control witch was great to see and both Kid and Cesaro got their time to really shine and take centre stage. It was also a nice little change seeing Kid and Cesaro work more so as a baby face team. For me, I'd have to say Cesaro was the stand of this match. He brought strength, speed, and excitement to this match and a touch of unpredictability but both Kidd and The New Day had a great showing also. In the end we got new Tag team champions. Now I don't know about you but I was not expecting that at all. Like I was legit in shock. I would of loved to have seen the titles stay around the waists of Kidd and Cesaro but I think this is an interesting move and once again I love that unpredictability factor.
19) Gail Kim VS Angelina Love (TNA 3/4)
We next have a knockouts match that I personally could never get bored of as two of impacts greatest female talents of all time, Gail Kim and Angelina Love stepped in the ring to go one on one on the third of this month.Gail Kim and Angelina Love have huge history in TNA and have gone on to become two of the biggest names in the company and Professional Wrestling as a whole. We've seen them step in the ring against each other on multiple occasions but in my opinion, I could never get bored of seeing these two go at it. You know that when ever these girls are competing against each other they are going to bring it to a whole new level and prove yet again why the best of the best and they did just that in this match. This match in particular was a match that got better and better as it went on. The match was very fast paced from the get go. Gail spent most of the match in control and brought a real sense of extremity to the whole thing. Because these girls have so much history the match had a whole other feel to it and it felt much more personal and was much easier to get into. The action outside the ring was just as good as the action inside and they kept me watching my TV the whole way through. The match might not have been the longest but it was enough to enter into this months top twenty matches.
18) Rhyno VS Sami Zayn (NXT 15/4)
CONTENT FROM NXT REVIEW AND REACTIONS - Finally, it was main event time and what a main event we where treated to as former NXT champion and face of the brand, Sami Zayn took on a well known face in the WWE in Rhyno. Being a super fan of both Rhyno and Zayn this match was just right up my street. It had that top notch feel to it if you know what I mean. It was the type of match that you heard was taking place and you knew you would spend a lot of money to go and watch it. Out of all the matches that have taken place this year in the whole of the WWE and out of it, this is up there with one of the top matches I was most looking forward too and mine and everyone else had high high expectations. The moment Zayn's music hit the crowd where on fire. I will honestly never get over just how loved by the fas Zayn is, forget Roman Reigns, Zayn is the next big thing. When we say we want something different, Sami Zayn is what we mean, he could easily be the next face of the company. He might not be the biggest of guys but he sure is the most talented of guys.The match last night was quite slow paced and that's because Rhyno spent a lot of time at the start in control, making sure it went just that way, at he's pace, using he's strength advantage in full effect. When ever things did speed up it was because of Sami Zayn who really did bring the speed to this match and we really saw him as usual feed of the energy from the crowd. Rhyno was very dominate in this match throughout and really did bring it to Zayn, giving him a good old fashioned beat down.But let's not rule Zayn out at all. He stood he's ground throughout this match also and he pulled out a lot of awesome moves as usual. However, what they both brought to the table is passion and story telling. We all know how great of a story teller Zayn is in the ring but they both showed so much passion it was amazing really made you appreciate the work even more. The turning point in the match was when Rhyno had that fall from the top rope and Zayn was able to speed up the process and take things out the ring. I think this really did throw Rhyno off and Zayn was able to take advantage and score a strong win. Great match, great main event, very impressed and satisfied.
17) Awesome Kong VS Gail Kim (TNA 12/4)
We now take another look at the TNA knockouts and a match that we all knew was going to be a good one as long time rivals Gail Kim and Awesome Kong stepped in the ring, one on one for the first time in five years. I remember watching Gail and Kong go at it in TNA when I was younger and just being inspired by them for all the obvious reasons and more. You just know that whenever these are competing against one another they are going to wow you and perform on a level that no one else has done in their division, this particular match did not disappoint what so ever. The lived up the hype and it had that legends feel to it that you only get in a Gail Kim/Awesome Kong match. Every second of it was gold and just like all their matches it wasn't predicable and more or flat what so ever. The action was none stop and with Gail's speed, Kong's strength, and their history they were able to tell a strong story throughout and kept me watching every single second of the action. I was fully entertained and gripped to my TV. These two women proved they are the best of the best in this business and proved their history means so much to female pro wrestling to this day and give me Gail Kim VS Awesome Kong any time, any place and I'm interested.
16) Roman Reigns & Randy Orton VS Kane and Seth Rollins (RAW 27/4)
CONTENT FROM RAW REVIEW AND REACTIONS - It was then time for out main event witch saw Roman Reigns and Randy Orton team up to take on Kane and the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins. We would also be finding out at the end who would be challenging Rollins for the championship at payback, either Reigns, Orton, or both. I wasn't too fussed with this main event. Yes, it is still another typical, predicable, RAW main event but I think it was the mood that I was in last night that made me not as annoyed with it and to be honest I was actually looking forward to the main event, despite not having high expectations at all. And actually I didn't find this match as predicable as normal. I was surprised and delighted to see Roman Reigns start the match. For a while now we have seen him score Cena wins, where he basically spends most of the time watching the action then in the final moments he tags himself in and scores the win but we got something a little different last night. I was actually surprised to see just how much he did do last night and he did spend most of the time in the ring in control. Rollins also did spend a lot of time in the ring and in control but it was nice to see how well he and Kane worked and how much we got to see of Kane in the ring. Randy pulled out some pretty awesome stuff. Near the end we saw Kane really loose it taking it to J&J Security and Rollins. The ending was done so so well and saw Orton pin the champion. I really was not expecting to enjoy this match but I really did and I thought it was a great way to end the night. After the match we found out that at Payback it will be Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins for the WWE championship and Reigns made a hue statement spearing the champion to close the show.
15) Roman Reigns, Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus, BNB, Big Show (Smackdown 9/4)
Up next is a six man tag team match witch initially was not expecting to enjoy what so ever, of course I'm talking about the Smackdown tag team match between Roman Reigns, Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan VS the team of Sheamus, Bad News Barrett, and The Big Show. Originally, this match was suppose to be a normal tag team match between Bryan and Ziggler and Barrett and Sheamus and I was all down for that match so you can expect how disappointed I was when two superstars who I highly dislike were added to a match I was really looking forward. So I wasn't really excited about this match to say the least and didn't have the highest of expectations of it either. But because I wasn't feeling to well I couldn't be bothered to turn the TV over and just laid their really watching the show and paying attention and I'm so glad I did. I'm not gonna sit here and say that this was the best tag team match of the year or anything but it was by far one of the best we have had this month and for a while when it comes to main events. You guys know how bored I am of tag team main events but there was something different about this one and I found really entertaining. The guys I wanted to see in the match where in it a lot and my favourite (Sheamus) was the man who dominated the match competing the most during the night. It was full of action, we got some nice, plain and simple wrestling, it didn't feel overly gimmicky, and I really did enjoy this match. I didn't like how it ended at all however. It became very predicable and I hated how Reigns had no involvement until the end and then got the win. If he had more involvement throughout it would of worked much better and the ending is the only thing stopping this match from being higher up in the list.
14) Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose VS Luke Harper & Seth Rollins (Smackdown 23/4)
One of my favourite Smackdown matches of the month is up next witch saw Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose team up to take on Luke Harper and the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins. This match really did make me happy as soon as it was announced, mainly because we got to see Reigns and Ambrose team up again. The Shield feels were seriously high at this point. I liked the way it was put together at the start of the show and it was another match that contributed to the great Smackdown matches and main events that we have gotten this month. What really got my attention with this match was how well put together it was and how many stories were being told all at once. We had the build up of Roman Reigns. I thought it was a nice clever way to put him in a main event match and give him some extra momentum going into Extreme Rules. The WWE have done a good job recently slowly, taking their time building him up. Then we had the feud between Ambrose and Harper witch really played a role throughout the match and then we had the tensions between Kane and Rollins (with Kane at Ringside). So there was a lot keeping you interested and entertained. Th stand out of this match had to be Dean Ambrose. He spent the most amount of time in the ring and really brought the excitement and unpredictability. There was a lot going on outside of the ring witch I liked. We saw of Roman Reigns this time. The only thing that I didn't like again was the ending. It would of been nice to see something different and I didn't like the fact that Reigns pinned the champ. But this was an all round great match.13) Bobby Roode VS Eric Young (TNA 3/4)
Up next is another TNA match up and this time it comes from Bobby Roode and Eric Young in there falls count anywhere match taking place on the third of this month. I will be honest, I have not been interested in the feud between these two at all. From the very start I have not been entertained of gripped by this feud in the slightest. I haven't paid much attention to their matches, or backstage work, or promos/segments at all. However, I do think the timing for the feud was more than right and this match watch great. I might not have liked the feud but I did love this match and I loved how it was put together. It fell into place really well and the amount of character and storytelling was so strong. Because they do have so much history and so much chemistry the match was easy to watch and easy to get into. I can honestly say I was gripped and entertained throughout this match. I was actually watching it with my aunt who's a major Bobby Roode fan so that added some extra entertainment. I felt like the match wasn't predictable and boring at all. It wasn't one sided, the momentum was split and it was a nice flowing match with a really good ending. I was expecting Roode to walk away the victor so it was really great seeing the opposite.
12) Sheamus VS Dean Ambrose (RAW 27/4)
CONTENT FROM RAW REVIEW & REACTIONS - When I first found out that these two where going to be competing last night I literally could of jumped with joy and once again not just because they are two of my favourites but also because these two are capable of putting on one of the greatest matches of the year. They both have that extreme, tough guy style in the ring that really does grip you. Ambrose brings that unpredictability to everything he does while Sheamus brings some tradition. A true, pure, European, tough style that you have to love. You give these guys ten minuets and their going to blow your mind away. With that in mind I really was keeping my hopes up on the fact these two might get a long match because they really did more than deserve it. If you look back at their performances from the previous night they were both beaming with momentum for two very different reasons. Ambrose was high on he's first pay per view win since going solo and even though Sheamus lost he's match against Dolph Ziggler he left Extreme Rules with the last laugh, having a strong performance and giving Ziggler a good old fashion beat down after the match and shaming him in front of the entire WWE universe. In my opinion this was the hardest match out of the tournament to predict. I have to admit I was a little worried for both of them because I wasn't sure witch one would suffer the most with a loss, I wasn't sure how two straight losses for Sheamus would go down for him but after what happened earlier on in the night with Ziggler it was easy to predict the ending. Anyway, the match started out very physical and very hands on straight away. As soon as that bell rang these two went at each other and really got physical. We saw Sheamus use that Strength advantage to the max throughout this match, from start to finish. The crowd were clearly strongly behind Ambrose and were very vocal throughout. What I liked about this match was how back and fourth it was. Neither one spent too much time in control and the action kept coming despite it not being the fastest paced match. It was one of those matches where you couldn't afford to take your eyes off the TV because you might just miss something big. The character in this match too was just so great. They both have such good characters and tell stories so well in the ring that it just works so well and they brought a whole new level of entertainment that no one else on the night brought. It had fast paced moments when Ambrose was in control and slower paced moments when Sheamus was in control. The styles throughout the match changed witch I liked also and kept that unpredictable feel to it. They took the action outside of the ring witch worked. The closing moments saw Dolph Ziggler attack Sheamus causing Ambrose the match and allowing Sheamus to qualify for the semi finals. I
can say, I really hated this ending but all round great match, would of been nice for Ambrose to have won and Ziggler waited until after the match.
11) Adrian Neville VS Sheamus (Smackdown 16/4)
Coming up next is another Smackdown match and this time it comes from two of the months top stars Adrian Neville and Sheamus, as the two went one on one for the first time on the Smackdown London show. At first I wasn't sure this match would work. Their both very very different and the match itself felt a little out of the blue but in the end everything about it was done so well and close to perfect, and I'm not just saying that because these are two of my favourite superstars... I promise. Before the match began we got a tiny little segment between the two witch was a really nice touch. It was great to see Sheamus really use the fact that he's heel and show off what he can do on the mic. He hasn't got a certain style on the mic, he's just very natural. There's nothing overly gimmicky or over done about it and it was nice seeing some tensions between the two before it kick started. The match was much more fast paced than I thought it was going to be. I was also surprised to see how much of the match Neville dominated. Being in he's home country was a huge advantage and the crowd played their role really really well also. Throughout the match we got a nice little taster of both styles and they both got to show a fair amount of what they can do, making it very different to what we usually see. The match was also very smartly done. Neville was able to hit the red arrow but only on the second rope so it made more sense for Sheamus to kick out. I thought that was a really clever idea and a nice way of putting the red arrow in the match still. I did really like the way it ended also, I thought the way it was DQ'd was a little stupid. Sheamus could of done more to get the DQ. The segment between him and Ziggler at the end was a nice touch also.RAW Review and Reactions
Extreme Rules Review and Reactions
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